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The Standing Committee Meeting on CJK Standardization Cooperation was divided to two parts and held separately on April 24 and April 25. 16 professionals from the national standardization administrations of CJK attended the meeting.  相似文献   

<正>SAC Vice-Administrator Guo Hui as the chair of Chinese delegation attended the meeting of special group on China-Russia standards interchange and mutual recognition held in Shanghai from March 16 to 17.The two sides had in-depth exchanges,achieving the following consensuses:·The mechanism has been established to improve the work procedure of standards interchange and mutual recognition on  相似文献   

本文针对《深化标准化改革方案》和《中华人民共和国标准化法(修订草案)》中对团体标准制定主体范围的不同规定,分析了国际上对标准制定主体的一般要求;结合《民法总则》中对民事责任主体的要求,指出我国团体标准的制定主体也应是法人;研究了民政部对社会组织管理的要求,对国内外联盟法律地位进行了分析,指出除了社会团体外,基金会和民办非企业也都具有法人地位,也应该纳入团体标准制定主体的范畴.  相似文献   

正Witnessed by the Chinese President Xi Jinping and the French President Franois Hollande,AQSIQ Minister Zhi Shuping and AFNOR Director-General Olivier Peyrat signed the China-France  相似文献   

正The 15th meeting of China-Russia standing working group on standards,metrology,certification,inspection and supervision was held in Shenzhen city,southern China's Guangdong province from August 29 to 30.The working group is under the regular meeting mechanism between China-Russia Prime Ministers.Presided over by AQSIQ Vice-Minister Li Yuanping and Rosstandart Vice-Head Shalaev,the meeting was attended by SAC delegation Led by Vice-Administrator Yu Xinli and related experts from China National Petroleum Corporation,China Academy of Railway  相似文献   

国务院《深化标准化工作改革方案》中明确提出培育发展团体标准。作为协调行业发展、提供指导服务的社会中介组织,行业协会是团体标准的重要供给者。上海市历来高度重视发挥行业协会在团体标准制修订中的作用,坚持支持、鼓励行业协会通过标准手段引领产业发展。本文介绍了上海市推进行业协会发展团体标准的相关经验,以及取得的成效。  相似文献   

本文研究了国内外社会团体标准发展的概况,分析了社会团体标准的作用、法律定位及发展方式,并提出了社会团体标准管理模式的建议。  相似文献   

从标准经济学属性上,团体标准是介于事实标准和正式标准之间的一类标准.如何协调好事实标准和正式标准之间的选择关系是团体标准微观层面高效的关键.本文基于"囚徒困境"经典双人博弈模型,构建三阶段协调博弈模型分析团体标准在演化过程中事实标准与正式标准的协调选择问题.研究表明,在已知未来正式标准(即团体标准)优于事实标准以及正式标准的绩效高于事实标准的前提下,低折现和参与者缺乏耐心能够促成尽早"合作".在此基础上,本文基于实际给出提高团体标准收益预期、加快标准版本更新速率和重视"小"企业等政策建议.  相似文献   

第八届东北亚标准合作论坛于2009年11月17-18日在广西桂林市召开,中日韩三国标准化政府管理机构和三国的标准化协会以及三国各领域的标准化专家共计75人参加了论坛。本届论坛创新地将三国政府间的双边会谈和论坛大会联合举行,时间安排在论坛会议结束后。  相似文献   

The Fifth Session of the China-Japan Bilateral Meeting on Standardization Cooperation was held in the morning of April 25. 23 representatives from Chinese and Japanese standardization institutions attended the meeting.  相似文献   

培育和发展团体标准是推进标准化供给侧结构性改革的重要举措之一,团体标准的实施是团体标准化工作的关键环节.本文首先从法律支撑、事中事后监管、有效供给、标准水平及激励机制等方面分析了当前团体标准在实施过程中存在的问题及其成因,在此基础上提出了几点旨在强化团体标准落地实施的措施与建议.  相似文献   

<正>The 16th Northeast Asia Standards Cooperation Forum was held in South Korea from July 3 to 5,2017,which was attended by about one hundred representatives from SAC,Japan and South Korea.During the forum,CJK Standing Committees,China and Japan cooperation talks,China and ROK sub-committees and CJK group  相似文献   

正China-UK graphene standardization cooperation working group held the first conference on November 8 in Chongqing city since its setup in London this June.More than 50 delegates attended the meeting who are from SAC,the British Embassy in Beijing,British Standards Institution,British National Physical Laboratory,British National Graphene Institute,British Consulate-General in Chongqing,Qiongqing  相似文献   

正The first meeting of China-UK Standardization Cooperation Commission was held in Chengdu,the capital of Sichuan province in Southwest China from April 27 to April 28,2016,aiming at implementing the Agreement on Standards Mutual Recognition between SAC and BSI,signed by the two countries and witnessed by Chinese Premier Li Keqiang and British Prime Minister David Cameron,and carrying out relevant requirements proposed in the MOU for  相似文献   

正The Chinese delegation led by Xu Changxing,Deputy Director-General of Standards Technical Management Department of SAMR,attended the 18th Northeast Asia Standards Cooperation Conference held in Takamatsu,Japan from July 16 to 18.The event welcomed over 120 representatives from the national standardization bodies,standardization associations,research institutes,enterprises of China,Japan and South Korea,and the Asia-Pacific Offices of ISO and IEC.  相似文献   

<正>The 14th Nor theast Asia Standards Cooperation Forum was held in Qingdao from June 16 to 18,2015,gathering policy-makers,technology and industry experts from China,Japan and South Korea to share the up-to-date standardization information and discuss new proposals of standardization cooperation.Addressing the unfolding of the forum,SAC Vice-Administrator Yu Xinli hopes to  相似文献   

The paper studies the metallurgical energy saving standards system,indicates the current situation of standards and proposes a plan for the further standardization work,so as to promote new energy saving technologies and application of new process to boost energy conservation and emission reduction.  相似文献   

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