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In hereditary hemochromatosis (HH), intestinal absorption of dietary iron is increased, leading to excessive iron accumulation in tissues and resultant organ damage. The HFE protein, which is defective in HH, normally is expressed in crypt enterocytes of the duodenum where it has a unique, predominantly intracellular localization. In placenta, the HFE protein colocalizes with and forms a stable association with the transferrin receptor (TfR), providing a link between the HFE protein and iron transport. In the present study, we examined the relationship of the HFE protein to the TfR in enterocytes of the human duodenum and measured the uptake of transferrin-bound iron and ionic iron by isolated crypt and villus enterocytes. Immunocytochemistry showed that the HFE protein and TfR both are expressed in the crypt enterocytes. Western blots showed that, as was the case in human placenta, the HFE protein in crypt enterocytes is physically associated with the TfR and with beta2-microglobulin. The crypt cell fraction exhibited dramatically higher transferrin-bound iron uptake than villus cells. On the other hand, the villus cells showed 2-3 times higher uptake of ionic iron than crypt cells. We propose that the HFE protein modulates the uptake of transferrin-bound iron from plasma by crypt enterocytes and participates in the mechanism by which the crypt enterocytes sense the level of body iron stores. Impairment of this function caused by HFE gene mutations in HH could provide a paradoxical signal in crypt enterocytes that programs the differentiating enterocytes to absorb more dietary iron when they mature into villus enterocytes.  相似文献   

Iron distribution in the different organs and chemical compartments of the rat has been studied after intravenous injection of 59Fe-sorbitol (Jectofer-Astra) and 59Fe-polymaltose (Fer Hausmann Lucien) and compared with the metabolism of 59Fe bound to transferrin and to hemoglobin. Both parenteral iron preparations are utilized more slowly than Iron-transferrin. The speed of red cell incorporation of 59Fe from sorbitol is similar to the hemoglobin iron utilization (half incorporation in red cells: 4 to 5 days). Iron polymaltose is much more slowly utilized (half incorporation in the red cells: 13 to 15 days). One third of the 59Fe from sorbitol is eliminated in urine, the remaining iron being taken up to 60% by the liver and to 30% by the bone marrow. It is very quickly catabolized, since as early as the first hour after injection most of the 59Fe is bound to polymaltose till the 14th day. Between the third and fourth week 25% of the 59Fe from polymaltose is found in hemosiderin. These metabolic differences are also found in man: 59Fe from iron sorbitol is found in urine after injection, is mobilized by desferrioxamine after six days, and eliminated through dialysis membranes. On the other hand the 59Fe from polymaltose is slowly but completely utilized and not mobilized by desferrioxamine in the first week after injection. The data give the indications for use and the pharmacokinetics of two forms of parenteral iron and oral preparations in the treatment of iron deficiency.  相似文献   

To determine how physicians might participate in the prevention of nuclear war in the post-Cold War era, we review, from a medical perspective, the history of the nuclear weapons era since Hiroshima and the status of today's nuclear arsenals and dangers. In the 1950s, physicians were active partners in governmental civil defense planning. Since 1962, physicians have stressed prevention of nuclear war as the only effective medical intervention. Public advocacy by physicians helped end both atmospheric nuclear testing in the 1960s and superpower plans for fighting a nuclear war in the 1980s. Today's dangers include nuclear arms proliferation, an increasing risk of nuclear terrorism, and the 35000 warheads that remain in superpower-nuclear arsenals, many still on hair-trigger alert. Physicians have recently joined with military and political leaders and over 1000 citizens' organizations in calling for the complete elimination of nuclear weapons. Global medical collaboration in support of a verifiable and enforceable Nuclear Weapons Convention would be a major contribution to safeguarding health in the 21st century.  相似文献   

Despite the established utility of serum transferrin receptor (sTfR), serum ferritin, and the sTfR/log ferritin ratio (TfR-F Index) in the diagnosis of iron deficiency (ID) anemia, the numeric values of these parameters, which are indicative of subclinical ID, remain to be clearly defined. In this study, 65 apparently healthy nonanemic adults (22 men and 43 women) were treated with 3 months of oral iron supplementation to evaluate its effect on parameters reflecting iron status and to determine the prevalence of subclinical iron deficiency in apparently healthy adults. Significant supplementation-induced changes were observed in sTfR, ferritin, and TfR-F Index values in women, whereas in men, none of the studied parameters showed any significant change. Iron-deficient erythropoiesis (IDE) was not observed in men, but was found in 17 women (40%). Although individuals with a compromised iron status may be represented in substantial numbers in conventional reference populations, they can be readily identified using sTfR, ferritin, and TfR-F Index determinations.  相似文献   

Nuclear factors from HeLa cells were isolated by elution of DNA-cellulose bound proteins with a double stranded synthetic oligonucleotide corresponding to the region from -34 to -79 of the human transferrin receptor (TR) gene promoter. The eluted proteins were further purified and separated from the oligonucleotide by ion exchange chromatography. Proteins within the resulting fraction bound with specificity to the TR promoter. Retardation gel analysis and competition with specific double-stranded oligonucleotides show that multiple factors present in this fraction compete for binding within the same region of the TR promoter. Footprinting experiments demonstrate that these factors contact a GC-rich element that is within the region that is required for enhanced expression of the gene in proliferating cells. One of the factors protects an extended DNA sequence but still contacts the GC-rich element.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Iron deficiency anemia (IDA) is often associated with inflammatory disorders. The most conventional parameters of iron metabolism are therefore affected, making the evaluation of iron status difficult. Serum transferrin receptor (sTfR) levels are raised in iron deficiency but are not influenced by inflammatory changes. The aim of this study was to investigate the role of sTfR in differentiating IDA with inflammatory features. DESIGN AND METHODS: A diagnostic study of sTfR measured by immunoassay was carried out in IDA and anemia of chronic disorders (ACD). The cut-off points of sTfR and the ratio of sTfR/serum ferritin, which were obtained after comparing IDA and ACD, were applied to a group of 64 patients with mixed iron patterns (MIX) (16 with ACD and 48 with IDA). RESULTS: The best cut-off point of sTfR between IDA and ACD was 4.7 mg/L. Applying this cut-off to the MIX group, an efficiency of 87% was obtained (sensitivity 92% and specificity 81%). This level of sTfR correctly classified 53 out of 64 cases of the MIX group (83%). Using the ratio of sTfRx 100/serum ferritin, the best cut-off point was 8 (efficiency 100%), which correctly classified 62 out of 64 cases of the MIX group (97%). INTERPRETATION AND CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrates that sTfR in conjunction with other iron parameters is very useful in iron deficiency evaluation, especially in hospital practice. Iron treatment should be considered in patients with mixed patterns of iron status, in which the diagnosis of IDA versus ACD is difficult, when the levels of sTfR exceed the cut-off point.  相似文献   

The article outlines a nine-step process adopted at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center for handling patient requests for medically inappropriate interventions. The main step in the process is review by an Institutional Review Committee composed of the physician-in-chief, ethics committee members, and medical experts. The decision of the Review Committee is binding. The experience with this "futility" policy is discussed including a follow-up pilot project conducted by the Department of Gynaecologic Oncology that introduces a standardized advance care planning medical record progress note in which patient preferences about cardiopulmonary resuscitation, mechanical ventilation, and location of death are documented. The note is to be used at the beginning of non-curative therapy and is intended to help to avoid future requests for futile interventions.  相似文献   

In order to characterize the mechanism by which Iron (Fe) is taken up by neurons, we examined the neuronal expression of transferrin receptor (TR) in rats during development and iron (Fe) deficiency by using immunohistochemistry, in vitro receptor autoradiography and in situ hybridization. In contrast to the continuous expression of TR in brain capillary endothelial cells regardless of the age of the animals studied, the expression of neuronal TR was almost absent at late embryonic and early postnatal ages but increased with increasing age to reach a plateau from postnatal (P) 21 through adulthood as verified by immunohistochemical staining. Reducing the Fe stores potentiated the expression of TR immunoreactivity in neurons of both young and adult rats in several grey matter regions. Increased TR immunoreactivity was also observed in neuronal extensions of neurons of the medial habenular nucleus, reticular neurons of the brainstem, and fibers projecting to the area postrema. TR immunoreactivity was never observed in white matter regions, except for that recorded in brain capillaries. In vitro receptor autoradiography verified the increased capacity for transferrin binding during Fe deficiency. By contrast, TR mRNA expression was not affected by Fe deficiency. These findings demonstrate that the expression of the neuronal TR protein is age dependent and susceptible to Fe deficiency.  相似文献   

Previous studies suggest that the core protein of hepatitis C virus (HCV) has a pleiotropic function in the replication cycle of the virus. To understand the role of this protein in HCV pathogenesis, we used a yeast two-hybrid protein interaction cloning system to search for cellular proteins physically interacting with the HCV core protein. One such cellular gene was isolated and characterized as the gene encoding the lymphotoxin-beta receptor (LT-betaR). In vitro binding analysis demonstrated that the HCV core protein binds to the C-terminal 98 amino acids within the intracellular domain of the LT-betaR that is involved in signal transduction, although the binding affinity of the full-length HCV core protein was weaker than that of its C-terminally truncated form. Our results also indicated that the N-terminal 40-amino-acid segment of the HCV core protein was sufficient for interaction with LT-betaR and that the core protein could form complexes with the oligomeric form of the intracellular domain of LT-betaR, which is a prerequisite for downstream signaling of this receptor. Similar to other members of the tumor necrosis factor (TNF) receptor superfamily, LT-betaR is involved in the cytotoxic effect of the signaling pathway, and thus we have elucidated the biological consequence of interaction between the HCV core protein and LT-betaR. Our results indicated that in the presence of the synergizing agent gamma interferon, the HCV core protein enhances the cytotoxic effects of recombinant forms of LT-betaR ligand in HeLa cells but not in hepatoma cells. Furthermore, this enhancement of the cytolytic activity was cytokine specific, since in the presence of cycloheximide, the expression of the HCV core protein did not elicit an increase in the cytolytic activity of TNF in both HeLa and hepatoma cells. In summary, the HCV core protein can associate with LT-betaR, and this protein-protein interaction has a modulatory effect on the signaling pathway of LT-betaR in certain cell types. Given the known roles of LT-betaR/LT-alpha1,beta2 receptor-ligand interactions in the normal development of peripheral lymphoid organs and in triggering cytolytic activity and NF-kappaB activation in certain cell types, our finding implies that the HCV core protein may aggravate these biological functions of LT-betaR, resulting in pathogenesis in HCV-infected cells.  相似文献   

Genetic haemochromatosis (GH) is one of the most common hereditary diseases, with a prevalence of 1-5/1000 in the Western world. In 90 per cent of cases a mutation is found in an MHC-class-like gene designated HFE, involving a substitution at position 282 of the HFE protein and resulting in defective binding of beta(2)-microglobulin. Animals with beta(2)-microglobulin deficiency develop iron overload, indicating this protein to be involved in the regulation of iron metabolism. Hepatic iron overload results in increased production of oxygen free radicals and peroxidation of membrane lipids, thus causing damage to lysosomes, mitochondria and the endoplasmic reticulum. These cellular events may progress to cell death, fibrogenesis, and the development of liver cirrhosis which is associated with a 200-fold increase in risk of hepatocellular carcinoma. In addition to the risk of diabetes, arthralgia, cardiac arrhythmia, pituitary insufficiency and hypogonadism, iron excess is also associated with aggravation of the cytotoxic effects exerted on hepatocytes by other agents such as alcohol or hepatotrophic viruses. The treatment of iron overload in GH consists of weekly venesection until the serum ferritin level is normalized, followed by maintenance therapy. Survival rates are normal if the disease is detected and treated before complications have developed.  相似文献   

Chinese hamster V79 cells were transfected with human transferrin receptor cDNA, lacking the 3' untranslatable regulatory sequence. One of the clones obtained was investigated completely. It exhibited the cDNA sequences recombined into the genome, transcribed the corresponding mRNA and became partially constitutive in iron uptake from transferrin. The rate of iron uptake was significantly higher in these cells than in the parental ones, as was the intracellular iron content, assessed indirectly by measuring the activation of the regulatory protein responsible for iron homeostasis control. The transfected cells were more sensitive to the DNA-damaging action of H2O2. This corroborates the important role that iron plays as a mediator of DNA damage by reactive oxygen species. It also points to the possibility that mutations at the regulatory sequences of transferrin receptors, leading to partial disturbance in iron homeostasis, might render the cells more prone to further mutations and malignant transformations by reactive oxygen species.  相似文献   

Iron is essential for oxygen transport, oxidative metabolism, and cellular growth. Interactions between iron and other dietary factors play a significant role in determining the adequacy of iron nutrition and have important implications for food fortification in developing countries. Vitamin A and vitamin C deficiency states may affect iron transport, metabolism, and storage within the body.  相似文献   

A new method of recruiting people who inject drugs was employed in Adelaide in 1994 to attempt to obtain a response rate and demographic information about those who declined to participate. Numbered invitation cards were distributed to injecting drug users (IDUs). Those choosing not to participate were asked to complete 4 questions on the card and return them. 22.7%. Of all cards distributed resulted in an enquiry about the study and only 1.4% of the cards were returned from those who chose not to participate. This recruiting strategy is as successful as other strategies with the added advantage of estimating response rates.  相似文献   

Tissue culture studies with K562 and HL60 cells have demonstrated the production of a soluble form of transferrin receptor identical to that identified in human serum. The present study was undertaken to search for membrane remnants of the truncated receptor with peptide antibodies specific for the extracellular and cytoplasmic domain of transferrin receptor. In cell membranes, a 105K remnant was identified that is consistent with truncation of one extracellular domain monomer of the transferrin receptor. In the exosomal fraction of the culture supernatant, a smaller 20K remnant consistent with truncation of both extracellular domains was also demonstrated. These findings provide evidence that soluble receptor is the product of proteolytic cleavage of intact membrane-bound transferrin receptor. Prior studies showing that the concentration of the extracellular domain in exosomes remained stable during incubation in culture supernatant suggest that this cleavage possibly occurs intracellularly.  相似文献   

The hypotransferrinemic (hpx) mouse mutant produces <1% of the normal circulating level of transferrin (Tf). Heterozygote animals of this strain (hpx/+) have approximately 50% of normal plasma Tf levels. In this study we examine the cellular and regional distribution of Tf receptor (Tf-R) in the brain of wild type, hpx/+ and mutant (hpx/hpx) mice. Also, using slot-blot (immunoblot) analysis, we describe the relative amount of Tf-R in brain microvessels of hpx/+ animals compared with wild type. Tf-R was seen primarily in neurons throughout the brains of wild type, hpx/+ and hpx/hpx animals. Gray matter areas immunoreacted more robustly than white matter areas. Oligodendrocytes and third ventricle tanycytes, both of which we have previously described as iron-positive, did not immunoreact for Tf-R. Tf-R immunohistochemical reaction in wild type, hpx/+ and hpx/hpx brains appeared similar. Immunoblot analysis of isolated cortical microvessels from wild type and hpx/+ animals revealed no upregulation of Tf-R expression in hpx/+ (relative to normal) despite a 50% decrease in circulating Tf levels. These results indicate that Tf-R is primarily expressed by neurons and that half normal levels of Tf (hpx/+) or transferrin supplementation (hpx/hpx) are apparently sufficient for normal expression and distribution of Tf-R. Because of the lack of circulating Tf, but unaltered Tf-R expression, hpx mice could serve as a model for delivery of therapeutic agents via the Tf/Tf-R system.  相似文献   

The effects of some chemical elements and complex modifiers and certain technological operations (gas blowing, the sequence of introduction of additions, etc.) on the oxygen activity in and the surface tension of iron-carbon melts are studied. Correlations between these characteristics and the shape of graphite inclusions in cast iron are found.  相似文献   

The interaction between components in the Nb-Fe-Sb system is examined with x-ray diffraction. An isothermal section of the phase diagram is plotted at 870 K up to 0.70 Sb mole fractions. The crystal structure is calculated using the powder method to confirm the existence of the Nb-Fe-Sb ternary compound with LiAlSi-type structure. Other ternary compounds are not found in the system.  相似文献   

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