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化学气相淀积金刚石薄膜过程中,CH3和C2H2是金刚石生长的主要前驱基团。C2H2与CH3浓度比([C2H2]/[CH3])的变化将影响金刚石薄膜的生长取向。用非平衡热力学耦合模型设计了C-H体系CVD金刚石薄膜生长过程中C2H2浓度和CH3浓度随淀积条件的变化,并进一步获得了[C2H2]/[CH3]随衬底温度和CH4浓度的变化关系,从理论上探讨了金刚石薄膜(111)面和(100)面取向生长与淀积  相似文献   

C-H体系CVD金刚石薄膜取向生长的热力学分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
化学气相淀积金刚石薄膜过程中 ,CH3 和C2 H2 是金刚石生长的主要前驱基团。C2 H2 与CH3 浓度比 ( [C2 H2 ]/[CH3 ])的变化将影响金刚石薄膜的生长取向。用非平衡热力学耦合模型计算了C H体系CVD金刚石薄膜生长过程中C2 H2 浓度和CH3浓度随淀积条件的变化 ,并进一步获得了 [C2 H2 ]/[CH3 ]随衬底温度和CH4浓度的变化关系 ,从理论上探讨了金刚石薄膜 ( 1 1 1 )面和 ( 1 0 0 )面取向生长与淀积条件的关系。在衬底温度和CH4浓度由低到高的变化过程中 ,[C2 H2 ]/[CH3 ]逐渐升高 ,导致金刚石薄膜的形貌从 ( 1 1 1 )晶面转为 ( 1 0 0 )晶面。  相似文献   

本文叙述了化学气相沉积金刚石薄膜过程中,金刚石在光滑非金刚石衬底表面的成核行为,讨论了目前用于提高金刚石成核密度的一些典型方法的优点和不足。  相似文献   

章彬  黄庆安 《电子器件》1998,21(2):74-83
本文论述了金刚石薄膜的优点,比较了化学淀积金刚石薄膜的常用方法的优缺点,主要介绍了电容耦合射频化学气相淀积金刚石薄膜的原理和近期国际对典型电容耦合气相淀积设备的改进研究。  相似文献   

用微波等离子体化学气相沉积法在硅衬底上生长了金刚石薄膜;通过扫描电子显微镜和喇曼散射光谱对其性质进行了表征,将生成的样品分别放在氢氧化钾,四乙基氢氧化铵以及氢氟酸,硝酸和冰到混合液中进行腐蚀研究,结果发现在氢氧化钾腐蚀液中,金刚石薄膜出现片状脱落现象,而在后两种腐蚀液中却表现出良好的抗腐蚀性。  相似文献   

亚稳态CVD合成金刚石的机理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

化学气相淀积(CVD)由于其固有特点,做为一类操作简单,可以大批量低成本地提供大面积、高质量无机薄膜材料的实用化技术,近几年来出现若干新的发展,以适应现代科学技术领域发展的需要。本文拟就此状况进行综述评述。  相似文献   

CVD金刚石薄膜的应用和市场前景   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

In this paper, we discuss the simulation of the chemical vapor deposition (CVD) of diamond films on the molecular scale. These simulations are performed using a kinetic Monte Carlo method that combines the surface chemistry that is important to diamond growth with an atomic-scale picture of the diamond surface and its evolving atomic structure and morphology. We address the determination of surface reaction kinetics and growth conditions from experiments and reactor-scale models, and the prediction of polycrystalline film texture and morphology from the molecular-scale results. The growth rates and the concentrations of incorporated point defects as a function of substrate temperature for {100}- and {111}-oriented diamond films are obtained from the molecular-scale growth simulations. The {100} growth rates increase with temperature up to 1200K and then decrease above this value. The {111} growth rates increase with temperature at all of the temperatures studied. The concentrations of point defects in the {100} and {111} films are low at substrate temperatures below 1200K, but increase substantially at higher temperatures. The growth efficiency, measured as the ratio of film growth rate to defect concentration, is maximum between 1100–1200K for both film orientations, suggesting that this temperature range is ideal for CVD diamond growth under the simulated growth conditions.  相似文献   

采用国内研制的电子回旋共振化学气相沉积(ECRCVD)设备,在单晶硅衬底上沉积了金刚石薄膜。通过扫描电子显微镜(SEM)、X射线衍射仪(XRD)和激光拉曼谱仪(RAM)的测试,证明所沉积的薄膜具有明确的金刚石特征。所采用的ECRCVD设备,具有低压沉积、大面积均匀和低温生长的优点。这种方法在合成金刚石光学膜、半导体膜以及其它薄膜方面,很有发展潜力。  相似文献   

The bias-enhanced nucleation (BEN) technique in hot-filament chemical vapor deposition (HF-CVD) has been applied to single crystalline 6H-SiC substrates for the deposition of oriented diamond. The results of scanning electron microscopy (SEM) showed that on (000 ) face not only oriented diamond with relationship (111) Dia.//(000 )6H-SiC and 〈110〉Dia.//(11 0)6H-SiC, but also high nucleation density (>109 cm−2) have been achieved. In the case of deposition on (0001) face of 6H-SiC under the same experimental conditions, although the nucleation density of diamond was enhanced, however, oriented diamond was not found. Diamond nucleation density is higher on (0001) face than that on (000 ) face. The differences in diamond oriented nucleation and nucleation density on these two faces are attributed to the difference of their specific free surface energy. The experimental results have shown that the 6H-SiC substrate surfaces are etched by the accelerated H-ions during BEN process, and many micro-triangular crystals with the faces of the kind {01 4} are formed on the substrate surface. Diamonds nucleate on the top of the micro-triangular crystals. Micro-Raman spectrum shows a strong feature of diamond crystals at 1334 cm−1.  相似文献   

Copper chemical vapor deposition from Cu(hexafluoroacetylacetonate)trimethylvinylsilane (Cu(hfac)TMVS) was studied using a low pressure chemical vapor deposition system of a cold wall vertical reactor. The Cu films deposited using H2 as a carrier gas revealed no impurities in the films within the detection limits of Auger electron spectroscopy and x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Using hydrogen as a carrier gas, the hydrogen not only acts as a reducing agent, but also reacts with the residual fragment of precursor. As a result, using H2 as a carrier gas for Cu(hfac)TMVS resulted in Cu films of lower resistivity, denser microstructure and faster deposition rate than using Ar or N2 as the carrier gas. Moreover, we found that N2 plasma treatment on the substrate surface prior to Cu deposition increased the deposition rate of Cu films.  相似文献   

金刚石电子器件的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
袁明文 《微纳电子技术》2012,(10):643-649,672
简述了金刚石半导体电气性质,即高击穿电场、宽带隙、高载流子饱和速度、高载流子迁移率和高热导率。回顾了金刚石器件的研究进程。讨论了器件的工作机理,包括掺杂和空穴积累层。详细描述了几种具有潜力的金刚石电子器件,如高压二极管和功率场效应管。尽管金刚石器件研究仍存在一些问题,如掺杂机理复杂,金刚石的单晶尺寸太小等,严重制约金刚石电子的进展,但是由于金刚石是超高功率和高温器件的优良半导体材料,具有替代行波管技术的潜力。当前,CVD金刚石已经大量用于微电子和光电子,包括激光二极管、微波器件、半导体散热器等。  相似文献   

采用电子辅助-热丝化学气相沉积法(EA-HFCVD)在硅片上沉积出晶粒尺寸为30nm的均匀金刚石膜。生长过程中,预先加6A偏流生长1h,然后在0.8kPa条件下,无偏流生长3h。光致发光谱中存在4个发光中心分别位于1.682eV,1,564eV,1,518eV和1.512eV的发光峰。1.682eV处发光峰源于衬底硅原子掺杂于膜中引起的缺陷;其他发光峰源于金刚石晶格振动声子。光致发光强度越大对应的缺陷密度越大,从而降低了场发射域值电场强度,其关键可能源于金刚石膜电导型晶界。  相似文献   

采用微波等离子体化学气相沉积,在不同的沉积条件下得到两种微米金刚石颗粒薄膜,通过拉曼光谱仪和X射线仪分析了两种薄膜的成分,用扫描电子显微镜分析了两种薄膜的表面形貌,用二级结构的场发射装置研究了薄膜的场发射性能,最终分析并讨论了场发射性能优异的微米金刚石薄膜的特征。  相似文献   

针对CVD金刚石在微波管中的应用特点,提出一种金刚石膜表面金属化新工艺。该工艺采用Ti/Mo/Ni体系和磁控溅射镀膜方法,与无氧铜焊接获得了良好的接合性能,封接件平均抗拉强度大于113.7 MPa。X射线衍射分析证实:经820℃真空热处理,金刚石与钛膜界面形成Ti8C5和TiO。  相似文献   

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