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通过研究认知心理学基本理论,分析了图形用户界面认知的过程,并结合用户需求提出了两种典型的用户认知模式.在此基础上,结合典型产品案例分析,对不同用户认知模式中的认知过程进行研究,得出了两种典型用户认知模式下的图形用户界面设计特征和规律,为设计出真正好用的图形用户界面以及在设计中发现问题、规避风险提供了有力依据.  相似文献   

嵌入式系统的应用越来越广泛,人们对嵌入式产品的要求也越来越高,不但要求产品能够应用,而且要求产品能够提供人性化的操作界面.VxWorks作为优秀的嵌入式操作系统,其图形开发组件WindML提供了一系列的图形API函数,以及多种键盘、鼠标、字体和显示芯片的驱动,使得用户更容易在嵌入式系统设备上实现图形用户界面.  相似文献   

北京华胜天成科技股份有限公司近日宣布首次推出自有品牌Teamax存储系列产品,其中包括磁盘阵列、双机软件等,从而为用户提供整体存储解决方案。TeamaxDS磁盘阵列产品具备高性能、低价格、灵活性以及开放性。模块化的结构可扩展到80TB;全冗余、高可用性的系统设计实现了出色的可靠性;图形用户界面提供了  相似文献   

提出一种基于模拟真实工作环境创建下一代图形用户界面的方法,建立了可扩展的三维交互空间,通过引入具有质量、体积、颜色和摩擦系数等物理属性的三维物件,采用碰撞检测和刚体动力学技术,开发了一套以用户为中心的三维桌面导航系统--UCDN.用户评估表明,该方法可用性高、趣味性强,为新一代图形用户界面提供了积极的探索.  相似文献   

<王特绿色MIS>以其强大的功能有和友好的用户界面,吸引了广大计算机用户,引起了不少电脑爱好者和企事业管理人员的兴趣。 该软件以当今软件技术发展的三大趋势——图形用户界面、面向对象设计和系统集成为主体,以“绿色MIS”概念为前导,并以公布自己的系统结构和提供源程序的魄力,成为广大计算机用户喜爱的MIS产品。 本文旨在将<王特绿色MIS>的编程特点和系统功能向读者进行介绍。  相似文献   

5月28日和5月30日,中软网络技术股份公司和中科红旗软件技术有限公司分别与挪威跨平台 GUI 技术提供商 Trolltech 公司建立战略合作伙伴关系。Trolltech 公司的 QT 系列产品是 Linux 下的 GUI 软件系统,为 Linux 操作系统提供图形用户界面。中软将整合 Trolltech 公司的 QT系列产品,为用户提供嵌入式 Linux 系统整体解决方案、软件开发平台及最终数字化产品,其主要方向集中于无线手持移动设备、智能网络终端设备、嵌入式网络安全设备、强实时  相似文献   

1 X-Window系统 软件设计人员在Linux或其它Unix系统中进行软件开发时几乎都要利用图形用户界面,而X-Window系统是Linux和许多其他UNIX系统使用的图形窗口系统。 X-Window系统可看成一个构造用户界面的完整平台,已为许多人接受,并已成为事实上的工业标准。该系统给用户提供了从运算、绘图到图形用户界面设计的完整应用程序解决方案。它允许程序员开发可移植的图形用户界面,并且提供了图形及界面的设计机制,而不规定风格,用户可任意发挥,自由地设计所需要的界面。 X-Window系统一…  相似文献   

嵌入式系统广泛应用在通信终端、车载设备、工业控制等领域。随着嵌入式技术的发展,对嵌入式系统图形用户界面(Graphic User Interface,GUI)的要求逐步提高。GUI是用户和嵌入式设备之间的接口,是嵌入式系统的重要组成部分,它通过窗口和菜单等图形化操作方式,极大地方便了用户对嵌入式产品的使用。GUI的好坏将直接影响嵌入式产品的普及和使用。GUI简洁、方便、美观的嵌入式产品具有广阔的市场应用前景。  相似文献   

Kangaroo TV创新赛事观看设备4月底,奇趣科技公司宣布KangarooTV已开始采用其Qtopia平台产品,应用于手持式观看设备。通过利用Qtopia平台开发出手持设备的图形用户界面,Kangaroo TV加强了观看体育赛事时的用户体验。据悉,这个图形用户界面是Kangaroo TV服务的组成部分,该服务包括捕获现场视频、音频和实时数据并将其传送到该手持设备上。Kangaroo TV手持设备由Sprint公司提供。观众可用其观看各种体育赛事,如足球赛、职业高尔夫球赛和棒球赛等。诺基亚推出Nseries系列产品本报讯4月25日,诺基亚宣布推出多款Nseries系列全新多媒体终…  相似文献   

图形用户界面已经成为软件开发的必备支撑环境.窗口系统是构造图形用户界面的基础与核心,界面标准则是图形用户在面对用户直观可见的表现形式。本文通过对这两个方面的分别阐述,说明了图形用户界面的发展概况.  相似文献   

介绍一种采用标准C语言开发的Linux图形用户接口设计思想与实现方法,提供简单易用的图形用户编程接口,在此基础上用户可以高效便捷地开发出具有良好可移植性的图形界面应用程序。  相似文献   

GUI(Graphical User Interface)是一种结合计算机科学、美学、心理学、行为学,及各商业领域需求分析的人机系统工程,强调人-机-环境三者作为一个系统进行总体设计。这种面向客户的系统工程设计其目的是优化产品的性能,使操作更人性化,减轻使用者的认知负担,使其更适合用户的操作需求,直接提升产品的市场竞争力。手机游戏的GUI包含了游戏的互动操作和视觉效果,文中就详细讨论了游戏的互动操作和视觉效果的各种规范要求,对颜色、图形、文字等画面风格规范要求,使软件界面的总体风格接近和类似系统界面的总体色调。  相似文献   

The DUET database user interface management system aims to help database application programmers to create, modify, and maintain interactive graphical user interfaces for different applications. DUET supports the creation of a complete user interface via direct manipulation techniques. It provides a large set of database widgets which are necessary for database applications. DUET provides facilities to step through the validation of a created user interface. A user interface can be saved as C code which can be integrated into a database backend. In this paper, the features and the architecture of DUET are presented.  相似文献   

A graphical language which can be used for defining dynamic picture and applying control actions to it is defined with an expanded attributed grammar.Based on this a system is built for developing the presentation of application data of user interface.This system provides user interface designers with a friendly and high efficient programming environment.  相似文献   

Graceful interaction with graphical constraints   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The graphical constraint editor (GRACE), a graphical editor that lets users define graphical, or geometric, constraints, is reviewed. Graphical constraints specify relationships among graphical objects that the system must maintain. Constraints are useful in graphical drawing editors, design activities supported by CAD systems, and graphical user interface construction. GRACE provides mechanisms for explicit and implicit constraint specification using simple and natural means. These include simple direct manipulation methods and a constraints-by-demonstration facility that incorporates both novel heuristics for inferring user-demonstrated relations in an economical fashion and a natural-language explanation tool that helps the user understand the system's inferencing behavior. An overview of GRACE's user interface is presented and details about how users specify graphical relations and query the system to obtain information about them are provided  相似文献   

Windows是一个具有图形界面的操作系统,运行在Windows环境下的Visual Basic提供了丰富的图形功能.本文介绍数学曲线的动态绘制方法.  相似文献   

将XML技术应用到图形用户界面描述中,给出了一种新的图形用户界面开发方法。通过运用Spring依赖注入特性,将界面组件各属性的设置由Spring配置文件完成,通过调用Java Swing组件库,从而产生基于Java Swing组件的图形用户界面。结论表明,将该方法应用于信息管理系统的开发中,能够降低界面设计编程工作量,并在一定程度上提高软件的开发效率和可维护能力。  相似文献   

The objective of this research is to develop an analysis tool for evaluating a token bus topology, supporting the Manufacturing Automation Protocol (MAP). Furthermore this research describes an easy-to-use graphical interface for a complex simulation program. Specifically, a graphical user interface for MAP network simulation program is illustrated. Simulation of MAP sub-networks interconnected by bridges can be performed without further programming. This software, called ILAN, features a unique graphical user interface with message definition facility and an error-checking inference engine which advises users of any instances of duplicated or omitted information. ILAN's problem-definition phase is simplified by implementing a single graphical user interface for all inputs.

Two main procedures within ILAN consist of a local area network simulation and an intelligent graphical interface with a unique graphical message definition facility. The simulation procedure includes the ability to model different numbers of multiple MAP sub-networks interconnected by bridges and different numbers of associations between stations using the token bus protocol. Higher layers in the protocol stacks are modeled as queues having variable delays for different messages at different stations. In order to aid users with the difficulty of inputting parameters needed to simulate complex MAP networks, a graphical user interface is developed. By means of this graphical interface, users can describe the MAP hardware configurations as well as message definitions to be simulated. Sequences of messages to be transmitted can be displayed on the screen as users describe them.  相似文献   

Almost all applications using interactive graphics contain important structures and concepts which are deeper than the geometres used to display them to the user. One of the major tasks of the system implementer is to cause the user interface to reflect this deeper structure accurately so that it may be directly manipulated by the user. The authors describe a tool, the Higgens user interface management system (UIMS), which can automate much of this task for a wide class of systems using interactive graphics. It is able to generate graphical user interfaces automatically from a high-level interface specification. These specifications are primarily nonprocedural in nature. They describe how graphical images can be automatically derived and updated based on applications entities, and how graphical inputs can be translated back into terms which are appropriate to the application  相似文献   

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