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In veterinary practices in Hesse cattle diagnosed with abomasal displacement increased from 0.18% in 1980 to 0.6% in 1992. In this period the percentage of left abomasal displacement (L) (75-83%), right abomasal displacement (R-) (13-16%), and abomasal volvulus (R+) (4-8%) remained constant. In the Medical and Forensic Veterinary Clinic of the University of Giessen (MGV 2) cattle diagnosed with abomasal displacement increased from 2.1% in 1970 to 25.6% in 1992. In this period the percentage of L, R- and R+ was 71, 15 and 13% respectively. The percentage of L had decreased in this period. In 1988 and 1992 the percentage of the Deutsche Schwarzbunte (DSB) breed was 51 and 52% in the Hessian cattle population and with that lower than the percentage of cattle diagnosed with abomasal displacement in the MGV 2, where the percentage of DSB was 80% in 1988 and 79% in 1992. In the period between 1970 and 1992 the percentage of DSB in all cattle referred to the MGV 2 was 51% and with that lower than in cattle diagnosed with abomasal displacement, where it was 80%. The findings indicate, that in Hesse the DSB breed is predisposed to abomasal displacement.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to examine the association between selected metabolic parameters and subsequent left displaced abomasum (LDA) diagnosis in dairy cows. Forty-four LDA cows sampled in the third week ante partum (a.p.) which was at a median of 34 days prior to LDA diagnosis, 36 LDA cows sampled in the first week post partum (p.p.) which was at a median of 14 days prior and 28 LDA cows sampled in the second week p.p., which was at a median of 9 days prior to LDA diagnosis were used. Each case was matched to 3 controls by herd and calving date. Data were available from a large field study. Aspartate-aminotransferase (AST) activity, the concentrations of beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHB), glucose, calcium and urea in blood, and the body condition score (BCS) were studied. Logistic regression was used to analyse the association between these parameters and subsequent LDA, adjusting for the effects of parity and pretreatment. A separate model was used for each sampling week and each parameter. In the third week a.p. none of the parameters were significantly associated with LDA. AST and BHB sampled in the first week p.p. and in the second week p.p. were significantly associated with LDA diagnosis. The higher the AST and BHB, the higher the odds of being diagnosed subsequently with LDA. The lower glucose and Ca in the second week p.p. the higher the odds of subsequent LDA diagnosis. Urea and BCS were not significantly associated with LDA in any of the weeks examined. We conclude that AST and BHB in the first and second week p.p. might be used as tests for subsequent LDA. Glucose, calcium, urea and body condition were either not significantly associated with LDA or significantly associated only in the second week p.p.; this may limit their use as tests for LDA.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the association of physical examination and clinicopathologic findings with surgical findings in cattle with concurrent abomasal displacement and perforating ulceration, to determine short- and long-term survival rates in these cattle, and to determine whether degree of peritonitis (focal vs diffuse) influences survival rates. DESIGN: Retrospective study. ANIMALS: 21 cattle with concurrent abomasal displacement and perforating ulceration and 42 cattle with uncomplicated abomasal displacement. PROCEDURE: Information on signalment, stage of lactation, physical examination findings, clinicopathologic data, surgical diagnosis, procedure(s) performed, and necropsy findings were retrieved from medical records of all cattle included in this study. Differences between physical examination findings of cattle with concurrent disease and those of cattle with uncomplicated displacements were evaluated, as were differences between survival rates in cattle with focal versus diffuse peritonitis. RESULTS: Cattle with concurrent disease had a greater probability of having pneumoperitoneum and signs of abdominal pain identified on physical examination than did cattle with uncomplicated diseases. There was no relationship between clinicopathologic data and survival time. Short-term survival rate was 38%, and degree of peritonitis significantly influenced survival time in cattle with concurrent abomasal displacement and perforating ulceration. Long-term survival rate in these cattle was 14%. CLINICAL IMPLICATIONS: Cattle with concurrent displaced abomasum and perforating ulceration have a poor chance for survival. In addition to detection of displaced abomasum, physical examination findings that can help lead to a presurgical diagnosis of this syndrome are pneumoperitoneum and signs of abdominal pain.  相似文献   

In this study of 192 cases of post partum psychosis, the mean age of cases was 24.2 years. A past history of post partum psychosis was present in 16 cases (8.3%). As per the RDC categories, a majority of patients had unspecified functional psychosis and developed psychosis after the birth of first child. There was a positive correlation between the birth of female child and psychosis. The majority of cases developed psychosis within first 2 weeks after delivery. There were several other statistically significant differences when these cases were compared with non-puerperal, disease-matched controls.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the pathogenesis of Mycobacterium bovis infection in cattle, focusing on aspects relating to the host rather than the organism. A broad concept of pathogenesis has been considered and information is presented on sources and routes of infection, as well as the immune responses and pathology. In addition, data is presented on the excretion of M. bovis from tuberculous cattle.  相似文献   

A survey was made of 37 dairy farms in Wirral, mid-Cheshire, mid-Somerset and Dyfed, Wales, to assess the incidence and prevalence of lameness in the cows between May 1989 and September 1991. The incidence was obtained from records made whenever a cow was examined for lameness or received preventive foot-trimming. The mean annual incidence was 54.6 new cases per 100 cows with a range from 10.7 to 170.1 and the mean values during summer and winter were 22.9 and 31.7, respectively. The prevalence of lameness was measured by regular visits at which locomotion was scored on a scale of 1 to 5, and the prevalence of lameness was calculated for each visit as the proportion of cows with scores of 3 or more. The mean annual prevalence over the whole period was 20.6 per cent with a range from 2.0 to 53.9 per cent for the 37 farms. The mean prevalences during summer and winter were 18.6 and 25.0 per cent, respectively. The prevalence measured at a single visit in midsummer or midwinter was significantly correlated with the mean prevalence over the whole corresponding period and may be useful as an assessment of the extent of lameness in a herd and the efficacy of control measures. There was evidence that training farmers to recognise early cases of lameness and request veterinary treatment resulted in a marked reduction in the duration of cases of lameness.  相似文献   

A survey attempted to determine the extent to which cows are being inseminated when not in oestrus. The method used to check the farmers' diagnoses of oestrus was based on peripheral plasma progesterone concentrations analysed by radioimmunoassay. Of 141 cows examined in this way, a total of 30 (21-28 per cent) showed abnormalities of the progesterone levels. The fertility within this group was very poor with only two of the cows being known to have conceived to the service in question.  相似文献   

A total of 580 fecal samples from 30 cows and their calves from three dairy farms in S?o Paulo State, Brazil, was collected monthly over a period of 1 year (April 1994 to March 1995). A combination of water-ether centrifugal sedimentation technique followed by sucrose centrifugal flotation was used for neonatal samples and sucrose centrifugal flotation for the remainder of the samples. Cryptosporidium muris was found in calves from all farms, although the parasite was not detected in the dams. C. muris oocysts were excreted by 14 of the 30 calves, on at least one occasion during the year. Of the 307 calf fecal samples examined, 53 (17.3%) were positive for C. muris. The mean persistency of oocyst shedding in feces was 4 +/- 3 months. Sixty-four per cent of the positive calves excreted few oocysts, while 36% discharged many oocysts for a longer period (P < 0.05). Oocysts were first detected at the mean age of 3 +/- 1 months. The age of the positive calves ranged from 6 weeks to 14 months.  相似文献   

Trichomoniasis is a disease of the pregnancy, but apparently not of either the cow or the bull, except in the case of postcoital pyometra. Its self-limiting nature in the cow and chronic nature in the bull mean that a positive diagnosis for the herd can more easily be obtained from bulls than from cows. Incubation of preputial scrapings or washings (or pyometritic fluid, if available) in a selective growth medium such as the InPouch system is the diagnostic method of choice. The diagnosis is based on identification of the morphology and characteristic rolling motility of the trichomonad. "High tech" molecular approaches may eventually offer greater diagnostic sensitivity than can culture methods, but currently they are no more accurate. In addition, serologic screening of the female herd (but interestingly, not the bulls) may become possible and may allow the practitioner to at least determine whether exposure has occurred in an unvaccinated herd. Control in an infected herd involves no pharmacologic treatment but rather culling of infected bulls, retention of younger, culture-negative bulls, and segregation of the female herd by reproductive status.  相似文献   

Four calves were experimentally infected via aerosol with foot-and-mouth disease virus. Two were infected with a wild-type virus derived from a full-length infectious clone (A12-IC), and two were infected with a clone-derived virus lacking the leader gene (A12-LLV2), with euthanasia and tissue collection at 24 and 72 h postexposure (hpe). Clinical disease was apparent only in the animal given A12-IC and euthanized at 72 hpe. In situ hybridization revealed that the animal infected with A12-IC and euthanized at 24 hpe had abundant viral nucleic acid in the lung, present in clusters of positive cells in the respiratory bronchiolar epithelium and associated subepithelial regions. At 72 hpe in the A12-IC-infected calf, viral nucleic acid in the lung was present in interstitial areas, and in addition, viral nucleic acid was detectable in epithelial tissues around histologically apparent vesicles. In animals infected with A12-LLV2, viral nucleic acid was detectable in the lung at both 24 and 72 hpe, but staining revealed a more localized distribution with less nucleic acid than was found in animals given A12-IC. Therefore, it appears that after aerosol exposure to A12-IC, early replication is in the region of the lung, with subsequent dissemination to distal sites. In comparison, the A12-LLV2 virus is much less widely disseminated in the lung at 24 hpe, with no lesions or virus detectable in secondary sites at 72 hpe. The greatly reduced pathogenicity of A12-LLV2 may make it an excellent candidate for a modified live viral vaccine.  相似文献   

The epidemiology of clinical cases of campylobacter in temperate climates shows a striking seasonality. In the search for a seasonal environmental reservoir changes in the carriage rate and population size of campylobacters in bovine hosts with time have been measured. Most probable number (MPN) methodology was used to enumerate thermophilic campylobacters in samples taken from the small intestines of beef cattle at slaughter and the fresh faeces of four dairy herds and new-born calves. Statistical analyses revealed significant evidence for seasonal periodicity in the data from dairy herds (P = 0.044). Not only was there a departure from constancy within a 12-month interval but these data revealed a true seasonality, that is, the same periodicity in numbers from one year to the next. Each herd had two peaks per year, in approximately spring and autumn. Peaks coincided in herds on neighbouring farms but those on farms in the north preceded those on farms in the south by 2 and 1 months, respectively (P = 0.0057). Intestinal carriage by beef cattle at slaughter was 89.4% (n = 360) with an average MPN campylobacters per gram fresh weight (MPN gfw-1) of 6.1 x 10(2). Average MPN gfw-1 in faeces from the dairy herds and calves were 69.9 (S.D. 3) and 3.3 x 10(4) (S.D. 1.7 x 10(2)). There was no evidence of seasonal periodicity in the size of the campylobacter population in beef cattle at slaughter. Calves were campylobacter free at birth but became colonized with a few days.  相似文献   

Scores for clinical lameness from two separate studies were combined, and genetic parameters were estimated based on linear and threshold models. Cows were from 24 herds in Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Virginia. To evaluate clinical lameness, cows were observed walking and were assigned a score between 0 and 4 (where 0 = no observable problems to 4 = inability to walk). Data included 1624 records on 1342 cows. The models included fixed effects of herd visit, parity, and stage of lactation. Random effects were additive genetics, permanent environment to account for repeated records, and residual. Estimates of heritability were 0.10 and 0.22 from the linear and threshold models, respectively. The correlation between ETA from linear and threshold models based on all animals was 0.974. Deregressed ETA of sires and REML were used to estimate genetic correlations between clinical lameness and conformation traits. Among the type traits, foot angle, rear legs (rear view), and rump width had strongest associations with clinical lameness; absolute values for genetic correlations between these traits and clinical lameness were approximately 0.65. Low foot angle, hocking in, and wide rumps were associated with increased clinical lameness. Correlations with strength and body depth ranged from 0.20 to 0.43, indicating that heavier cows were more prone to clinical lameness.  相似文献   

Fitness and fertility traits of dairy cattle are of increasing importance and are often measured on a discrete scale. The development and application of generalized linear mixed models to the genetic analysis of these traits are reviewed. Because current genetic evaluation systems are predominantly based on animal models, the inferential challenges of highly parameterized generalized linear mixed models are discussed. Development and adoption of new methods for drawing appropriate inferences on dispersion parameters are essential. Recent hierarchical extensions have been proposed for generalized linear mixed models, allowing for complex dispersion patterns that accommodate heteroscedasticity and outlier robustness. Steady advances in available computing power have facilitated multiple-trait analyses involving continuous and discrete measures. Full Bayesian inference via the development of Markov Chain Monte Carlo methods will continue to allow even greater generality and dimensions in the genetic model.  相似文献   

Three experiments were conducted to test fertility when sperm numbers per insemination ranged from 10 x 10(6) to 40 x 10(6) total sperm. All semen was from Holstein bulls that were on a regular schedule of semen collection. The semen was extended with heated homogenized whole milk, cooled, glycerolated, and frozen according to standard procedures. Semen was distributed to a large group of inseminators to minimize differential field effects on treatment. All experiments were a randomized block design, including a split plot in Experiment 2. In Experiment 1, data for 31,399 first inseminations distributed among treatments of 20 x 10(6), 25 x 10(6), 30 x 10(6), and 40 x 10(6) total sperm resulted in 69.8, 70.0, 70.1, and 70.1% nonreturns at 59 d, respectively. In Experiment 2, data for 18,197 first inseminations divided over treatments of 12 x 10(6), 16 x 10(6), and 20 x 10(6) total sperm resulted in 70.2, 72.4, and 70.8% nonreturns at 59 d, respectively. In Experiment 3, 38,890 first inseminations distributed over treatments of 10 x 10(6), 13 x 10(6), 16 x 10(6), and 20 x 10(6) total sperm resulted in 70.5, 72.2, 73.1, and 71.5% nonreturns at 59 d, respectively. Bull nonreturns ranged from 64 to 76% in the three trials. These results indicate that, under good conditions, total sperm numbers per straw can be reduced to 10 x 10(6) total sperm with a reduction of nonreturn rates at 59 d, for most bulls, of about 1 percentage unit from the maximum when professional inseminators are use.  相似文献   

Adult dairy cows were treated with a range of doses (0.0125mg to 0.4mg) of synthetic ACTH1-24 and the plasma cortisol response was measured. Peak response was independent of dose. Higher doses of ACTH had a more prolonged effect such that the integrated response was dose dependent. Dose response curves were examined by regression analyses. Individual cows had a significant effect on y-axis intercept but not on the slope of the regression lines examined. A dose rate of 0.05mg ACTH iv was identified as a suitable dose rate for use in clinical assessment of adrenal cortex function, with 0, 50 and 120 min following ACTH being critical sampling times to identify the response.  相似文献   

A compilation of N balance data (n = 1801) was partitioned into four groups to define the mean excretion of manure and N and to develop empirical equations to estimate these excretions from Holstein herds. Mean excretion of manure for cows that averaged 29 kg/d of milk production was 3 kg/d per 1000 kg of body weight (BW) more than the value for dairy cows reported by the American Society of Agricultural Engineers; N excretion was 0.09 kg/d per 1000 kg of BW higher than the value reported by the American Society of Agricultural Engineers. Mean excretion of manure and N for cows that averaged 14 kg/d of milk production and that for nonlactating cows were substantially lower than the values reported by the American Society of Agricultural Engineers. Growing and replacement cattle excreted 10 kg/d per 1000 kg of BW more manure and 0.11 kg/d per 1000 kg of BW more N than was reported by the American Society for Agricultural Engineers for beef cattle. Estimation of manure and N excretion was more accurate than mean values when using regression equations that included variables for milk production, concentration of crude protein and neutral detergent fiber in the diet, BW, days in milk, and days of pregnancy. Equations that contained intake variables did not significantly affect predictions of manure and N excretion, and the use of such equations is discouraged unless dry matter intake is measured and not estimated. Accurate estimates of excreta output could improve the planning of storage and handling systems for manure and the calculation of nutrient balances on dairy farms.  相似文献   

Between 1985 and 1990, a study of 5313 lactations of 2477 Black and White cows was carried out. A stepwise least squares method was used to obtain unbiased estimates of milk, fat, and protein losses that were due to clinical mastitis and the carry-over effect from the previous lactation. Logistic regression was used to estimate the probability that a cow would have clinical mastitis in the next month. The effect of clinical mastitis on production within one lactation was estimated at 527 kg of milk (8.1%), 22.7 kg of fat (8.0%), and 13.7 kg of protein (6.2%) for > or = 3 cases of clinical quarters in the second lactation. One or 2 cases of clinical quarters in a lactation did not significantly affect the production in the next lactation. The negative carry-over effect of > or = 3 cases of clinical quarters was estimated at 381 kg of milk (5.9%), 23.7 kg of fat (8.4%), and 10.1 kg of protein (4.6%) up to and including mo 8 of the second lactation. The fat content in milk produced after the onset of mastitis decreased, and the protein content increased. The risk of clinical mastitis infection in the following month was influenced by month of lactation (a higher risk early in lactation), lactation number (risk increased with lactation number), production level (higher risk for high producing cows), number of clinical quarters in the previous lactation, number of clinical quarters in the previous months of the current lactation, and occurrence of clinical mastitis in the current month.  相似文献   

A survey on the nematode control strategies utilized by dairy farmers in Southeastern Brazil, a region accounting for 46.4% of the national milk production, was conducted through interviews with farmers. To select the producers to be interviewed the region was split into 16 non-contiguous clusters, according to the level of milk production. A systematic sample was then selected in each of the clusters. The interview questionnaire consisted of one-way, multiple-choice and open-ended questions. Data collected were represented by numbers and digitized on a data base (Epi Info, version 5.01b) and analyzed. Out of the 89 farmers interviewed, 37.5% deworm their herd after clinical signs and 62.5% preventively. Generally, anthelmintics are applied from one to 12 times a year (average of 3.79 times a year) in all age categories of animals. Of the anthelmintics used in the last deworming, imidazothiazole was used exclusively by 17.1% of the farmers, benzimidazole by 9.8% and avermectin by 18.3%, while 55.8% used more than one anthelmintic class to deworm their animals. To choose the dosage, most farmers consult the product label (94.8%) and determine the volume to be applied, based on an estimate of the average body weight of each animal (62.9%). Improvements in the general appearance of the herd and weight gains of growing animals were observed by most farmers after deworming (87.3%). However, most of them (66.2%) recalled interrupting the use of some compound in the last few years, due to the detection of no improvement following treatment (32.7%), rising costs of the medication (28.6%), adverse reaction (8.2%), product not available at the time of purchase (4.1%) and decision to change the compound in use (10.2%). Most farmers (95.3%) intend to continue using the same control measures in the following year. Veterinarians play an important role in the farmer's choice to deworm their animals, as many seek advice from them. Therefore, programs aimed at technology transfer should include continuous updates on the subject, especially for veterinarians.  相似文献   

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