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The hydrothermal deep-sea vent fauna is naturally exposed to a highly specific environment enriched in potentially toxic species such as sulfides, metals and natural radionuclides due to the convective seawater circulation inside the oceanic crust and its interaction with basaltic or ultramafic host rocks. However, data on radionuclides in biota from such environment are very limited. An investigation was carried out on tissue partitioning of 210Po and 210Pb, two natural radionuclides within the 238U decay chain, in Bathymodiolus azoricus specimens from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (Menez Gwen field). These two elements showed different distributions with high 210Pb levels in gills and high 210Po levels in both gills and especially in the remaining parts of the body tissue (including the digestive gland). Various factors that may explain such partitioning are discussed. However, 210Po levels encountered in B. azoricus were not exceptionally high, leading to weighted internal dose rate in the range 3 to 4 μGy h− 1. These levels are slightly higher than levels characterizing coastal mussels (~ 1 μGy h− 1).  相似文献   

Sediment cores from a hydrothermal vent zone off Milos Island in the Aegean Sea were dated using the 210Pb method. The average unsupported 210Pb inventory in the cores was calculated to be 3256 Bq m(-2). The corresponding mean annual 210Pb flux of 105 Bq m(-2) year(-1) is comparable to estimates of the atmospheric flux given in the literature. 210Pb fluxes calculated from the unsupported 210Pb inventories in cores are also comparable with the 210Pb vertical fluxes determined from settling particles off the coast of Milos Island. The highest unsupported 210Pb concentrations (89 Bq kg(-1)) were measured in the sediments nearest to the hydrothermal vent area suggesting that the sedimentation rate is lowest at this site. Direct gamma measurements of 210Pb were used to date three sediment cores that are located at different distances from the vent zone: one is in the immediate vicinity of the vent; and others are outside the zone. Sedimentation rates for these cores, calculated using the CRS and CIC models, ranged from 0.088+/-0.008 cm year(-1) to 0.14+/-0.01 cm year(-1). Where both models were applicable, the results given by the two methods were in good agreement. 137Cs concentrations in all three cores generally declined with depth but showed no clear signal of either the period of maximum fallout from weapons testing or the Chernobyl accident. 210Po activities were also measured and the maximum 210Po concentration was in the sediment surface layer (166 Bq kg(-1)).  相似文献   

Early effects of acute copper exposure consist mainly of nausea and altered gastric permeability. To assess copper effects on gastric response 30 apparently healthy volunteers underwent two controlled trials receiving a solution with (10 mg Cu/l) and without (<0.01 mg Cu/l) copper sulfate after overnight fasting, in random order. Ultrasonography was chosen to follow indirectly the gastric emptying pattern for 120 min. Measurements were expressed as z scores [z=(mean-Xi)/S.D.]. Results showed that nobody presented symptoms after drinking water without added copper while 9 subjects presented nausea after receiving the 10 mg Cu/l solution. The group receiving drinking water with 10 mg Cu/l presented greater antral areas during the first 60 min of observation. Individual and mean fitted curves for antral area, calculated and compared using the linear mixed-effects model fit by REML, showed a group effect of copper on antral area over time (L. Ratio=23.98, P<0.0001); the effect was due to delay in decreasing antral area in the copper treated group during the first hour after ingestion. No differences were found by gender or nausea. Results show a copper effect on gastric response suggesting that acute exposure to copper in water modify the first phase of gastric emptying.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the concentrations of different fractions of dissolved copper (after filtration at 0.45 μm) along the cold part of the hydrothermal fluid-seawater mixing zone on the Tour Eiffel edifice (MAR). Dissolved copper was analyzed by stripping chronopotentiometry (SCP) after chromatographic C18 extraction. Levels of total dissolved copper (0.03 to 5.15 μM) are much higher than those reported for deep-sea oceanic waters but in accordance with data previously obtained in this area. Speciation measurements show that the hydrophobic organic fraction (C18Cu) is very low (2 ± 1%). Dissolved copper is present mainly as inorganic and hydrophilic organic complexes (nonC18Cu). The distribution of copper along the pH gradient shows the same pattern for each fraction. Copper concentrations increase from pH 5.6 to 6.5 and then remain relatively constant at pH > 6.5. Concentrations of oxygen and total sulphides demonstrate that the copper anomaly corresponds to the transition between suboxic and oxic waters. The increase of dissolved copper should correspond to the oxidative redissolution of copper sulphide particles formed in the vicinity of the fluid exit. The presence of such a secondary dissolved copper source, associated with the accumulation of metal sulphide particles, could play a significant role in the distribution of fauna in the different habitats available at vents.  相似文献   

To quantify the potential enhancement of naturally-occurring 210Po and 210Pb that may result from the high sulfur-reducing and sulfur-oxidizing regimes associated with hydrothermal vents, sinking particles from both inside and outside vent areas and benthic molluscs grazing on or living near bacterial mats in the vent zone were collected off Milos Island (Aegean Sea) and analyzed for their 210Po and 210Pb content. There was no significant difference in the range of 210Po specific activities measured in particulate material collected by sediment traps in a control area and in the vent area; the resultant 210Po levels were of the same order of magnitude as literature values reported for other Mediterranean coastal areas. 211Pb levels in sinking particles from the control site tended to be higher than those measured in the vent zone, as demonstrated by the lower 210Po/210Pb ratios observed in particles from the control site. Nevertheless, these 210Pb levels were also comparable with similar 210Pb data reported for the northwestern Mediterranean Sea. The 210Po and 210Pb vertical particulate fluxes were, on average, higher in the vent zone as a consequence of the higher particle flux. This observation indicates that vents can indirectly control the flux of these natural radionuclides by affecting the types and amount of particles produced in hydrothermal areas. The 210Po levels measured in a gastropod and a bivalve living on or near the microbial mat in the vent zone were higher than values reported for non-vent gastropods and bivalves from the NW Mediterranean Sea, an observation which suggests that an enhanced food chain transfer of 210Po may occur in the vicinity of vents off Milos Island. Nevertheless, the lack of a general enhancement of 210Po and 210Pb in the marine particulate samples collected indicates that any input of these radionuclides through venting activity may have a minimal effect in the surrounding environment.  相似文献   

A model denominated Consumption Habit Exposure Model, (CHEM), was developed for the calculation of human individual acute and chronic exposure to copper in drinking water. The model can estimate daily exposure of individuals as well as the maximum concentration of copper which individuals ingest during a 24-h period. The CHEM model requires carrying out a water consumption habit questionnaire and measuring the minimum and maximum concentration of copper in homes, as well as minimum and random copper concentration at work and study places. The case study employed was a representative sample of the population of Santiago, Chile. The validation of the model was established with reference to the application in a limited number of homes of the composite proportional method, (CPS), used to measure human chronic ingestion of contaminants from drinking water. It was found that 4.5% of the sampled population is exposed daily to one cup of water or more at the maximum copper concentration available at the tap. The probabilities that the different age groups are exposed to one cup or more of water at cMAX during 1 day are greater for the 20-64-year-old group, followed by the 64-year-old group, and then by the younger age groups in descending order. Ingestion of copper from drinking water by the population of Santiago is on average 9.0% of the World Health Organization recommendations for minimum total ingestion of copper for adults, assuming that 100% of the copper contained in drinking water is absorbed.  相似文献   

Lead is a global concern because of its ubiquity in the environment and known to be associated with abnormal neurobehavioral and cognitive development of young children. There is no study from India to describe a composite profile of blood lead and its biochemical influences in children. The present study was aimed at determining the proportion of children with >10 mug/dL blood lead levels (BLLs), association between BLLs, and sociodemographic characteristics, if any, and alterations in biochemical indices in the blood as an underlying mechanism of lead intoxication. A total of 62 children (4--12 y) of Lucknow and nearby areas were recruited to determine BLLs, delta-amimolevulinic acid dehydratase (delta-ALAD) activity, catalase (CAT) activity, and malondialdehyde (MDA) and glutathione (GSH) levels in the blood. Mean level of blood lead was 7.47+/-3.06 microg/dL (2.78--15.0) and 29%-exceeded 10 microg/dL, CDC intervention level. The BLLs were found to be significantly influenced by social status, area of residence, source of water supply, maternal educational status (p<0.001), type of house, and proximity to traffic density (p<0.01). delta-ALAD was significantly lower in the group of children with BLLs 11.39+/-1.39 microg/dL when compared to children with BLLs 7.11+/-1.25 microg/dL and 3.93+/-0.61 microg/dL (p=0.0007, 0.0005, respectively). However, CAT activity was higher in the groups of children with higher blood levels than with lower BLLs (p=0.0159, 0.0001, respectively). There was an increase in MDA level with a concomitant decrease of GSH in children with BLLs 11.39+/-1.39 microg/dL compared with those of children with BLLs 7.11+/-1.25 microg/dL and 3.93+/-0.61 microg/dL (p=0.0001, 0.0002, and p=0.0001, respectively). There was statistically significant correlation of BLLs with delta-ALAD (r=-0.44, p=0.00035), MDA (r=0.46, p=0.00018), GSH (r=-0.62, p=0.00001), and CAT (r=0.44, p=0.00035). Significantly, CAT activity, MDA, and GSH levels were in turn, found to be correlated with delta-ALAD (r=-0.45, p=0.00024; r=-0.43, p=0.00053; r=0.43, p=0.00053, respectively). Results of the present study indicate a declining trend of BLLs in children when compared with those reported from metropolitan cities of India when leaded gasoline was in practice and that the BLLs were significantly associated with biochemical indices in the blood which have the potential to be used as biomarkers of lead intoxication.  相似文献   

The impact of three low level copper sulfate applications to Cazenovia Lake, New York, was assessed through a high frequency monitoring program. Monitored parameters included: (1) filtered and total copper; (2) phytoplankton identification and enumeration; (3) chlorophyll-a, (4) in situ14C assimilation; (5) bacteria numbers; (6) zooplankton identification and enumeration, (7) macrophyte nutrient status and (8) filtered reactive and total phosphorus.The low level application caused only small increases (maximum of 5 μg/l) of short duration (2–5 days) in filtered copper. The treatments failed to induce effective algicidal action in the target phytoplankton populations of the lake, but they did induce short term stress and alterations in the natural seasonal succession processes within these populations. No definitive responses in the zooplankton, submerged macrophytes or water column phosphorus levels were noted. Dramatic reductions in the water column bacteria occurred immediately following each treatment, indicating direct negative impact. Phytoplankton and bacteria populations recovered within 1 week and several days, respectively.  相似文献   

<正>空气污染暴露可以通过影响与葡萄糖代谢相关的多种生物学途径对健康产生不利影响。该研究在2005到2011年期间收集了参与美国国家社会生活、健康和老龄项目的 4121名老年人(57岁以上)的健康信息,采用六公里网格时空模型测定了参与者PM_(2.5)暴露情况,从环境保护局的空气质量系统获得NO_2暴露情况,多水平logistic回归和线性回归模型用于分析长期平均空气污染水平与糖尿病的患病率和糖化血红蛋白  相似文献   

Juvenile turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) were exposed to different concentrations of the Prestige fuel oil through the diet. The effects on hepatic biotransformation enzymes, namely, 7-ethoxyresorufin O-deethylase (EROD), catalase, and phase II activities - UDP-glucuronosyltransferases (UGT) and cytosolic sulfotransferases (SULT) -, were monitored after 42-day exposure. Additionally, potential alterations on the endocrine system of juvenile turbot were assessed by measuring circulating levels of testosterone and 17beta-estradiol in plasma, together with gonadal P450 aromatase activity and the glucuronidation of testosterone by liver microsomal fractions. Fluorescent aromatic compounds (FACs) in bile were determined as an indicator of exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). EROD activity increased in a dose dependent manner, and a positive correlation between levels of FACs in bile and EROD activity was observed. A significant increase in UGT activity was observed in fish exposed to medium and high fuel doses, whereas SULT cytosolic activity was not responsive to exposure. Exposure to the Prestige fuel oil sharply reduced circulating levels of testosterone in plasma. The obtained results suggest the ability of the Prestige fuel oil to alter hepatic biotransformation enzymes and to disrupt endogenous hormone levels in juvenile turbot, with unknown consequences in terms of sexual differentiation and reproduction.  相似文献   

The mechanisms by which cadmium may affect cardiovascular regulation are controversial. In this study, we investigated haemodynamics and cardiovascular reactivity to various physiological agonists in anaesthetized male Sprague-Dawley rats which received, for 190 days, deionized drinking water containing 0 (control), 10 and 20 micrograms/ml of cadmium (as acetate). Systolic and diastolic blood pressure, as well as cardiac inotropism, were increased in a similar manner in the two groups of treated rats. Heart rate was reduced in the rats exposed to the higher dose of cadmium, while no electrocardiographic alteration was demonstrated. Cadmium exposure reduced the pressor responses following intravenous norepinephrine (0.25-1 microgram/kg), angiotensin I (0.25-1 microgram/kg) and higher doses of epinephrine (0.50 and 1 microgram/kg) as well as the depressor responses to bradykinin (0.40-1.6 microgram/kg). On the other hand, the exposed rats showed an increased vascular responsiveness to the beta-adrenoceptor stimulating effects of lower doses of epinephrine (0.125 and 0.25 microgram/kg). Moreover, the effects on blood pressure, heart rate and cardiac inotropism of graduated doses of intravenous acetylcholine, angiotensin II, histamine and serotonin were unchanged. Cadmium was accumulated in the kidney of the treated rats at levels similar to those found in exposed humans. Renal copper and zinc were also augmented, possibly in relation to the cadmium-induced synthesis of metallothionein, a protein able to bind different metals. On the whole, this study suggests that cadmium affects several neurohumoral mechanisms that regulate cardiovascular function. It is likely that the changes in these mechanisms have additive effects, under a possible influence of genetic and/or environmental variables, in determining cardiovascular alterations.  相似文献   

EU legislation requires a multimedia exposure assessment for substances supplied within the EU. Dietary intake is the main source of exposure for the majority of the population hence an essential component of the human risk assessment. This paper describes the available data for dietary copper and its use in estimating daily intake including variability and determinants of exposure. Typical and reasonable worst-case estimates are derived for the general population from the available peer reviewed literature. Intakes from drinking water are found to exhibit more variability than those from food. Therefore, different exposure scenarios are derived to reflect the range of acute and chronic exposures that may occur. Estimates of typical copper intakes for the EU population are in the range 0.8-1.8 mg/day. Typical copper intakes of men are higher than those of women while the intake among the general adult population is higher than that of the elderly. Intakes of both men and women are generally close to the WHO normative requirements but may be somewhat lower in specific locations where background levels of copper are unusually low. Alcoholic beverages represent minor contribution daily copper intakes. Intakes for children are rather variable ranging broadly from 0.7 to 1.5 mg/day and are somewhat age and sex dependent. Greater uncertainty applies to the assessment of local exposure incorporating food produced on land directly impacted by contemporary copper industry emissions. Specifically, the extent to which soil is enriched in copper in these conditions is unclear. However, effective homeostatic control mechanisms in plants limit uptake and transfer to the human food chain. A best estimate of 0.25 mg/day in addition to regional exposure was derived. Drinking water is estimated to contribute only marginally to total copper intake in most cases. Higher intakes may occur in areas of poor water quality and/or corroded distribution systems. Such elevated exposures appear unusual but their frequency is unknown.  相似文献   

This study assessed the effects of clothing and air temperature combinations on workplace productivity and physiological response. Ten male Japanese subjects were exposed to six combinations of clothing (0.3 clo and 0.9 clo) and air temperature (16°C, 26°C, and 36°C) during which cognitive performance (Bourdon and calculation tests), manual motor performance (finger-tapping test), and physiological responses (heart rate, blood pressure, and skin and oral temperatures) were measured. Both cold exposure and lower clothing levels likely increased the Bourdon test performance. Calculation test performance tended to be affected by exposure to cold or neutral temperatures at the beginning of the test. Cold exposure undermined manual motor performance (especially when combined with fewer clothing items) while heat exposure significantly increased heart rate. Both cold exposure and higher clothing level during heat exposure increased blood pressure. Body temperature, particularly mean skin temperature, increased with higher air temperature and was significantly influenced by clothing insulation during cold exposure. These results provide novel evidence for the effects of clothing and air temperature (particularly cold) on human productivity and physiological responses in humans.  相似文献   

Degradations due to long-term weathering actions on a reinforced concrete structure were investigated. Compressive strength and reinforcement corrosion developments of a prototype RC structure were monitored for 6 years using destructive and non-destructive tests which include periodic coring, compressive strength, rebound hammer, ultrasonic pulse velocity, carbonation, half-cell and tensile strength tests. Eventually, results have shown that more than a quarter of peak compressive strength can be lost within 5 years of continuous exposure. Corrosion of the exposed bars within the range of the testing period was also observed to be quite alarming. Thus, defects caused by prolonged actions of environmental factors may pose serious threats on the integrity of partially completed structures especially abandoned projects.  相似文献   

In these assessments of releases from copper smelters and refineries and from zinc plants as Priority Substances under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act (CEPA), available data were critically evaluated to determine if environmental exposure to selected components of these releases poses a risk to human health. The data on airborne levels of a variety of toxic substances near these facilities in Canada were obtained from the companies or provinces and systematically analyzed. Monitoring of ambient air near the Canadian copper smelters and refineries and zinc plants indicates that releases from these facilities result in increased potential for inhalation exposure of local human populations to several components of releases (As, Cd, Cr, Ni, Pb, SO(2) and PM(10)). Airborne levels in the vicinity of these metal-processing operations overlap those associated with cardiorespiratory effects for PM(10), and exceed health-based guidelines for SO(2) and, near some facilities, Pb. In addition, the margin between levels of As, Cd, Cr and Ni near these facilities in Canada and carcinogenic potency for each of these metals is relatively small near copper smelters, larger near copper refineries, and intermediate near zinc plants. On this basis, the risk to human health from environmental exposure to releases from these facilities is considered to be high compared with other Priority Substances assessed under CEPA, especially for facilities where copper is smelted.  相似文献   

扁平空间排烟口朝向对排烟效果的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在解读相关规范基础上,分析排烟口朝向对气流的影响。以某扁平商业空间为例,利用FDS模拟排烟口朝向对排烟效果的影响。结果表明,在同样的排烟管道条件下,排烟效果优劣的顺序依次为:排烟口朝上、排烟口侧向、排烟口朝下。  相似文献   

Ferro-chromium production is based on the use of chromium oxide (III) and it is generally accepted that chromium in this form is not able to cross biological barriers. However, the data on the toxic and carcinogenic effects of hexavalent chromium in man are now firmly established. Some studies have questioned these data, calling for a clarification as to whether exposure to trivalent chromium can also produce human effects, perhaps with different latency time. A study was carried out on the exposure conditions (type and degree) in a ferro-chromium foundry that had been in operation since 1972. The absorption levels in the working population of the foundry, and the possible toxic effects on the kidney have been investigated. A total of 236 workers (142 employed in production departments, 33 office workers and 61 sub-contractor employees) were examined with measurement of the indicators of dose (urinary-chromium) and of effect on the kidney (albumin, retinol binding protein, and renal tubular epithelium antigens in the urine). Environmental hygiene measurements showed relatively low values of total chromium in the air (always less than 0.160 mg/m3). Hexavalent chromium was absent or, if present, at levels below the sensitivity of the analytical method used (0.001 mg/m3). The values of urinary chromium measured at the beginning and at the end of the working day and at the end of the work shift were always less than 5 micrograms/g creatinine, which has been proposed as a biological limit in chromium exposure. However, differences were observed between groups of subjects employed on different jobs, which is indicative of an absorption process varying according to the degree of exposure. The indicators of effect did not reveal any renal impairment, even early, that could be attributed to the toxic action of chromium.  相似文献   

Inhalation exposure to THMs from drinking water in south Taiwan   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Trihalomethanes (THMs) are important disinfection byproducts (DBPs) in drinking water. To understand the magnitude of exposure to THMs for the people in southern Taiwan, models are used to estimate the inhalation exposure associated with drinking water based on raw water quality. Two parts of models are used in this study, one for estimating THM concentration from raw water quality, and one for estimating inhalation exposure to people. Important raw water quality and operational parameters, including TOC, UV254, pH, temperature, chlorine dosage, and water residence time of a major water treatment plant in south Taiwan were collected. An empirical THM formation model was then employed to predict the THM concentration at consumers' dwellings based on the parameters collected. Differences between the predicted results and experimental data were found to be small, indicating that the model is appropriate. The predicted THM concentration distribution was served as input parameters for the exposure models. Three major scenarios associated with probable inhalation exposure of THMs, including shower, pre- and post-cooking activities, and cooking processes, were considered in the exposure models. The model results show that the mean inhalation exposure of THMs for shower, pre- and post-cooking activities, and cooking processes are 26.4, 1.56, 3.29 micrograms/day, respectively. The total inhalation exposure (summation of the three scenarios) was found to be comparable with that for direct ingestion, indicating that inhalation is an important pathway for THM exposure from drinking water.  相似文献   

Pharmaceuticals are regularly released into the environment; in particular non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and antibiotics. Erythromycin, naproxen, furosemide and atenolol are reported to be stable for up to 1 year in the environment, which increases the risk for accumulation. In the present study we have measured the occurrence and concentration of pharmaceuticals in river Viskan (Jössabron) downstream of a sewage treatment plant in Borås, Sweden. Pharmaceuticals and water samples were tested for potential human risk by evaluating inflammatory responses (NF-κB and AP-1) using human T24 bladder epithelial cells and Jurkat T-cells. NF-κB activity in T24 cells was significantly reduced by all NSAIDs analysed (diclofenac, ketoprofen, naproxen, ibuprophen and dextropropoxyphene), but also by trimethoprim, using environmentally relevant concentrations. NF-κB and AP-1 activation was further analysed in response to water samples collected from different locations in Sweden. Dose-dependent down-regulation of AP-1 activity in Jurkat cells was observed at all locations. At two locations (Jössabron and Almenäs) down-regulation of NF-κB was observed. In contrast, the NF-κB response was potentiated by exposure to water from both locations following activation of NF-κB by treatment with heat-killed Escherichia coli. To determine the involvement of pharmaceuticals in the responses, T24 cells were exposed to the pharmaceutical mixture, based on the determined levels at Jössabron. This resulted in reduction of the NF-κB response following exposure to the pharmaceutical mixture alone while no potentiation was observed when cells were co-exposed to heat killed E. coli and pharmaceuticals. The obtained results demonstrate that the identified pharmaceuticals affect the inflammatory responses and furthermore indicate the presence of unknown substance(s) with the ability to potentiate inflammatory responses.  相似文献   

Motivated by growing considerations of the scale, severity, and risks associated with human exposure to indoor particulate matter, this work reviewed existing literature to: (i) identify state‐of‐the‐art experimental techniques used for personal exposure assessment; (ii) compare exposure levels reported for domestic/school settings in different countries (excluding exposure to environmental tobacco smoke and particulate matter from biomass cooking in developing countries); (iii) assess the contribution of outdoor background vs indoor sources to personal exposure; and (iv) examine scientific understanding of the risks posed by personal exposure to indoor aerosols. Limited studies assessing integrated daily residential exposure to just one particle size fraction, ultrafine particles, show that the contribution of indoor sources ranged from 19% to 76%. This indicates a strong dependence on resident activities, source events and site specificity, and highlights the importance of indoor sources for total personal exposure. Further, it was assessed that 10–30% of the total burden of disease from particulate matter exposure was due to indoor‐generated particles, signifying that indoor environments are likely to be a dominant environmental factor affecting human health. However, due to challenges associated with conducting epidemiological assessments, the role of indoor‐generated particles has not been fully acknowledged, and improved exposure/risk assessment methods are still needed, together with a serious focus on exposure control.  相似文献   

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