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This paper examines the factors that drive the success of multinational corporations (MNCs) in their pursuit of regional strategies. Based on contingency theory, we develop a comprehensive regional success factor model to investigate the effects of regional management autonomy and regional product/service adaptation on the regional success of MNCs. Using structural equation modelling, we also analyse the interaction effects of regional orientation and inter-regional distance. We evaluate our model by means of both primary and secondary data for Fortune Global 500 firms. Our findings show that appropriate degrees of regional management autonomy and regional product/service adaptation are highly contingent upon contextual influences on MNCs.  相似文献   

简要阐述了遗传算法及局域搜索法的基本原理,采用MATLAB语言编制的程序来实现遗传算法和局域搜索法,并通过实例比较了两种优化方法对数值优化性能的优劣。  相似文献   

This research investigates the impacts of proactiveness, openness to experience, and extraversion on innovative performance among engineers. The work also examines the mediating role of knowledge sharing. Using a person–situation interaction perspective, the study further explores the moderating role of perceived organizational support (POS) in personality–knowledge sharing relationships. Data collected from engineers (N = 183) across various public and private engineering firms in Pakistan reveal that knowledge sharing mediated the relationship of proactiveness and extraversion with innovative performance. In addition, highly proactive and extraverted engineers are more likely to share knowledge when the POS is high. Contrary to the expectations, engineers who highly exhibit openness to experience are less likely to share knowledge under high POS. These findings provide significant contributions to the theory and practice of engineering management by highlighting the essential link of personality traits with knowledge sharing and innovation among engineers.  相似文献   

The traditional district literature tends to assume that: (1) the competitiveness of firms depends on external sources of knowledge; (2) all firms in a district benefit from knowledge externalities; (3) relying on external knowledge relationships necessarily means these are confined to the district area. Our case study of the Barletta footwear district in the South of Italy suggests otherwise. Based on social network analysis, we demonstrate that the local knowledge network is quite weak and unevenly distributed among the local firms. A strong local network position of a firm tended to increase their innovative performance, and so did their connectivity to extra-local firms. So, it mattered being connected either locally or non-locally: being co-located was surely not enough. Having a high absorptive capacity seemed to raise only indirectly, through non-local relationships, the innovative performance of firms.  相似文献   

付振宇 《包装工程》2019,40(20):215-218
目的 探析地域文化背景下的文创产品设计新思路。方法 首先,从文化的定义着手,延伸至地域文化的特点,再引入地域文化与设计的关系,提出将地域文化融入到产品设计的思路。在此基础上,将焦点锁定于文创产品领域,剖析地域文化在文创产品的外形、材料和工艺上的具体体现和其当前发展现状。最后,分别从长白山地区、江苏地区的地域文化特点出发,结合具体的地域元素及其应用原则,探索文创产品的地域化表达。结论 将每个独具特色的地域文化元素进行解析、归纳、凝练,使其转化成可与文创产品共融共生的元素。这样可以实现传统与现代、文化与设计的融合,赋予产品更多的形式和更新的文化生命力,促进文创产品的升级与创新,全面推广中国文化,让世界了解中国,让中国走向世界。  相似文献   

在总结以往多元化战略划分方法的基础上,提出一种基于企业核心能力的多凶化战略划分方法,并结合具体实例对该方法进行了分析和评价。  相似文献   

图形复杂度和人格特征对视觉搜索绩效的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该研究以场独立性、场依存性被试各30名,探讨在不同图形复杂度下人格特征对视觉搜索绩效的影响。结果发现:在不同图形复杂度下,人格特征对视觉搜索绩效有显著影响;当干扰子或靶子图形的复杂度为高时,场独立性搜索绩效显著优于场依存性;靶子复杂度为低,干扰子复杂度为中、低时,场依存性被试的搜索绩效优于场独立性被试。  相似文献   


This article contributes to how teams comprised mainly of knowledge workers influence project team performance. This article highlights the need to examine knowledge work and knowledge worker teams' impact on performance. Three large-sized companies were investigated through their projects, knowledge work, team environment, and team success. Results showed that the percentage of knowledge workers on a project team and project objectives had positive associations on performance. Exploratory analyses revealed that project team responsibility influenced knowledge worker project team performance as defined by projects schedule, cost, and scope.  相似文献   

杨林栋  刘厚  于瑞峰 《工业工程》2014,17(3):108-113
视觉搜索在质检、安检等领域有着广泛应用。本研究应用2(培训强度:高,低)×2(反馈:有,无)组间实验进行了视野培训对视觉搜索绩效的影响的研究。结果表明,高强度或有反馈的视野培训能够增大视野面积,改善视野形状,从而显著提高视觉搜索绩效。高强度的培训对视觉搜索绩效的改善幅度显著大于低强度培训。培训强度与反馈对视觉搜索绩效的影响有交互作用,高强度有反馈的视野培训对视觉搜索绩效改善幅度最大。  相似文献   

李娟  陈香 《包装工程》2020,41(8):160-165
目的针对博物馆文创产品的同质化、地域性文化元素识别性特征较弱以及文创产品与用户、市场需求脱节等现状,围绕传统文化正确传承与产品设计创意创新2个重点,寻找中小型博物馆文创产品发展的出路,激发博物馆文化创意产品创新潜能。方法以符号学为理论基础,从语义学、语构学、语用学3个维度对无锡博物院馆藏文化以及现有文创产品进行分析,提取地域特色文化符号融入现代社会生活所需的文创产品设计中。结论总结出基于符号学理论的产品设计方法要素,提出一种符合地域性文化应用方式的文创产品设计策略,即"提取语义—解剖语构—改善语用",以达成博物馆文创产品内容创新、功能创新以及设计创新。以无锡博物院泥人"阿福阿喜"为例导出产品设计,为地方性文创产品的设计提供参考与借鉴。  相似文献   

赵沃林  薛拥军 《包装工程》2023,44(10):332-339
目的 归纳总结粤剧文创产品体现地域文化特征的创新设计策略,以拓宽粤剧文创产品的设计方法,提升粤剧文创产品的竞争力。方法 以地域性文创产品的研究现状为基础,结合粤剧发展现状,探究地域文化元素融入粤剧文创产品的现实意义与价值,整体性引入转译理论和文化三层次结构,将地域文化的独特性运用到增强文创产品的附加值中,以促进消费者的文化认同感,助力优秀地域文化及其产品的新时代传承与发展。结论 挖掘地域文化价值,并将之融合于文创产品的创新设计中,是增强传统文化自信的必然手段。在粤剧文创产品开发过程中,通过对粤剧文化物质、精神、行为层面的典型元素进行设计转译,由外及内地将岭南审美价值、人文意境和文化创新三方面应用到产品开发过程中,可设计出极具岭南特色的地方性粤剧文创产品,丰富了设计手法,同时也拓宽了粤剧文创产品的开发思路。  相似文献   

视觉搜索作业在生产、生活中十分常见,学界对视觉搜索绩效的影响因素作了大量研究,但是目前尚缺少关于人格特征对视觉搜索绩效影响的研究。本研究分析了MBTI(Myers Briggs type indicator)人格与任务难度(高难度、低难度)对视觉搜索绩效的影响。结果表明内倾型人格在低难度任务下的正确率显著高于外倾型人格,在两种任务难度下知觉型人格的搜索时间均显著低于判断型人格,人格特征与任务难度对搜索正确率的影响的交互效应显著。本研究结果对视觉搜索任务的作业人员选择与培训具有指导意义。  相似文献   

•  Recognizing that country-specific resources are generally difficult to imitate or diffuse across national boundaries, we propose that home country conditions are key determinants of firms’ strategic choices. By embracing insights from both institutional economics and resource-based view, we identify two country-level environmental constituents – domestic market size and legal institutions – to examine how these resources influence multinational firms’ international diversification strategies. We further propose that home country legal institutions moderate the link between geographic diversification and firm performance.
•  These hypotheses are tested with historical data on 435 multinational firms based in 13 developed economies. Results suggest that a multinational firm’s degree of international diversification has a U-shaped relationship with the size of the firm’s domestic market; firms from civil law countries are more likely to pursue international diversification than their counterparts from common law countries; and the effect of international diversification on firm performance was more pronounced among MNCs from civil law countries.

生产生活中很多视觉搜索任务是在低目标出现概率、有时间压力的条件下进行的。本研究分析了目标出现概率、目标有无和时间压力对视觉搜索任务绩效的影响。实验将目标出现概率作为组间变量,目标有无和时间压力作为组内变量,进行了完全2×2×2因子实验设计。结果表明时间压力和低目标出现概率会显著降低搜索时间、凝视时间和凝视次数。目标有无和时间压力、目标有无和目标出现概率对搜索时间的影响交互效应显著。时间压力和目标出现概率对搜索时间的影响交互效应不显著,但对凝视时间和凝视次数的影响交互效应显著。实验结果对于视觉搜索作业任务设计,尤其是如安检等有时间压力、低目标出现概率的作业任务设计具有指导意义。   相似文献   

包装工程学科核心知识和知识体系探讨   总被引:1,自引:5,他引:1  
李清 《包装工程》2004,25(3):196-197
提出包装工程学科的核心知识是包装防护学和包装艺术学.二者分别从科学和艺术的角度研究实现包装的自然功能和社会功能的理论,并有机结合到一起,构成包装设计的理论和思想.作者按照包装的整个实现过程将包装工程学科体系划分为4个层次,明确了该学科今后的发展重点和方向.  相似文献   

创新本质上是知识再创造的动态过程。知识既是创新不可缺少的投入要素,又是创新的最终目标和产出。在介绍隐性知识传播障碍的基础上,分析了区域创新优势,从知识互动共享视角阐释了区域创新环境机理。  相似文献   

何祥文 《包装工程》2021,42(6):247-257
目的 在国家建设粤港澳大湾区之际,针对粤港澳大湾区内受区域文化趋同性影响严重的城市,提出如何成功构建其城市形象视觉识别系统的策略和建议,供相关人士在决策或执行时参考.方法 通过文献研究,在界定城市形象视觉识别系统概念、构成及其影响因素的基础上,运用案例分析和比较研究法,选取国内外"大湾区"内该系统构建较为成功的典型城市,以其影响因素为探求点,深入探析并归纳区域文化背景下,构建该系统的策略和模型,继而以其构成要素为切入点,以深受粤港澳区域文化影响的中山市城市形象为例,运用田野调查和调研访谈等方法,查找该系统存在的现实问题.结果 提出了粤港澳大湾区建设背景下,中山城市形象视觉识别系统构建过程中应遵循的运行机制、方法策略及若干设计和优化建议.结论 在区域文化背景下,能否建立并遵循一套科学合理的城市形象视觉识别系统构建策略,直接决定该系统构建的优劣与成败.  相似文献   

The Global-Regional Integrated forecast System (GRIST) is the nextgeneration weather and climate integrated model dynamic framework developed by Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences. In this paper, we present several changes made to the global nonhydrostatic dynamical (GND) core, which is part of the ongoing prototype of GRIST. The changes leveraging MPI and PnetCDF techniques were targeted at the parallelization and performance optimization to the original serial GND core. Meanwhile, some sophisticated data structures and interfaces were designed to adjust flexibly the size of boundary and halo domains according to the variable accuracy in parallel context. In addition, the I/O performance of PnetCDF decreases as the number of MPI processes increases in our experimental environment. Especially when the number exceeds 6000, it caused system-wide outages (SWO). Thus, a grouping solution was proposed to overcome that issue. Several experiments were carried out on the supercomputing platform based on Intel x86 CPUs in the National Supercomputing Center in Wuxi. The results demonstrated that the parallel GND core based on grouping solution achieves good strong scalability and improves the performance significantly, as well as avoiding the SWOs.  相似文献   

In today's dynamic environment, the involvement of external partners in the innovation process is frequently assumed to be a panacea to cut costs while improving outcomes. In this study, we scrutinize how different collaboration types influence the effects of exploitative and exploratory innovation strategies on new product development (NPD) performance. For our analyses, we draw on a survey comprising a sample of 254 technology-based German firms. Our findings indicate that exploitative strategies are best pursued without comprehensive external collaborations, while the involvement of several partners in a balanced approach is most promising for exploratory strategies. Joint exploration with competitors, in particular, shows the highest effects on NPD performance. The paper discusses the findings and provides several implications for future research.  相似文献   

目前已有多种智能算法应用到光伏电池模型的参数辨识中,然而大都存在易陷入局部最优、收敛速度慢等问题,基于改进狮群算法,提出了一种有效的光伏电池参数辨识方法.首先,通过引入混沌初始化、自适应参数和混沌搜索,弥补了狮群算法收敛速度慢、寻优精度不高等不足;将改进狮群算法应用到光伏电池的单二极管模型和双二极管模型的参数辨识中,与...  相似文献   

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