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对流域综合管理和水资源综合管理概念的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
流域综合管理是系统解决流域性问题的重要手段.但是目前国内外对流域综合管理的概念和内涵尚未达成共识。流域综合管理和水资源综合管理是两个容易让人混淆的概念,通过这两个术语的提出背景和国内外学者对其认识的分析,可以得出它们之间既有区别,又有联系,都为解决流域问题提供了有效的方法和手段。当前,应结合我国流域实际,探索适合我国国情的流域综合管理模式,推进我国流域综合管理的进程,促进流域的可持续发展。  相似文献   

基于遥感和GIS的流域社会经济数据空间化方法研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
人口和社会经济数据及其空间分布,在资源、环境及自然灾害评估中的重要性已被广泛认知。把遥感和GIS技术相结合,是探讨解决社会经济统计数据空间化的重要思路。以东江流域为例,以多期人口、GDP、土地利用数据为基础,建立东江流域人口与土地利用、GDP和土地利用的多元线性回归模型;以土地利用数据和100 m×100 m网格数据为基础,构建东江流域人口和GDP空间分布约束力指标图层;然后结合统计模型和面积内插,实现了东江流域2009年人口、GDP统计数据的空间化。在县域空间尺度上对模拟结果进行了验证,与同尺度研究工作进行了对比,结果显示模拟得到的人口和GDP空间分布数据,与同尺度的研究工作处于同一精度或者略高的精度水平,表明该方法是一种进行流域社会经济数据空间化处理的有效方法。  相似文献   

An estimation of the crop water requirements for the Pontina Plain, Central Italy, was carried out through the use of remote sensing land classification and application of a simple water balance scheme in a GIS environment. The overall crop water demand for the 700 km2 area was estimated at about 70 Mm3 year − 1, i.e. 100 Mm3 year − 1 irrigation requirements when considering an average irrigation application efficiency of 70%. The simplest and least demanding available methodology, in terms of data and resources, was chosen. The methodology, based on remote sensing and GIS, employed only 4 Landsat ETM+ images and a few meteorological and geographical vectorial layers. The procedure allowed the elaboration of monthly maps of crop evapotranspiration. The application of a spatially distributed simple water balance model, lead to the estimation of temporal and spatial variation of crop water requirements in the study area. This study contributes to fill a gap in the knowledge on agricultural use of water resources in the area, which is essential for the implementation of a sustainable and sound water policy as required in the region for the application of the EU Water Framework Directive.  相似文献   

随着水利遥感数据及产品在水利业务中的普遍应用,存储和管理问题日益成为限制数据应用的瓶颈.针对水利遥感数据及产品的存储管理问题进行研究,以空间数据库引擎技术为基础,提出面向数据库的多源水利遥感数据一体化管理机制.开发并实现基于 C/S 模式的多源水利遥感数据管理系统,利用空间数据库引擎屏蔽数据的复杂性和异构性,通过统一的接口实现水利遥感数据的数据库存取.经过系统测试,证明该系统具有良好的数据存取性能,能够为上层的水利应用提供可靠的数据保障  相似文献   

地理信息系统技术在水资源开发利用和保护领域中的应用   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
地理信息系统是一项正在蓬勃发展并在许多领域得到广泛应用的新技术,在水资源开发利用领域它可在水资源利用规划、工程选址及渠线走向选择及其挖填土石方计算,工程施工及大坝截流适时处理,水库淹没范围及损失,移民安置等方面为决策者和技术人员提供方便、快捷的信息处理工具。在水资源保护领域它将在水质监测,城市污染处理规划,污染事故应急处理,流域(区域)水资源保护规划与评价,水环境保护管理与决策方面得到广泛应用。介绍了两个应用实例,阐述了这方面的应用现状和面临的主要问题。  相似文献   


Integrated water resources planning and management are considered very complex issues. These issues are usually addressed through the multi-sectoral, interdisciplinary and hierarchal decomposition approaches. In general, integrated resource management indicates the consideration of water, social, socio-economic, economic and environmental issues. The current study aims at merging the GIS and Multi-Criteria Evaluation (MCE) techniques for the integrated water resource management of a cropped area. An area of about 120,000 Hectares located in the Northern Nile River Delta area with a coastal zone on the Mediterranean was selected and GIS was applied to represent the area's different environment, social, economic, and water factors. Different randomization cropping pattern distribution scenarios were proposed. Through the merging of GIS and MCE approaches, three scenarios were run and evaluated at three different levels: farm, canal catchment area and whole area. This merging resulted in a very powerful tool for the evaluation of different plans. The merging of GIS and MCE really facilitated the decision making process for these types of integrated water management problems.  相似文献   

总结了国内外传统水利发展沿革,提出传统水利发展存在的问题,进而分析了新时期水利改革发展的趋势。在此基础上.总结分析了新时期水利改革发展大背景下水资源规划与管理的需求.为我国水利改革发展提供技术支撑和经验总结。  相似文献   

亭子口水利枢纽为准公益项目,经济指标差,作为企业制经营管理的工程,企业为了生存和发展,必须降低工程造价.工程建设中,在保证工程安全、质量的前提下,缩短工期是最有效的途径.嘉陵江亭子口水利水电开发有限公司以总进度目标、重大里程碑目标及年度目标为控制核心,以合同管理为手段,积极采取组织、经济、技术、合同、工程等有效措施组织各参建单位优质有序、快速推进工程建设,取得了首台机组发电工期67个月,比初步设计提前了5个月,截流至首台机组发电工期42个月的成绩.  相似文献   

Judicious use of the limited fresh water resources is the need of the hour. If sufficient measures are not taken up immediately, we will face a crisis which will be detrimental to the very survival of mankind. The Kandi region of Jammu district in Jammu Himalaya is facing a similar problem of acute shortage of drinking water. One of the most logical steps towards this goal would be acknowledging the importance of rainwater harvesting. The Central Ground Water Board (CGWB), North Western Himalayan Region, Jammu, has already initiated few schemes to recharge and conserve the water resources. The water resources in this study area have been estimated by water balance assessment approach. The water balance study using the Thornthwaite and Mather (TM) models with the help of remote sensing and GIS is very helpful in finding out the moisture deficit and moisture surplus for an entire watershed. The water balance calculation shows that the maximum annual runoff results from the built-up areas/water body followed by agricultural land, dense forest and minimum for the barren land and open forest. The annual deficit in the Devak–Rui watershed is 0.38 mm and the annual surplus is 1,251.34 mm. GIS software’s have been used for spatial analysis for generation of various thematic layers and integration to produce the final runoff map. The total runoff of Devak–Rui watershed was calculated as 1,160.48 mm from the total precipitation of 1,429.26 mm. It was found that suitable sites for rainwater harvesting structures in the Devak–Rui watershed covers an area of nearly 11% of the watershed area whereas the rest of the watershed area was assumed as unsuitable site for rainwater harvesting.  相似文献   

Carol Howe  Stuart White 《国际水》2013,38(4):356-362

This paper describes the use of integrated resource planning for water and wastewater service provision by a major urban water utility. This methodology aims to meet the water and sewerage needs of the community at the least cost and includes an explicit analysis of the costs and benefits of measures that reduce the demand for water and the discharge of wastewater effluent. It therefore requires disaggregation of the demand for water into end-uses and a consideration of the linkages between the water supply and sewerage components of the business. This approach has significant advantages in economic, environmental, and social terms. The case study results indicate that significant investments in water efficiency programs are justified on economic grounds, particularly where augmentation of water and sewerage infrastructure is planned. Three studies undertaken as part of Sydney Water's efforts to integrate supply- and demand-side planning are described in this paper: first, a major integrated resource planning exercise designed to reduce demand for water by up to 35 percent, costing more than AU$25 million; second, a case study in a series of small towns where the benefits arise from reducing the capacity of sewage treatment plants by reducing wastewater flow; and third, in a major industrial region where water efficiency measures integrated with reuse measures reduce overall costs.  相似文献   

GIS技术在水资源领域的应用与发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前地理信息系统(GIS)的应用越来越被各个领域所关注,其应用前景与发展空间也日益开阔。讨论GIS在水资源领域的应用现状与发展,探讨GIS技术应用的发展趋势,为 GIS技术在我国水资源领域的应用发展提供借鉴。  相似文献   

基于遥感技术并结合常规的水文数据模型构建,在计算水库水面面积的基础上,利用实地水文观测数据,建立水库面积。库容模型,进行水库水资源的定量测算。为科学合理地制定区域水资源规划决策,改变传统的水文水资源观测方法,采用新技术与新方法对水库水容量进行测算的研究具有十分重要的现实意义和推广价值。  相似文献   

裴勇  龚华  张锁成 《人民黄河》2001,23(8):16-17
分析了黄河流域水资源开发利用工程建设存在的问题,预测了21世纪初期沿黄地区国民经济发展对黄河水资源的需求,在此基础上提出了“十五”期间黄河水资源开发利用工程建设的总体思路、布局以及工程建设安排的原则。为促进沿黄地区国民经济的发展和西部大开发战略的顺利实施,并保障黄河水资源的可持续利用,在充分考虑各省(区)国民经济发展需要的基础上,根据工程建设安排的原则,针对不同地区的情况,提出了“十五”期间各类水资源开发利用工程安排的规划意见,工程安排上突出了节水和水资源优化配置工程建设。  相似文献   

回顾了陕西省渭河流域水资源管理的理论与实践演进过程,并分析了渭河流域水资源与水环境的现状,在借鉴了成功流域管理经验的基础上,对渭河流域的水资源可持续性管理提出了意见和建议,以期对未来陕西渭河流域的水资源管理工作有所参考。  相似文献   

Loss and degradation of terrestrial and aquatic habitats and degraded water quality are major environmental concerns worldwide. Especially wetlands are sensitive ecosystems that are subject to stress from human activities. Remote sensing techniques have been primarily used to generate information on land cover/use changes. Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and remote sensing can be used to provide a rapid or a large-scale understanding of lake change and in developing lake management strategies. The principal objectives of this study are to monitor and assess the spatial and temporal changes in land cover/use by using GIS, and to determine the main environmental factors affecting these changes. This paper presents a case study for the application of integrated remote sensing and GIS data for the classification and monitoring of the spatial and temporal changes in land use types. The study was conducted in a small natural wetland of Lake Cheimaditida, located in the East Mediterranean region of Northern Greece. Data analysis was conducted using GIS software. During the past several decades Lake Cheimaditida wetland has been influenced by many anthropogenic activities. The variables chosen for the assessment included condition of wetland and lake areas, present extent of wetlands relative to historic area, cover of natural habitat, wetland disturbances, etc. These variables address catchments properties that are important for maintaining and improving wetland habitats and water quality and assessment of trends useful for environmental monitoring. Land cover/land use patterns were assessed and compared using aerial photographs taken in 1945, 1969, 1982, and 1996. Over this period, reed beds enormously increased by 1,655.19%, while open-water areas and peat lands decreased by 74.05 and 99.5%, respectively. The significance of the changes in land cover distribution within the Lake Cheimaditida wetland are discussed in relation to the historical pattern of reed beds colonization, the importance of Phragmites australis in the process and the implications for strategic management of freshwater wetland resources.  相似文献   

The study is focused on the estimation of rate of soil erosion, using Revised Universal Soil Loss Eq. 2 (RUSLE2), in the Veppanapalli subwatershed of Krishnagiri catchment located in Tamil Nadu, India. The soil erosion is estimated for each of the hillslope units in the study area. The factors considered are intensity of rainfall, type of soil, land use classification and the existing soil conservation practices. Detailed analysis of soil samples were done to assess the texture, structure, permeability and organic matter content of the soil samples of each hillslope unit. The required data for the other parameters were estimated by carrying out intense field investigations and by the analysis of the satellite imagery of 5.6 m resolution. A data base was created with all the subfactor values for the hillslope units. Incorporation of remote sensing technique and Geographic Information System (GIS) made the spatial analysis of the study more reliable and accurate. The annual average soil erosion rate is estimated as 25 t/ha/year, which is on a higher range. This indicates the immediate need for the adoption of proper conservation strategies in this area to control the eutrophication in the Krishnagiri reservoir and to prevent further watershed degradation.  相似文献   

结合北京市顺义区水资源及其利用现状,面向水资源可持续管理,设计和开发了北京市顺义区水资源管理信息系统.利用GeoDatabase技术组织水资源管理相关的空间和属性数据,在GIS平台上进行二次开发,构建的顺义区水资源管理信息系统,旨在提升顺义水资源管理层次和信息化程度,提高管理效率,辅助水资源管理决策.该系统提供了水资源管理数据的输入输出更新维护、GIS浏览、数据查询统计、水质分析评价、水资源管理专题图制作等功能,基本满足了顺义区水资源管理的需求.  相似文献   

王翔 《中国水利》2011,(23):112-114
淮河流域及山东半岛是我国重要的粮食主产区、能源和制造业基地.介绍了淮河流域及山东半岛水资源的基本情况、水资源综合规划的编制过程和规划的主要成果,阐述了规划对健全用水管理制度、完善水资源保护制度、建立健全国家水权制度、建立水价形成机制、建立健全水生态保护制度等的指导作用,总结了规划实施情况.  相似文献   

加强水资源综合管理推动可持续发展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
郭培章 《中国水利》2002,(11):23-24
水资源是我国可持续发展的重要方面、水资源管理问题十分复杂。针对目前我国水资源管理主要存在的三大问题,提出三个方面建议:一是加强流域统一管理;二是合理划分中央与地方的事权;三是合理区分水的公益性与经营性,发挥计划和市场两种手段的作用,通过加强水资源的综合管理,推动我国的可持续发展.  相似文献   

遥感与水利事业发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍自1980 年以来,遥感技术在水利行业所经历的学习、试验、应用和发展等四个阶段,显示了遥感技术客观、宏观、快速、动态和经济的优势.并着重从洪涝灾害监测评估、水资源和水环境调查、土壤侵蚀和水土保持、河道及水库泥沙淤积监测、河湖及河口演变调查以及土壤水分及旱情监测等几个方面反映了遥感这一新技术在水利事业发展中所发挥的作用.  相似文献   

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