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A repository for spent nuclear fuel will generate heat. For the SKB KBS-3 repository with some 6000 waste canisters positioned at 500 m depth in crystalline rock, the layout together with the thermal properties of the host rock will control the temperature evolution in the near-field and in the far-field. The canister spacing will be determined by thermal design criteria, which place limits on the maximum temperature that can be allowed in the bentonite buffer surrounding the canisters. Since the rock volume available for deposition may be limited, there may also be a need for optimizing the layout of the repository.In this paper the simulation model used to define canister spacing guidelines for SKB's repository layout is presented and discussed. Heat transport properties of the rock are shown to be key factors for the repository layout. It is shown how results from measurements of temperatures at different points in the interior of KBS-3 type deposition holes in the Prototype Repository in Äspö HRL, southern Sweden, are used to find values of buffer and canister heat transport parameters to be used as input in the model. A brief summary of the data and model uncertainties is given.The methodology employed for thermal modelling in the SKB site investigations is presented. Thermal properties are mainly measured in the laboratory or calculated from mineral composition. Both determination methods are applied to small volumes (cm scale), but thermal conductivity values are required at a scale relevant for the canisters. A methodology for upscaling has been established. In order to describe the thermal properties of large volumes of rock the site is divided into a number of rock domains, each with a characteristic geology.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the feasibility of constructing deep tunnels in the Opalinuston rock (Opalinus Clay Shale) formation in Switzerland. Laboratory and field tests show that the characteristics of Opalinuston vary over a wide range, influenced by different geologic conditions, by inherent spatial variability even under similar geologic conditions, and by the testing conditions. Tunnelling feasibility is examined through an initial elastic analysis followed by an elasto-plastic analysis. The objective of the elastic analysis is the investigation of the effect of a wide variety of parameters, particularly regarding the ground but also the liner material and a range of liner thicknesses. Since these analyses assume elastic behavior and, most importantly, the simultaneous excavation of the opening and installation of the liner which rarely corresponds to reality, high to very high liner stresses are produced. What becomes quite clear from these analyses is the importance of modeling the actual ground behavior, which the elastic analysis can do to quite a limited extent only, and to consider the construction procedure with support installation following excavation with a delay. This is done in the elasto-plastic analysis in which a specific material model for Opalinuston with somewhat conservative ground parameters is used together with the realistic condition of delayed support installation. The results of the elasto-plastic analysis show that in most cases liner stresses are in a range that can be handled with normal to high strength concrete. In addition, we also investigate the effect of drained versus undrained conditions behind the liner where the latter, as expected, lead to higher liner stresses. Finally, the effect of ground stiffness and of permeability on the results is studied. As expected a greater ground stiffness and higher permeabilities produces lower liner stresses.  相似文献   

Sweden's energy consumption produces about 250 metric tons of spent nuclear fuel annually. In order to meet the country's growing need for high-level radioactive waste disposal, the Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Company (SKB) has developed a waste management system that will ensure safe handling of all of Sweden's radioactive waste. To prepare for the siting and licensing of the final disposal site, SKB is constructing an underground research laboratory, the Äspö Hard Rock Laboratory, which will replace the underground laboratory at Stripa Mine that has been in operation since 1977. This article describes the R & D objectives of the Hard Rock Laboratory, as well as site characterization, layout and construction of the laboratory, which began in October 1990.  相似文献   

The authors describe the exploratory shaft design for a high-level nuclear waste repository in salt. The exploratory shaft facility in salt is one of three facilities—one each in basalt, tuff and salt—to be developed for the Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management Program of the U.S. Department of Energy. The authors discuss design criteria for the shaft; the influence of the geotechnical conditions on shaft lining; the shaft construction process; the two types of shaft lining to be used; and determination of the loads on the shaft lining.  相似文献   

Stress-induced brittle failure (spalling) is probable at a deep geological repository for nuclear waste in crystalline rock. In the early stages of repository design it is unlikely that orientation and magnitudes of the principal stresses and the rock mass strength will be accurately known. A simple methodology is developed for estimating if spalling will occur and the severity of the hazard. The methodology is calibrated to case studies and applied to a site in Sweden. Results from the methodology are expressed in terms of a factor of safety for the mean input values and the probability of spalling based on input parameter distributions. It is shown based on the calibration studies that a factor of safety of 1.25 using the mean values should be adequate to reduce the probability of yielding to negligible levels. The methodology is proposed as a screening tool in the early design stages of a project to identify potential spalling problems.  相似文献   

 为了获得预选处置库区现今地应力的赋存特征,在该区花岗岩体内的4个深钻孔中采用水压致裂方法进行地应力测量。基于钻孔岩芯编录结果,在0~700 m深度范围内,成功取得地应力量值和最大水平主应力方向数据。依据获取的地应力实测资料,结合拜尔利定律和断层摩擦库伦准则,对预选区的地应力状态及断层活动性进行分析。结果表明:(1) 3个主应力随深度呈现出较好的线性关系;(2) 测试深度范围内,水平应力普遍高于垂向应力,预选区构造应力占主导地位,且随深度的增加逐渐减弱,岩体北部的水平力作用强于中部及南部,南部最弱;(3) 最大水平应力优势方位为NEE,与区域构造应力场方向基本吻合,自青藏高原内部及边缘到东天山地区,现今最大主应力的作用方向表现为由NE~NEE的变化规律;(4) 预选区地应力量值未达到断层摩擦滑动临界值,断层活动性较弱;(5) 研究成果为处置库的开挖设计和稳定性评价提供科学的指导,实测资料填补了该区域地应力数据的空白,为我国西部地区地应力场分布规律研究提供重要参考资料。  相似文献   

A methodology for addressing the DECOVALEX III Bench Mark Test 2 is presented. Hydro-mechanical (HM) modelling has been conducted on fracture networks generated from fracture length and density statistics, which have been described by a power law. For each rock formation in the test, effective hydraulic conductivity tensors have been derived for a range of mechanical parameters and depths below ground level. The upscaled hydraulic conductivities have been used in a site scale continuum model of groundwater flow and transport to assess performance indicators, including time of travel from repository to ground surface. Preliminary results indicate that interpretation of the fracture length and density data can have a significant effect on upscaling calculations, including the determination of a suitable hydraulic representative elementary volume. HM modelling shows that there is a non-linear decrease in the change of fracture aperture with depth, and that although large aperture fractures remain at depth, the majority of fractures tighten to almost the residual aperture at about 750 m below ground level. Consequently, anisotropy of the effective hydraulic conductivity also changes with depth. Flow and transport modelling at the field scale indicates that, of the controls investigated, mechanical properties of the rock have the greatest influence on solute travel times.  相似文献   

张玉军 《岩土工程学报》2006,28(9):1053-1058
建立了分析饱和–非饱和介质中热–水–应力耦合现象的应力平衡方程、水连续性方程、能量守恒方程和弹塑性矩阵,并使用所开发的有限元程序对一个核废料处置概念库近场的热–水–应力耦合过程进行了数值模拟,考察了缓冲层及岩体中若干点的温度、饱和度、孔隙水压力及水平方向正应力随时间的变化情况,并将部分结果与国外类似软件的计算数据作了对比,看到二者的规律在定性上有某种一致性,但定量上仍存在一定差别,笔者试着分析了原因并得出了一定的认识。  相似文献   

核废料贮存库围岩体热响应耦合场研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
岩体在加热状态的物理力学响应是核废料贮存库安全运行评价的主要指标。结合现场试验成果(温度、孔隙压力和变形),应用多孔连续介质力学理论对热诱导引起的岩体温度场、渗流场和应力场进行了有限元数值对比研究。提出了有限元计算过程中通过调整孔隙率和渗透系数来实现热–水–力耦合分析非线性孔隙弹性的研究方法。现场测试和数值模拟表明:在整个加热过程中,饱和岩体温度和有效应力随时间不断增加,而孔隙压力在加热能量变化初期呈上升趋势,在后期呈下降趋势。  相似文献   

Rock is a time-honoured symbol of strength and steadfastness. In the geological time scale the term precambrian rock signifies rock of a certain age. A precambrian rock is thus one composed of rock more than 600 million years old. In certain cases it has been possible to determine the real age at 2–3 thousand million years. Even if a precambrian rock which has remained intact during the course of millions of years is, geotechnically speaking, of very high quality, it should not be forgotten that there are kinds of precambrian rock which quite simply are not suitable for the excavation of tunnels or underground cavities.  相似文献   

《Soils and Foundations》2014,54(4):777-788
The need for environmental protection and safety in facilities dedicated for the final safe disposal of spent nuclear fuel is paramount. Highly engineered multi-barriers are widely used in such waste containment facilities in order to provide a tight seal for the waste they contain. In Finland, several research studies have been conducted to investigate the feasibility of the final safe disposal of spent nuclear fuel in crystalline bedrock by incorporating the KBS-3V multi-barrier repository concept. As the saturation of the tunnels in a repository progresses, the pre-compressed bentonite buffer may swell and generate very high swelling pressure in the range of 7–15 MPa. Such high swelling pressure can cause the upheaval and the compression of the tunnel backfill that would eventually decrease the density of the buffer. For various reasons, the current KBS-3V design suggests that the saturated density of the buffer should be maintained within a narrow range of 1950–2050 kg/m3 at all times. As the swelling of the buffer directly influences the saturated density of the buffer, it must be controlled by designing a tunnel backfill that possesses an adequate amount of interface shear strength to sustain any additional pressure that is exerted by the swelling of the buffer. This study presents the findings of a series of direct shear box tests conducted on various tunnel backfill interfaces. Additionally, different types of rock profiles were also tested with the selected backfill materials. Based on the results, it was observed that the interface shear behaviour of different backfill-rock interfaces varied significantly with the surface roughness of the rock, while clay blocks resulted in similar shear behaviour with all the backfill materials.  相似文献   

介绍了大连石化公司低温热水系统的运行现状,针对存在的问题,提出了蒸馏和中水装置热联合技术改造、回收高温蒸汽凝结水余热技术改造、低温热系统替代蒸汽加热改造等措施。项目实施后,有效回收了余热资源,加热用蒸汽被替代,获得了较高的经济效益。  相似文献   

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