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正2018意大利举办的威尼斯建筑双年展(Venice Biennale Architecture2018),意大利国家馆的策展人确定由意大利建筑师马里奥·库奇内拉(Mario Cucinella)担当。库奇内拉是一位在可持续建筑领域颇有建树的建筑师,他在全球各地带来了能够为当地绿色建筑起到示范性作用的建筑实践。在刚刚结束的2017年香港设计营商周(Business of Design Week 2017),库奇内拉向人们讲述了他在可持续建筑领域的新成果,并且在专访中向本刊编辑透露了他对  相似文献   

正这位被学术界认为是法国建筑领域对于现代主义有着卓越贡献的建筑师,他不仅留下了诸多的建筑草图,也包括今天看起来仍具有明显现代精神的家具、载具等城市设计元素的设计稿,他的名气在世界范围内也许不如同样举旗现代主义的柯布西耶如雷贯耳,但两件重要的作品却使他在现代主义建筑后期的收到了高度认可,并在一定程度通过个性化强烈的作品解释了现代主义的走向。他便是乔治-亨利·平古松(1894-1978),一位现代主义建筑运动中的代表人物,有说法称他为法国现代主义建筑运动的最后一人。  相似文献   

法国建筑设计师保罗,安德鲁(Paul Andreu),在建筑领域素以人文内涵见长。他对各类建筑材料的独特洞察与精妙运用,令他的不少作品都能以独特的风格脱颖而出,令人印象深刻,呈现出的视觉效果常常很诗意。他在建筑材料与空间架构方面都有深入的研究。  相似文献   

当急速发展的城市空间变得局促,人类社会开始向空中索取生活空间。设计一座伸向云端的摩天大楼是许多建筑师的梦想,它代表着支撑的力量、耸立的雄心以及登高的梦想。AdrianSmith在美国加州的海边长大,小时候他常常用沙子搭建城堡,看自己能把它盖多高。多年后他成为建筑师,设计了数十幢高层以及超高层建筑,成为高层建筑设计领域的顶级大师。“究竟能盖多高”是他最常被闾及的问题。他的最新答案来自沙特的摩天大厦KingdomTower——1000米,这是人类智慧在建筑领域达到的最新高度。  相似文献   

由于建筑领域问题包含复杂多样的领域专有术语,常见的文本分类算法在建筑领域问题分类上难度较大。为提高建筑领域问题的分类性能,提出一种基于融合RoBERTa和Word2Vec的建筑文本分类算法。实验结果表明:在建筑领域问题数据集上,准确率达到91.59%,分类性能较好;在通用数据集上,准确率均高于SVM、CNN等模型。  相似文献   

近年来业内出现的设计新星不少,华裔设计师姜杰文便是其中之一。他出生于香港,国际化的成长环境让姜杰文能够得到多元文化的熏陶。在14岁时他随父母移居到加拿大的温哥华,在温哥华当地的中学毕业之后,姜杰文进入到在工业设计领域很有名气的艺术学院Royal Oak。姜杰文涉足的设计领域非常广泛,Royal Oak College以室内设计专业最为有名,姜杰文早期的作品也主要集中在建筑生态方面。随后在2003年,他前往意大利米兰,入读Oomus设计学院继续攻读建筑设计并取得硕士文凭。  相似文献   

正James York是一名英语老师,同时在虚拟世界里也是一名语言学习研究领域的博士生。目前他正通过Minecraft教授日语。他把学习班级称为"言葉"(日语单词,意为"语言")拓词,通过Minecraft服务器里所包含的诸多建筑单元从事各式各样的教学活动。"大学路"上不同建筑单元负责不同的实践项目,鼓励学生一起读写日语。譬如在"冰宫殿"里,玩家必须通过日语交流完成按键操作,否则就会触发陷阱重新来过。  相似文献   

桂花 《微型计算机》2012,(14):10-11
上学时候我们都会听研究生学长说,建筑学院某某导师接了某某设计案,赚了多少银了。在这个遍地黄金的领域,不靠谱的建筑设计师绝不在少数,还记得前阵子网络上评选的全球十大最丑陋的建筑么?某天当你在路上邂逅方圆大厦、福禄寿什么的确实只能头顶三条黑线口念阿弥陀佛。还好我们还有王澍这样沉得住气的设计大师,当同行都在拼命赚钱的时候,他花了六七年的时间来沉淀反省。  相似文献   

全画幅传感器真的更好吗?不一定。有一些情况下,甚至专业摄影师也更愿意使用配备APS-C传感器的相机。使用APS-C克劳斯·萨辛格—菲尔可以称得上是摄影领域的元老。他于1982~1987年间开设摄影设计工作室,随后的几年,他一直从事自由静物及建筑摄影工作。接着,他为不同的大型工作室和企业工作。如今,他是一名任职于德国CHIP FOTO-VIDEO的产品摄影师,并在奥格斯堡大学开设了若干研讨课程。影为室如任格若儿童肖像(安纳普尔纳,尼泊尔)  相似文献   

MEMS与建筑结构健康监测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建筑结构健康监测对现代建筑而言至关重要,并成为世界土木工程领域的研究前沿。首先介绍了用于建筑结构健康监测的主要技术,阐述了新型微机电技术应用于结构健康监测的优势。然后重点论述了微机电技术在建筑结构健康监测领域的国内外研究发展情况,尤其是美国的研究现状和最新成果。针对国内外研究水平的差距,文章最后提出了作者的一些观点。  相似文献   

本文首先分析了国内网络教育平台的现状,接着介绍了南通大学网络教育平台的建设情况,并阐述了网络教育平台建设的主要环节——网络课程建设的内容。  相似文献   

波束形成技术成为毫米波无线通信的关键技术之一,其中码本搜索算法成为研究重点.IEEE802.15.3c及IEEE802.1 1ad中提出的均是基于遍历搜索的算法,这类算法随着码本数目的增加,搜索时间将变的难以接受.本文提出一种最优扇区数目波束搜索算法,该算法根据波束级码本数目,求出搜索次数最少的扇区数目,并构造相应的扇区码本,然后先在构造的扇区码本上进行搜索,再进行波束搜索.最优扇区数目波束搜索算法利用最优的扇区数目大大减小的波束搜索复杂度,减小的波束搜素所需时间.理论分析和程序仿均证明了最优扇区数目波束搜索算法的在减少搜索次数方面的有效性.  相似文献   

王超  朱明  王敏 《计算机应用》2018,38(1):277-283
针对现有动态通行能力的评估未考虑管制员认知负荷的不足,为了提高空中交通流量管理的准确性,构建了基于管制员认知负荷和改进蚁群算法的扇区动态通行能力评估模型。首先,构建了刻画扇区动态影响因素的动态飞行受限区模型,为了满足空中交通流量管理对速度的要求,改进了蚁群算法实现扇区动态管制引导路径规划;然后,提出了管制引导负荷强度的概念,扩展了管制员认知总负荷的概念,并将其应用于扇区动态通行能力评估模型的构建;最后,以三亚管制扇区为例,以15 min为间隔对未来2 h内9个时刻的扇区动态通行能力进行评估。实例验证结果表明所提评估模型计算得到的通行能力结果与实际运行结果相差1个架次,效果理想。  相似文献   

This study identified innovations that could potentially reduce the risk of MSDs in the construction sector. The action research approach was based on a collaborative model of researchers working with workplace representatives. We searched for innovations being used by construction companies. From a potential database of 125 innovations, the study focused on 20 innovations that varied in their penetration into worksites in the geographical area, represented a variety of trades, and were a cross-section of tools and work organizational processes. It examined the attributes of the innovations, and the barriers to their adoption. The analysis was based on observations of workers, surveys of workers and construction-safety consultants, and company interviews. The study found that innovations were adopted by companies for multiple advantages including productivity and quality, but not necessarily ability to reduce MSD risks, their non-complexity, and cost. The major barriers for adoption were the traditional culture of the construction sector rather than financial ones.  相似文献   

Technological innovations through changes in the availability of information technology inclusive information systems, neural networks, decision support and expert systems, e-commerce that have been provided by a variety of new services were developed by the construction sector. Most of all construction on-line systems seek to find how to make the most economic decisions. Construction alternatives have to be evaluated not only from the economic position, but also take into consideration qualitative, technical, technological and other characteristics. Based on an analysis of the construction on-line systems the authors of paper developed multiple criteria decision support on-line system for construction.  相似文献   

Adequate shelter for all is one of the most pressing challenges faced by developing countries. India is currently facing a shortage of 17.6 million houses. Construction sector represents the most pressing need, viz. shelter. Technologies, which are sustainable environmentally, are another important issue in developing countries, who are on their path to development. Earlier researchers have indicated that construction activity contributes 17% to the carbon dioxide emission in India. In this paper, we have tried to interweave various issues and propose a construction strategy for the Indian housing sector. Affordability of a house and availability of building materials for its construction are the main determinants of access to shelter. This demands efficient use of resources at low cost. This paper analyzes whether it is possible to provide a housing solution at affordable cost by adopting technologies which are less emitting. A policy instrument, energy tax, is designed in this paper that would enforce a switch in technology and promote those technologies, which are well known as least cost but less adopted. An optimization framework developed by Tiwari et al. (1999) and Tiwari (2001) for technology evaluation in house construction based on design codes for India, is used in this paper. Recent government housing policy statements have indicated that an annual supply of two million new houses would be required to meet the current shortage of housing in India. This model is applied to the construction of two million houses. The construction technologies that we evaluate are the commonly used construction technologies as well as the low‐cost techniques. It is asserted that by a proper selection of such techniques and material, the costs and emissions can be reduced substantially and at the same time employment can be generated.  相似文献   

Public–private partnership (PPP) in infrastructure development is a principal-agent maximization problem that requires a win–win solution for the two partners, the public sector client and the private sector concessionaire. A variety of construction and market risks are involved, which if not properly managed, can significantly affect the economic, financial and social performance of a PPP project. The determination of a suitable concession period is one of the critical issues that have to be carefully examined for effective risk management toward successful PPP project development. This paper introduces an improved concession period determination methodology and develops a web-based concession period analysis system (WCPAS) based on this methodology. Integrating project scheduling tools, financial analysis methods and the Monte Carlo simulation technique, the WCPAS provides a systematic framework and organized modules that provide automatic support for data input and simulation-based analyses for construction cost, construction period, operation period and concession period. The WCPAS facilitates public clients in reasoning and quantifying construction and market risks in order to determine an appropriate concession period and consequently to minimize the potential social, economic and financial problems. A case study is carried out to illustrate the application and usefulness of the WCPAS.  相似文献   

 This paper illustrates opportunities of using Bayesian networks in fundamental financial analysis. In it, we will present an application based on construction of a Bayesian network from a database of financial reports collected for the years 1993–97. We will focus on one sector of the Czech economy – engineering – presenting an example that use the constructed Bayesian network in the sector financial analysis. In addition, we will deal with the rating analysis and show how to perform this kind of analysis by means of neural and Bayesian networks. This work was supported by the grant VS96008 of the Ministry of Education of the Czech Republic.  相似文献   

人口部门长期以来积淀下来大量异构的、相对封闭的海量数据,可是人口信息资源开发利用、科学决策能力却严重不足。因此建设人口数据仓库势在必行,但数据仓库是一个投资大而且实施周期长的项目,面临诸多困难,亟待解决。  相似文献   

A new viewpoint is offered on the construction of a non-Luré-type Lyapunov function for studying the dynamic behaviour of linear systems with a non-linear feedback of the ‘classical’ sector type. The approach makes it possible to show that a particular relation between the parameters defining the Lyapunov function must be satisfied in order to ensure an estimate of the attraction domain closest to the true stability boundary.  相似文献   

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