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正冰箱保鲜技术不断推陈出新,为了研究冰箱保鲜效果的评价指标,本文分析了失重率、维生素含量、叶绿素含量、冷冻食品解冻损失率及微生物随着贮藏期的延长的变化规律,试验结果显示,上述指标可以作为冰箱保鲜效果的评价指标。每种食品都有其自身的感官特征,其中色、香、味、质对食品的可接受性有重要影响。优质的食品不但要符合营养和卫生要求,而且要有良好的可接受性。衡量食品新鲜度的因素包括感官、营养、安全、活性等,具体  相似文献   

锅炉系统对公司来说,属于关键设备,并且属于能源消耗大户。如果可以将锅炉能耗数据进行自动收集并加以分析,并预计锅炉可能会发生的能耗的事故,对相关的设备做出设备状态检修或维修预测,不仅可以提高设备的使用率,还可以有效减少能源浪费,提升公司的经济效益。以往技术人员虽然在能耗信息处理时采用了半自动化方式,这种人工方法处理问题速度慢,如果对一些相关数据的发现、处理不及时就会导致锅炉系统运行不正常。鉴于上述情况,有必要创建一个基于DCS系统下的能效比模块,来及时、在线地对能耗故障有关的数据进行处理,得到能耗故障原因和操作指导,从而使系统尽快恢复正常,保证能耗降低到正常范围。  相似文献   

为了让卷烟感官评价专业技术人员精准把握消费者真实需求,通过网络评论爬取和在线问卷调查两种途径获取代表性卷烟的消费者感官评价数据,采用语义分析法和相关统计学方法,从感官描述词匹配频率和词汇数、指标理解度和几何平均值等方面进行对比分析,初步验证了中式卷烟消费体验感官评价指标的实用性和适用性。研究发现:①网络评论分析和问卷调查两种方法的验证结果较为一致,并相互补充;②对于一级指标,消费者对描述满足感特征的指标最为关注,其次为舒适感和轻松感;③对于二级指标,从消费者关注和感知程度可分为两类,第一类是核心指标,包括"浓郁"、"醇厚"、"刺激"、"柔和"、"清新"、"劲头"、"甜润"、"顺畅"、"余味"、"杂气"、"嗅香"和"细腻"等12个关注多、易感知的指标;第二类为延伸指标,包括"成团"、"丰富"、"绵长"、"透发"、"均衡"和"愉悦"等6个关注少、难以感知和理解、但起到深化和综合作用的专业性指标。   相似文献   

“三·八”节这一天,小王想趁着卖场打折,给妈妈买一台电磁炉。因为老人年纪大了,烧水的时候容易忘记,开水几次都把煤气浇灭了。小王担心老人的安全,认为电磁炉安全,清洁,更适合年纪大,忘性大的老人使用。  相似文献   

利用碳纤维水泥复合材料(CFRC)的Seeback效应原理,设计一种温差能量收集装置,将温差转化为电动势,串联叠加加强效应,并通过构造设计嵌装于建筑保温外墙中,为智能建筑低功耗的无线传感网络节点供电。这一装置避免了大量的布线供电设计和采用化学电池引起的二次污染。  相似文献   

小飞 《上海调味品》2010,(5):106-109
<正> 你从来没有想过这个问题吧:如果没有冰箱,我们的厨房生活会是怎样的——首先我们可能需要比原来大2~3倍的空间来储放食物,因为冰箱早就成为家中最大的贮存箱了;其次所有新鲜的东西都没法妥善保存,主妇们就得回到祖辈时每天上市场买菜的状态,还得马上处理烹饪所有的食物。不方便吧?但如何用好冰箱这点小空间,做好整理和收纳工作呢?  相似文献   

本文阐明冰箱、空调器压缩机的发展趋向,即改进往复活塞式压缩机,发展滚动转子式压缩机,开发新型的涡旋式压缩机.并对滚动转子式及涡旋式的工作原理及基本结构作了简要介绍.  相似文献   

将模糊控制技术引入食品陈列柜机组的除霜控制,应用模糊数学的运算法则进行模糊运算,对模糊运算应用于陈列柜除霜的控制算法进行分析,确定了模糊关系,建立了模糊规则表以及隶属函数,并且确定了除霜指令和模糊控制规则调整方案,为陈列柜机组模糊除霜控制器的设计提供理论依据.  相似文献   

研究主要针对超低温冰箱的计量校准进行分析。首先对超低温冰箱的计量校准要点进行分析,明确计量过程中温湿度的测量及控制思路、校准点的选择以及数据测算方式,根据分析要点提出相应的计量校准策略,以提高家电计量的精度,保证超低温冰箱的温度控制能符合存储要求。研究认为,通过建立稳定维护制度、选择合理的校准点可以提高精度,而引入拟合算法有助于减少偏差,保证计量结果的正确性,通过本次研究可以为超低温冰箱的计量工作提供具有学术价值的参考结论。  相似文献   

提起用爆炸的方法来制备纳米结构的金刚石,首先使我们想到就是炸药,因为炸药是产生高压高温的基源。炸药的种类很多,文章只对制备纳米金刚石的有关炸药——TNT和RDX的特性及其在爆炸过程中所显示的作用,以及它在爆炸中各影响的特点等问题做扼要描述。上述问题对长期从事静态高压高温合成金刚石或已涉足或将要介入这一技术领域的科技工作者可以说是陌生的,笔者通过近几年的调研和实践,深深体会到要想做好这一门新技术,并有所作为,对上述基本知识的了解是非常必要的。  相似文献   

高分子导电聚合物是宽能带准一维体系,紧束缚近似下的SSH(Su-Schrieffer-Heeger)模型需要加以改进。本文应用LCAO-MO(Linear Combination of Atomic Orbitals-Molecu-lar Orbitals)方法求得了准一维的高分子导电聚合物的π电子能谱,其结果与用其它方法所得结果完全一致。  相似文献   

Wye Target hops lose both α-acids and bittering potential when stored at ambient temperature. Although there is some variation in the rate that different growths lose α-acids, such losses can be substantially reduced by storing Wye Target hops in the cold.  相似文献   

提高食品工业蒸发操作生蒸汽经济性的措施   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文论述了在食品工业生产工艺的蒸发过程中有显著或一定节能效果的某些技术措施。  相似文献   

叙述了变频器的节能工作原理及实际应用效果。变频器集变频调速、节能、软起动于一体,使用简单,节能效果显著,有很好的应用推广价值。  相似文献   

Milling energy values of both spring and winter cultivars of barley are shown to be highly influenced by moisture content of samples. Within the range 10 to 18% moisture, the relationship between milling energy and moisture content was linear. For spring barley, milling energy values could be adjusted to a common moisture content of 12% using a correction factor of 25 Joules for each percent moisture. Nitrogen content of malting samples correlated poorly, although still at a significant level, with milling energy and considerable variation in grain hardness could be observed at any nitrogen level considered suitable for malting.  相似文献   

The rise in the cost of energy is a major factor in increasing the costs of such distillery processes as the pre-concentration and drying of stillage. Most of the stillage water (70–80%) that would have to be evaporated can instead be separated and used again for mashing, with only the remaining 30–20% being made up with fresh water. Experiments were performed on both laboratory and production scales. The energy saving resulting from this reduced evaporation of water has been calculated to be 3000 t/a heavy fuel oil in the production of 5000 t/a 100% ethanol in a grain distillery.  相似文献   

通过对几种情形下声波的相速、群速和能速的计算,说明这三种速率并不总是相等的,与电磁波的情形相比,二者十分相似,本文有助于对波速问题的完整理解,可弥补一般物理教科书之不足。  相似文献   

The hardness of samples of 41 barley cultivars grown in Australia was determined by measuring milling energy. The milling energy was negatively correlated (r= ?0.49) with the starch and positively correlated (r=0.50) with the β-glucan content. The correlation with protein content was not significant. This suggests that a low starch content and a high β-glucan content may contribute to hardness but other factors may probably also be involved. The extent of modification of these barley samples measured by Calcofluor staining after steeping and 48 h of germination was correlated with the grain hardness (r= ?0.56). Factors contributing to grain hardness may limit the rate of endosperm modification during malting, indicating the value of selecting softer cultivars for malting.  相似文献   

The management of dormant barley stocks for malting requires a method of predicting germinative energy under given conditions during storage. A method of quantifying the relationship between storage temperature and the dormancy period is developed based on probit analysis. The experimental data were obtained using Triumph barley. The conditions covered in the experimental work were 8°C to 38°C storage temperature at 12% moisture content, wet basis. Combined use of the dormancy model with an existing viability model allows the prediction of germinative energy as a function of storage temperature and moisture content given the initial germinative energy and capacity values. The effects of storage temperature on the variation in germination over time of dormant bariey samples with various initial germinative capacities, and storage moisture contents are investigated using the model. The results indicate that storage at moisture contents below 12% give significant increases in the germination level that can be achieved.  相似文献   

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