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空气环境对高温合金在高温下的损伤行为有显著影响.为了研究标准热处理态GH4169合金在高温疲劳裂纹扩展过程中的微观损伤机制,在空气环境中进行650℃、初始应力强度因子幅ΔK=30 MPa·m1/2和应力比R=0.05的低周疲劳裂纹扩展试验.使用扫描电镜(SEM)及能谱(EDS)对试样的断口、外表面和剖面进行观察和分析.实验结果表明:疲劳主裂纹以沿晶方式萌生并扩展,随后沿晶二次裂纹出现,并且其数量和长度沿主裂纹方向逐渐增加,进入快速扩展阶段后,断口呈现韧窝组织形貌;在裂纹扩展过程中,δ相与基体的界面发生氧化,使得沿晶二次裂纹沿界面扩展并产生偏折,从而起到阻碍二次裂纹扩展的作用;试样外表面的主裂纹周围出现晶界氧化损伤区,其尺寸和晶界开裂程度沿主裂纹扩展方向逐渐增大.  相似文献   

In this investigation, the effect of a frequency variation between 2 cpm and 6 × 104 cpm on the 1400°F fatigue properties of wrought Udimet 700 was determined at a constant stress range of 85 ksi. It was found that a peak existed in the cyclic life vs frequency curve such that a) an increase in frequency from 2 to 600 cpm increased the fatigue life 100 times and b) an increase in frequency from 600 to 6 × 104 cpm reduced the fatigue life sevenfold. The peak in the cyclic life vs frequency curve is the result of two competing processes: 1) there is a reduction in the effects of creep and oxidation with increased frequency that tends to increase the life and 2) there is an increase in the heterogeneity of deformation with increased frequency that tends to reduce the life. At low frequencies, crack initiation occurred at surface-connected grain boundaries. Crack propagation was initially intergranular and then proceeded noncrystallographically normal to the stress axis (Stage II mode). Crack initiation at high frequencies occurred at subsurface brittle phases located at grain boundaries or at the intersection of coherent annealing twin boundaries. Crack propagation was entirely transgranular, proceeding initially along twin boundaries or slip bands (Stage I mode) and then changing to the Stage II mode. The statistical nature of the fracture process, the significance of subsurface crack initiation, and the relation of these results to existing high temperature fatigue models are discussed.  相似文献   

The residual stress fields in pieces of quenched IN718 superalloy have been characterized by neutron diffraction. The samples were in the form of cylindrical rods of length sufficient to ensure that steady-state conditions prevail at the midsection. Quenching the samples in air, water, and oil generated various residual stress fields. The interfacial heat-transfer coefficients were estimated using an inverse-modeling technique. The findings were rationalized with an elastic-plastic finite-element model that included temperature-dependent properties. The hoop and axial stresses are the most significant components of the stress field and arise from the plastic deformation occurring at the periphery of the cylindrical sections, the extent of which depends strongly upon the severity of the quench. The model is used to examine the residual stress fields to be expected in a turbine-disc forging of idealized geometry.  相似文献   

This work presents the effect of co-sintering on the densification and microstructural evolution in the two-layer stepwise graded composite of INCONEL 718 and INCONEL 625 superalloys. A pressure-less co-sintering method in conjunction with a powder layering technique was used. The sintering was carried out in solid state and liquid phase in temperature ranging from 1260 °C through 1300 °C for 60 minutes in a low pressure of an argon atmosphere. Nonisothermal sintering behavior was also examined by dilatometric analysis. Similarly, the sintering response of the individual layers was characterized. The results reveal an enhanced densification rate during co-sintering of the composite layers. Sintering at low temperatures (T<1270 °C) led to formation of a narrow dense region at the interface while the sintered layers were porous. In contrast, sintering at higher temperatures resulted in significant densification of the layers, although formation of a pore band at the interface was realized. It is suggested that the strain rate incompatibility between the layers during sintering induces mismatch stresses at the interface region. The resulting strain energy influences the densification of the boundary region by exerting a pressure on the sintering neck and affecting the material flow during liquid phase sintering. The induced densification of the bilayer configuration was experimentally measured and was shown to be in good agreement with the strain rate incompatibility.  相似文献   

Previous investigations have invariably observed strain rate related deformation effects as the fatigue frequency is raised to the ultrasonic range. Through room temperature tests on strain rate insensitive nickel-base superalloy single crystals of Mar-M200, we have shown that another effect of increasing the fatigue frequency to the ultrasonic range is in the suppression of the deleterious influence of environment. It was found that above a stress amplitude of 30,400 psi the fatigue lives of crystals ultrasonically fatiguedin air increase with decreasing stress in a manner which is functionally similar to, that of crystals conventionally fatiguedin vacuum. Similarly, the fracture surfaces of ultrasonically fatigued crystals have a dimpled appearance over most of their areas which is characteristic of locally ductile failure and identical to, the appearance of crystals failed at conventionally frequency in vacuum. These results, along with a kinetic analysis of gaseous adsorption, indicate that the major effect of increasing the fatigue frequency to the ultrasonic, range is in the suppression of the influence of oxygen in enhancing the rate of crack propagation. In addition, the short test times involved in running large numbers of cycles have allowed for the determination of the fatigue limit in a nickel-base superalloy. This is the first indication of no-fail behavior in this type of alloy.  相似文献   

The effects of air and vacuum on the fatigue behavior of a nickel-base superalloy, Mar-M200, in single crystal form were investigated. Between 800° and 1400°F fracture is entirely in the Stage I mode in air and vacuum, and fatigue life is unaffected by environment. At 1700° F in both environments, fracture is predominantly in the Stage II mode and fatigue life in air is greater than that in vacuum. At both temperatures, fatigue cracking in air is internally initiated, whereas in vacuum cracking is generally initiated at the specimen surface. Identical fatigue lives in air and in vacuum between 800° and 1400° F are attributed to the fact that internally initiated cracks in air are actually propagating in a high vacuum, surface cracking being inhibited by dynamic oxidation of emerging surface slip offsets. The subsurface portion of the Stage I fracture surface produced in air tests and all of the Stage I fracture produced in vacuum tests shows a dimpled structure, whereas the Stage I fracture surface produced while the crack propagation is in air shows a cleavage appearance. At 1700° F, bulk oxidation of surface initiated cracks interferes with the plastic blunting mechanism of Stage II crack growth normally observed at this temperature, internally initiated cracks causing ultimate failure. Shorter lives in vacuum are thought to result from enhanced Stage II surface crack propagation. Formerly with Materials Engineering and Research Laboratory, Pratt and Whitney Aircraft, Middletown, Conn.  相似文献   

The plane-strain initiation fracture toughness (K JICi ) and plane-stress crack growth resistance of two Al-Cu-Mg-Ag alloy sheets are characterized as a function of temperature by a J-integral method. For AA2519 +Mg+Ag, K JICi decreases from 32.5 MPa√m at 25 °C to 28.5 MPa√m at 175 °C, while K JICi for a lower Cu variant increases from 34.2 MPa√m at 25 °C to 36.0 MPa√m at 150 °C. Crack-tip damage in AA2519+Mg+Ag evolves by nucleation and growth of voids from large undissolved Al2Cu particles, but fracture resistance is controlled by void sheeting coalescence associated with dispersoids. Quantitative fractography, three-dimensional (3-D) reconstruction of fracture surfaces, and metallographic crack profiles indicate that void sheeting is retarded as temperature increases from 25 °C to 150°C, consistent with a rising fracture resistance. Primary microvoids nucleate from smaller constituent particles in the low Cu alloy, and fracture strain increases. A strain-controlled micromechanical model accurately predicts K JICi as a function of temperature, but includes a critical distance parameter (l*) that is not definable a priori. Nearly constant initiation toughness for AA2519+Mg+Ag is due to rising fracture strain with temperature, which balances the effects of decreasing flow strength, work hardening, and elastic modulus on the crack-tip strain distribution. Ambient temperature toughnesses of the low Cu variant are comparable to those of AA2519+Mg+Ag, despite increased fracture strain, because of reduced constituent spacing and l*.  相似文献   

The residual stress state in an electron-beam welded assembly of IN718 nickel-based superalloy has been studied both experimentally and using computer modeling. Diffraction measurements were made at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF), using the ID11 beamline. The assembly consisted of a 1.75-mm-thick web of rolled IN718 sheet, welded between two 14-mm-thick circular forgings. Four radial scans each of 400 measuring points were made across the web at 90-deg intervals. Diffraction patterns were recorded using a charge-coupled device (CCD) detector, which enabled the collection of information from several diffraction peaks and, thus, the determination of in-plane lattice strains; the macroscopic residual strain and stress fields were then estimated using appropriate values of the diffraction elastic constants. The experimental results were compared with the predictions from a sequentially coupled thermal-mechanical model based upon the finite-element (FE) method. The agreement between the experimental data and the results from the model is reasonable. It is shown that the residual strain/stress field is strongly influenced by the constraint imposed by the geometry of the assembly, i.e., by the inner and outer forgings, and that, as a result, the web is in a state of biaxial tension. The FE model predicts that a steady state is reached during welding and, thus, that there are systematic errors associated with the strain scanning measurements. These are considered to arise from the uncertainty associated with the positioning of the assembly and a sensitivity analysis for this effect is presented.  相似文献   

Carbon-free single crystals of Mar-M200 were tested in pulsating tension, stress-controlled fatigue at temperatures and frequencies ranging from 1033 to 1255°K and 0.033 to 1058 Hz, respectively. The axis of loading was parallel to [001], the natural growth direction for directionally-solidified nickel-base alloys. Except for the lowest frequency at the higher temperatures where creep damage was extensive, crack initiation occurred at subsurface microporosity. Cracks initiated and propagated in the Stage I mode (crystallographic cracking on the {111} slip planes) at the lower temperatures and higher frequencies, whereas Stage (perpendicular to the principal stress axis) crack initiation and propagation was found at the higher temperatures and lower frequencies. Often a transition from Stage II to Stage I crack propagation was observed. It was established that Stage I cracking occurred under conditions of heterogeneous, planar slip and Stage II cracking under conditions of homogeneous, wavy slip. A thermally activated recovery process with an activation energy of 368 KJ/mole (88 Kcal/mole) determined the instantaneous slip character,i.e., wavy or planar, at the crack tip. In addition, it was found that an optimum frequency existed for maximizing fatigue life. At frequencies below the optimum, creep damage was detrimental, while at frequencies greater than the optimum, intense, planar slip was detrimental. The optimum frequency increased with increasing temperature.  相似文献   

Carbon-free single crystals of Mar-M200 were tested in pulsating tension, stress-controlled fatigue at temperatures and frequencies ranging from 1033 to 1255°K and 0.033 to 1058 Hz, respectively. The axis of loading was parallel to [001], the natural growth direction for directionally-solidified nickel-base alloys. Except for the lowest frequency at the higher temperatures where creep damage was extensive, crack initiation occurred at subsurface microporosity. Cracks initiated and propagated in the Stage I mode (crystallographic cracking on the {111} slip planes) at the lower temperatures and higher frequencies, whereas Stage (perpendicular to the principal stress axis) crack initiation and propagation was found at the higher temperatures and lower frequencies. Often a transition from Stage II to Stage I crack propagation was observed. It was established that Stage I cracking occurred under conditions of heterogeneous, planar slip and Stage II cracking under conditions of homogeneous, wavy slip. A thermally activated recovery process with an activation energy of 368 KJ/mole (88 Kcal/mole) determined the instantaneous slip character,i.e., wavy or planar, at the crack tip. In addition, it was found that an optimum frequency existed for maximizing fatigue life. At frequencies below the optimum, creep damage was detrimental, while at frequencies greater than the optimum, intense, planar slip was detrimental. The optimum frequency increased with increasing temperature.  相似文献   

Symmetrical push-pull low-cycle fatigue (LCF) tests were performed on INCONEL 718 superalloy containing 12, 29, 60, and 100 ppm boron (B) at room temperature (RT). The results showed that all four of these alloys experienced a relatively short period of initial cyclic hardening, followed by a regime of softening to fracture at higher cyclic strain amplitudes (Δɛ t /2≥0.8 pct). As the cyclic strain amplitude decreased to Δɛ t /2≤0.6 pct, a continuous cyclic softening occurred without the initial cyclic hardening, and a nearly stable cyclic stress amplitude was observed at Δɛ t /2=0.4 pct. At the same total cyclic strain amplitude, the cyclic saturation stress amplitude among the four alloys was highest in the alloy with 60 ppm B and lowest in the alloy with 29 ppm B. The fatigue lifetime of the alloy at RT was found to be enhanced by an increase in B concentration from 12 to 29 ppm. However, the improvement in fatigue lifetime was moderate when the B concentration exceeded 29 ppm B. A linear relationship between the fatigue life and cyclic total strain amplitude was observed, while a “two-slope” relationship between the fatigue life and cyclic plastic strain amplitude was observed with an inflection point at about Δɛ p /2=0.40 pct. The fractographic analyses suggested that fatigue cracks initiated from specimen surfaces, and transgranular fracture, with well-developed fatigue striations, was the predominant fracture mode. The number of secondary cracks was higher in the alloys with 12 and 100 ppm B than in the alloys with 29 and 60 ppm B. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) examination revealed that typical deformation microstructures consisted of a regularly spaced array of planar deformation bands on {111} slip planes in all four alloys. Plastic deformation was observed to be concentrated in localized regions in the fatigued alloy with 12 ppm B. In all of the alloys, γ″ precipitate particles were observed to be sheared, and continued cyclic deformation reduced their size. The observed cyclic deformation softening was associated with the reduction in the size of γ″ precipitate particles. The effect of B concentration on the cyclic deformation mechanism and fatigue lifetime of IN 718 was discussed.  相似文献   

《Acta Metallurgica》1979,27(7):1239-1249
A basic understanding of the mechanism of fatigue-crack nucleation in a high-strength steel, under true high-cycle conditions, is developed from microstructural observations of rotating-bending fatigue specimens and theoretical results for the stress concentrations at inclusions and holes. The results show that for true high-cycle fatigue (fatigue life > 106 cycles), where the applied stresses are too low to cause localised cyclic-plasticity at the site of inclusions, crack nucleation does not occur while the inclusions remain undamaged and firmly bonded to the matrix. Fatigue-crack nucleation is found to occur only after either the progressive debonding or local fatigue damage of alumina inclusions has led to the formation of holes at the specimen surface: the fatigue cracks being nucleated by a highly localised cyclic plasticity effect at points of maximum stress intensity on the hole boundary. The inclusion/matrix debonding mechanism is therefore not an essential preliminary to the nucleation of fatigue cracks, under true high-cycle conditions.Manganese sulphide inclusions and cementite particles are shown to have virtually no influence on the mechanism of fatigue-crack nucleation under the present high-cycle conditions. For the case of manganese sulphide this is a direct result of the high axial-elongation of the inclusions and the consequent low stress concentration under axial loading: under more general states of fatigue loading manganese sulphide inclusions are unlikely to remain ineffective.  相似文献   

The isothermal fatigue behavior of a high-activity aluminide-coated single-crystal superalloy was studied in air at test temperatures of 600 °, 800 °, and 1000 °. Tests were performed using cylindrical specimens under strain control at ≈0.25 Hz; total strain ranges from 0.5 to 1.6 pct were investigated. At 600 °, crack initiation occurred at brittle coating cracks, which led to a significant reduction in fatigue life compared to the uncoated alloy. Fatigue cracks grew from the brittle coating cracks initially in a stage II manner with a subsequent transition to crystallographic stage I fatigue. At 800 ° and 1000 °, the coating failed quickly by a fatigue process due to the drastic reduction in strength above 750 °, the ductile-brittle transition temperature. These cracks were arrested or slowed by oxidation at the coating-substrate interface and only led to a detriment in life relative to the uncoated material for total strain ranges of 1.2 pct and above 800 °. The presence of the coating was beneficial at 800 ° for total strain ranges less than 1.2 pct. No effect of the coating was observed at 1000 °. Crack growth in the substrate at 800 ° was similar to 600 °; at 1000 °, greater plasticity and oxidation were observed and cracks grew exclusively in a stage II manner. Formerly Research Student, Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy, University of Cambridge. Formerly Lecturer, Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy, University of Cambridge CB2 3QZ, United Kingdom.  相似文献   

系统研究了航空涡轮盘GH4586A和GH4586B合金在700~800℃长期时效时,合金微观组织的演变过程.重点研究了时效过程中沉淀强化相与奥氏体基体的稳定性,尤其是拓扑密排相(TCP相)析出行为及其与时效温度和时效时间的关系.研究表明,长期时效过程中GH4586B合金未见TCP相析出,但γ相随时效时间的延长快速粗化,导致合金室温与高温强度显著衰减.GH4586A合金的γ相长大缓慢,从而保持了稳定的抗拉强度,但在750℃、2000h以上时效时出现了μ相析出在晶界与晶内M6C二次碳化物表面形核并以半共格形式向奥氏体基体内生长,致使合金的塑性有所下降.  相似文献   

An investigation has been undertaken into the creep behavior of the single-crystal superalloy CMSX-4. Creep deformation in the alloy occurs largely through dislocation activity in the γ channels. Shearing of the γ′ dislocations is observed, but, at higher temperatures, this does not occur until late in life via the passage of superpartial dislocation pairs. At lower temperatures (1023 K) and high stress levels, shearing of the γ′ precipitates is observed relatively early in the creep curve through the passage of {111}〈112〉 dislocations, which leave superlattice stacking faults (SSFs) in the precipitates. The stress-rupture behavior of CMSX-4 has been modeled using a damage-mechanics technique, where the level of damage required to cause failure is defined by the effective stress reaching the material’s ultimate tensile strength (UTS). This technique ensures that short-term rupture data extrapolate back to the UTS. High-temperature steady-state and tertiary creep are modeled using modified damage-mechanics equations, where the strain and damage rates are similar functions of stress. At intermediate operating temperatures of 1023 to 1123 K, the material exhibits pronounced sigmoidal primary creep of up to 4 pct strain, which cannot be modeled using a conventional approach. This transient behavior has been explained by the effect of internal stresses acting on dislocations in the gamma matrix; such an internal stress has been included in the creep law and evolves as a function of the damage-state variable.  相似文献   

连铸车轴钢能否达到模铸车轴钢的性能水平是其能否应用的一个关键。对此,采用旋转弯曲疲劳试验及疲劳裂纹扩展速率试验对比研究了连铸与模铸工艺生产的高铁车轴钢的高周疲劳破坏行为。结果表明,工业试制的连铸车轴钢的强度和疲劳极限均低于模铸车轴钢,且前者的疲劳裂纹扩展速率略高于后者。疲劳断口分析表明,疲劳断裂大部分起源于试样表面基体。微观组织分析表明,尽管两者的微观组织均为高温回火马氏体,但连铸车轴钢中原奥氏体晶粒尺寸及碳化物均略大于模铸车轴钢。金相评级法及夹杂物极值统计法的结果均表明,连铸车轴钢中的夹杂物尺寸明显大于模铸车轴钢。因此,为了以连铸工艺取代模铸工艺,还需要进一步优化连铸车轴钢的成分、冶金生产和热处理等工艺,以获得优良的冶金质量和组织性能。  相似文献   

Isothermal flow curves were determined for aluminum alloy 2024-0 at temperatures of 145 to 482 °C and at constant true-strain rates of 10-3 to 12.5 s-1 using compression tests of cylindrical specimens. The average pressure was corrected for friction and for deformation heating to determine the flow stress. At 250 °C and above, the isothermal flow curves usually exhibited a peak followed by flow softening. At 145 °C the flow curves exhibited strain hardening. For 250 °C≦ T<= 482 °C, 10-3 s-1 ≦ ≦ 12.5 s-1, and ε ≦ 0.6 the flow behavior was represented by the constitutive equation σ =K (T, ε) where logK andm are simple functions of temperature and strain. The as-deformed microstructures generally supported the idea that flow softening in Al 2024-0 is caused by dynamic recovery. At the higher temperatures and strain rates, however, fine recrystallized grains were observed in local areas near second phase particles and at as-annealed grain boundaries. At 482 °C, there was evidence of re-dissolution of the CuMgAl2 precipitate. Formerly Visiting Associate Professor, Wright State University, Dayton, OH 45435 Formerly a Mechanical Systems Engineering Student at Wright State University Formerly a Materials Engineering Student at Wright State University Formerly Director, Metallurgy Program, National Science Foundation, Washington, DC  相似文献   

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