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An asymptotic expansion of the microstrip Green's function is used to facilitate a study of mutual coupling between two printed antennas, and coupling versus element separation is presented for substrate parameters of practical interest. For certain substrate parameters, it is found that the magnitude of mutual coupling does not decay monotonically with increasing element separation. Instead, the magnitude exhibits a quasi-periodic oscillation which can be attributed to the interference of surface and space waves. The presentation and discussion of this anomalous behavior is the purpose of the paper. The asymptotic representation of the Green's function, which differentiates space wave terms from surface wave terms when source and observation points are largely separated, is used to characterize the behavior of mutual coupling in the principal planes  相似文献   

Mutual coupling betweenL-band rectangular, nearly square, and circular microstrip antennas has been investigated experimentally by a series of measurements of theS-parameters. The mutual coupling level decreases monotonically with increasing separation between elements with theE-plane coupling down 20 dB and theH-plane coupling down 25 dB for typical adjacent element spacings. For 1/16 in and 1/8 in substrates atL-band the predominant coupling mechanism is via the space wave since the surface wave is shown experimentally to be small.  相似文献   

波束赋形天线技术可以通过基带调零等手段降低干扰信号影响,提升系统抗干扰性能,通过数字信号处理还可以在空间上形成多个波束,从而形成空分多址,大幅度提升系统的容量。但是波束赋形天线技术要求天线间隔尽可能小,一般约为工作频率的半波长,而较小的天线间隔在实际工程实现时会引起严重互相耦合。由于对互耦效应进行有效的数学描述非常困难,一般通过计算量极大的专业天线仿真软件进行仿真验证,严重制约了互耦效应解决方案的提出和论证。文中针对上述问题,提出了互耦效应的数学模型,并利用MATLAB和ANSYS-HFSS工具对相关模型进行了交叉验证。不同平台的对比仿真结果显示了相关模型的正确性和有效性。  相似文献   

A novel and rigorou formulation for mutual impedance among a class of idealized but realizable antennas is presented. Unlike past treatments of mutual coupling, which have proceeded from structurally specified antennas, the present treatment deals with a class of antennas, all the electromagnetic properties of which are rigorously expressed explicitly in terms of their radiation patterns alone. Employing a network formulation based on a scattering representation of electromagnetic fields in terms of spherical (or cylindrical) modes, the mutual impedances between such antennas are computed exactly. Several alternate representations for the mutual impedance are derived, one of which is an integral representation involving the power pattern function for both real and complex angles. In special cases, these exact results agree with published results obtained by applying well-known approximate techniques to structurally specified antennas. An important and illuminating example is provided by an infinite planar array of antennas radiating into a half-space for which the present formulation yields the well-known grating-lobe series representation of the active impedance without an explicit reference to structural properties of the radiating elements.  相似文献   

We investigate the achievable rate of receive antenna selection MIMO systems in the presence of mutual coupling and spatial correlation. For that, we assume the antenna array to consist of dipole antennas placed side-by-side in a linear pattern and in a very limited physical space. In a first step, we will assume perfect channel state information at the receiver side only and a negligible training overhead compared with the payload. We will demonstrate that in contrast to what might be expected based on results for cases without mutual coupling, MIMO receive antenna selection can achieve higher data rates than the system using all antennas provided that the total number of receive antennas is larger than a critical value that we will further discuss. We then propose an optimal antenna selection processing that ensures rate maximization regardless of the number of antennas used. In a later step, we will address the impact of training overhead on the system achievable rate when the training overhead is considerable. We will show that such a rate is reduced dramatically due to the large amount of training overhead arising from the presence of mutual coupling. To overcome this problem, we will thus propose a novel channel estimation method, which reduces the training overhead greatly and improves the system achievable rate performance.  相似文献   

Input impedance and mutual coupling of rectangular microstrip antennas   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A moment method solution to the problem of input impedance and mutual coupling of rectangular microstrip antenna elements is presented. The formulation uses the grounded dielectric slab Green's function to account rigorously for the presence of the substrate and surface waves. Both entire basis (EB) and piecewise sinosoidal (PWS) expansion modes are used, and their relative advantages are noted. Calculations of input impedance and mutual coupling are compared with measured data and other calculatious.  相似文献   

The relationships between the squinted beams and sum and difference beams of amplitude monopulse antennas are usually given on the basis that mutual coupling between feeds is negligible. These relationships can lead to gross conceptual errors regarding the basic capabilities of amplitude monopulse antennas. This paper develops similar relationships which include the effects of mutual coupling. It is found that the sum and difference beams are still proportional to the sum and to the difference of the squinted beams but the constants of proportionality, which are related to the VSWR's at the sum and difference ports before matching, are generally different. These constants of proportionality, or VSWR's, can be evaluated in terms of the squinted beams in the case of lossless antennas by applying the principle of conservation of energy. The matched sum pattern gain on boresight and the matched difference pattern slope on boresight are computed for a lossless antenna with squinted beams of the formsin ktheta/kthetaversus squint angle. The results obtained are drastically different from previously published results. Both of these antenna parameters are maximum in the limit of zero squint angle. However, for these squinted beam shapes, a small squint angle implies that a very high VSWR is to be matched at the difference port. It is noted that a given pair of matched sum and difference patterns can be produced by different pairs of squinted beams. These pairs of squinted beams can differ in their amplitudes and shapes. However, a single pair of squinted beams corresponds to inherently matched sum and difference ports.  相似文献   

The conditions for zeroing the mutual flux between two closely spaced coil antennas are examined. The analysis is expanded to examine the case of multiple linear antenna coils. Array antennas are used in many areas including magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Theoretical and experimental results are presented and compared. Good agreement between theory and measurements has been confirmed. A two-dimensional receiving array antenna is proposed  相似文献   

Mutual coupling between two linearly tapered slot antennas arranged in coplanar as well as stacked configurations has been measured. Results indicate that mutual coupling level generally decreases with antenna separations and varies with dielectric constant, and antenna lengths  相似文献   

It is proposed conception of development of new type transmitting-receiving scanning antennas, which are called antennas with synthetic radiation pattern. It is based on application of movement of radiating (receiving) element together with synthesizing of radiation pattern (RP) by means of SAR for processing of recorded information about radiated and received signals. Physical radiator movement can be real or virtual (switching of radiation phase center) due to switching in turns of radiators of one-dimension antenna array (AA) to single-channel transmitter-receiver. There are represented two applications of this approach realization, such as spiral-waveguide slot and tape-slot scanning synthetic RP antennas for registration of radio images and radiofilms in 8-mm wavelength band.  相似文献   

The mutual coupling between two cylindrical-rectangular microstrip antennas is studied from the application of the generalised transmission line model (GTLM). Theoretical solutions and measured results of both E-plane and H-plane coupling coefficients are presented. The curvature effects on the mutual coupling are discussed  相似文献   

Although more rigorous treatments have been developed for mutual coupling between microstrip antennas, the purpose of this transmission line model is to provide a numerically efficient substitute for them. Therefore, two approximations have been introduced: first, the surface waves have been neglected and second, each rectangular resonator is replaced by two equivalent radiating slots. In most practical cases the approximations are acceptable; this has been proved while comparing the transmission line model with other published results. It is obvious that the efficieney of the transmission model and can be used to include mutual coupling in practical analysis or synthesis routines for arrays of rectangular microstrip antennas.  相似文献   

The synthesis of array antennas mounted on ships, or any other vehicular platform, is addressed here. Both the mutual coupling between the array elements, and their interaction with the mounting platform, are considered and introduced into the synthesis procedure. This is done by using a three-dimensional formulation of the method of moments, which models the currents induced on the platform and the antennas, combined with an optimization procedure. Some results are presented, illustrating the capability of the proposed synthesis method  相似文献   

The utility of the minimum-scattering antenna model in describing the mutual coupling between two L-band aircraft blade antennas is examined. The communication and sensor requirements of many aircraft, particularly those used by the military, frequently necessitate antennas being placed in close proximity to one another. For such cases, the relatively simple minimum-scattering antenna model provides a very good approximation of the measured mutual coupling of blade antennas and eliminates the need for solving coupled integral equations  相似文献   

Microstrip (patch) antennas usually strongly radiate in directions along the ground plane. This effect causes unwanted radiation patterns and increased coupling among array elements. Dielectric polarization currents are identified as physical sources of this radiation. A general technique is proposed to compensate these currents and suppress radiation in horizontal directions.  相似文献   

本文给出了在电尺寸很大的理想导体光滑凸表面上,无限小磁矩或电矩在空间产生的电磁场的近似渐近解,利用该解可以准确有效地计算凸表面上天线间的互耦。此解中,表面塌沿Keller的表面射线路经传播,且在阴影边界过渡区域,包括对于源的邻城,它们仍然一致适用。除此之外,在给出的解中,通过一个系数T/K给出了关于表面场的表面射线绕曲的影响,其中,T表示表面射线的绕曲,K表示射线方向上的表面曲率。该解是由简单的典型问题的近似解导出的。给出了圆柱面和圆锥面上裂缝间互耦的数字结果,它与实验结果相吻合。  相似文献   

In this paper, a novel parasitic configuration to reduce the mutual coupling between two adjacent microstrip patch antennas is presented. It is shown that mutual coupling between the antenna elements can be reduced significantly by two simple slots structure on the ground plane and several shorted simple conducting strips between patch antennas. The structure has been constructed and tested. Both simulated and measured results are presented. The results are shown that more than 7 dB reduction within operational frequency bandwidth with the maximum 41 dB mutual coupling at center frequency can be achieved. The measurement results prove the high efficiency of this configuration in multi antenna systems.  相似文献   

Antenna imaging by a perfectly conducting finite flat disc is investigated analytically and numerically as a function of the radius of the disc. A conical monopole of variable length is considered above the screen and the normalized terminal admittance of the antenna is plotted versus the disc radius. The radiation pattern is also plotted and the current distribution above and below the screen is evaluated. The results provide a quantitative measure of the effectiveness of finite screens in imaging antennas and bring to light the persistent distortion of the pattern caused by the finite size of the screen in contrast to the behavior of the impedance.  相似文献   

Fast radiation pattern evaluation for lens and reflector antennas   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
A novel algorithm referred to as the fast physical optics (FPO) for computing the radiation patterns of nonplanar aperture antennas over a range of observation angles is presented. The computation is performed in the framework of the conventional physical optics approximation appropriate for the high frequency regime. The proposed algorithm is directly applicable to reflector and lens antennas as well as to radomes. The method comprises two steps. First, a decomposition of the aperture into subdomains and computation of the pertinent radiation pattern of each subdomain. Second, interpolation, phase-correction and aggregation of the radiation patterns into the final pattern of the whole aperture. A multilevel algorithm is formulated via a recursive application of the domain decomposition and aggregation steps. The computational structure of the multilevel algorithm resembles that of the FFT while avoiding its limitations.  相似文献   

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