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农民专业合作组织的发展适应了农村改革与发展的要求,正成为新农村建设中最具活力的组织形式。本文以广西贵港市农民专业合作组织的实践为例,对农民专业合作组织的组建冲动、发展的有利及阻碍因素进行分析,认为农民专业合作组织的专业化、规范化程度将逐步提高,并将向综合服务性组织和经济实体型组织发展。  相似文献   

农民专业合作组织的发展适应了农村改革与发展的要求.正成为新农村建设中最具活力的组织形式.本文以广西贵港市农民专业合作组织的实践为例,对农民专业合作组织的组建冲动、发展的有利及阻碍因素进行分析,认为农民专业合作组织的专业化、规范化程度将逐步提高.并将向综合服务性组织和经济实体型组织发展.  相似文献   

随着政府职能的转变,我国社会组织发展迅速,社会组织发展问题已经成为当下社会关注的热点问题.但由于我国正处于社会转型期,与社会组织发展相应的政策法规还没有及时出台,造成社会组织在发展中存在社会地位不高、行政色彩过重等问题.以法团主义视角,分析法团主义在社会组织发展中的适用性,并应用法团主义理论为当前社会组织的发展提出一些建议.  相似文献   

经济全球化的到来,使得多边主义在全球取得飞速发展.冷战后至今,多边主义在东北亚地区取得一定进展.但由于东北亚地区现有的国际关系体系仍是双边主义性质的,以至于关于东北亚地区多边安全合作的探索都受其影响,难以取得根本性进展.从美国的战略选择出发,并通过分析六方会谈及中美日大国协调两个案例,我们将发现东北亚地区多边安全合作的艰难困境.  相似文献   

亓静 《山东冶金》2012,(5):63-65
当前国有钢铁企业普遍存在结构性的低效率现象,组织结构调整已成为转型期国有钢铁企业发展的关键环节。结构调整主要涉及生产组织结构的优化调整和管理机构的优化调整两个方面,应遵循适时性、稳定性、科学性原则。借助SWOT战略分析方法做出组织结构战略选择,得出了当前转型期国有钢铁企业应当选择扭转型组织结构战略的结论。  相似文献   

在当代设计中不可不提到的就是现代主义的设计。它是当代设计史上最重要最具有影响的设计活动之一。在整个现代主义的发展过程中,俄国构成主义与至上主义的积极探索为后来现代主义设计走向成熟奠定了理论基础。但是人们在学习和研究俄国设计的时候,常常会将至上主义与构成主义相归结为一种风格,其实,这样是很片面的理解。它们两者是并列的关系存生着,而不是相包含的范畴。  相似文献   

本文首先界定了高校学生组织的属性,在分析我国高校学生组织管理现状的基础上,提出了通过对高校学生组织权力的优化,配套制度和支撑体系的完善,自我管理模式的创新来实现高校学生组织的管理绩效提高和学生组织管理者的管理能力的提升,从而实现我国高校行政管理效能的提升.  相似文献   

教学管理中的组织与教学管理有着微妙的关系,二者有不同又有交融,正确认识两者之间的关系对于我们做好学校的教学工作,完成教育教学目标有重要的意义.而我们现阶段的教学组织管理中存有许多的问题,这些问题的解决又需要有组织与教学组织管 理的关系的视角,通过这个视角我们可以为教学组织管理中存在的问题的解决提出一些有价值的建议,为教育工作的顺利进行打好坚实的基础.在本文中就详细探讨了教学管理中组织与教学组织管理中存有的问题,并为这些问题的解决途径的寻找提出了一些方案.  相似文献   

王洁 《有色矿冶》2011,(5):55-58
论述了建立高信任组织环境要从企业战略、创新、企业文化等方面着手,科学制定企业战略,而战略的强有力执行,就会使战略目标成为现实;创新是企业持续发展的灵魂所在,也是成为行业领军企业的关键所在;文化管理是企业管理的最高层次,在企业核心价值观的引领下,员工队伍才有凝聚力和战斗力,企业才有向心力和竞争力,并论述了高信任组织的风险管控以及如何避免少数员工边缘化等问题  相似文献   

钟华 《铜业工程》2000,(4):73-75
技术创新对于当代企业不啻为生命线的事实告诉我们 ,企业必须将技术创新置于重要位置。然而重视创新 ,提倡创新需要有科技组织制度来作保障。文章从三个方面对“制度”和“创新”两者的关系进行了探讨。并借鉴国内外企业成功经验 ,提出了相应解决办法。  相似文献   

To meet the demands of managing complex projects, project leaders face challenges of daily leadership behavior and organizational vision to manage a project team. The challenges are compounded when the task of creating a project culture is also influenced by cultural, ethnic and corporate differences. A program management team involves many disciplines: project management, planning and engineering, cost estimating, scheduling, material procurement, program controls, management information systems, administration, construction inspection, and others. Different personality types often gravitate to predictable areas of function during the course of their careers. Managing these differing personality types is one challenge of program leadership. Another equal challenge is managing people of widely differing cultural and ethnic backgrounds. What is regarded as a routine order by one culture can be considered as an extreme insult by another. Good natured American jokes about one group can deeply offend members of that group even though the intentions may not be malicious. In addition to these ethnic and cultural sensitivities, the personalities attracted to the individual disciplines can be even more magnified. The greatest challenge of leadership lies in identifying strengths and similarities while valuing the differences to accomplish the common program management goals. The program management team used as an example in this paper consists of native born Caucasian Americans, African-Americans, African-Caribbeans, Middle-Easterners, Asian-Indians, Mexicans, Cuban-Americans and other Latin-Americans. The paper discusses the experiences of adopting different leadership styles, behavior and communication links to improve the performance of individual leaders and management team.  相似文献   

This paper documents a case study of the organizational evolution, over a ten‐year period, of a U.S. electric utility company in support of the construction of a two‐unit nuclear generation facility. A number of principles for designing an organization are summarized, and it is suggested that these be used in the organizational planning process. Seven major reorganizations are described, and these changes are compared to the organizational planning principles. The project was half complete before all key engineering and planning functions were consolidated under a single manager. It was approximately 80% complete before the authority of the project director was commensurate with his responsibilities. It is shown how the project authority structure emerged as functional but was later changed to a projectized one. After several realinements, a matrix organization was tried. A strong project structure replaced the matrix structure when the resources of the entire organization were committed to completing the project.  相似文献   

组织政治学在西方管理学界已经比较成熟,但是实证研究中多采用Ferris的组织政治知觉(POP)模型,其结果变量多为个人层面的变量.我们认为,组织政治知觉对于组织层面的变量亦有影响.为此,本文以组织政治与组织文化是否匹配这一视角为切入点,使用了学术界公认的组织政治知觉量表、组织文化评测量表以及明尼苏达工作满意度量表,通过对177份由MBA学员填写的问卷,利用SPSS软件分析了这三者之间的关系,得出了员工对组织内部政治行为的知觉与组织实际推行的文化之间有密切的关联,员工自身的价值观与组织文化是否匹配也会影响员工的组织政治知觉的结论.  相似文献   

毕业生专业认同是人才培养质量的重要指标.笔者通过对80名社会学专业毕业生进行网络问卷调查,揭示了毕业生对社会学专业认同现状和影响因素,呈现出总体认同度高而就业认同度一般的特征.就业形势、社会政策环境、课程设计、就业领域是影响专业认同的显著因素,据此提出营造社会学认知氛围、打造社会学专业方向和特色、深化课程和实践教学设计、提升综合素质和职业规划引导以提升社会学专业认同度的具体建议.  相似文献   

This research focuses on contracting firms within the construction sector. It characterizes and evaluates the composition of organizational culture using four culture types (clan, adhocracy, market, and hierarchy), the strategic approach for knowledge flow, and the success of knowledge management (KM) systems at different hierarchical levels of contracting organizations (project and parent organization level). Responses from managers of local or overseas contracting firms operating in Hong Kong were collected using a carefully constructed questionnaire survey that was distributed through electronic mail. The organizational value is analyzed in terms of the four cultural models. Clan culture is found to be the most popular at both project and organization levels, which means that the culture of contracting firms very much depends on honest communication, respect for people, trust, and cohesive relationships. On the other hand, hierarchy culture, which focuses on stability and continuity, and analysis and control, seems to be the least favored at both levels. Another significant finding was that the two main KM strategies for knowledge flow, codification and personalization, were employed at both project and organization levels in equal proportion. This indicates that successful KM efforts at both enterprise levels utilize a hybrid and balanced approach for their knowledge flow, and that they complement each other. The findings also revealed that knowledge management system success factors emphasize the support of the management level. The results show that KM is critical and beneficial as indicated by 64% at the project and 74% at the organization level. The expectation is higher for organizations as they are the organizational memories in which experiences of past projects are archived and connected. Understanding these factors and the relationships among them has been demonstrated to be critical in order to increase the chances of success or to help with making decisions when applying KM.  相似文献   

锌合金浇铸工艺改进的试验研究与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章主要介绍了锌合金传统生产工艺存在的问题及工艺改进的方向,提出了锌液泵在合金生产中的应用优势,设计和制造出了密闭输送锌合金液的复合型管材。  相似文献   

It has been well established that unequal air pressure across the tympanic membrane causes an increase in puretone thresholds. Very little information is available, however, concerning concommitant effects on reception and discrimination of speech material. This study was designed to determine whether or not further detrimental effects upon the communication process might occur in the form of decreased speech discrimination ability. The findings established that a high positive pressure in the external meatus can result in a deterioration of the individual's ability to discriminate speech sounds.  相似文献   

介绍金川有色金属公司计量管理信息系统的发展过程,阐述了该公司计量管理信息系统单机版和网络版的主要功能和运行效果,对21 世纪的计量管理信息系统提出了看法。  相似文献   

This study examined the role of information, efficacy, and 3 stressors in predicting adjustment to organizational change. Participants were 589 government employees undergoing an 18-month process of regionalization. To examine if the predictor variables had long-term effects on adjustment, the authors assessed psychological well-being, client engagement, and job satisfaction again at a 2-year follow-up. At Time 1, there was evidence to suggest that information was indirectly related to psychological well-being, client engagement, and job satisfaction, via its positive relationship to efficacy. There also was evidence to suggest that efficacy was related to reduced stress appraisals, thereby heightening client engagement. Last, there was consistent support for the stress-buffering role of Time 1 self-efficacy in the prediction of Time 2 job satisfaction. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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