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K.-K. Koo H.-R. Lee S. Jeong Y.-S. Oh D.-R. Park Y.-S. Baek 《International Journal of Thermophysics》1999,20(2):589-600
The optimum mole ratio of lithium salts in the H2O + LiBr + LiNO3 + LiI + LiCl system was experimentally determined to be LiBr : LiNO3 : LiI : LiCl = 5 : 1 : 1 : 2. The solubilities were measured at temperatures from 252.02 to 336.75 K. Regression equations on the solubility data were obtained with a least-squares method. Average absolute deviations of the calculated values from the experimental data were 0.15% at temperatures <285.18 K and 0.05% at temperatures 285.18 K. The vapor pressures were measured at concentrations ranging from 50.0 to 70.0 mass% and at temperatures from 330.13 to 434.88 K. The experimental data were correlated with an Antoine-type equation, and the average absolute deviation of the calculated values from the experimental data was 2.25%. The heat capacities were measured at concentrations from 50.0 to 65.0 mass% and temperatures from 298.15 to 328.15 K. The average absolute deviation of the values calculated by the regression equation from the experimental data was 0.24%. 相似文献
The experimental measurements of the basic four physical properties (solubility, vapor pressure, density and viscosity) of the lithium bromide + 1,3-propanediol + water system (LiBr/HO(CH2)3OH mass ratio = 3.5), a possible new working fluid for absorption heat pump, were carried out. Solubility was measured by the visual polythermal method in the temperature range from 264.65 to 358-95 K, and vapor pressure by the boiling point method from 330.75 to 408.45 K. Densities and viscosities were also measured by using a set of hydrometers and Ubbelohde-type capillary viscometers in the temperature range from 283.15 to 343.15 K. Each measured data set was correlated with a proper equation, and all the correlation results showed good agreement between measured and calculated values. Using the correlation results the Dühring chart was constructed and thus the system was found to be able to have a high absorber temperature, which is essential for the design of air-cooled absorption chiller. 相似文献
先简要介绍了笔者单位直燃型溴化锂机组及其集中控制系统的配置情况以及为防止其中一台机组冬季制冷冷却水温度过低而采取的设计方案,然后针对机组冬季出现的冷剂水不足的故障,分析原因并利用现有条件排除故障,最后总结本故障排除过程中的相关经验。 相似文献
随着节能与环保变得越来越重要,许多厂家在冷水机组原有单纯制冷的基础上增加了热回收功能,把原本由冷却塔散掉的废热加以回收利用,主要探讨了该类冷水机组的评价系统,并根据测试实例对该类机组的性能进行了详细的论述。 相似文献
介绍通过热水需求量来确定空调负荷供应量的太阳能空调和热水站综合系统,建立常年生活热水和夏季空调冷水综合应用的太阳能利用系统.提出几点不足. 相似文献
The density, the isobaric heat capacity, the surface tension, and the viscosity of liquid rhodium were measured over wide temperature ranges, including the supercooled phase, using an electrostatic levitation furnace. Over the 1820 to 2250 K temperature span, the density can be expressed as (T)=10.82×103–0.76(T–T
) (kgm–3) with T
=2236 K, yielding a volume expansion coefficient (T)=7.0×10–5 (K–1). The isobaric heat capacity can be estimated as C
) (Jmol–1K–1) if the hemispherical total emissivity of the liquid remains constant at 0.18 over the 1820 to 2250 K interval. The enthalpy and entropy of fusion have also been measured, respectively, as 23.0 kJmol–1 and 10.3 Jmol–1K–1. In addition, the surface tension can be expressed as (T)=1.94×103–0.30(T–T
) (mNm–1) and the viscosity as (T)=0.09 exp[6.4×104(RT)] (mPas) over the 1860 to 2380 K temperature range. 相似文献
介绍了大温差、小流量空调系统方案和一次泵变流量空调系统方案,这两种方案可节省空调水系统的初投资或运行费,符合空调设计的发展趋势;阐述了具有制冷功能以外,还带有热回收、冰蓄冷、免费取冷等多种功能的先进的离心式冷水机组,其节能效果显著。 相似文献
The thermal conductivity of olivine, dry and mixed with water, up to saturation, has been measured with a thermal probe, using the step heating method. The olivine is composed of solid particles with dimensions in the range from 0.8 to 1 mm. Dry olivine has been measured in the range of temperatures between –17° to +50°C. Olivine mixed with water has been measured at +50°C. The cubic cell model has been used to make predictions to compare with the measured data. Comparisons of the experimental thermal conductivities and the predicted values of dry and water-mixed olivine show good agreement. The cubic cell model can be used to evaluate the porosity of olivine and the thermal conductivity of the solid particles, from the values measured at dryness and saturation, with reasonably good agreement. In this way, it is not necessary to measure the mineral composition of the particles of the porous media. Also, the porosity of the medium is predicted with reasonable agreement, which takes into account the phenomenon of the porosity increase near the probe, since the diameter of the probe is smaller than that of the solid particles. 相似文献
N. G. Polikhronidi I. M. Abdulagatov J. W. Magee G. V. Stepanov 《International Journal of Thermophysics》2001,22(1):189-200
The isochoric heat capacity was measured for D2O at a fixed density of 356.075 kg·m–3 and for H2O at 309.905 kg·m–3. The measurements cover the range of temperatures from 623 to 661 K. The measurements were made with a high-temperature, high-pressure, adiabatic calorimeter with a nearly constant inner volume. The uncertainty of the temperature is 10 mK, while the uncertainty of the heat capacity is estimated to be 2 to 3%. Measurements were made in both the two-phase and the one-phase regions. The calorimeter instrumentation also enables measurements of PVT and the temperature derivative (P/T)V along each measured isochore. A detailed discussion is presented on the experimental temperature behavior of CV in the one- and two-phase regions, including the coexistence curve near the critical point. A quasi-static thermogram method was applied to determine values of temperature at saturation TS() on measured isochores. The uncertainty of the phase-transition temperature measurements is about ±0.02 K. The measured CV data for D2O and H2O are compared with values predicted from a recent developed parametric crossover equation of state and IAPWS-95 formulation. 相似文献
通过工程实践,总结出室内热水供暖系统垂直单管异程式改造为同程式的经济实用方案;在分析同程式管网传统水力平衡方法后得出,只需计算两根相邻立管间的供、回水干管压降,使供水干管与回水干管压降差值和压差累计值不超过主立管压降的10%,即可实现水力平衡,且达到设计要求;应用中进一步简化为计算图表,有助于提高设计效率。 相似文献
无锡某SOHO办公楼水源热泵VRV空调系统设计及分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
对某办公楼空调系统的设计做了多方案比选,最终确定为水源热泵VRV系统方案。对水源热泵VRV系统的设备做了设计选型,对水源热泵VRV的建设模式、节能运行做了讨论,为地产开发商、设计咨询公司、施工企业等提供参考。 相似文献
在现场检测工作的基础上,总结了井水源热泵系统在工程中常出现的一些故障问题,分析了造成故障的原因,并提出了解决的办法;探讨性地提出一些水源热泵系统现场检测和评价方法。 相似文献
滕汜颖 《制冷空调与电力机械》2011,32(3):16-20
介绍了该工程的工艺冷却水系统及空调水系统设计中采用的多项节能措施,主要包括工艺一、二次水系统的优化和控制方式以及空调水系统中采用的水源热泵、冷却塔免费供冷等技术手段。 相似文献
针对中、小型中央空调系统,根据空调系统大多数时间处于部分负荷下运行的特点,通过实验,分析了变水温调节时冷水机组和空调系统的运行特性:以实验结果为依据,对中央空调系统的节能潜力进行了分析。 相似文献