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Abstract— SnO2 is considered to be a promising alternative material for indium tin oxide (ITO), which is used for thin‐film transparent electrodes in flat‐panel displays (FPDs) and is facing a serious indium depletion problem. However, annealing processes in the manufacture of plasma‐display panels (PDPs), which are major FPDs, cause high resistivity in SnO2 films. To obtain lower resistivity after the annealing processes, the relationship between deposition conditions and resistivity and the influences of annealing on resistivity, both theoretically and experimentally, were investigated. As a solution, a method involving the formation of a coating of SiO2 on SnO2 is proposed, and a SnO2 resistivity as low as 6.60 × 10?5 Ω‐m was obtained after annealing.  相似文献   

Abstract— Organic‐polymer‐based thin‐film transistors (OP‐TFTs) look very promising for flexible, large‐area, and low‐cost organic electronics. In this paper, we describe devices based on spin‐coated organic polymer that reproducibly exhibit field‐effect mobility values around 5 × 10?3 cm2/V‐sec. We also address fabrication, performance, and stability issues that are critical for the use of such devices in active‐matrix flat‐panel displays.  相似文献   

Abstract— Large‐area amorphous‐silicon flat‐panel x‐ray imaging detectors were introduced commercially about 10 years ago and have seen a steady increase in both volume and number of applications since. The flat‐panel‐detector industry was made possible by manufacturing methods and equipment first developed for the display industry. Here, the different types of flat‐panel detectors are described, with focus on the scintillator‐based TFT/photodiode detector. The manufacturing process used for these detectors is explained and compared to that for displays. Detector operation is detailed, and the various medical and industrial applications are described. Finally, the performance metrics for these detectors and the impact of the performance requirements on detector design are discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract— The reduction of a structural pattern at specific gray levels caused by digital halftone methods is the subject of this paper. This problem is more severe in some flat‐panel displays because their black levels typically are brighter than other display blocks. A patented halftone algorithm, confined error diffusion (CED), that confines the error‐carry within the dither mask is described and extended. First, the CED algorithm that dynamically applies random error diffusion or the ordered‐dither method, depending upon image content, is described in detail. Finally, we propose an advanced CED algorithm for improving the gradation characteristics of the CED algorithm. The performance of the proposed algorithms is compared to the experimental results for natural test images. In order to verify the halftone quality, a structural similarity measure for color images by taking into account the interrelation between color channels is proposed, and the results based on the proposed method, the color similarity measure method, is given.  相似文献   

Abstract— The field‐emission‐display (FED) technology examined in the early sixties used metal tips or Spindt cathodes in order to extract electron beams to excite phosphors. The tips were necessitated by the large work function the electrons needed to overcome in order to be released into the vacuum. In the early nineties it was noticed that “flat” diamond surfaces emitted electrons at relatively low electric fields. Just as its crystalline counterparts, amorphous‐carbon thin films also showed that this class of materials were also capable of electron emission at low threshold fields. By using flat emitters, technologist can remove a number of fabrication steps that otherwise would have been required to produce large‐area arrays of field emitters and therefore reduce the cost of production significantly. This paper will review the progress of the use of flat amorphous semiconductors as cold cathodes. New results that appear to point towards a space‐charge‐controlled emission mechanism as opposed to a purely surface emission process based upon Fowler‐Nordheim tunneling will be introduced, which have implications on the type of device structure that will ultimately be needed for electron field‐emission devices. Two possible cold‐cathode materials, namely, amorphous‐carbon and amorphous silicon, will be examined.  相似文献   

Abstract— A high‐performance inorganic electroluminescence (EL) device has been successfully developed by using an EL structure with a thick dielectric layer (TDEL) and sputtered BaAl2S4:Eu blue phosphor. The luminance and efficacy were higher than 2300 cd/m2 and 2.5 lm/W at L60, 120 Hz, respectively. Furthermore, the luminance at L60, 1.2 kHz was more than 23,000 cd/m2. The phosphor layer has a single‐phase and a highly oriented crystalline structure. The phosphor also shows high stability in air. A 34‐in. high‐definition television (HDTV) has been developed by combining a TDEL structure and color‐conversion materials. The panels with an optimized color filter demonstrated a peak luminance of 350 cd/m2, a color gamut of more than 100% NTSC, and a wide viewing angle similar to that of plasma‐display panels. The high reproducibility of the 34‐in. panels using our pilot line has been confirmed.  相似文献   

Abstract— The detrimental effects of O2 and CO2 on the cathode emissions of a flat‐matrix (FM) CRT and some methods which increase its life are described. Cathode emission gradually decreases over long‐term operation when an FM‐CRT is used as a tiling element in a large‐scale flat display. It is necessary that for the FM‐CRT the reduction of the emission current be within 10% in order to keep the operational life longer than 10,000 hours. The reason for the degradation of the cathode emission was clarified by experiments using high‐vacuum equipment. It was found from experiments that O2 and CO2, which are produced by the dissolution and activation of the oxide‐coated cathodes, are very harmful to emissions. It is, therefore, very important to lower the partial pressure of O2 and CO2 in the FM‐CRT in order to reduce their harmful influence on the oxide cathodes. Two methods were used to reduce their partial pressure in the FM‐CRT. One was to make the diameter of the evacuation tube larger and the other was to increase the quantity of the getters. It was found that the adoption of twice as many getters in the FM‐CRT was most useful in lowering the partial pressure of O2 and CO2. This has ensured that the life of an FM‐CRT is longer than 10,000 hours.  相似文献   

Abstract— A flat‐panel display with a slanted subpixel arrangement has been developed for a multi‐view three‐dimensional (3‐D) display. A set of 3M × N subpixels (M × N subpixels for each R, G, and B color) corresponds to one of the cylindrical lenses, which constitutes a lenticular lens, to construct each 3‐D pixel of a multi‐view display that offers M × N views. Subpixels of the same color in each 3‐D pixel have different horizontal positions, and the R, G, and B subpixels are repeated in the horizontal direction. In addition, the ray‐emitting areas of the subpixels within a 3‐D pixel are continuous in the horizontal direction for each color. One of the vertical edges of each subpixel has the same horizontal position as the opposite vertical edge of another subpixel of the same color. Cross‐talk among viewing zones is theoretically zero. This structure is suitable for providing a large number of views. A liquid‐crystal panel having this slanted subpixel arrangement was fabricated to construct a mobile 3‐D display with 16 views and a 3‐D resolution of 256 × 192. A 3‐D pixel is comprised of 12 × 4 subpixels (M = 4 and N = 4). The screen size was 2.57 in.  相似文献   

A small‐area and low‐power data driver integrated circuit (IC) using a two‐stage digital‐to‐analog converter (DAC) with a capacitor array is proposed for active matrix flat‐panel displays. The proposed data driver IC employs a capacitor array in the two‐stage DAC so as to reduce the DAC area and eliminate the need for a resistor string, which has high‐power consumption. To verify the proposed two‐stage DAC, a 20‐channel data driver IC with the proposed 10‐bit two‐stage DAC was fabricated using a 0.18‐μm complementary metal–oxide–semiconductor process with 1.8 and 6 V complementary metal–oxide–semiconductor devices. The proposed 10‐bit two‐stage DAC occupies only 43.8% of the area of a conventional 10‐bit two‐stage DAC. The measurement results show that the differential nonlinearity and integral nonlinearity are +0.58/?0.52 least significant bit and +0.62/?0.59 least significant bit, respectively. The measured interchannel deviation of the voltage outputs is 8.8 mV, and the measured power consumption of the 20‐channel data driver IC is reduced to 7.1 mW, which is less than half of the power consumed by the conventional one.  相似文献   

Abstract— Field emission from a series of tetrahedrally bonded amorphous‐carbon (ta‐C) films, deposited in a filtered cathodic vacuum arc, has been measured. The threshold field for emission and current densities achievable have been investigated as a function of sp3/sp2 bonding ratio and nitrogen content. Typical as‐grown undoped ta‐C films have threshold fields of the order 10–15 V/μm and optimally nitrogen doped films exhibit fields as low as 5 V/μm. In order to gain further understanding of the mechanism of field emission, the films were also subjected to H2, Ar, and O2 plasma treatments and were also deposited onto substrates of different work function. The threshold field, emission current, and emission site densities were all significantly improved by the plasma treatment, but little dependence of these properties on work function of the substrate was observed. This suggests that the main barrier to emission in these films is at the front surface.  相似文献   

Abstract— Defect‐free large‐area inorganic thick‐dielectric EL (TDEL) displays using Color by Blue (CBB) technology have been successfully developed. We have achieved the world's highest blue‐phosphor luminance of 900 cd/m2 for a single‐pixel device by using CBB and by optimizing the e‐beam gun configuration and the flow rate of H2S in the vacuum chamber. By analyzing the defects on panels with triple‐pattern phosphors and CBB panels, we also found that the number of defects on CBB panels can be drastically reduced compared with those on triple‐pattern panels. The defect‐free 17‐in. VGA CBB panels show better characteristics, a high peak luminance of 600 cd/m2 and a high contrast ratio of 1000:1, compared with those of triple‐pattern panels.  相似文献   

Abstract— Using nano‐emissive display (NED) technology, Motorola labs has successfully developed 5‐in. full‐color display prototypes. Carbon‐nanotube‐based field‐emission displays with a pixel size of 0.726 mm for a 42‐in. HDTV exhibit video image quality comparable to CRT displays and demonstrate a luminance of 350 cd/m2. These novel low‐drive‐voltage NEDs take advantage of selective growth of CNTs to obtain the desired electron‐emission performance while maintaining inexpensive manufacturing due to a simple self‐focusing and self‐regulating planar structure. Improved video image quality and color purity are achieved with very low power consumption and without the need for an expensive focusing grid.  相似文献   

In this paper, the applicability of a zero‐polarizer reflective display (PNLC) and a single‐polarizer reflective display (Heilmeier guest host) for direct‐view applications is analyzed. A measurement set‐up is designed to analyze the applicability of all types of reflective displays. Simulation of the different types of illumination caused by the environmental light is essential for this set‐up. The measurements indicate that the contrast ratio and reflectance greatly depend on the type of illumination. It is demonstrated that the worst‐case illumination for one display technology may be the best‐case illumination for another one and vice versa.  相似文献   

A new subject‐specific course on thin‐film transistor (TFT) circuit design is introduced, covering related knowledge of display technologies, TFT device physics, processing, characterization, modeling and circuit design. A design project is required for students to deepen the understanding even more and get hands‐on design experience. This course can be an intense 1‐week course to offer a full training of design engineers in an organized way to meet the ever‐increasing needs in display industry for TFT circuit design specialists. It can also be organized in one semester for electrical engineering Master's and Ph.D. students.  相似文献   

Abstract— This paper provides a selected review of a number of important perceptual and human‐factors issues that arise when 3‐D displays are designed and used. This review and analysis draws heavily from the basic vision literature in order to help provide insight for future design solutions for 3‐D displays. Issues discussed include (1) the basics of human stereopsis, (2) interocular crosstalk, (3) oculomotor responding and distance scaling of binocular disparity information, (4) accommodative‐vergence mismatch, and (5) stereoanomly. The paper concludes with a presentation of several recommendations for the design of 3‐D displays.  相似文献   

Abstract— Binocular head‐mounted displays (HMDs) that could be used non‐immersively produced substantial interruption of the visual field. Monocular HMDs designed to be used non‐immersively created minimal interruption of the visual fields. The scotomata are small enough to allow the HMD to be worn in mobile situations, but inattention associated with use of the HMD may cause safety concerns for some mobile situations. A small opaque display can be positioned to provide a see‐through functionality.  相似文献   

Abstract— Near‐to‐eye displays (NEDs) have unique optical properties requiring different characterization techniques compared to direct‐view display measurements. Here, a new version of a NED measurement system is introduced, and optical measurements of five commercially available consumer NED products are discussed. Luminance, focal distance, qualified viewing space, angular properties, and interocular differences are among the values. In addition, these results are compared to extensive subjective studies. The main intention is not to benchmark between the different products, but to show that display measurements are important for NEDs. According to the results, the determination of NED's characteristics helps to predict the subjective experiences, but the nature of the relation between subjective and objective findings is rather complex and depends on several NED‐, user‐, and task‐related features. Measured characteristics indicate that with a conventional biocular NED system approach of using two microdisplays and their enlarging optics, it is a design and a manufacturing challenge to build an ergonomically satisfactory NED device that fits everyone.  相似文献   

Several techniques are presented for the efficient resistance calculation of wiring structures in flat panel display (FPD). The techniques are based on two‐dimensional boundary element method (BEM), suitable for the geometry characteristics of the FPD structures. With an automatic strategy for boundary element partition and the analytical BEM‐coupled approach, the proposed resistance solver shows good accuracy and fast computational speed. Numerical experiments demonstrate that the solver can be more than 10,000 times faster than the finite difference solver raphael while preserving good accuracy. And the proposed techniques accelerate the original BEM remarkably. Structures from real FPD designs have validated the efficiency of the proposed techniques.  相似文献   

Abstract— A complete poly‐Si thin‐film transistor (TFT) on plastic process has been optimized to produce TFT arrays for active‐matrix displays. We present a detailed study of the poly‐Si crystallization process, a mechanism for protecting the plastic substrate from the pulsed laser used to crystallize the silicon, and a high‐performance low‐temperature gate dielectric film. Poly‐Si grain sizes and the corresponding TFT performance have been measured for a range of excimer‐laser crystallization fluences near the full‐melt threshold, allowing optimization of the laser‐crystallization process. A Bragg reflector stack has been embedded in the plastic coating layers; its effectiveness in protecting the plastic from the excimer‐laser pulse is described. Finally, we describe a plasma pre‐oxidation step, which has been added to a low‐temperature (<100°C) gate dielectric film deposition process to dramatically improve the electrical properties of the gate dielectric. These processes have been integrated into a complete poly‐Si TFT on plastic fabrication process, which produces PMOS TFTs with mobilities of 66 cm2 /V‐sec, threshold voltages of ?3.5 V, and off currents of approximately 1 pA per micron of gate width.  相似文献   

Abstract— Direct deposition of indium tin oxide (ITO) thin film on color filters is of practical use in the fabrication of state‐of‐the‐art flat‐panel displays. Room‐temperature dc magnetron sputtering of thin‐film ITO and issues related to the integration of ITO‐on‐glass panels containing micro‐fabricated color filters and other functional materials have been investigated. The resulting polycrystalline ITO exhibited good adhesion to the underlying color filters, as well as good optical transparency and high electrical conductivity. Application of this ITO deposition technology to color liquid‐crystal and organic light‐emitting diode displays will also presented.  相似文献   

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