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法国著名的现代主义建筑家柯布西埃曾经创造出一种"模数"理论,它旨在将人体中体现出来的黄金分割比例与斐波纳契数列运用到建筑设计中。这个理论体系无疑体现出柯布西埃的雄心壮志,他追随西方建筑史上的数学传统与人文主义传统,但实际效果却充满了争议。在很大程度上,"模数"理论不过是一个带有更强象征色彩的乌托邦想象。  相似文献   

人体测量学并不是现代社会的产物。有着很长发展历史的人体比例理论中就包含了现代人体测量学的基本内容,尽管其还不够系统完整,但至少说明了在艺术创作中诞生的人体比例理论对现代人体测量学的影响。并随着时间的推移而不断的完善发展,为现代人体测量学的系统提出奠定了坚实的基础。  相似文献   

建筑影响着人们的生活,如何在建筑设计的初期,对于建筑设计中的因素进行综合考虑和评判,实现建筑设计中多因素寻优平衡是提高建筑设计水平的重要手段。传统的建筑设计寻优平衡方法只能凭借设计者的经验或者对设计进行相关的后期改造,对于建筑设计寻优平衡效果有限。提出了一种基于有限元分析的建筑设计多因素寻优平衡方法,通过有限元分析的方法,将建筑中的所有节点纳入分析范围,通过对建筑的光照设计、通风设计、隔音设计和空气质量进行综合评判分析,给出最佳建筑设计寻优平衡方法。通过不同的建筑设计方法进行比对测试,结果显示,在基于有限元的分析指导下,整体的相对舒适指数提高了0.11,可以很好的应用到实际工程设计中。  相似文献   

关节角色动画一般是由角色的骨架模型控制运动,人物角色动画作为关节动画领域热门研究方向之一,广泛应用于计算机动画,人体运动分析,人机工程,运动捕捉以及计算机视觉等领域。人体骨架的各部分长度具有一定的自然比例特点。因此,我们提出了一种基于人物骨架长度比例特点的人物角色建模方法,通过研究人体各部分骨架长度的比例特点,将骨架模型参数化,并最终建立满足运动捕捉数据的层次骨架模型。实验表明,该文提出的方法可以快速的获得标准的人体骨架模型,方便于角色动画的建立,参数化的骨架也使我们能够获得不同人物特征的骨架模型,满足于不同领域的需要。  相似文献   

提出了面向服装合体性评价的三维人体建模及预测建模方法。按照人体控制部位的比例对模型主体部分进行平面截取,通过比例缩放的方式实现个性化三维人体建模,最后通过NURBS进行曲面重建。同时,针对服装合体性评价服务的特点,引入体型随年龄变化知识库,根据用户的个性化要求提供顾客未来体型预测。实验结果表明该方法既实现简单,又可得到较满意的视觉效果,可为服装合体性评价等个性化定制服务奠定基础,具有广泛的应用前景。  相似文献   

针对传统人体动画制作成本高、人体运动受捕获设备限制等缺陷,提出了一种基于单目视频运动跟踪的三维人体动画方法。首先给出了系统实现框架,然后采用比例正交投影模型及人体骨架模型来恢复关节的三维坐标,关节的旋转欧拉角由逆运动学计算得到,最后采用H-anim标准对人体建模,由关节欧拉角驱动虚拟人产生三维人体动画。实验结果表明,该系统能够对人体运动进行准确的跟踪和三维重建,可应用于人体动画制作领域。  相似文献   

目的 针对国内外已有的非接触式测量系统普遍存在价格昂贵、安装复杂、占用空间大等问题,提出一种基于消失点和图像比例法相结合的人体参数尺寸的自动测量方法(HuFAMS-VP)。方法 首先,利用背景差分法,将人体从图像中分割出来;再将分割后的人体图像进行轮廓提取,从而获得人体轮廓图;然后,根据边缘检测和人体各个部位与人体身高比例等方法,获取人体几个关键部位特征点;最后,通过消失点方法(vanishing point)与比例法的结合获取人体参数尺寸。结果 根据HuFAMS-VP对7组被测人员(年龄在25±3岁,身高范围在1.7±0.2 m)进行尺寸测量,并与被测人员真实尺寸信息进行比较。由测量结果可以得到7组被测人员的绝对误差控制在±0.05 m之内,平均测量速度在2 s以内。结论 HuFAMS-VP在确保测量精度的前提下,具有操作方便、价格低廉等优势。根据测量结果,论证了本系统的准确性和鲁棒性。  相似文献   

建筑设计引入虚拟现实技术,将会可以大规模的减轻设计人员劳动强度,缩短设计周期,提高设计质量,节省投资。本文从虚拟现实技术的特点出发,阐述了虚拟现实技术在建筑设计中的所起到的重要作用。  相似文献   

日前,德国罗森伯格亚太电子有限公司邀请到来自现代建筑设计集团、同济大学建筑设计研究院、中船第九设计研究院等多家华东区重要的建筑设计研究机构共50多位资深行业专家,共同举行了一场主题为“德国罗森伯格特色布线产品与数据中心解决方案”的研讨会。  相似文献   

随着计算机技术的不断发展和日益深入应用,在现代应建筑设计中也在积极使用计算机应用技术的采用,促使其朝着多媒体、智能化以及网络化方向不断发展.本文以现代建筑设计与计算机应用为话题来进行浅谈,旨在促使计算机应用技术在现代建筑设计中可以发挥更加重要的作用.  相似文献   

Architectural decisions have emerged as a means to maintain the quality of the architecture during its evolution. One of the most important decisions made by architects are those about the design approach such as the use of patterns or styles in the architecture. The structural nature of this type of decisions give them the potential to be controlled systematically. In the literature, there are some works on the automation of architectural decision violation checking. In this paper we show that these works do not allow to detect all possible architectural decision violations. To solve this problem we propose an approach which: (i) describes architectural patterns that hold the architectural decision definition, (ii) integrates architectural decisions into an architectural model and, (iii) automates the architectural decision conformance checking. The approach is implemented using Eclipse modeling framework and its accompanying technologies. Starting from well-known architectural patterns, we show that we can formalize all those related to the structural aspect. Through two evaluations, we show that our approach can be adapted to different architecture paradigms and allows to detect more violations comparing to the existing approaches.  相似文献   

Architectural design decisions (ADDs) have been used in recent years for capturing design rationale and documenting architectural knowledge (AK). However, various architectural design views still provide the most common means for describing and communicating architectural design. The evolution of software systems requires that both ADDs and architectural design views are documented and maintained, which is a tedious and time-consuming task in the long run. Also, in lack of a systematic and automated support for bridging between ADDs and architectural design views, decisions and designs tend to become inconsistent over time. In our proposal, we introduce a reusable AK transformation language for supporting the automated transformation of reusable AK knowledge to component-and-connector models, the architectural design view used most commonly today. In addition, reusable consistency checking rules verify the consistency between decisions and designs. We evaluate our approach in an industrial case study and show that it offers high reusability, provides automation, and can, in principle, deal with large numbers of recurring decisions.  相似文献   

In this paper we present an approach for supporting the semi-automated architectural abstraction of architectural models throughout the software life-cycle. It addresses the problem that the design and implementation of a software system often drift apart as software systems evolve, leading to architectural knowledge evaporation. Our approach provides concepts and tool support for the semi-automatic abstraction of architecture component and connector views from implemented systems and keeping the abstracted architecture models up-to-date during software evolution. In particular, we propose architecture abstraction concepts that are supported through a domain-specific language (DSL). Our main focus is on providing architectural abstraction specifications in the DSL that only need to be changed, if the architecture changes, but can tolerate non-architectural changes in the underlying source code. Once the software architect has defined an architectural abstraction in the DSL, we can automatically generate architectural component views from the source code using model-driven development (MDD) techniques and check whether architectural design constraints are fulfilled by these models. Our approach supports the automatic generation of traceability links between source code elements and architectural abstractions using MDD techniques to enable software architects to easily link between components and the source code elements that realize them. It enables software architects to compare different versions of the generated architectural component view with each other. We evaluate our research results by studying the evolution of architectural abstractions in different consecutive versions of five open source systems and by analyzing the performance of our approach in these cases.  相似文献   

基于时序逻辑的面向方面体系结构描述语言   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
运用传统体系结构描述语言描述的软件体系结构(SA)方案始终存在着一些横切行为和特征,它们混杂和散列在不同的SA设计单元中,使得SA难以理解、难以演化和难以重用。针对这一问题,基于时序逻辑语言XYZ/E,在统一的时序逻辑框架下设计出一种面向方面体系结构描述语言AC2-ADL。系统地阐述了AC2-ADL的概念框架并用XYZ/E进行语义解释,最后结合案例介绍了如何用AC2-ADL对SA进行描述。  相似文献   

Structural Epochs in the Complexity of Software over Time   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A case study using a new complexity measurement framework called Structure 101 tracked the structural complexity of three open source software products through their different releases. The analysis found that, as these software products evolved, a large proportion of structural complexity in early releases at the application-code level progressively migrated to higher-level design and architectural elements in subsequent releases, or vice-versa. This pattern repeated itself throughout the evolution of the software product. Refactoring efforts successfully reduced complexity at lower levels, but shifted the complexity to higher levels in the design hierarchy. Conversely, design restructuring at higher levels shifted complexity to lower levels. If this trend holds true for other software products, then mere code refactoring might not be enough to effectively managing structural complexity. Periodic major restructuring of software applications at the design or architectural level could be necessary.  相似文献   

随着社会的快速发展和人类的不断进步,建筑的审美功能在今天显得越来越重要。而材质作为组成空间的重要元素,是建筑美感的重要组成部分。绝大多数材质自身就具有很强的美感,它们在建筑室内外中发挥着重要的作用,使各种特殊而又富于风格趣味的建筑层出不穷。要使材质的美感得到完美体现,就要做到在材质的设计与运用中体现美感,在材质美感体现中还须注意一些问题。总之材质美感的体现不是孤立的,还要配合光线、色彩和造型等视觉条件共同应用。在有效的光线强调、适宜的色彩烘托、和恰当的造型配合下,才能使材质语言得到充分发挥。同时,做到与环境相结合,以准确体现设计意图。  相似文献   

One of the possible scenarios in a system evolution cycle, is to translate an emergent set of new requirements into software architecture design and subsequently to update the system implementation. In this paper, we argue that this form of forward engineering, even though addresses the new system requirements, tends to overlook the implementation constraints. An architect must also reverse-engineer the system, in order to make these constraints explicit. Thus, we propose an approach where we reconcile two architectural models, one that is forward-engineered from the requirements and another that is reverse-engineered from the implementation. The final reconciled model is optimally adapted to the emergent set of requirements and to the actual system implementation. The contribution of this paper is twofold: the application of architectural reconciliation in the context of software evolution and an approach to formalize both the specification and transformation of the architectural models. The architectural modeling is based upon the UML 2.0 standard, while the formalization approach is based on set theory and first-order logic.  相似文献   

This paper proposes to use a historical perspective on generic laws, principles, and guidelines, like Lehman’s software evolution laws and Martin’s design principles, in order to achieve a multi-faceted process and structural assessment of a system’s architectural evolution. We present a simple structural model with associated historical metrics and visualizations that could form part of an architect’s dashboard. We perform such an assessment for the Eclipse SDK, as a case study of a large, complex, and long-lived system for which sustained effective architectural evolution is paramount. The twofold aim of checking generic principles on a well-know system is, on the one hand, to see whether there are certain lessons that could be learned for best practice of architectural evolution, and on the other hand to get more insights about the applicability of such principles. We find that while the Eclipse SDK does follow several of the laws and principles, there are some deviations, and we discuss areas of architectural improvement and limitations of the assessment approach.  相似文献   

建筑是人类环境的科学和艺术过程,环境艺术设计是以建筑空间设计为基础的,它应是建筑空间设计的继续、深化和发展实施过程,是"以建筑科技为物质基础,以艺术创意为表现形式"。其综合设计知识和审美意识发展而并重的理念,指导创意设计来强调建筑空间的美。因而,环境的整体性、空间的艺术性,节能减排、绿色生态以及空间的构造技术与艺术创意美感等,都是必不可少的重要环节。  相似文献   

软件体系结构求精方法研究   总被引:19,自引:2,他引:19  
戎玫  张广泉 《计算机科学》2003,30(4):108-110
1.引言软件设计在相当大的程度上可与建筑设计相类比,在古今中外建筑设计中,有诸多如欧洲的“歌特式”、“巴洛克式”、“维多利亚式”,中国的“园林式”、“宫廷式”等不同结构风格的建筑。同样在软件设计上,经过多年的理论探索和工程实践,也逐渐形成了一系列不同结构风格的软件体系结构。如UNIX操作系统中的管道一过滤器(pipe-filters)风格、分布式系统中典型的客户机/服务器(client/server)风格以及通信系统中的分层(layer)系统等等。  相似文献   

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