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Mining frequent trajectory patterns in spatial-temporal databases   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper, we propose an efficient graph-based mining (GBM) algorithm for mining the frequent trajectory patterns in a spatial-temporal database. The proposed method comprises two phases. First, we scan the database once to generate a mapping graph and trajectory information lists (TI-lists). Then, we traverse the mapping graph in a depth-first search manner to mine all frequent trajectory patterns in the database. By using the mapping graph and TI-lists, the GBM algorithm can localize support counting and pattern extension in a small number of TI-lists. Moreover, it utilizes the adjacency property to reduce the search space. Therefore, our proposed method can efficiently mine the frequent trajectory patterns in the database. The experimental results show that it outperforms the Apriori-based and PrefixSpan-based methods by more than one order of magnitude.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose an efficient algorithm, called CMP-Miner, to mine closed patterns in a time-series database where each record in the database, also called a transaction, contains multiple time-series sequences. Our proposed algorithm consists of three phases. First, we transform each time-series sequence in a transaction into a symbolic sequence. Second, we scan the transformed database to find frequent patterns of length one. Third, for each frequent pattern found in the second phase, we recursively enumerate frequent patterns by a frequent pattern tree in a depth-first search manner. During the process of enumeration, we apply several efficient pruning strategies to remove frequent but non-closed patterns. Thus, the CMP-Miner algorithm can efficiently mine the closed patterns from a time-series database. The experimental results show that our proposed algorithm outperforms the modified Apriori and BIDE algorithms.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the incremental update of Frequent Closed Itemsets (FCIs) over a sliding window in a high-speed data stream. We propose the notion of semi-FCIs, which is to progressively increase the minimum support threshold for an itemset as it is retained longer in the window, thereby drastically reducing the number of itemsets that need to be maintained and processed. We explore the properties of semi-FCIs and observe that a majority of the subsets of a semi-FCI are not semi-FCIs and need not be updated. This finding allows us to devise an efficient algorithm, IncMine, that incrementally updates the set of semi-FCIs over a sliding window. We also develop an inverted index to facilitate the update process. Our empirical results show that IncMine achieves significantly higher throughput and consumes less memory than the state-of-the-art streaming algorithms for mining FCIs and FIs. IncMine also attains high accuracy of 100% precision and over 93% recall.  相似文献   

周明  李宏 《计算机工程》2007,33(2):74-76
传统频繁项集挖掘算法在处理稠密或长数据集(如基因表达数据集)时效率低且产生大量冗余模式,为解决这些问题一些学者提出了闭合模式的概念和挖掘闭合模式的算法,研究证明挖掘闭合模式可以显著减少项集数量并消除大量冗余模式。该文针对生物数据特点提出了一个新颖的挖掘频繁闭合模式的算法REMFOR,该算法在闭合模式概念和行枚举思想的基础上,采用垂直数据结构和fp-tree技术,对行集建立行fp-tree来挖掘频繁闭合模式。通过实例和实验证明该算法是正确有效的。  相似文献   

; 对于不确定数据的频繁序列模式挖掘,会导致可能频繁模式数量的指数级出现,其中有些无用的挖掘结果,引起频繁序列的冗余。针对上述不足, 提出了可能频繁闭序列模式(pfcsp)的定义, 以及一种基于不确定数据的可能频繁闭序列挖掘算法U-FCSM。此算法中,基于一种元组不确定数据模型,计算序列的可能频繁性,应用BIDE算法的闭序列思想判断可能频繁序列是否是可能频繁闭序列模式。为了减少搜索空间与避免冗余的计算,应用了几个剪枝与边界技术。U-FCSM算法的有效性与效率通过大量的实验得以表明。  相似文献   

Sequential pattern mining has been studied extensively in the data mining community. Most previous studies require the specification of a min_support threshold for mining a complete set of sequential patterns satisfying the threshold. However, in practice, it is difficult for users to provide an appropriate min_support threshold. To overcome this difficulty, we propose an alternative mining task: mining top-k frequent closed sequential patterns of length no less than min_, where k is the desired number of closed sequential patterns to be mined and min_ is the minimal length of each pattern. We mine the set of closed patterns because it is a compact representation of the complete set of frequent patterns. An efficient algorithm, called TSP, is developed for mining such patterns without min_support. Starting at (absolute) min_support=1, the algorithm makes use of the length constraint and the properties of top-k closed sequential patterns to perform dynamic support raising and projected database pruning. Our extensive performance study shows that TSP has high performance. In most cases, it outperforms the efficient closed sequential pattern-mining algorithm, CloSpan, even when the latter is running with the best tuned min_support threshold. Thus, we conclude that, for sequential pattern mining, mining top-k frequent closed sequential patterns without min_support is more preferable than the traditional min_support-based mining.  相似文献   

In this paper, given a set of sequence databases across multiple domains, we aim at mining multi-domain sequential patterns, where a multi-domain sequential pattern is a sequence of events whose occurrence time is within a pre-defined time window. We first propose algorithm Naive in which multiple sequence databases are joined as one sequence database for utilizing traditional sequential pattern mining algorithms (e.g., PrefixSpan). Due to the nature of join operations, algorithm Naive is costly and is developed for comparison purposes. Thus, we propose two algorithms without any join operations for mining multi-domain sequential patterns. Explicitly, algorithm IndividualMine derives sequential patterns in each domain and then iteratively combines sequential patterns among sequence databases of multiple domains to derive candidate multi-domain sequential patterns. However, not all sequential patterns mined in the sequence database of each domain are able to form multi-domain sequential patterns. To avoid the mining cost incurred in algorithm IndividualMine, algorithm PropagatedMine is developed. Algorithm PropagatedMine first performs one sequential pattern mining from one sequence database. In light of sequential patterns mined, algorithm PropagatedMine propagates sequential patterns mined to other sequence databases. Furthermore, sequential patterns mined are represented as a lattice structure for further reducing the number of sequential patterns to be propagated. In addition, we develop some mechanisms to allow some empty sets in multi-domain sequential patterns. Performance of the proposed algorithms is comparatively analyzed and sensitivity analysis is conducted. Experimental results show that by exploring propagation and lattice structures, algorithm PropagatedMine outperforms algorithm IndividualMine in terms of efficiency (i.e., the execution time).  相似文献   

Frequent pattern mining is an essential theme in data mining. Existing algorithms usually use a bottom-up search strategy. However, for very high dimensional data, this strategy cannot fully utilize the minimum support constraint to prune the rowset search space. In this paper, we propose a new method called top-down mining together with a novel row enumeration tree to make full use of the pruning power of the minimum support constraint. Furthermore, to efficiently check if a rowset is closed, we develop a method called the trace-based method. Based on these methods, an algorithm called TD-Close is designed for mining a complete set of frequent closed patterns. To enhance its performance further, we improve it by using new pruning strategies and new data structures that lead to a new algorithm TTD-Close. Our performance study shows that the top-down strategy is effective in cutting down search space and saving memory space, while the trace-based method facilitates the closeness-checking. As a result, the algorithm TTD-Close outperforms the bottom-up search algorithms such as Carpenter and FPclose in most cases. It also runs faster than TD-Close.  相似文献   

Research on traditional association rules has gained a great attention during the past decade. Generally, an association rule AB is used to predict that B likely occurs when A occurs. This is a kind of strong correlation, and indicates that the two events will probably happen simultaneously. However, in real world applications such as bioinformatics and medical research, there are many follow-up correlations between itemsets A and B, such as, B is likely to occur n times after A has occurred m times. That is, the correlative itemsets do not belong to the same transaction. We refer to this relation as a follow-up correlation pattern (FCP). The task of mining FCP patterns brings more challenges on efficient processing than normal pattern discovery because the number of potentially interesting patterns becomes extremely large as the length limit of transactions no longer exists. In this paper, we develop an efficient algorithm to identify FCP patterns in time-related databases. We also experimentally evaluate our approach, and provide extensive results on mining this new kind of patterns. This work is partially supported by Australian large ARC grants (DP0449535, DP0559536 and DP0667060), a China NSF major research Program (60496327), a China NSF grant (60463003), an Overseas Outstanding Talent Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (06S3011S01), an Overseas-Returning High-level Talent Research Program of China Hunan-Resource Ministry, and an Innovation Project of Guangxi Graduate Education (2006106020812M35).  相似文献   

A concept lattice is an ordered structure between concepts. It is particularly effective in mining association rules. However, a concept lattice is not efficient for large databases because the lattice size increases with the number of transactions. Finding an efficient strategy for dynamically updating the lattice is an important issue for real-world applications, where new transactions are constantly inserted into databases. To build an efficient storage structure for mining association rules, this study proposes a method for building the initial frequent closed itemset lattice from the original database. The lattice is updated when new transactions are inserted. The number of database rescans over the entire database is reduced in the maintenance process. The proposed algorithm is compared with building a lattice in batch mode to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a novel algorithm, called 9DSPA-Miner, to mine frequent patterns from an image database, where every image is represented by the 9D-SPA representation. Our proposed method consists of three phases. First, we scan the database once and create an index structure. Next, the index structure is scanned to find all frequent patterns of length two. Finally, we use the frequent k-patterns (k ? 2) to generate candidate (k + 1)-patterns and check if the support of each candidate generated is not less than the user-specified minimum support threshold by using the index structure. Then, the steps in the third phase are repeated until no more frequent patterns can be found. Since the 9DSPA-Miner algorithm uses the characteristics of the 9D-SPA representation to prune most of impossible candidates, the experiment results demonstrate that it is more efficient and scalable than the modified Apriori method.  相似文献   

Nowadays, high volumes of massive data can be generated from various sources (e.g., sensor data from environmental surveillance). Many existing distributed frequent itemset mining algorithms do not allow users to express the itemsets to be mined according to their intention via the use of constraints. Consequently, these unconstrained mining algorithms can yield numerous itemsets that are not interesting to users. Moreover, due to inherited measurement inaccuracies and/or network latencies, the data are often riddled with uncertainty. These call for both constrained mining and uncertain data mining. In this journal article, we propose a data-intensive computer system for tree-based mining of frequent itemsets that satisfy user-defined constraints from a distributed environment such as a wireless sensor network of uncertain data.  相似文献   

Mining frequent patterns with a frequent pattern tree (FP-tree in short) avoids costly candidate generation and repeatedly occurrence frequency checking against the support threshold. It therefore achieves much better performance and efficiency than Apriori-like algorithms. However, the database still needs to be scanned twice to get the FP-tree. This can be very time-consuming when new data is added to an existing database because two scans may be needed for not only the new data but also the existing data. In this research we propose a new data structure, the pattern tree (P-tree in short), and a new technique, which can get the P-tree through only one scan of the database and can obtain the corresponding FP-tree with a specified support threshold. Updating a P-tree with new data needs one scan of the new data only, and the existing data does not need to be re-scanned. Our experiments show that the P-tree method outperforms the FP-tree method by a factor up to an order of magnitude in large datasets. A preliminary version of this paper has been published in theProceedings of the 2002 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM ’02), 629–632. Hao Huang: He is pursuing his Ph.D. degree in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Virginia. His research interests are Gird Computing, Data Mining and their applications in Bioinformatics. He received his M.S. in Computer Science from Colorado School of Mines in 2001. Xindong Wu, Ph.D.: He is Professor and Chair of the Department of Computer Science at the University of Vermont, USA. He holds a Ph.D. in Artificial Intelligence from the University of Edinburgh, Britain. His research interests include data mining, knowledge-based systems, and Web information exploration. He has published extensively in these areas in various journals and conferences, including IEEE TKDE, TPAMI, ACM TOIS, IJCAI, AAAI, ICML, KDD, ICDM, and WWW. Dr. Wu is the Executive Editor (January 1, 1999-December 31, 2004) and an Honorary Editor-in-Chief (starting January 1, 2005) of Knowledge and Information Systems (a peer-reviewed archival journal published by Springer), the founder and current Steering Committee Chair of the IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM), a Series Editor of the Springer Book Series on Advanced Information and Knowledge Processing (AI&KP), and the Chair of the IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Computational Intelligence (TCCI). He served as an Associate Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE) between January 1, 2000 and December 31, 2003, and is the Editor-in-Chief of TKDE since January 1, 2005. He is the winner of the 2004 ACM SIGKDD Service Award. Richard Relue, Ph.D.: He received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from the Colorado School of Mines in 2003. His research interests include association rules in data mining, neural networks for automated classification, and artificial intelligence for robot navigation. He has been an Information Technology consultant since 1992, working with Ball Aerospace and Technology, Rational Software, Natural Fuels Corporation, and Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE).  相似文献   

There have been many kinds of association rule mining (ARM) algorithms, e.g., Apriori and FP-tree, to discover meaningful frequent patterns from a large dataset. Particularly, it is more difficult for such ARM algorithms to be applied for temporal databases which are continuously changing over time. Such algorithms are generally based on repeating time-consuming tasks, e.g., scanning databases. To deal with this problem, in this paper, we propose a constraint graph-based method for maintaining frequent patterns (FP) discovered from the temporal databases. Particularly, the constraint graph, which is represented as a set of constraint between two items, can be established by temporal persistency of the patterns. It means that some patterns can be used to build the constraint graph, when the patterns have been shown in a set of the FP. Two types of constraints can be generated by users and adaptation. Based on our scheme, we find that a large number of dataset has been efficiently reduced during mining process and the gathering information while updating.  相似文献   

Constrained frequent patterns and closed frequent patterns are two paradigms aimed at reducing the set of extracted patterns to a smaller, more interesting, subset. Although a lot of work has been done with both these paradigms, there is still confusion around the mining problem obtained by joining closed and constrained frequent patterns in a unique framework. In this paper, we shed light on this problem by providing a formal definition and a thorough characterisation. We also study computational issues and show how to combine the most recent results in both paradigms, providing a very efficient algorithm that exploits the two requirements (satisfying constraints and being closed) together at mining time in order to reduce the computation as much as possible. Francesco Bonchi received his Ph.D. in computer science from the University of Pisa in December 2003, with the thesis “Frequent Pattern Queries: Language and Optimizations”. Currently, he is a postdoc at the Institute of Information Science and Technologies (ISTI) of the Italian National Research Council in Pisa, where he is a member of the Knowledge Discovery and Delivery Laboratory. He has been a visiting fellow at the Kanwal Rekhi School of Information Technology, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay (2000, 2001). His current research interests are data mining query language and Optimization, frequent pattern mining, privacy-preserving data mining, bioinformatics. He is one of the teachers of a course on data mining held at the faculty of Economics at the University of Pisa. He served as a referee at various national and international conferences on databases, data mining, logic programming and artificial intelligence. Claudio Lucchese received the Master Degree in Computer Science summa cum laude from Ca' Foscari University of Venice in October 2003. He is currently a Ph.D. student at the same university and Research Associate at the Institute of Information Science and Technologies (ISTI) of the Italian National Research Council in Pisa, where he is a member of the High Performance Computing Laboratory. He is mainly interested in frequent pattern mining, privacy-preserving data mining, and data mining techniques for information retrieval.  相似文献   

事务间频繁项集将传统的单维事务内关联规则扩展到多维跨事务关联规则,但事务问频繁项集的数量随滑 动时同间窗口的增大而迅速增加.利用频繁闭项集的特点.提出事务间频繁闭项集的概念及其挖掘算法(FCITA).该算法采用分割和条件数据库技术,避免生成庞大的扩展数据库;利用扩展二进制形武压缩事务,从而提高支持度的计算效事.此外,动态排序和哈希表极大地减少了频繁闭项集的测试次数.仿真比较表明,FCITA算法具有较高的挖掘效率.  相似文献   

Mining minimal distinguishing subsequence patterns with gap constraints   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
Discovering contrasts between collections of data is an important task in data mining. In this paper, we introduce a new type of contrast pattern, called a Minimal Distinguishing Subsequence (MDS). An MDS is a minimal subsequence that occurs frequently in one class of sequences and infrequently in sequences of another class. It is a natural way of representing strong and succinct contrast information between two sequential datasets and can be useful in applications such as protein comparison, document comparison and building sequential classification models. Mining MDS patterns is a challenging task and is significantly different from mining contrasts between relational/transactional data. One particularly important type of constraint that can be integrated into the mining process is the gap constraint. We present an efficient algorithm called ConSGapMiner (Contrast Sequences with Gap Miner), to mine all MDSs satisfying a minimum and maximum gap constraint, plus a maximum length constraint. It employs highly efficient bitset and boolean operations, for powerful gap-based pruning within a prefix growth framework. A performance evaluation with both sparse and dense datasets, demonstrates the scalability of ConSGapMiner and shows its ability to mine patterns from high dimensional datasets at low supports.  相似文献   

Given a large set of data, a common data mining problem is to extract the frequent patterns occurring in this set. The idea presented in this paper is to extract a condensed representation of the frequent patterns called disjunction-bordered condensation (DBC), instead of extracting the whole frequent pattern collection. We show that this condensed representation can be used to regenerate all frequent patterns and their exact frequencies. Moreover, this regeneration can be performed without any access to the original data. Practical experiments show that the DBCcan be extracted very efficiently even in difficult cases and that this extraction and the regeneration of the frequent patterns is much more efficient than the direct extraction of the frequent patterns themselves. We compared the DBC with another representation of frequent patterns previously investigated in the literature called frequent closed sets. In nearly all experiments we have run, the DBC have been extracted much more efficiently than frequent closed sets. In the other cases, the extraction times are very close.  相似文献   

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