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穆夏是20世纪初叶巴黎"新艺术运动"的代表画家,他的美女海报绘画,带有巴洛克的华丽风范、洛可可的精巧,还有着浮世绘般的宁静。文章仅以穆夏大师的几幅作品,简单讲述关于它们的美丽。  相似文献   

"时尚"及相关概念的明晰化是时尚研究发展的基础。"时尚"是在自由氛围中,围绕某些中心的具有动态差异性的文化模仿系统。"时装"从属于"时尚",是时尚最常见的表现形式。"时髦"是"时尚"的一个切面,它描述了正处于时尚文化中的事物的属性。"流行"指涉着"时尚"的存在性,它展现了时尚的影响范围。"时尚"比"时装"更具包容性,比"时髦"更具系统性,比"流行"更具可变性。  相似文献   

计算机专业开展“双语教学”的实践与探讨   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
本文首先分析了计算机专业开展"双语教学"的目的和意义,然后结合我们开展"双语教学"的实际情况,探讨了实施"双语教学"的经验和体会。我们认为,师资力量、英文教材和授课方法是"双语教学"成功的关键,传统的"启发式"授课方法、师生互动的学习方式仍占主要地位。开展"双语教学"绝对不能搞"一刀切",否则适得其反,会违背开展"双语教学"的初衷。  相似文献   

微课程之综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
"微课程"的运用与实践已遍布全国,面对这样的发展,在总结经验的同时,我们是否能较为清晰地梳理心中的微课程发展之路,为微课程的明天加油呐喊?●关于"微"的遐思在《现代汉语词典》中,"微"既有"细小,轻微"的意思,又有"精深奥妙"的解释。不得不说,"微博"、"微信"、"微视频"……大行其道的今天,早已经被打上了"微时代"的标签。"微"这个字所代表  相似文献   

中国在落实可持续发展目标,建设"美丽中国"的过程中,既面临难得的机遇,也面临艰巨的挑战。科学系统评价我国典型区域"美丽中国"建设,识别"美丽中国"建设面临的关键问题,是当前"美丽中国"建设的重要方向。以典型区域"经济-社会-环境"协调发展为导向,面向联合国SDGs及"美丽中国"建设背景,选取东北重点生态功能区(松花江流域)、西北内陆河流域(黑河流域)、京津冀都市圈、东部平原区(长江中下游平原)为研究对象,分析各区域的典型特点,并分析如何构建典型区"美丽中国"全景评价指标体系。从"天蓝"、"地绿"、"水清"及"人和"四方面构建典型区"美丽中国"全景评价指标体系。通过整合遥感对地观测数据以及相关资源、生态环境与社会经济数据,开展典型区域"美丽中国"全景评价,具有重要现实意义。研究成果将为我国重点区域"美丽中国"建设和社会经济可持续发展提供科学依据及决策支持。  相似文献   

先看一下电脑的"系统资源"是多少,右键单击"我的电脑",选择"属性",再选择"性能",看一下"系统资源"是多少,一般应该达到95%左右还差不多。1、电脑桌面上的东西越少越好,我的电脑桌面上就只有"我的电脑"和"回收站"。东西多了占系统资源。虽然在桌面上方便些,但是是要付出占用系统资源和牺牲速度的代价。解决办法是,将桌面上快捷方式都删了,因为在"开始"菜单和"程序"栏里都有。将不是快捷方式  相似文献   

在某省网络教研团队评比活动的"陈述与答辩"中,多次听到参赛选手一讲到"整合"就说:"请看我们的课件"。好像"整合"就是课件,课件似乎就是"整合"的别称。这不经意间,暗藏着一个潜台词:"整合"只能"辅助"。事实上,笔者在这次赛事中确实听到好几位参赛选手振振有词地说:"‘整合’只能‘辅助’"。  相似文献   

张文乾 《电脑迷》2008,(14):73-73
首先点击"Office按钮",点击右下角的"Excel选项"按钮,打开"Excel选项"对话框。点击左侧项目列表中的"自定义"项目,然后在右侧的"从下列位置选择命令"下拉列表中点击"不在功能区的命令"项目,在其下方的列表中找到"照相机",选中后点击中间的"添加"按钮,将它添加到右侧的"自定义快速访问工具栏"命令列表框中,然后点击"确定"按钮。  相似文献   

天天玩DoomIII的朋友,你是否想过自己配置这个游戏?现在让我们发挥DIY精神,自行修改游戏的配置文件。首先,找到配置文件DoomConfig.cfg,然后对照下面语句进行修改或添加:setar_useStandardGL"1" setar_shadows"o" setacom_maxfps"999" setasensitivity"10" setar_customHeight"480" setar_customWidth"640" setar_fullscreen"1" setar_mode"1" setar_depthbits"16" setar_stencilbits"8" setar_colorbits"16" 修改后,用GeForce2MX400显卡可以获得行走时平均30帧,射击时8帧的速度。当然,…  相似文献   

"环境设计"的概念在"建设生态文明"的当下越来越为人们所认同和接受。环境设计专业发展很快,办学规模越来越大,院校类型越来越多。讨论毕业设计教学,有着理论与实践价值。建立整体设计观,是培养环境设计领域卓越人才的有效途径。"筹备·设计·答辩"环环相扣的毕业设计课程夯实了环境设计本科教学,理清"选题目的"与"教学环节",统筹"总体设计"与"详细设计",兼顾"方案过程"与"设计表现",融合"人的行为"与"环境空间",并重"科学知识"与"艺术素养",使学生能通过毕业设计训练走向专业设计。  相似文献   

"低碳"是一种生活方式,也是一种生活态度。设计师以设计为媒介,将"低碳"生活方式传达给人们。文章告诉人们用"低碳"的思考方式去审视生活,阐述"低碳"设计的意义以及设计师在"低碳"背景下的责任。这时候,设计的任务也不只是解决人们生活中所遇到困难,而是更好地把绿色的生活态度传达给人们,引导大众走向正确的生活理念。这种生活方式进而塑造出新的审美观与审美趋势。通过对这种审美趋势的研究,从而指引我们在"低碳"背景下的设计趋势。  相似文献   

面对目前生态环境的不断恶化,众多的学者开始怀疑以前将"以人为本"定为设计的根本原则的真实性,于是他们提出了"以自然为本"的设计原则。本文认为设计是属人的一种文化,它的本质原则就应该是"以人为本","以自然为本"只能作为"以人为本"的手段或过程而存在。另外,"绿色设计"也只能是一个相对的概念,只能尽量地减少对资源的浪费和对环境的污染,而不可能做到零浪费和零污染。  相似文献   

This paper studies on the exploration and practice of the mixed "golden course" construction of Computer Foundation. Combined with the connotation of "golden course" and teaching objectives of Computer Foundation, taking students as the main body and ability cultivation as the goal, the paper discusses on the mixed "golden course" curriculum design of Computer Founda- tion from three aspects of pre-class, in-class and after-class. It also discusses on the practical process of the course from three as- pects: "golden course" teaching construction, universal "golden course" construction and project practice-oriented "gold course" con- struction.  相似文献   

废弃物再设计是节能环保与利于持续发展的有效措施,也是平衡"新""旧"、变"废"为"用"的创造力展现。设计师既可保留废弃物旧有形态,通过组合、异位等置换其功能,赋予其新的含义与价值;又可通过更新形式以延续其功能周期;还可采用单体规模量化来强化视觉刺激。  相似文献   

One of the most important problems faced by software developers and users is the prediction of the size of a programming system and its development effort. As an alternative to "size," one might deal with a measure of the "function" that the software is to perform. Albrecht [1] has developed a methodology to estimate the amount of the "function" the software is to perform, in terms of the data it is to use (absorb) and to generate (produce). The "function" is quantified as "function points," essentially, a weighted sum of the numbers of "inputs," "outputs,"master files," and "inquiries" provided to, or generated by, the software. This paper demonstrates the equivalence between Albrecht's external input/output data flow representative of a program (the "function points" metric) and Halstead's [2] "software science" or "software linguistics" model of a program as well as the "soft content" variation of Halstead's model suggested by Gaffney [7].  相似文献   

Several deterministic identification problems, with partial realization being a special case, are unified in the framework of the mathematical problem "generalized dynamic covers." An algorithm to find such a minimal dynamic cover as well as a uniqueness criterion is given, which yields several identifiability results. This problem also includes the "observer" and the "exact model matching" problems, as well as the problem of finding "minimal inverses for linear systems with arbitrary initial states." It is shown that the problem of finding minimal realizations from a transfer function matrix can also be solved in this framework.  相似文献   

人类已跨入"体验经济"时代,体验设计是将消费者的参与融入设计中,企业把服务作为"舞台",产品作为"道具",而环境作为"布景",使消费者在商业活动过程中感受到美好的体验过程。本文将从中国饮食文化中寻找契合体验设计中"主题化"元素,并阐述如何取其形,延其意,传其神来带给用餐者不同的体验。  相似文献   

Soft magnetic yokes, cores, and poles, as well as permanent magnets are the potential magnetic components of an electromagnetic microactuator system. Depending on the requirements of the actuator, soft magnetic materials, hard magnetic materials or a combination of both have to be applied. Their design and fabrication as well as their integration into coil systems is one aspect of the Collaborate Research Center Design and Fabrication of Active Microsystems (Sonderforschungsbereich 516). The investigations presented in this paper cover alternative technologies for depositing various magnetic materials as well as their capability of being utilized for fabricating electromagnetic Microsystems. In the area of soft magnetic materials, the application of NiFe (Permalloy) in various compositions was investigated. Technologies utilized for their deposition were electroplating, sputtering, and gas flow sputtering. For fabricating rather thick soft magnetic micro structures with heights of up to 70 m, electroplating is particularly well suited. In the area of hard magnetic materials, sputtering was applied for depositing Samarium-Cobalt (SmCo). Hereby, layers with a thickness of up to 50 m with very good hard magnetic properties were deposited and patterned using wet chemical etching.This work was sponsored in part by the German Research Foundation as part of their support for the collaborative research center Design and Fabrication of Active Microsystems.  相似文献   

This paper presents a lexical model dedicated to the semanticrepresentation and interpretation of individual words inunrestricted text, where sense discrimination is difficult toassess. We discuss the need of a lexicon including local inferencemechanisms and cooperating with as many other knowledge sources(about syntax, semantics and pragmatics) as possible. We suggest aminimal representation (that is, the smallest representationpossible) acting as a bridge between a conceptual representation andthe microscopic sense variations of lexical semantics. We describean interpretation method providing one or many alternativecandidate(s) to the word, as representatives of its meaning in thesentence (and text).  相似文献   

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