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We propose a theory of two-magnon Raman scattering, taking into account magnon-phonon interactions. The theory explains the anomalous shape of the line and its temperature dependence. We show that acoustic phonons are responsible for the asymmentry of the line,i.e. the low and high energy tails, as well as the temperature dependence. On the other hand, the width of the peak is determined by a magnon-vibron interaction, where the vibron is created between nearest-neighbour spin-flips.  相似文献   

A theory for the electronic contribution to Raman scattering in anisotropic superconductors is presented. It is shown that Raman scattering can provide a wealth of polarization-(symmetry-) dependent information which probes the detailed angular dependence of the energy gap. Using a model band structure, the symmetry-dependent Raman spectra are calculated for dx2-y2 pairing and compared to the data taken on Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8. Favorable agreement with the symmetry-dependent electronic spectra is shown. Further, the impurity dependence of theory is calculated, which provides an unique test of dx2-y2 pairing.  相似文献   

Coherent light coupled to a third-order nonlinear medium is responsible for spontaneous and for stimulated Raman processes. The analytical solutions up to second order in coupling constants of various field modes for spontaneous Raman and for stimulated Raman processes are utilized to obtain the amplitude-squared and amplitude-cubed squeezing of the input coherent light. The amplitude-squared and amplitude-cubed squeezing are completely ruled out for all modes for spontaneous Raman processes. For stimulated Raman processes, we observe that the squeezing for amplitude-squared and amplitude-cubed are possible for pump and for vibrational phonon modes. It is found that the percentage of higher ordered amplitude squeezing decreases with the increase of the orders. The squeezing in Stokes and in anti-Stokes modes are ruled out even for stimulated Raman processes.  相似文献   

光脉冲沿色散补偿光纤(DCF)传输会产生背向自发拉曼散射,当入纤激光功率大于阈值时,出现放大的背向自发拉曼散射现象。实验发现,反斯托克斯(ASR)和斯托克斯(SR)自身脉冲光纤拉曼放大的阈值泵浦峰值脉冲功率是18.2W和14.5W.当入纤激光功率为52W时,背向SR和ASR散射的增益分别为12dB和7dB。放大的反斯托克斯和斯托克斯背向自发拉曼散射时域曲线上的阈值时间位置随激发功率的增大而前移并具有规律性。  相似文献   

Raman scattering is an inelastic scattering process with chemical specificity to molecular bonds. Because it is a coherent process, the autocorrelation function of its intensity fluctuations can be treated similarly as in the case of the quasi-elastic scattering that is the basis of photon correlation spectroscopy (PCS). This article discuses the possibility of such a new optical characterization method, Raman correlation spectroscopy (RCS). If the phase behavior of Raman scattering is constant or slow enough compared to the diffusion of particles in a dispersion, RCS can work as a variation of PCS with similar instrumentation as PCS and could become a useful addition for nanoparticle characterization research. This article also discusses the effect of incoherent fluorescence in the data analysis of RCS.  相似文献   

The Raman scattering intensity was measured for a colloidal crystal composed of polystyrene micro spheres and a polymer gel with a tunable continuous-wave dye laser as an excitation light source. Enhancement of the Raman scattering caused by both the electric field enhancement at the excitation frequency and the increase in the local photon density of states at the scattering frequency was expected. The observed Raman scattering intensity as a function of the excitation frequency showed a reasonable agreement with the theoretical prediction.  相似文献   

Active surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) substrates, 3D nano-arrays of Ag nanoparticles (NPs) and graphene quantum dots (GQDs), were prepared using a photochemical approach and an electrophoresis deposition technique with the formation mechanism addressed. The GQDs (ca. 6?nm average) fit into the inter-particle gaps between Ag NPs, as verified by their scanning electron microscopy and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy. This deliberately designed 3D assembly of Ag NPs and GQDs could promote the synergistic effects of both components to further enhance the SERS performances according to both electromagnetic mechanism and chemical mechanism. Preliminary experiments show that the 3D substrates exhibited strong SERS signals comparing with bare Si substrates. This work provides a promising way for 3D SERS substrates.  相似文献   

Detailed Raman-scattering measurements have been performed on high-quality YBa2Cu3O6.952 single crystal (T c =93 K, T c =0.3 K). A sharp (FWHM 7.2 cm–1 at 70 K and 10.0 cm–1 at 110 K) 340 cm–1phonon mode has been observed inB 1g polarization. An electronic scattering peak at 500 cm–1 in theB 1g polarization extends down to 250 cm–1. These FWHM values determine the upper limit of the homogeneous linewidth of the phonon and electronic excitations. The start of the electronic spectral function renormalization and of the 340 cm–1 mode anomalies (frequency softening, linewidth sharpening, and intensity increase) have been observed to occur approximately 40 K aboveT c . The 340 cm–1 mode Fano shape analysis has been performed and the temperature dependences of the Fano shape parameters have been estimated. All 340 cm–1 mode anomalies have been explained by the electronic spectral function renormalization.This work was supported by Swedish Natural Sciences Research Council (G.B. and L.B.) and by the National Science Foundation (DMR 91-20000) through the Science and Technology Center for Superconductivity (G.B. and M.V.K.).  相似文献   

A magneto-Raman study of a YBa2Cu3O7-δ single crystal(T c = 92 K) was carried out at a resolution of 2 cm-1 over the temperature range 5–125 K. At temperatures belowT c we observed a slight narrowing of the 340 cm-1 Raman mode in a magnetic field of 5.15 T directed parallel to thec-axisof the crystal. The observed magneto-temperature dependences of the Raman continuum intensity measured in the low-frequency region, at ca. 40 cm-1, indicate contributions of electronic excitations arising from a pair-breaking process. Within the experimental uncertainty, the Raman intensity of the high-frequency continuum was observed to be independent of the magnetic field strength.  相似文献   

Here we report experimental evidence that the high Tc superconductivity in a cuprate perovskite occurs in a superlattice of Josephson coupled quantum wires. We show that this particular heterostructure provides the physical mechanism raising Tc from the low temperature range Tc<23K to the high temperature range 30Kc<150K by amplification of the critical temperature of the homogeneous CuO2 plane by a factor 10. The structure of the high Tc superconducting CuO2 plane in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+y (Bi2212) at the mesoscopic level (10–100 Å) has been determined. The superconducting plane is decorated by a plurality of parallel superconducting stripes of width L defined by the domain walls formed by stripes of width W characterized by a short Cu-O(apical) distance and large tilting 110° of the distorted square pyramids. We have measured the width of the domain walls W=11±1 Å and of the stripes L=14±1 Å. The critical parameters raising Tc are: 1) the Fermi level is near the bottom of the second subband of the stripes, with k2y=2/L, formed by the quantum size effect and 2) W is of the order of the superconducting coherence length 0.  相似文献   

A planar-film plasmonic antenna for surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) with good emission directivity (divergence angle < 3°) was realized on a Kretschmann prism configuration with Raman-active analytes as emitters. The simulated results of finite-difference time-domain method show the emission efficiency, the directivity and the gain of the planar-film antenna were expected to be 50%, 300 and 22 dB, respectively. Angle-resolved spectroscopy was used to characterize its properties in SERS. The experimental results show that the SERS signal of analytes was remarkably enhanced when a laser excited this planar-film plasmonic antenna at the resonance angle. Meanwhile, the radiation of SERS was concentrated in a small region in space. The planar-film antenna with high gain coefficient can be a promising light harvesting and emitting device. The good emission directivity allows high collection efficiency. This advantage opens up interesting prospects in the applications for plasmon-enhanced spectroscopy and single-phonon detections.  相似文献   

刘Yan  邹健 《光电工程》1993,20(6):22-26
本文比较系统地分析了光纤中泵浦光向拉曼斯托克斯光转换的过程,同时讨论了斯托克斯光随注入泵浦光变化的情形,引入了泵浦阈值功率的概念,为分布式光纤温度传感器系统打下了理论基础。  相似文献   

Continuous boron nitride fibres have been fabricated by melt spinning and pyrolysis of poly[2,4,6-tris(methylamino)borazine]. The longitudinal mechanical properties depend on mechanical stress and temperature applied during the conversion process. High-performance and low-performance fibres were characterized in order to find relationship between structure and physical properties. In all the cases, photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) analysis proves that the chemical composition of the fibre is close to stoichiometric BN. The crystallite sizes were measured by means of X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Raman techniques. Cross-sections of separated fibres were investigated by high-resolution electron microscopy (HREM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). All the BN fibres have a hexagonal turbostratic structure. With increasing stress and temperature, the tensile strength and the elastic modulus increase. In the high-performance fibres, the 002 layers with an increased distance (about 0.35 nm) showed a mean stacking sequence near to graphite and a preferred orientation of the 002 layers parallel to the fibre axis.  相似文献   

The fabrication and characterization of nanostructured fibrous gold mats having high specific surface areas is reported. Freestanding porous films of 6-20-μm thickness and density 0.43 ± 0.02 g cm(3) are prepared using e-beam evaporation of gold on an electrospun nanoporous polymer template and subsequent removal of the template polymer in a suitable solvent. Structural characterization using electron microscopy techniques shows a nanofiber diameter in the range of 300-6000 nm, and the size of the nanochannels on the fiber surface is ≈200-350 nm. Such surface structuring is achieved through fast evaporation of organic solvent and phase separation of polymers during the electrospinning process. The wedge thickness varies from a few nanometers to a few tens of nanometers. The freestanding films possess good mechanical integrity and robustness. The calculated Young's modulus based on the slope in the elastic region is ≈114 MPa and gives an ultimate breaking strength of 0.7-0.8 MPa at a percentage elongation of 1.5-2.0%. X-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy measurements demonstrate the formation of polycrystalline gold nanostructures. Electrical characterization performed on these gold nanotubes reveals pure metallic behavior. Raman spectroscopic characterization of the fibrous membrane is performed using crystal violet (CV) adsorbed on it. Well-defined spectral peaks are obtainable at concentrations as low as 10(-7) M of CV, which did not give spectral signals at this low concentration on its own.  相似文献   

We theoretically investigated optical bistability (OB) of a coupled excition–plasmon hybrid system in a unidirectional ring cavity. It is found that the threshold and the region of OB can be tuned by adjusting the center–center distance between the quantum dot and metal nanoparticle (MNP), the Rabi frequency of the control field and the radius of the MNP. Due to the significantly enhanced optical nonlinearity by the surface plasmon effect, the threshold of OB can be decreased greatly when the probe field is parallel to the major axis of the hybrid system. The enhanced OB may have promising applications in optical switching and optical storage.  相似文献   

Dendritic Ag/Au bimetallic nanostructures have been synthesized via a multi-stage galvanic replacement reaction of Ag dendrites in a chlorauric acid (HAuCl4) solution at room temperature. After five stages of replacement reaction, one obtains structures with protruding nanocubes; these will mature into many porous structures with a few Ag atoms that are left over dendrites. The morphological and compositional changes which evolved with reaction stages were analyzed by using scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, UV-visible spectroscopy, selected area electron diffraction and energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometry. The replacement of Ag with Au was confirmed. A formation mechanism involving the original development of Ag dendrites into porous structures with the growth of Au nanocubes on this underlying structure as the number of reaction stages is proposed. This was confirmed by surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS). The dendritic Ag/Au bimetallic nanostructures could be used as efficient SERS active substrates. It was found that the SERS enhancement ability was dependent on the stage of galvanic replacement reaction.  相似文献   

In the present study, a facile method is developed for the synthesis of graphene oxide-Ag nanocomposite (GOAg). The method involves the application of in situ photochemical deposition and growth processes under certain alkaline environments in the absence of chemical reductants and surfactants. Silver nanoparticles with monodisperse size are well dispersed on the surface of graphene oxide (GO). The roles of GO and NaOH in the formation of GOAg are discussed. A corresponding formation mechanism of GOAg is proposed. Fluorescence quenching and Raman enhancement are examined as well.  相似文献   

在以25kmG652单模光纤为增益介质的光纤拉曼放大器中,观察到了级联的受激布里渊散射。光纤中的双瑞利折射作用导致了二阶布里渊散射光子的出现,加快了二阶布里渊散射的出现。在拉曼增益的作用下,随着二阶布里渊散射的饱和会出现级联的多阶布里渊散射,形成梳状光谱。该梳状光谱也具有明显的阈值特性。在拉曼泵浦功率是1200mW的时候,出现梳状光谱的阈值在1.5到2.5dBm之间。在传输系统中,级联的受激布里渊散射会导致放大器的增益饱和,严重恶化系统的信噪比,因此必须采用增加信号光的带宽或者对信号光进行调制等措施加以控制。但该现象也有可能被用来制造梳状光源。  相似文献   

本文提出了一种利用高灵敏度的光子计数技术及中性滤光片分段减光方法去测试激光Raman分光计中超低杂散光的新方法。它不仅省去了大量级范围内光电检测系统线性检测与中性滤光片透过率标定的麻烦,提高了测试精度,而且实现了光强变化任意量级的杂散光测试,其测量限最终仪受激光功率大小的限制,获得了10~(-14)量级的杂散光测量限。  相似文献   

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