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随着社会经济的进步,各种媒体充满了人们的生活。如何利用这些媒体向人们宣传产品和服务,成为企业关注的热点问题。植入式营销是一种将广告和媒体完美结合的方式,在国内外广告宣传中取得了很好的效果。本文根据作者多年从业经验,深入潜出的分析了植入式营销广告的一般形式和基本原则,希望与广大同行共同讨论。  相似文献   

本文以OPPO手机的Reno系列为研究对象,探析了OPPO手机近几年在国内手机市场一直处于领跑地位的原因,而创意广告营销便是他取胜的关键一步。OPPO手机所带来的创意广告不仅体现在元素多样、风格多样、广告形式多样、文化融合,还体现在其广告投放手段包括事件营销、场景营销、还包括植入式广告等等,除此之外传播渠道的矩阵化也是OPPO智能手机营销的一大特色。笔者将综合分析其广告营销策略,并提出问题与建议。  相似文献   

文章从受众心理的角度对植入式广告的效果进行分析。探讨影视作品中的植入式广告如何能达到最佳的广告效应。文章运用心理学的方法.从受众的有意注意和无意注意入手,结合案例分析四种基本的植入式广告的特点,井就植入式广告如何更好地为受众所接受进行了方法总结。  相似文献   

本文主要通过介绍植入式广告在互联网中的应用现状,梳理社交网站开心网中植入式广告的应用情况。并以开心网为例,分析出社交网站植入式广告有着潜移默化、强制性、可重复性、可精确统计广告效果等特点。为促进社交网站植入式广告朝着更为专业与繁荣的方向发展提供借鉴。  相似文献   

电影、电视的植入式广告向来是汽车营销的重要组成部分之一,有意思的是,随着电影营销的盛行,越来越多汽车产品不满足于单纯在屏幕上露一下脸,它们更多地参与到了影片本身的内容中,在潜移默化中与电影人物或风格密切结合。  相似文献   

沈浩  丁晔 《多媒体世界》2011,(16):44-45
互联网营销中蕴含着无数机遇和挑战,快速成长型企业需要把握良机,挑选适合自己的工具。要谈互联网营销,我们首先要清楚什么是互联网营销。自从有了互联网之后,人们把互联网称为第四媒体。既然是媒体,自然就会承载营销这个概念或市场手段。早期的互联网营销,也承载了最传统的营销概念,最初的方式就是企业自己建立官方网站和在网易、新浪、搜狐、腾讯四大门户网站进行直接广告投放,随后逐渐演变出另一种相对软性的广告形式,比如Gooqle、百度的竞价排名。  相似文献   

目前4A广告公司最大的挑战是由Web2.0的时代开始,所带来的改变传统媒体营销的浪潮,即微媒体与微营销.这两天读了最新一期的《第一财经周刊》上的一篇文章:互联网公司正在瓦解传统广告业,这一篇文章将4A广告公司面对数字媒体  相似文献   

正可以预见的是,未来的SSP平台,将在不断的融合创新和进化发展中,最大程度地兼顾广告客户、媒体两端利益,朝着更积极、更健康的方向发展。当下,数字营销正加速向着程序化的方向进化,随着技术的发展、媒体转型加快以及广告主需求提升,相关广告售卖技术及服务逐渐趋于成熟。在这一过程中,专业提供媒体服务的各种SSP专业服务应运而生,代表了数字广告的一种未来趋势。SSP:数字营销的重要一环SSP(全称Supply-Side Platform),即  相似文献   

原生广告或许正是媒体在互联网时代将自身价值观与企业本质融合的转型之作。随着互联网的日益发展,传统的广告形式越来越受到大众的厌弃。对此,"现代营销学之父"菲利普·科特勒在《营销革命3.0》中明确提出,新时期的营销应该更加注重人文主义关怀,更加关注与消费者之间价值观的共鸣。于是,一种将广告与内容有机融合的营销方式渐渐浮出水面,它就是原生广告(即"内容即广告")。如今,这种看似"新瓶装旧酒"的广告形式,不仅受到了广告主与受众的一致推崇,而且也将媒体在内容生产上的优势发挥得淋漓尽致。  相似文献   

经济的发展,社会财富及个人财富的剧增,物品的丰盛,都促使现代人们的消费欲比过去更加强烈。物品的丰盛也造成人们消费时选择上的茫然与不安。人们试图通过某种相对权威的公共机构或媒介寻找到购买的自我说服力。商业广告作为一种公共媒介,充当了营销和批评者的角色,消费者越来越依赖广告信息传递的可信性与行业的自律性。由于充斥媒体的广告取代了对产品的批评,而真正针对产品价值判断的独立性设计批评,却几乎失语。  相似文献   

传统的流媒体系统存在响应速度慢、用户点播失败率高、播放不流畅等问题,在一定程度上制约了相关信息的发布。结合CDN技术设计高速的流媒体点播系统,其基本思想是借助CDN技术在原来的媒体点播系统上架构一层新的网络覆盖层,统一管理流媒体资源和用户的访问,进而提高流媒体系统的服务性能,并且完善系统的管理功能。  相似文献   

新媒体广告人才的匮乏已经成为阻碍我国广告产业发展的一大羁绊,如何消除广告人才培养与行业用人需求之间的错位,成为现代广告业亟需解决的重要课题。该文通过分析新媒体广告的发展特点及高校人才培养的制约,提出新媒体广告人才培养的四个方案:一、发展综合性教学;二、培养创新性能力;三、注重技术性研究;四、倡导实践性课堂。  相似文献   

The traditional broadcasting services such as terrestrial, satellite and cable broadcasting have been unidirectional mass media regardless of TV viewer’s preferences. Recently rich media streaming has become possible via the broadband networks. Furthermore, since bidirectional communication is possible, personalcasting such as personalized streaming service has been emerging by taking into account the user’s preference on content genres, viewing times and actors/actresses etc. Accordingly personal media becomes an important means for content provision service in addition to the traditional broadcasting service as mass media. In this paper, we introduce a user profile reasoning method for TV viewers. The user profile reasoning is made in terms of genre preference and TV viewing times for TV viewer’s groups in different genders and ages. For user profiling reasoning, the TV viewing history data is used to train the proposed user profiling reasoning algorithm which allows for target advertisement for different age/gender groups. To show the effectiveness of our proposed user profile reasoning method, we present plenty of the experimental results by using real TV usage history.  相似文献   

一种基于预测攻击的新型水印检测方案   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
在传统的含辅助信息水印检测方案中,通常的做法是从接收到的水印作品中减去原始作品,得到带噪声的水印模型。因此,水印不能完全提取。该文提出了一种基于预测攻击检测水印信号的方案,通过一定的方法预测水印图像所受到的攻击,根据预测结果,对原始图像进行同样的攻击来参与检测。实验表明该检测方案克服了辅助信息的残留噪声,大大提高了水印信息的检出率,改善了整个水印系统的性能。并且,该方案不失一般性,经验证可以应用到其他变换域和各种各样的算法中,有较强的通用性和应用前景。  相似文献   

Social media users have shown several burnout symptoms lately. In this research, we study the social media burnout issue from three perspectives, including a user’s ambivalence, emotional exhaustion, and depersonalization. Building on the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI), we designed a new scale to measure a user’s social media burnout. Using social media continuance as an example, we investigated the effects of social media burnout on a user’s post-adoption intention. We find that ambivalence, emotional exhaustion, and depersonalization can all significantly negatively influence a user’s social media continuance.  相似文献   


The evolution of digital media has inspired new narrative forms within the media context. In the last few years, interactive documentary has presented complex and alternative ways to access information. This article presents an analysis of this statement consisting of the case study of five international productions: Bear 71, A Short History of the Highrise, Pirate Fishing, Do Not Track and Párkinson, que tiemble el camino. The production of interactive documentary in online media as a journalistic format is tackled with a multidimensional approach which incorporates the product, the user’s perception and the author’s view. The exploration of new formats in online media is linked to innovation and a contemporary response to the audiences, who are now able to interact, play and share in an environment favoured by mobile communication and the skills of the current society.  相似文献   

We propose a human emotion regarding social network, namely, the Affective Social Network. Our suggestion firstly builds a user’s emotion profile in terms of the personality, mood and emotion by analysing the user’s activities in social network. This subsequently builds an Emotional Relationship Matrix (ERM) which represents the depth of the emotional relationship based on the emotion profile. From our proposal, the more elaborate services based on the current user’s emotional state can be provided to users. By considering emotional aspects in a social network, we can effectively answer which users or media contents will show the best results for inducing users’ emotional states. From the experiments, we verified that message containing emotional words and users’ relationship in a social network has significant correlations.  相似文献   

因特网的发展把人类带入了一个全新的媒体时代。今天网络已经深入到我们生活的每一个地方,网络动画、网络视频、虚拟网店等多媒体信息大量搬上网络。作为网络信息传播的载体——网页的设计也提出了更高的要求,而多媒体网页已经成为新媒体时代网页设计的发展趋势。  相似文献   

In the age of ambient media, people are surrounded by lots of physical objects (media objects) for rendering the digital world in the natural environment. These media objects should interact with users in a way that is not disturbing for them. To address this issue, this work presents a design and automation strategy for augmenting the world around us with personalized ambient media services that behave in a considerate manner. That is, ambient services are capable of adjusting its obtrusiveness level (i.e., the extent to which each service intrudes the user’s mind) by using the appropriate media objects for each user’s situation.  相似文献   

Although many existing movie recommender systems have investigated recommendation based on information such as clicks and tags, much less efforts have been made to explore the multimedia content of movies, which has potential information for the elicitation of the user’s visual and musical preferences.In this paper, we explore the content from three media types (image, text, audio) and propose a novel multi-view semi-supervised movie recommendation method, which represents each media type as a view space for movies.The three views of movies are integrated to predict the rating values under the multi-view framework.Furthermore, our method considers the casual users who rate limited movies.The algorithm enriches the user profile with a semi-supervised way when there are only few rating histories.Experiments indicate that the multimedia content analysis reveals the user’s profile in a more comprehensive way.Different media types can be a complement to each other for movie recommendation.And the experimental results validate that our semi-supervised method can effectively enrich the user profile for recommendation with limited rating history.  相似文献   

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