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Derya Eren Akyol G. Mirac Bayhan 《The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology》2008,37(5-6):576-588
This paper addresses the problem of scheduling a set of independent jobs with sequence-dependent setups and distinct due dates on non-uniform multi-machines to minimize the total weighted earliness and tardiness, and explores the use of artificial neural networks as a valid alternative to the traditional scheduling approaches. The objective is to propose a dynamical gradient neural network, which employs a penalty function approach with time varying coefficients for the solution of the problem which is known to be NP-hard. After the appropriate energy function was constructed, the dynamics are defined by steepest gradient descent on the energy function. The proposed neural network system is composed of two maximum neural networks, three piecewise linear and one log-sigmoid network all of which interact with each other. The motivation for using maximum networks is to reduce the network complexity and to obtain a simplified energy function. To overcome the tradeoff problem encountered in using the penalty function approach, a time varying penalty coefficient methodology is proposed to be used during simulation experiments. Simulation results of the proposed approach on a scheduling problem indicate that the proposed coupled network yields an optimal solution which makes it attractive for applications of larger sized problems. 相似文献
Hsin-Hao Huang Hsu-Pin Wang 《The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology》1993,8(4):194-199
Machine monitoring and diagnostics has been considered to be an integral part of the manufacturing process in recent years. It has played an important role in increasing productivity and reducing costs. This paper presents a methodology which is built upon parametric modelling and neural network technology for automatic detection and identification of machine faults. An adaptive resonance theory (ART) neural network architecture is used to identify machine faults from the parameters of a parametric model of the vibration signal. The experimental results indicate that the ART 2 neural network is capable of classifying a fault correctly and rapidly by using the parameters of the parametric model of process signals. 相似文献
总结分析了轴承的故障形式及原因,给出了振动频率,阐述了Bp网络的结构及算法,并对实例建立BP神经网络。 相似文献
F. M’Sahli R. Matlaya 《The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology》2005,26(1-2):161-168
Neural networks can be considered to be new modelling tools in process control and especially in non-linear dynamical systems cases. Their ability to approximate non-linear functions has been very often demonstrated and tested by simulation and experimental studies. In this paper, a predictive control strategy of a semi-batch reactor based on neural network models is proposed. Results of a non-linear control of the reactant temperature of a semi-batch reactor are presented. The process identification is composed of an off-line phase that consists in training the network, and of an on-line phase that corresponds to the neural model adaptation so that it fits any modification of the process dynamics. Experimental results when using this method to control a semi-batch reactor are reported and show the great potential of this strategy in controlling non-linear processes. 相似文献
Control chart pattern recognition using an optimized neural network and efficient features 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Automatic recognition of abnormal patterns in control charts has seen increasing demands nowadays in manufacturing processes. This study investigates the design of an accurate system for control chart pattern (CCP) recognition from two aspects. First, an efficient system is introduced that includes two main modules: the feature extraction module and the classifier module. The feature extraction module uses the entropies of the wavelet packets. These are applied for the first time in this area. In the classifier module several neural networks, such as the multilayer perceptron and radial basis function, are investigated. Using an experimental study, we choose the best classifier in order to recognize the CCPs. Second, we propose a hybrid heuristic recognition system based on particle swarm optimization to improve the generalization performance of the classifier. The results obtained clearly confirm that further improvements in terms of recognition accuracy can be achieved by the proposed recognition system. 相似文献
神经网络自适应控制的研究进展及展望 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
张秀玲 《工业仪表与自动化装置》2002,(1):10-14
关于人工神经网络与自适应结合的研究,近年来已成为智能控制学科的热点之一。自适应具有强鲁棒性,神经网络则具有自学习功能和良好的容错能力,神经网络自适应控制由于较好地结合了二者的优点而具有强大的优势。本文系统地综述了神经网络自适应控制的进展,讨论了神经网络自适应的主要模型和算法,并就其存在的一些问题、应用与发展趋势进行了探讨。 相似文献
Dr M. C. Wu S. R. Jen 《The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology》1996,11(5):325-335
This paper presents a neural network approach to the classification of 3D prismatic parts based on their global shape information modelling. In this approach, a 3D part is modelled by the contours of its three projected views, which are approximately represented by three rectilinear polygons. The global shape information of each polygon is modelled by its simplified skeleton, which originally is of a tree structure and can be represented by several vectors by a conversion method. These vectors are the input to a polygon classifier which is constructed on the basis of the back-propagation neural network model. The classification results of polygons can be used to group the 3D prismatic parts into families in a hierarchical manner, by setting different levels of similarity criteria. The proposed method for classifying 3D workpieces can be used to enhance the productivity of design and manufacturing processes. By retrieving and reviewing similar parts from the part families, the designers or process planners could be greatly assisted in performing a new task. That is, they can avoid the reinvention of an existing design and can create a new design by modifying existing ones. 相似文献
Burak Sari Saleh Amaitik S. Engin Kilic 《The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology》2007,34(7-8):816-825
In response to increasing international competition, enterprises have been investigating new ways of cooperating with each
other to cope with today’s unpredictable market behaviour. Advanced developments in information & communication technology
(ICT) enabled reliable and fast cooperation to support real-time alliances. In this context, the virtual enterprise (VE) represents
an appropriate cooperation alternative and competitive advantage for the enterprises. VE is a temporary network of independent
companies or enterprises that can quickly bring together a set of core competencies to take advantage of market opportunity.
In this emerging business model of VE, the key to enhancing the quality of decision making in the partner companies’ performance
evaluation function is to take advantage of the powerful computer-related concepts, tools and technique that have become available
in the last few years. This paper attempts to introduce a neural network model, which is able to contribute to the extrapolation
of the probable outcomes based on available pattern of events in a virtual enterprise. Quality, delivery and progress were
selected as determinant factors effecting the performance assessment. Considering the features of partner performance assessment
and neural network models, a back-propagation neural network that includes a two hidden layers was used to evaluate the partner
performance. 相似文献
Hyun-Hoo Lee Sung-Jong Kim Sang-Kwon Lee 《Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology》2009,23(4):1182-1193
The gear whine sound of an axle system is one of the most important sound qualities in a sport utility vehicle (SUV). Previous
work has shown that, because of masking effects, it is difficult to evaluate the gear whine sound objectively by using only
the A-weighted sound pressure level. In this paper, a new objective evaluation method for this sound was developed by using
new sound metrics, which are developed based on the increment of signal to noise ration and the psychoacoustic parameters
in the paper, and the artificial neural network (ANN) used for the modeling of the correlation between objective and subjective
evaluation. This model developed by using ANN was applied to the objective evaluation of the axle-gear whine sound for real
SUVs and the output of the model was compared with subjective evaluation. The results indicate a good correlation of over
90 percent between the subjective and objective evaluations.
This paper was recommended for publication in revised form by Associate Editor Yeon June Kang
Professor Sang-Kwon Lee received a Ph.D. degree in ISVR (Institute of Sound and Vibration Research) from Southampton University in 1998. He joined
Hyundai Motor Research Center in Korea, working with the Automotive Noise and Vibration Control Group from 1985 to 1994. He
has been the Professor at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Inha University, Inchon, Korea, since March 1999. His
research interests are the digital signal processing, NVH (noise vibration harahness), condition monitoring, product sound
quality design and active control. 相似文献
把神经网络应用于丝杠磨削过程的建模与控制 总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3
提出了利用两个人工神经网络对丝杠的磨削过程进行建模与预测控制的思想.其中,网络1用于复映传动链、热变形和力变形等误差源与工件螺距误差的关系,即建模;网络2根据网络1的输出和工件螺距误差的仿真值而预报输出下一采样周期的综合补偿控制量.通过一系列试验研究,证明此控制策略能减少工件螺距误差80%以上,有效提高了试件丝杠的磨削精度. 相似文献
在用经验统计方法和降水判别函数进行24 h和12 h晴雨预报的基础上,再用B-P人工神经网络建立降水量级预报模型。经试用,预报准确率较高,有一定的应用价值,12 h预报准确率高于24 h预报准确率。 相似文献
Gang Yu Hai Qiu Dragan Djurdjanovic Jay Lee 《The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology》2006,30(7-8):614-621
Prediction of machine tool failure has been very important in modern metal cutting operations in order to meet the growing demand for product quality and cost reduction. This paper presents the study of building a neural network model for predicting the behavior of a boring process during its full life cycle. This prediction is achieved by the fusion of the predictions of three principal components extracted as features from the joint time–frequency distributions of energy of the spindle loads observed during the boring process. Furthermore, prediction uncertainty is assessed using nonlinear regression in order to quantify the errors associated with the prediction. The results show that the implemented Elman recurrent neural network is a viable method for the prediction of the feature behavior of the boring process, and that the constructed confidence bounds provide information crucial for subsequent maintenance decision making based on the predicted cutting tool degradation.NSF Industry/University Cooperative Research Center (NSF I/UCRC) forIntelligent Maintenance Systems(IMS). 相似文献
人工神经网络在机械设计中的应用 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
本文通过对机械设计专家系统和人工神经网络的讨论,研究了人工神经网络和专家系统技术在机械设计智能系统中的综合应用问题,并提出了人工神经网络在机械设计中的总体应用方案,为进一步研究打下了基础。 相似文献
The recycling cell formation problem means that disposal products are classified into recycling part families using group
technology in their end-of-life phase. Disposal products have the uncertainties of product status by usage influences during
product use phase, and recycling cells are formed design, process and usage attributes. In order to deal with the uncertainties,
fuzzy set theory and fuzzy logic-based neural network model are applied to recycling cell formation problem for disposal products.
Fuzzy C-mean algorithm and a heuristic approach based on fuzzyART neural network is suggested. Especially, the modified FuzzyART neural network is shown that it has a good clustering results and gives an extension for systematically generating alternative
solutions in the recycling cell formation problem. Disposal refrigerators are shown as examples. 相似文献
PID神经网络控制器的设计及仿真研究 总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10
PID神经网络(PID-NN)是一种新型的前向神经元网络,该隐含层单元分别为比例(P)、积分(I)、微分(D)单元,各层神经元个数、连接方式、连接权初值是按PID控制规律的基本原则确定的。PID神经网络控制器是将神经网络和PID控制规律融为一体,既具有常规PID控制器结构简单、参数物理意义明确之优点,同时又具有神经网络自学习、自适应的功能。本文给出了PID-NN控制器的结构形式,计算公式,从理论上证明了PID-NN的收敛性和稳定性,最后对二阶对象下的系统进行了仿真,证明了PID-NN控制器具有较好的自学习和自适应性。 相似文献
以机床-工件系统的热变形为研究对象,应用神经网络理论建立机床-工件系统的热误差模型,对热误差神经网络模型的关键输入参数进行了分析讨论,提出了该模型的误差补偿策略。以某型号大尺寸回转支承滚道数控车削加工为例,建立了热误差模型,对回转支承滚道加工实施热误差补偿,结果表明,机床-工件系统的热误差模型有较强的预测能力,提出的补偿方法有较好的补偿效果。 相似文献
本文提出了一种船舶航迹保持的在线神经网络控制器.该控制器能解决精确的船舶动态模型难以建立问题,它能用舵角同时控制航迹偏差和航向偏差,它通过对控制精度的直接计算来自动在线训练学习,它不需离线训练学习过程.计算机仿真结果表明控制器训练方法的有效性和控制的鲁棒性. 相似文献
Tae Jo Ko Dong Woo Cho 《The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology》1996,12(1):5-13
An adaptive signal processing scheme that uses a low-order autoregressive time series model is introduced to model the cutting force data for tool wear monitoring during face milling. The modelling scheme is implemented using an RLS (recursive least square) method to update the model parameters adaptively at each sampling instant. Experiments indicate that AR model parameters are good features for monitoring tool wear, thus tool wear can be detected by monitoring the evolution of the AR parameters during the milling process. The capability of tool wear monitoring is demonstrated with the application of a neural network. As a result, the neural network classifier combined with the suggested adaptive signal processing scheme is shown to be quite suitable for in-process tool wear monitoring 相似文献