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随着教育信息化实践的深入,如何利用计算机和网络进行更有效的学习,是每个教育工作者和学习者都必须关注的焦点,新一代的网络工具Blog(博客)是一种理想的学习工具。文章阐述了Blog的概念,Blog在信息化教育实践中的应用以及如何创建Blog。  相似文献   

我们校园信息化的宗旨是力求促进孩子们的学习。因此,从一开始我们就把“日新集”定位在为学习服务上,即为学生的学习服务、为教师的教学服务、为家长与班级任课教师的交流服务、为教师的专业成长服务。经过近两年的实践探索,我们已经形成了自己的特色,还与中山大学出版社合作推出了《教育Blog创新应用丛书》,这是国内第一套Blog教育应用方面的丛书。  相似文献   

Blog是一种新型的网络交通工具,近年来越来越受到教育工作者的青睐。Blog是现代信息化技术的一种应用工具,在教学上可以利用Blog对教育进行信息化管理和知识化管理,信息化时代的进步促进了Blog教学的发展,不仅可以提高学生的学习兴趣还可提高学生计算机网络技术,打破了传统的计算机教学模式,促使了网络教学的革新与应用。本文将从Blog在计算机网络教学中的应用进行探讨,从而说明博客在网络教学中的发展模式。  相似文献   

我们校园信息化的宗旨是力求促进孩子们的学习.因此,从一开始我们就把"日新集"定位在为学习服务上,即为学生的学习服务、为教师的教学服务、为家长与班级任课教师的交流服务、为教师的专业成长服务.经过近两年的实践探索,我们已经形成了自己的特色,还与中山大学出版社合作推出了<教育Blog创新应用丛书>,这是国内第一套Blog教育应用方面的丛书.  相似文献   

Blog作为网络时代信息化下的产物,以其自身的一些显著特点使得它在高等教育中大放光彩,它已成为继课件、积件、资源库、教育主题网站等信息化教学模式之后的一种新的网络教学模式。本文站在先进的教育理念的高度,分别从Blog可以作为学生进行自主学习、建构知识的工具、教师进行叙事研究、反思的工具、作为师师、师生、生生交流的工具以及作为教学评价的工具四个方面阐述了Blog在教育中的应用,并探讨了在教学中的具体实践。  相似文献   

2003年炒热了几个词汇,而Blog就是其中之一。也是在2003年,Blog进入我国中小学教育实践中,越来越多的教师开始使用Blog。用Blog来进行叙事研究;用Blog来记录研究性学习的过程;用Blog来进行档案袋过程性评价;用Blog来开展班集体活动;用Blog来学习和探究,做一位科研型、学习型教师;……  相似文献   

Blog在中国教育领域的应用发展,历经2002年的引入期、2003年的发展期和2004年的兴盛期.伴随Blog所带来的"写-录、思-享、品-学"(毛向辉语)学习方式的变革,2005年,我们应该如何高屋建瓴,把握机遇,整合资源,基于实践,探索适合中国基础教育信息化改革的可行路径,把学习资源建设与新课程改革中教师专业发展、师生生命质量提升有机结合起来呢?  相似文献   

Blog的教育应用面面观   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在近期闭幕的美国国家教育计算大会(NECC′2003)上,依然有很多创新的教育软件出现。不过与往年不同的是,在各个交流场合都在谈论一个新的名词,这就是“Blog”。因为参加大会的很多教育研究、教育工作都有了个人的Blog,他们通过现场的无线网络向外公布自己的所见所闻。除了有这样的花絮,还有一个专门的小型讲座研讨Blog在教育和学习中的作用。Blog作为教育中的重要辅助应用,或说是个人的终身学习工具已经成为了普遍的共识。  相似文献   

作为一种网络日志,Blog灵活、简单、开放的特点赢得了各界人士的喜爱,它的出现也促进了教育信息化的发展和教师专业的成长,Blog已经与教育信息化紧密相连。2005年1月,“小露珠”的诞生,让我加入到“教师博客”的行列,从此拥有了自己的“教学反思的工具平台、思想火花的冲撞专区、心灵交流的自由小屋”。  相似文献   

通过课题研究,开展用Blog技术构建数字化学习社区的实践,文章对其可行性进行了分析,强调了构建的原则,阐明了构建的优势,并对系统的开发及试运行进行了说明。三年的实证研究认为Blog技术是建设数字化学习社区非常适用的一种新技术。  相似文献   

计算机软件系列课程教学方式研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文针对计算机软件系列课程传统教学方式中以教师讲解为中心的"注入式知识教育"存在的弊端,提出了基于任务驱动、基于案例驱动以及基于项目驱动的教学模式,该模式采用以学生主动思考为中心,引导学生探索新知识为主,理论与实际相结合的"研究式素质教育"方式,在教学中培养学生信息素养,激发学生学习潜能,提高学生学习兴趣,促进学生自主学习,增强学生创新意识。  相似文献   

This research explores variables related to the use of personal-journal style blogs for interpersonal goals. A random sample of bloggers completed surveys exploring how the combination of extraversion and self-disclosure affect strong tie network size, which in turn serves as motivation to use blogs as an alternative communication channel. Bloggers who exhibit both extraversion and self-disclosure traits tend to maintain larger strong-tie social networks and are more likely to appropriate blogs to support those relationships. Age, gender, and education have no relationship to network size, blog content, or the use of blogs as a relationship maintenance tool. These results contribute to the continuing discussion about the impact that the Internet and its tools are having on relationships by suggesting that, rather than promoting isolation, computer-mediated communication tools such as blogs often function to enhance existing relationships.  相似文献   

Social learning analytics introduces tools and methods that help improving the learning process by providing useful information about the actors and their activity in the learning system. This study examines the relation between SNA parameters and student outcomes, between network parameters and global course performance, and it shows how visualizations of social learning analytics can help observing the visible and invisible interactions occurring in online distance education.The findings from our empirical study show that future research should further investigate whether there are conditions under which social network parameters are reliable predictors of academic performance, but also advises against relying exclusively in social network parameters for predictive purposes. The findings also show that data visualization is a useful tool for social learning analytics, and how it may provide additional information about actors and their behaviors for decision making in online distance learning.  相似文献   

In recent years blog-assisted learning has been used widely in higher education for improving writing and collaboratively sharing work online. However, methods for gathering useful information to be used as auxiliary-learning materials from the multitude of blog articles in the blogosphere has been seldom investigated. This paper proposes an individualized blog article recommendation mechanism to provide quality blog articles that accord with users’ learning topics. First, an IR-based technique was applied to extract and score index terms. The top three index terms were then entered into Google’s blog search engine to find the raw recommended blog articles. To avoid the situation where frequent topic-changing leads to a deficiency of article data on a specific learning topic, a forgetting rate was employed to simulate the phenomenon of changing learning topics. Subsequently, an extended Serial Blog Article Composition Particle Swarm Optimization (SBACPSO) algorithm was employed to provide optimal recommended materials to users. We evaluated the system’s performance to find the appropriate article population size. Finally, user satisfaction regarding both the system and recommended content were gauged to find the system’s limitations and possible improvements. This study is of importance in that it provides users with dynamic blog article recommendation, improved online information discovery skills and opportunities to socialize with other bloggers.  相似文献   

李灵君 《软件》2012,(2):87-88,91
针对数字化资源应用在计算机网络课程存在诸多问题的基础上,对职业院校计算机网络课程现状进行有针对性的分析、研究,介绍了数字化资源平台的设计原则,提出了数字化资源设计的方案,解决上述中的一些问题。将数字化教学资源应用于教学过程,以解决传统教学中无法解决的问题,提高教学效率,转变学习方式,探索总结信息化环境下数字化教学资源应用于职业教育各学科的教学模式。  相似文献   

The rapid development of blogs as a social networking tool has greatly increased the number of people who are expressing themselves in text published online. As yet little is known about the social psychology of online interaction using recently developed Web 2.0 functionalities. To what extent do principles of social psychology carry over into the online domain and how can appropriate use of those principles assist in activities such as community building, e-commerce, marketing, and personalization of services? There would seem to be a large number of novel research questions that can be posed with respect to online interaction. One pertinent question concerns the extent to which compatibility of personality influences online interaction. We investigated this question in terms of hypotheses derived from the personality research literature, using a two-part experiment. In the first study, eight participants wrote blogs in two distinct genres (personal diaries and commentaries) and rated their own personalities. In the second study 12 different participants judged the personality of authors as implied in the blog texts created in the first study. Those participants also completed a personality questionnaire and rated their attraction to the blog text author. Readers of the blog corpus were able to consistently judge the personality of the writers based solely on the text that they wrote. Moreover, they followed a well-established social rule regarding interpersonal attraction in real-life interaction. Blog readers were significantly more attracted to blog writers with more similar personalities—offering support that in a blog environment, “birds of a feather flock together.” Emotion word use in the blog corpus correlated with writer’s personality, suggesting that online personality may be signalled by linguistic cues. The two most popular genres of blog writing, personal journal and commentary, differed in how accurately readers judged author personality traits. Based on the results obtained it is suggested that personality is an important determinant and that further research on how people communicate with blogs will be relevant to social network analysis and to marketing.  相似文献   

软件工程是一个实践性极强的学科,尽管国内高校通过校企联合等方式针对软件工程实践教学取得了不少进展,但依然和工业界需要有一定差距,尤其是如何提高校内课程实践教学水平需要关注。本文首先阐述了软件工程教育与工程实践之间存在的鸿沟,然后探讨了如何将国际工程教育领域多年来行之有效的学习工厂、基于问题的学习等方法与软件工程实践教学相结合,希望为提高软件工程校内实践性教学环节的效果提供借鉴。  相似文献   

企业级搜索引擎技术在博客网站中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着网络技术的发展和广泛应用,安全的监控网站内容已成为研究的热点之一.根据博客网站体系结构的特点,提出采用企业级搜索引擎技术监控其内容的方法,将索引词库中的词条与非法关键字表进行比较,及时发现非法数据,然后通过审查程序发送信息给管理人员,从而能及时处理问题网页,达到实时和有效的个性化监控,极大地减轻了管理人员的工作负荷.测试实验结果表明,该系统在保证查全率和查准率的基础上,提高了搜索效率并满足了对网站内容的监控要求.  相似文献   

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