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为了更好地继承本族群及参考产品的优势设计特征,增强产品形态设计推敲阶段的客观性和科学性,更好满足用户需求,提出基于形状文法的产品形态创新设计方法和模型。此法结合目标产品形态特征,分别从产品族群与可参考产品中提取能够反映用户需求的形态要素,然后应用形状文化规则进行演变推理,以实现产品设计方案自适应进化。并在此基础上,详细探讨了产品研究与形态分析、形态推演、方案生成等关键技术,最后结合具体的某款电动踏板车形态设计过程对该方法进行了说明和验证。  相似文献   

21世纪是一个以数字化、网络化与信息化为特征,以网络为核心的信息时代,信息技术的快速发展和国际互联网技术的飞速发展和普及应用,使其成为各行业和家庭的支撑和依托。那么对于消费者这样的变化,设计师的任务首先应该是去发现在新的时代背景下所出现的消费人群生活形态发生的转变。因而本文将从生活形态和消费者对产品的需求理论两个层面进行分析,找出设计过程中,设计师所应该抓住的要点——产品特质。  相似文献   

为提取云团反射率图像内部层次类特征和轮廓线上不规则的凹陷类特征,在构建基于图像内容的层次结构模型的基础上,提出相对极坐标系下的距离链码和基于八方向链码的累积导数和差码方法,前者用于层次类特征提取,后者用于轮廓形态特征的提取,构建梯度特征、云砧特征以及凹陷特征的提取算法.实验证明,该方法下的特征类间区分度高,运行速度快,可用于解决非刚体图像的相关特征的提取.  相似文献   

大自然一直为设计提供着不断的启示。在人类回归自然的呼声日益高涨的情况下,如何在新的时代条件下和新的技术水平条件下将自然的特征转化为设计语言,赋予产品清新灵动的自然气息,创造出具有生命力的产品形态,是现代设计面临的使命。  相似文献   

为解决产品设计过程中用户需求的主观性、模糊性问题,进一步提高产品意象传 达的准确度,提出一种多目标驱动的产品形态基因网络模型(M-FGN)构建方法。以品牌形象、 用户偏好、社会情境为驱动目标,构建多目标驱动空间;分析产品形态基因节点与边的设计, 以产品形态基因为节点,以节点之间的相关性为边,构建 M-FGN 网络;对网络进行拓扑分析, 析出隐性设计知识辅助设计师进行产品形态设计。以某国有企业 AGV 小车形态设计为例,通 过分析 AGV 小车侧面形态 M-FGN 网络,将析出知识提供给设计师进行针对性形态方案设计, 对子代方案进行对比评价,验证了 M-FGN 网络模型的有效性。  相似文献   

意象是使用者在对产品形态的审美过程中所感受到的印象与意义,本文通过感性意象的理论解析船舶形态与人的视觉认知的过程,发现特征线条是把握船舶形态美的关键因素,也是联系形态与意象空间的重要因素。以整体意象优先性实验阐述轮廓特征线在视觉过程中的重要作用,决定人们观察船舶造型的前期过程,不同的轮廓特征能形成不同的意象,影响着对细部的观察与认知方向,合理有效的运用好特征线方便于设计出符合使用者心理需求的船舶形态。  相似文献   

<正>随着互联网技术的快速发展,电子商务产业也正在面临着新的发展环境,企业需求不断催生新的电子商务产品形态。众多传统企业涉足电子商务之后,拓展多渠道销售产品的需求日益迫切,单一的第三方平台网店或独立网店的经营都不能满足企业在整个互联网中采取多点布局、灵活管理的需求,企业需  相似文献   

供应链环境中,产品需求预测对于制造业安排生产计划具有导向作用。对于大多数制造企业,通常生产的同一系列产品下有多种型号产品。由于受产能及市场容量限制,同系列下多型号产品之间对各自产品需求会产生相互影响作用。鉴于此,考虑历史需求数据在时间序列上的相邻关联性,研究在不同时间序列上各型号产品相互制约影响下产生的不同需求形态。同时考虑产品自身属性差异、供应链环境等影响因素,预测出某型号产品未来一段时间内的需求量。通过GRU-BP组合神经网络预测模型,对模型分析求解后证明预测结果的可行性。  相似文献   

本文提出了一种以形态滤波图象为内容的、基于图象形态特征的图象采样及与之配套的图象插值方法.该方法以保持图象的某种形态特征为目的,通过不同结构的形态采样及形态插值元素(结构元素)以及反映图象形状、纹理或轮廓特征的形态滤波图象作为参考图象,对于图象实行依据其内容的采样及插值重构.以形态梯度图象作为参考图象的实验结果表明,形态采样及插值方法在保持图象形态及几何特征方面确有优于传统方法之处,若将形态采样方法与形态插值方法结合使用,插值重构图象在保持图象轮廓特征方面表现出明显的优势.  相似文献   

基于环境的多形态时间需求建模方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈小红  刘静 《计算机学报》2013,36(1):88-103
时间需求作为嵌入式系统的关键要素,其重要性越来越突出.但是目前的时间需求存在着多样的环境时间描述与单一的软件时间描述融合问题.文中在基于环境的功能性需求的基础上,提出基于环境的多形态时间需求建模方法,试图在需求层次上为该问题提供解决方案.文中构建了支持这个方法的多形态时间需求模型,在环境因素的基础上增加了多形态时间描述,并提出该需求模型制导的需求建模过程,帮助需求分析员在功能性需求的基础上建模时间需求.文中还给出了从多样的环境时间描述得到软件时间需求规约的步骤,指导需求分析人员抽取时间需求规约.  相似文献   

"山寨设计"在一度被认为是单纯模仿与剽窃的同时,也被认为具有些许创新意义。"山寨设计"所表现的快速反应与平民化特点与当今社会需求保持一致,其表现出的标准化、模块化、集群化、个性化等特征值得当今工业设计借鉴。  相似文献   

Many enterprises have been devoting a significant portion of their budget to product development in order to distinguish their products from those of their competitors and to make them better fit the needs and wants of customers. Hence, businesses should develop product designing that could satisfy the customers’ requirements since this will increase the enterprise’s competitiveness and it is an essential criterion to earning higher loyalties and profits. This paper investigates the following research issues in the development of new digital camera products: (1) What exactly are the customers’ “needs” and “wants” for digital camera products? (2) What features is more importance than others? (3) Can product design and planning for product lines/product collection be integrated with the knowledge of customers? (4) How can the rules help us to make a strategy during we design new digital camera? To investigate these research issues, the Apriori and C5.0 algorithms are methodologies of association rules and decision trees for data mining, which is implemented to mine customer’s needs. Knowledge extracted from data mining results is illustrated as knowledge patterns and rules on a product map in order to propose possible suggestions and solutions for product design and marketing.  相似文献   

Facing with thousands of online product reviews, consumers usually pay close attention to those valuable ones which provide more specific and credible evaluations on products. Whether a close association exists between product review quality and sales is thus examined in this paper. By employing text mining techniques on multiple review features, a review is measured as one of the following two levels: high-quality or low-quality. In doing so, aggregate quality level of product’s whole reviews is also identified. Then, a two-level econometrical analysis is conducted on the real datasets from Amazon.cn. The results reveal that aggregate quality level of positive reviews and negative reviews interactively influence sales. In the situation the aggregate quality level of positive reviews is high meanwhile that of negative reviews’ is low, product sale is the highest, while in the opposite situation product sale is the lowest. The results also reveal that consumers understand product’s value from weighting positive and negative reviews of high-quality level, which then positively relates to product sales and exerts a dynamic effect on sales by the moderating role of product selling stage and popularity. The paper innovatively integrates the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of reviews to estimate their economic effect.  相似文献   

随着科学技术的不断发展和产品智能化水平的不断提高,产品的可用性已是消费者决定是否购买产品的主要因素,因此,提高产品的可用性已成为提高产品竞争力的核心。如何保证设计的产品既符合用户的需求又方便易用,即可用性问题,成为必须不断深入研究的问题。论文将目前国内外企业针对界面设计的可用性理论引入到工业产品设计中,从产品设计的角度对工业产品的可用性评估原则、流程和方法进行了探讨性研究。  相似文献   

随着人们生活水平的提高,为了满足人们的精神需求,如何发掘产品的心理功能成为了热门的话题。本文通过分析产品的几个要素对目标用户的心理影响,探讨心理学因素在产品设计中的体现,明确了产品和心理学之间的互为关系,为产品设计提供了一些依据。  相似文献   

When a new product development team faces challenges, such as the cross-functional knowledge conversion task, both simple and existing organizational structures are comprised of various management methods and knowledge characteristics, analogous to a fully armed military force. However, these features are not arranged in order of priority. Each step within the knowledge conversion process of new product development may not require such a full depot of management methods and keynotes. Therefore, this study adopted Blackler’s perspective to examine the suitable organizational knowledge structure for cross-functional knowledge conversion within new product development teams.This study found that the continual steps of socialization, externalization, combination, and internalization in the new product development team’s knowledge conversion process were positively related to various organizational knowledge structures based on a survey of 107 Taiwanese high-technology small and medium-sized enterprises’ new product development teams – not merely a simple structure for all steps. Thus, these results confirm that complex structures are required to perform knowledge conversion. Socialization requires knowledge characteristics from both the communication-intensive organization and the symbolic-analyst-dependent organization. Externalization requires elements of knowledge from the communication-intensive organization, the symbolic-analyst-dependent organization, and knowledge-routinized organization. Combination requires features from the knowledge-routinized organization, and internalization requires characteristics from the expert-dependent organization.In addition, this study attempted to integrate the knowledge features from communication-intensive organization and symbolic-analyst-dependent organization structures for the socialization and externalization stages. This effort concentrated on solving novel and irregular problems through a simplification of the complex organizational structures which make the new product development’s knowledge conversion run smoother.  相似文献   

陈剑  张冬梅  陈钊 《计算机工程与应用》2012,48(14):134-138,162
目前信息推送服务广泛应用于各类电子商务网站,然而传统信息过滤技术在林产品贸易信息过滤的过程中,存在着不足。在总结林产品贸易信息过滤的特点的基础上,提出梯级过滤技术。该技术根据林产品贸易用户兴趣的不同、用户需求程度的不同、林产品贸易信息特征项权重的不同,在提出林产品贸易信息特征向量空间模型和分析用户兴趣特征向量结构的基础上,采用先进行用户显性需求的严格过滤,再进行用户显性需求的模糊过滤,再进行用户隐性需求的过滤的梯级过滤方法,从而达到准确满足用户需求的目的。实验结果证明该方法能够有效地过滤出用户满意的信息。  相似文献   

Marketers and industrial designers devote considerable attention to the visual attributes of products, based on the premise that the visual appearance of products influences consumers’ judgments of the products’ attributes. This research investigated consumers’ perceptions about particular types of innovative products (revolutionary technology‐driven products), with 275 consumers sample purchased from an independent marketing company. To achieve the main goal, interrelations among image of product and aesthetics of product have been examined using structural equation modeling with two psychological moderators: consumer innovativeness and needs for uniqueness. The results of this study provide evidence that individual differences in uniqueness motivation moderated how online consumers’ perceptions of a product's image characteristics influenced perceptions of value showing consumers’ need for uniqueness was more influential toward perceptions of the product's value than perceptions of functional value. Consequently, these findings expand understanding of the consumer characteristics that respond to perceptions of products’ epistemic value.  相似文献   

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