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壁画是一门综合艺术门类。从材料上看可以是,布上绘画、木板、陶瓷、塑料、金属、织物、石头以及各种建筑材料介质,甚至是现代声光电数码影像。从绘画和艺术体裁来说更是综合的,绘画、雕塑、建筑、当代多媒体交相辉映,这是当代人的社会公共艺术形式。所有壁画作品都涉及制作工艺与材料之间的协调问题,要了解材料的特性。文章通过对现代壁画中制作工艺与材料发展及应用进行分析,来对壁画的发展作出赏析与评价,来揭示材料之美,强调材料语言在壁画中的重要性,学会结合材料去思考壁画创作。  相似文献   

壁画,是建筑不可分割的组成部分。壁画的不可言状的造型,使其作品产生了无与伦比的魅力。  相似文献   

我国壁画艺术的精髓之一-敦煌壁画,对于现代设计师灵感的来源有着非凡的价值。本文通过分析唐朝不同时期的莫高窟壁画的图形、构图、色彩特征,深入研究莫高窟壁画中的传统纹样,结合现代的服装设计手法发扬中国传统文化。  相似文献   

安德里亚·德尔·萨托,是16世纪早期意大利最重要的艺术家之一,《三王的旅行》是意大利文艺复兴艺术中一种重要的主题。安德里亚在佛罗伦萨的至圣圣母领报教堂的誓言庭院,创作了一幅大型壁画《三王的旅行》。本文以安德里亚的这幅壁画为研究重点,辨析这幅壁画的具体内容,探讨在安德里亚的艺术生涯中,此画体现出的新方法和艺术诉求。本文的研究方法,关注壁画与所在真实空间和建筑的紧密关系,以及作为誓言庭院壁画的一个组成部分,《三王的旅行》与所在教堂和庭院的其他壁画的关系,从而重新确定此画的内容,时间指向,空间逻辑,以及画中建筑和人物的象征意义。思考真实的建筑和空间与壁画的空间、图像程序和象征意义之间的关联。  相似文献   

郭艳 《印染》2024,(4):92-95
永乐宫壁画是我国古代绘画艺术中的一座丰碑,壁画上大量点缀的精美图案蕴藏着宋、元两朝文化相互交融的特征。传统壁画图案艺术价值巨大,是现代纺织服装行业中的珍贵装饰资源。详细阐述了永乐宫壁画图案的艺术特征与创新设计方法,并将创作出来的新型图案成功应用在时尚服饰设计中。研究永乐宫壁画图案在现代服饰设计中的创新应用,对于促进更多中国传统文化在现代社会中的继承与发展,以期对服装产业价值的提升有实际作用与意义,也能为业界提供一些行之有效的设计思路与方法。  相似文献   

马赛克现代壁画作为一个大型公共艺术,正潜移默化的改变着我们周围环境的空间.从原始古埃及到现在的德意日,马赛克壁画都给冰冷的建筑体注入了人的情感,使城市环境更具魅力。它不仅能融入公共场所环境,还能提高城市的艺术形象,使我们的社会更加和谐,使公共环境更具有美感。马赛克材料变化丰富,色彩绚丽,是一种极具个性的装饰材料。而马赛克壁画作为现代大型公共壁画,其独特性和不可取代的地位都是值得研究的。本文着重介绍了马赛克壁画的起源,其研究目的及制作方法,和对社会的意义,马赛克镶嵌材料独特的装饰性的介绍。本文还探讨了马赛克在现代壁画中起到什么样的作用?如何才能将马赛克更好的应用于壁画中?  相似文献   

云冈石窟壁画有着厚重的历史文化底蕴,其壁画装饰纹样丰富而独特,为了发掘其实用价值,让静止的壁画艺术融入现代生活,尝试将壁画纹样应用于现代服装设计。经过实地考察和查阅文献资料,收集壁画纹样并进行归纳整理,在分析各类纹样造型及艺术特点的基础上,提取典型的纹样进行二次设计,再将设计的纹样加以组合,形成四方连续图案,配以云冈壁画的典型用色,设计定制面料,并搭配皮革和纱质材料用于"介胄之魏"系列女装。面料设计结合造型与款式设计,使得该系列现代女装富有个性且别有"云冈"风味,实现传统与时尚的融合。"介胄之魏"系列女装作为传统文化元素在现代服装设计中的应用实例,以服装为载体弘扬民族文化,为探索传统文化资源的创新应用开辟思路。  相似文献   

被中外建筑学界称之为最具中国民居特色的建筑物之一的客家民居历来讲究装饰,在居室中绘制壁画有悠久的历史。本文拟从文化意识形态、题材内容、布局、风格、艺术表现和艺术处理等方面分析了客家民居壁画的艺术特色,意在传达客家建筑绚丽多彩的艺术魅力。  相似文献   

朱笑  卞向阳 《西部皮革》2021,(2):137-138
壁画是绘制于建筑墙壁上的艺术作品,反映了人物的身份、 地位与社会风貌,也是作为研究古代服饰的重要的图像资料.以武士和侍从形象为题材的墓室壁画,在宁夏固原地区的墓室壁画中最为常见,且持续的时间也比较长.本文以北周李贤墓室壁画现存的人物图像为例,从造型特征、服饰特征、艺术特征三个方面入手,论述北周李贤墓室壁画中人物的形象特...  相似文献   

湘西泛指湖南西部地区,当地拥有独特的地域文化、民族文化和审美特征。其中,民居建筑构件与装饰元素是地方性、民族性装饰特色与审美的重要表现。湘西建筑中的构件包括山墙、脊饰、门窗、壁画、梁柱等,构件上的装饰有明显的地域性。此外,建筑中的装饰题材具有形态美、工艺美等美学属性,以及趋福避灾、道德教化、礼制等文化内涵。建筑及其装饰是地域文化和民族文化的重要载体,有突出的历史文化意义、审美意义和现代应用价值。  相似文献   

Characteristics of progeny-test (PT) programs of artificial insemination (AI) organizations in the United States were examined for changes since 1960. Mean number of bulls that were progeny tested annually by major AI organizations during the mid 1990s was 11 for Ayrshires, 24 for Brown Swiss, 21 for Guernseys, 1261 for Holsteins, 112 for Jerseys, and 3 for Milking Shorthorns. Mean parent age at progeny-test (PT) bull birth decreased except for Milking Shorthorns; mean age of maternal grandsire at bull birth decreased for Holsteins and Jerseys but increased for other breeds. For Holsteins, mean ancestor ages at PT bull birth were 85 mo for sires, 47 mo for dams, and 136 mo for maternal grandsires during the mid 1990s. Percentage of PT bulls that resulted from embryo transfer increased to 78% for Brown Swiss and 80% for Holsteins by 1999. Inbreeding in PT bulls increased over time and ranged from 3.8% for Brown Swiss to 6.4% for Jerseys (5.6% for Holsteins) during the mid 1990s. Mean numbers of daughters and herds per PT bull generally declined except for Holsteins, which increased during the early 1990s to 61 daughters and 44 herds. Mean number of states in which PT daughters are located increased; for Holstein PT bulls during 1994, 22% of daughters were in California, 13% in Wisconsin, 12% in New York, and 10% in Pennsylvania and Minnesota. Percentage of first-lactation cows that were PT daughters increased and ranged from 6% for Milking Shorthorns to 22% for Ayrshires (14% for Holsteins) during 1998. Percentage of PT daughters that were registered declined and was 19% for Holsteins and around 80% for other breeds.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate relationships between reproductive traits in heifers and cows and yield traits for Holsteins in Japan. Insemination and lactation records for cows calved between 1990 and 2003 in Hokkaido region were obtained. Age at first service, age at conception, and conception rate for first service were calculated for heifers. Days from calving to first service, days open, and conception rate for first service were calculated for first- and second-parity cows. The yield traits used were 305-d milk, fat, and protein yields. A threshold animal model was applied for the conception rate for first service, and a linear animal model was applied for the other traits. Single-trait and 2-trait genetic analyses were performed by the Bayesian method using Gibbs sampling. Heritability estimates ranged from 0.027 to 0.051 for conception rate for first service, and from 0.074 to 0.128 for the other reproductive traits. If the relationships of other traits were not considered, days from calving to first service was favorable to genetic selection for reproductive traits because of relatively high heritability and because it can be available earlier than the days open. Genetic correlations among reproductive traits were high, especially in cows. The genetic correlations between reproductive traits for heifers and those for cows were lower than the genetic correlations between reproductive traits for first parity and those of second parity, suggesting that reproductive traits for heifers should be evaluated separately from reproductive traits for cows. Genetic correlations between yield and reproductive traits in cows were antagonistic. In contrast, genetic correlations between reproductive traits for heifers and yield traits were slightly desirable. Depending on the reporting rate of insemination records for heifers and the results of investigations for relationships with productive maturity, selection by reproductive traits for heifers will enable the improvement of reproductive performance without a loss in genetic progress for yield traits.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》1986,69(2):591-594
A total of 3344 summary records were used from purebred and American registered bucks for the Alpine, LaMancha, Nubian, Saanen, and Toggenburg breeds to study associations of Predicted Difference for milk yield, milk fat yield, and fat percentage with buck designation. Designations are combinations of stars (0 or 1) based on pedigree performance and pluses (0, 1, or 2) based on progeny performance. The model used for analysis generally included registration (purebred or American), star, linear plus, quadratic plus, and two-way interactions. Effects of registration for milk production traits were not significant. The effect of star was positive for milk in Alpines and fat percentage in Nubians but negative for fat percentage in Alpines. The linear effect of plus was positive for milk and fat in Alpines and Nubians and for fat percentage in Saanens but negative for fat percentage in Toggenburgs. The quadratic effect of plus was negative for milk in Alpines, LaManchas, and Nubians, for fat in Alpines and Nubians, and for fat percentage in Saanens. There was interaction of star with linear plus for fat in Nubians and Toggenburgs and for fat percentage in Saanens. There was also interaction of star with quadratic plus for milk in Nubians and Saanens, for fat in Nubians and Toggenburgs, and for fat percentage in Saanens. Other two-way interactions were not significant, except registration with star for fat in Nubians.  相似文献   

Data were first lactation production and reproduction records initiated from 1958 to 1981 in two experiment station Guernsey herds. Heritability estimates using paternal half sib groups were .24 +/- .12 for milk yield, .27 +/- .12 for fat yield, and .77 +/- .15 for fat percentage. Heritability estimates for reproductive traits ranged from .01 to .04 for number of services, service period, conception rate, and days open, but were higher for days in milk at first breeding (.12) and age at first calving (.13). Except for age at first calving, coefficients of additive genetic variation were larger for reproductive traits than for productive traits. Genetic correlations between measures of production and reproduction were moderate to large and antagonistic, except that the relationship between production and age at first calving was favorable. Breeding value estimates for milk yield and reproduction were negatively correlated for sires with above average breeding values for milk yield. Huge phenotypic variances for reproductive traits masked substantial additive genetic variation for these traits. When all things are considered it seems unwise to ignore reproductive performance in selection programs for dairy cattle.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) against lasalocid and semduramicin were prepared using keyhole limpet hemocyanin conjugates for the immunization of mice. With these MAbs, we developed quantitative enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) methods for lasalocid and semduramicin. The ELISAs were quantitative in the ranges of 0.1-50 ng/mL for lasalocid and 0.05-12.5 ng/mL for semduramicin, and showed 50% inhibition concentrations of 1.2 ng/mL for lasalocid and 0.5 ng/mL for semduramicin. The coefficient of variations (CV%) of lasalocid were 0.3-4.4% for intra-assay and 0.5-5.1% for inter-assay and those of semduramicin were 0.1-4.6% for intra-assay and 0.3-5.2% for inter-assay. The detection limits for lasalocid and semduramicin were 10 ng/g and 5 ng/g in chicken liver and muscle, respectively. Based on the immunochromatographic method, rapid test kits for lasalocid and semduramicin were also developed. With these kits, the detection limits of lasalocid were 50 ng/mL for standard solution and 125 ng/g for chicken muscle, and those of semduramicin were 10 ng/mL for standard solution and 100 ng/g for chicken muscle.  相似文献   

Estimates of daughter fertility were computed using first artificial insemination (AI) breedings reported to the US Dairy Herd Improvement Association (DHIA) from 1995 through 1997. An animal model was used to compute estimated breeding values (EBV) of daughter groups with fixed effects of herd-year-month bred and classes of early lactation energy-corrected milk, days in milk (DIM) when bred, and parity. Standard deviations and ranges of bull EBV for daughter fertility for DIM were 9.1 and -31 to 18; standard deviations and ranges of bull EBV for daughter fertility for nonreturn were 3.8 and -11 to 10. Correlations were computed for EBV for daughter fertility with EBV for mating bull fertility and with predicted transmitting abilities (PTA) for milk, somatic cell score (SCS), and productive life for bulls (213) with minimums of 200 matings and 100 progeny with reproductive traits. None of the correlations among EBV for reproductive traits differed from 0.0. Correlations of EBV for daughter fertility with PTA for productive life were significantly positive. PTA for yield traits were not correlated with EBV for daughter differences in nonreturn or DIM. Very low correlations of EBV for daughter reproductive traits with PTA for yield indicate that, in order to improve daughter fertility, fertility must be incorporated in sire selection decisions.  相似文献   

Use of sexed semen for artificial insemination of US Holstein heifers (1.3 million breedings) and cows (10.8 million breedings) in Dairy Herd Improvement herds was characterized by breeding year, parity, service number, region, herd size, and herd milk yield. Sexed semen was used for 1.4, 9.5, and 17.8% of all reported breedings for 2006, 2007, and 2008, respectively, for heifers, and for 0.1, 0.2, and 0.4%, respectively, for cows. For 2008 sexed semen breedings, 80.5 and 68.6% of use was for first services of heifers and cows, respectively. For cows, 63.1% of 2008 sexed semen use was for first parity. Mean sexed semen use within herd was the greatest for heifers in the Southwest (36.2%) and for cows in the Mideast (1.3%). Mean sexed semen use increased for heifers but changed little for cows as either herd size or herd mean milk yield increased. Availability of sexed semen was examined for Holstein bulls in active AI service; of 700 bulls born after 1993, 37% had sexed semen marketed by mid August 2009. Active AI bulls with marketed sexed semen were superior to average active AI bulls for evaluations of yield traits, productive life, somatic cell score, daughter pregnancy rate, service-sire calving ease, service-sire stillbirth, final score, sire conception rate, and lifetime net merit. The effect of sexed semen use on conception rate, calf sex, dystocia, and stillbirth also was examined for heifers and cows. Mean conception rate for heifers was 56% for conventional and 39% for sexed semen; corresponding conception rates for cows were 30 and 25%. For single births from sexed semen breedings, around 90% were female. Dystocia and stillbirth were more frequent for heifers (6.0 and 10.4%, respectively, for conventional semen; 4.3 and 11.3%, respectively, for sexed semen) than for cows (2.5 and 3.6%, respectively, for conventional semen; 0.9 and 2.7%, respectively, for sexed semen). Difficult births declined by 28% for heifers and 64% for cows with sexed semen use. Stillbirths were more prevalent for twin births except for sexed semen heifer breedings. Stillbirths of single male calves of heifers were more frequent for breedings with sexed semen (15.6%) than conventional semen (10.8%); a comparable difference was not observed for cows, for which stillbirth frequency of single male calves even decreased (2.6 vs. 3.6%). Overall stillbirth frequency was reduced by sexed semen use for cows but not for heifers.  相似文献   

Twenty-seven rice samples from Brazil, four parboiled brown, seventeen white and six parboiled white were analysed by ICP-MS for trace element determination. Concentrations of arsenic varied from 58.8 to 216.9?ng?g?1, for cadmium from 6.0 to 20.2?ng?g?1, for antimony from 0.12 to 1.28?ng?g?1, and for uranium from 0.025 to 1.28?ng?g?1. The estimated daily intake through rice consumption was 9.5?µg for As, 2.4?µg for Cd, 0.029?µg for Sb, 0.013?µg for U, 3.1?µg for Co, 0.2?µg for Cu, 85.6?mg for Mg, 1.9?mg for Mn, 333?mg for P, 3.0?µg for Se, 1.6?mg for Zn, 0.9?mg for Rb, and 0.3?µg for V. Found values represent a considerable percentage of the dietary reference intakes and provisional tolerable daily intake for essential and toxic elements, respectively.  相似文献   

Genetic evaluations of US dairy goats are calculated annually by USDA from records that are available through Dairy Herd Improvement programs and the American Dairy Goat Association (ADGA). The number of does in test plans used in genetic evaluations was 11,273 during 1999; participation in linear appraisal programs during 1999 was 3784 does, a decrease from the mean of 4285 does over the last 5 yr. For evaluation of yield traits, an animal model similar to that used for dairy cattle is used, but analysis is across breeds. Lactation records for the first six parities of does that were born since July 1973 and kidded since January 1976 are edited within limits appropriate for goats, projected to 305 d, and adjusted for kidding age and month. Evaluations are computed for milk, fat, and protein yields and component percentages; an economic index based on genetic merit for milk, fat, and protein yields (MFP$) is calculated, based on economic values for dairy cattle. A multitrait animal model is applied to 13 linear type traits and final score. A single-trait calculation method is accomplished by applying a canonical transformation. Annual genetic progress for does born during 1996 as a percentage of mean breed yield was lowest for Toggenburgs (−0.1%/yr, milk; 0.0%/yr, fat and protein) and highest for Saanens (0.9%/yr, milk and protein; 1.0%/yr, fat). Annual genetic trend for type traits across breeds for does born during 1996 was 0.67 for stature; 0.37 for rump angle; 0.34 for teat placement; 0.22 for suspensory ligament; 0.20 for strength; 0.16 for teat diameter; 0.12 for rump width; 0.09 for rear legs; 0.06 for dairyness; 0.05 for final score; 0.01 for fore udder attachment and udder depth; −0.1 for udder depth; and −0.12 for rear udder height. Two production-type indexes are computed by ADGA with 2:1 and 1:2 weightings for yield (represented by genetic merit for fat-corrected milk) and type (represented by genetic merit for final score).  相似文献   

The multitrait genetic evaluation system for type traits was modified to estimate adjustments for heterogeneous variance (HV) simultaneously with estimated breeding values (EBV) for final score and 14 linear traits. Each variance within herd, year, and parity was regressed toward a predicted variance, which was determined by fitting a model with fixed effects of the mean final score for herd, size of the contemporary group, appraisal month, and year-season and a random effect for herd-appraisal date. Herd-appraisal date was included as a random effect to regress the observed heterogeneity for a given herd-appraisal date toward the fixed effects. Method R was used to estimate variances for the heterogeneity model in each EBV iteration. To evaluate the effect of the adjustment, parent averages were calculated from evaluations with recent appraisals removed. The adjustment slightly improved correlations within birth year between those parent averages and EBV from current data on bulls for most traits, but did not improve correlations for final score, strength, dairy form, teat length, or foot angle. Annual trends for EBV were lower with HV adjustment than for unadjusted EBV for all traits except final score and rump angle for cows and rump width for bulls, which were essentially unchanged. Standard deviations of Mendelian sampling (evaluation minus mean of parent evaluations) declined less over time for HV-adjusted than for unadjusted evaluations. The slope at year 2000 of Mendelian-sampling standard deviations from HV-adjusted evaluations ranged from 10.0% for udder depth to 42.7% for teat length compared with the slope for unadjusted evaluations. This HV adjustment, which was implemented for USDA evaluations in May 2001 for Jerseys and in 2002 for other breeds, improves the accuracy of evaluations, particularly comparisons over time, by accounting for the change in variation.  相似文献   

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