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实施终身教育的最佳方案——网络教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
信息时代是知识经济时代,是终身学习化、社会学习化时代,网络教育的兴起,为人们提供了不断丰富知识的可能,为终身教育的实施提供了物质基础,促进了教育终身化和社会化的发展。网络教育为社会创造了一个统一的大课堂,使得学习走出校园迈向社会、伴随终身成为可能,是实施终身教育的最佳方案。  相似文献   

网络教育是当今社会一种全新的教学方式。文章介绍了网络教育的特点、功能,阐述了网络教育的发展及现状,分析了21世纪网络教育的发展趋势。随着信息化社会、学习化社会的逐步形成,网络教育将是构筑知识经济时代人们终身学习体系的主要手段,是实现教育机会均等的有效途径。  相似文献   

我们迎来了将学习贯穿终身的时代,而终身教育的全面e化,也正在成为一般不可逆转的力量,它可能会决定你一生的命运……  相似文献   

随着终身教育理念的不断深入,终身化学习已经逐渐成为当今社会普遍认同的一种思潮。然而,视频公开课的出现不仅为终身教育和终身学习之间架起了一座桥梁,而且使终身化学习的梦想成为可能。在这个"一切皆有可能"的时代,视频公开课真正地将教育置于每个人的生活中,使人人获得终身学习的机会。本文从终身学习的源起和内涵入手,分析了终身学习与视频公开课的关系及其发展趋势。  相似文献   

随着终身学习理念全球化趋势,基于网络的现代远程教育对成人学习有着特殊的价值和影响,它使学习活动越来越成为人们日常生活中的正常组成部分,并构成支持人们"持续学习"的重要力量。本文从职业成人学习者的特点和网络教育的特征阐述网络教育是终身教育的重要形式,并从变革"教与学"方式的角度阐述网络课程和微课程在成人网络教育中的作用及其差异,以其为广东开放大学促进网络教学资源建设寻求启示。  相似文献   

通过研究面向终身教育的网络学习体系存在的缺陷,分析面向终身教育的网络学习体系的发展趋势,提出面向终身教育的网络学习体系的构建方案,构建了终身教育网络学习体系的架构模型,为架构一个既适应当今学习型社会发展的需要,又能很好地整合现有的学习资源的全民终身学习网络学习体系提供了有利的参考。  相似文献   

网络技术的飞速发展推动了中小学网络教育的进程,为教师教学能力的提升与学生学习能力的培养开辟了新的视角,提供了更为广阔的发展空间,使创建以学习者为中心的终身教育体系成为可能.  相似文献   

网络教育是近几年发展起来的以计算机技术、多媒体技术、网络技术为手段实施教学的新的教育形式。它的出现使普及高等教育、扩大学历教育和开展终身教育成为可能,是我国教育体系的重要补充。对于培养高新技术人才,加速我国国民经济建设,必将发挥重要作用。近几年来,教育部试点的67所重点高校,在网络教育办学过程中,做出了许多有益的尝试和探索,取得了令世人瞩目的可喜成就,为我国网络教育提供了丰富的办学经验,为网络教育的进一步发展奠定了坚实的基础。我们坚信,网络教育方兴未艾,前途无限光明,并将与传统教育模式长期并存。  相似文献   

现代远程教育的开展推进了终身教育体系与终身学习社会的构建。在远程教育中,如何高效开展实验教学是困扰教育管理者的一大难题,而虚拟实验的出现,为解决这一难题提供了一种有效的途径。从终身学习角度出发,研究远程虚拟实验教学的特性、方法、策略及其应用,对优化现代远程实验教学过程,完善终身学习教学理论,充分发挥终身学习体系中的远程教育的优势,都有着重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

网络环境下自主协作教学模式研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着科技的发展和信息时代的到来,人类已经进入了一个学习化社会,终身学习、终身教育已成为重要的教育理念。文章进行了网络环境下的自主协作教学模式的探索研究。阐述自主协作教学模式内容及意义,结合大学计算机课程教学实际,指明其对教学的指导意义,并给出教学实施过程,以期改进现有的教学模式。  相似文献   

理论教学、实验教学、实验教学管理在常规实验教学体系结构中,相互独立,信息交互缺乏有效的链通平台。建立三者间理论教学与实验教学管理良好的沟通机制,打造协同实验教学管理环境,突破理论教学、实验教学与实验教学管理有机统一的瓶颈,超越传统管理信息系统模式,实现教学与管理信息高度共享、有序、集成。  相似文献   

本文对大学计算机基础教育的教学内容、课程设置取向、教师、教材等若干问题进行了深入的分析和探讨,并就此提出一些切实可行的方案。  相似文献   

徐杨  李东  王振宇 《计算机教育》2010,(9):68-70,77
This paper introduces the pattern of software engineering postgraduate education in School of Software Engineering of South China University of Technology(SSE_SCUT).SSE_SCUT aims to foster the software talented with capability of achieving large scale or complex systems.In its education pattern,emphasizes engineering practices are emphasized.And this education notion is implemented in the postgraduate curriculum.  相似文献   

在科技高速发展的今天,自然科学教育的重要性已被确定,而人文科学教育该放在什么位置呢?作者通过对科技发展在人类文明史上所起的作用、当代大学生的素质状况及人文科学在素质教育中的作用的分析,探讨人文科学教育与自然科学教育相融合才是21世纪理想的教育模式。  相似文献   

如何做好高职院校的学生管理工作,对于高职院校的发展、稳定及人才的培养起着非常重要的作用。  相似文献   

Executive education courses are typically decision making and policy oriented. This paper suggests and empirically evaluates such an introductory MIS course suitable for an Executive MBA program (EMBA). The analysis reported here should be helpful to any educator teaching or preparing to teach MIS to executives. The evaluation indicates that executives seek both a hands-on educational experience with selected MIS technologies as well as a conceptual framework for managing and using MIS. Although not all MIS topics are deemed relevant, executives develop a strong need to insure a proper organizational direction for MIS activities. They are most concerned with understanding and controlling the evolution and rapid changes of MIS and look for ways that MIS can help them cope with change. For this reason, a successful course pedagogy includes joint case analysis with functional or technique courses in the overall curriculum.  相似文献   

Researchers investigated the impact of podcasting on student motivation in the online environment during fall 2008 and spring 2009. Data were collected from students enrolled in fourteen online courses at a research university in the United States. One hundred and ninety-one students completed a modified version of the Instructional Materials Motivation Survey (Keller, 2006); it has four subscales: attention, relevance, confidence, and satisfaction. Strong positive relationships between all subscales were detected. Results indicate students were moderately motivated by the use of podcasts in their online courses. Statistically significant differences in student motivation based on gender, class standing, and prior online learning experience were found. Benefits of using podcasts and recommendations for improvement of the multimedia files were offered by users.  相似文献   

Adolescents spend a substantial part of their leisure time with playing games and using social media such as Facebook. The present paper examines the link between adolescents' computer and Internet activities and computer literacy (defined as the ability to work with a computer efficiently). A cross-sectional study with N = 200 adolescents, aged 17 on average, was conducted. Hierarchical regression analyses showed that an increase in time spent playing games on a PC/Mac was related to higher scores on practical and theoretical computer knowledge. Moreover, practical computer knowledge was higher for adolescents who liked playing shooters, fantasy games, or Facebook-games. Frequency of social media use was associated with higher scores in practical computer knowledge. A bootstrap analysis indicated that this relationship was mediated by a decrease in computer anxiety, not by more positive attitudes toward the computer. Gender yielded substantial main effects on the media literacy variables but the associations between the computer and Internet activities and the literacy aspects were similar for boys and girls. This study is expected to encourage future longitudinal research on adolescents' incidental learning during leisure time computer and Internet activities.  相似文献   

高校人才培养过剩与企业人才匮乏的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高等教育已经从精英教育转变为大众教育,但随之而来的是高校人才培养的滞后性,社会人才需求的匮乏性等互斥效应。本文通过对高校人才培养目标和企业人才需要标准进行深层次的对比研究,分析产生供求矛盾的根源,为高校人才培养提供新的参考视角,从而实现社会人才需求和生产的良性运转。  相似文献   

While there is evidence that access to computers in schools has increased, there remain questions about whether low socio-economic status (SES) schools provide students with equitable supports for achieving information communication technology (ICT) literacy. This research first presents a theoretical model to examine the digital divide within schools. Using this model, this research uses statewide data from four school years to investigate significant trends in ICT integration by school level and SES in Florida. Multilevel models for repeated measures analysis were used to compare models for predicting trends on nine different aspects of school technology integration. Results show statistically significant differences between high and low SES schools at every level in terms of student access to software, student use of software, teacher use of software, and the level of technology support. This research provides evidence of the existence of the digital divide among Florida’s K-12 schools.  相似文献   

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