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Re与Ru合金化对Ni/Ni3Al相界电子结构影响的第一原理研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用第一原理赝势平面波方法研究了Re与Ru合金化前γ-Ni/γ'-Ni3Al相界的电子与能态结构.断裂功计算结果显示:Re置换γ-Ni相区中的Ni或Ru置换γ'-Ni3Al相区中的Al,均可提高Ni/Ni3Al相界的断裂强度;Re与Ru在相界区复合合金化时,当Re与Ru分别占据共格(002)γ/γ'原子层邻近(001)γ原子层上的Ni原子位与(001)γ'原子层上的Al原子位时,γ-Ni/γ'-Ni3Al相界的断裂强度可进一步提高,若其中的Ru置换γ'-Ni3Al相区内层Al,刚复合合金化Ni/Ni3Al相界的断裂强度不仅没有提高,反而比Ru单独合金化时Ni/Ni3Al相界的断裂强度还低.电子态密度与电子密度分布图的分析表明:Re与Ru合金化对γ-Ni/γ'-Ni3Al相界断裂强度的影响可归因于Re和Ru与其最近邻Ni原子间强烈的电子相互作用引起的相界区域层间原子成键相互作用的改变.  相似文献   

采用第一原理赝势平面波方法研究迹量元素N在γ-Ni/γ’-Ni3Al相界区域的占位趋势及其对相界断裂强度的影响.结果显示:以气态形式存在的N不易掺杂到Ni/Ni3Al相界,而以固态形式存在的N则很容易被掺进Ni/Ni3Al相界;N在Ni/Ni3Al相界中不仅能稳定存在,而且掺杂到八面体间隙比置换其中的基体原子具有更高的形成能力与结构稳定性;N掺杂将削弱Ni/Ni3Al相界的断裂强度,其中尤以间隙位掺杂最为明显.电子结构分析表明:置换型掺杂时,相界断裂强度的降低可归结为Frenkel缺陷导致的掺杂相界层间电子相互作用的减弱;而间隙位掺杂,除了基体原子间电子相互作用因掺杂原子与基体原子间的强相互作用而减弱外,晶格畸变导致的局域弹性应变能增加也是一个重要的原因.  相似文献   

实现Fe/Al界面结合是保证钢/铝异种金属激光焊接质量的关键。采用基于密度泛函理论的第一性原理方法,通过构造Fe/Al界面模型,计算了体系的能量与电子结构,讨论了Co、V、Zn、Sn等元素微合金化在Fe/Al界面处的作用。结果表明:Co、V优先置换界面处的Fe原子,而Zn、Sn优先置换的却是Al原子,Fe/Al界面结合主要是Fe-sd与Al-sp轨道之间杂化以及Fe-Al发生的离子键作用。微合金化使Fe/Al界面的断裂功增加,其增强由大到小的顺序为:Co、V、Zn、Sn。电子态密度、电子占据数以及电子密度的计算结果表明:利于Fe/Al界面结合的主要原因是微合金化导致跨界面Fe-Al之间的成键作用增强。对Co而言,主要是Fe-sd、Al-sp、Co-sd之间存在较强共价键和离子键的复合作用;对V而言,主要是V-dp、Fe-d和Al-p之间的轨道杂化作用;而对Zn和Sn而言,则主要是Fe-Al之间发生的离子键作用。  相似文献   

采用第一原理赝势平面波方法研究迹量元素N在γ-Ni/γ′-Ni3Al相界区域的占位趋势及其对相界断裂强度的影响。结果显示:以气态形式存在的N不易掺杂到Ni/Ni3Al相界,而以固态形式存在的N则很容易被掺进Ni/Ni3Al相界;N在Ni/Ni3Al相界中不仅能稳定存在,而且掺杂到八面体间隙比置换其中的基体原子具有更高的形成能力与结构稳定性;N掺杂将削弱Ni/Ni3Al相界的断裂强度,其中尤以间隙位掺杂最为明显。电子结构分析表明:置换型掺杂时,相界断裂强度的降低可归结为Frenkel缺陷导致的掺杂相界层间电子相互作用的减弱;而间隙位掺杂,除了基体原子间电子相互作用因掺杂原子与基体原子间的强相互作用而减弱外,晶格畸变导致的局域弹性应变能增加也是一个重要的原因。  相似文献   

采用基于密度泛函理论(DFT)的第一性原理超软赝势平面波方法,研究了Al、Zn对Mg-Li合金中α-Mg/β-Li相界断裂强度的影响。体系结合能的计算结果表明Al、Zn固溶于Mg-Li合金后其结构更为稳定;从所得断裂功、态密度以及电荷密度的结果来看,Al更容易固溶于α-Mg固溶体中,对断裂强度的增强作用优于占位于α-Mg/β-Li相界面;Zn占位于α、β晶内、相界面的倾向性不明显,但均可使体系的断裂强度提高;Al、Zn复合合金化后使体系稳定性得到提高,断裂强度等得到进一步的改善。环境敏感镶嵌能的计算结果表明Zn比Al更容易偏聚于相界面;Al、Zn合金化对体系稳定性、断裂强度产生的影响主要是由于Al-3s3p轨道电子、Zn 3d轨道电子贡献产生了新的成键峰,以及Mg 2p轨道及Li 2s轨道电子在费米能级处共同作用的结果。  相似文献   

基于密度泛函理论的第一性原理平面波赝势方法研究了V掺杂Ni3Al合金的电子结构和点缺陷结构.通过计算与实验结果对比选择了适合Ni3Al合金计算的近似方法,计算了含有各个缺陷的晶胞的晶格常数,形成热和结合能,点缺陷的形成能和平衡浓度,态密度和电荷密度.计算结果表明:Ni3Al合金中反位缺陷较空位缺陷易形成,NiAl是Ni3Al合金中最主要的反位缺陷,Al位最易形成缺陷,在1400 K时,空位缺陷的浓度远远低于反位缺陷的浓度.V加入Ni3Al合金体系中能提高合金的稳定性.  相似文献   

采用非相对论第一原理分子轨道DV-Xa模型簇方法,计算了Ni基单晶超合金γ/γ'相界的电子结构,并从键重叠聚居数(QAB)、界面原子层间的部分键合强度,以及界面原子局域环境总键合强度几个方面,对Ir合金化前后γ/γ'界面的结构稳定性、脆化特性、相间断裂的难易程度等几个方面对γ/γ'相界的结构特性进行了分析.结果表明:Ir合金化能增强γ/γ'界面Ni-Ni与Ni-Al原子间的键合强度,价键强度的增加有如下的变化趋势:QNi-Ni<QNi-Al<QIr-Ni<QIr-Al,相界上,当被置换原子的种类与位置不同时,Ir合金化对γ/γ'相界结构性能的影响程度也不相同,比较而言,Ir置换γ相中的Ni最有利于提高γ/γ'相界的结构稳定性与相间抗断强度.  相似文献   

通过第一原理计算Nb掺杂对γ'-Ni_3Al和γ"-Ni_3Nb两相形成热、结合能及态密度的影响,研究了Nb掺杂量γ'-Ni_3Al和γ"-Ni_3Nb两相的合金化行为。结果表明,在γ'-Ni_3Al和γ"-Ni_3Nb两相共存的熔体中,在Nb掺杂量小于15.625at%范围内,与γ"-Ni_3Nb相比,γ'-Ni_3Al相有较好的稳定性;而Nb掺杂量大于18.75 at%时,γ"-Ni_3Nb相有更大的稳定性。其中在Nb掺杂15.452at%~16.34at%范围内,γ'-Ni_3Al和γ"-Ni_3Nb两相有相近的晶格常数,是使其发生γ'-Ni_3Al→γ"-Ni_3Nb共格相转变的必要条件。Nb掺杂量大于18.75at%后,γ'-Ni_3Al和γ"-Ni_3Nb两相费米能级处态密度的差值明显增大,γ"-Ni_3Nb相稳定性增强。此外,在γ"-Ni_3Nb相长大的同时,可发生γ'-Ni_3Al相的分解而消失。  相似文献   

First-principles calculations of the total energy of interstitial and substitutional solid solutions in intermetallic compound Ni3Al were performed based on methods using Vienna ab-initio simulation package (VASP). The results of the calculations for interstitial solutions of carbon in Ni3Al confirmed the priority role of chemical interactions over deformational ones for the nearest neighbors. We attempted to use first-principles methods of calculation of the deformation interaction and continuum approaching in the theory of solutions to calculate coefficients of the concentration changes of the lattice spacing. Comparison of the calculation results with experimental data of substitutional impurities in Ni3Al has shown that the proposed method can aid in the study of the distribution of impurity atoms on the sublattices of the ordered phases, intermetallic compounds. We have proposed a method of calculating the partial molar volume of impurity in interstitial solid solutions.  相似文献   

《Acta Materialia》2002,50(15):3803-3816
The Ni/Al2O3 and Cu/Al2O3 interfaces have been examined by atomistic, first-principles computations. Relationships have been established with such metallurgical variables as the activity of aluminum and the partial pressure of oxygen. The calculations reveal that the interfaces could be either stoichiometric, or Al-rich, or O-rich, depending on the Al activity. The results are amenable to comparison with available sessile drop and fracture measurements. For conditions applicable to sessile drop experiments performed with Ni(Al) or Cu(Al), the calculations reveal that, as the Al activity increases, initially the work of adhesion increases, reaches a maximum, and finally decreases to that for pure Al. This trend is consistent with the known measurements. Interfaces generated by diffusion-bonding with ‘pure’ Ni or Cu are predicted to be O-rich, with a large work of separation, Wsep. The implication is that the separation process induces substantial plastic dissipation in the metal, consistent with the high interface toughness. For interfaces formed through Al2O3 growth on Ni(Al) alloys, the interface is predicted to be Al terminated, with Wsep several times smaller than for either bulk Ni or Al2O3. This reduction is in accordance with observations that these interfaces fail in a brittle manner with no noticeable plasticity.  相似文献   

Ru−Al alloys with compositions of Ru59Al41, Ru46Al35Ni19, and Ru39Al13Ni48 were prepared via an arc melting technique and subsequent heat treatment at 1450°C for 24 h. Microstructures of the alloys in the as-cast and heat-treated conditions were studied. After heat treatment, cast Ru59Al41 and Ru46Al35Ni19 alloys revealed the presence of needle shaped precipitates with a simultaneous increase in hardness, exhibiting precipitation-hardening behaviour. A morphological instability resulting in the formation of lamellar structures was evident in the heat-treated Ru39Al13Ni48 alloy. Examination indicated that prolonged heat treatment is required to obtain equilibrium phase compositions resulting in a single lamellar structure in this alloy.  相似文献   

For Ni-based single crystalline superalloy with high temperature protective coatings, the formation of detrimental phases in the superalloy substrate resulting from interdiffusion between the coatings and the substrate significantly degrades the mechanical properties of the substrate. In this paper, a novel (Ru,Ni)Al/NiAl diffusion barrier coating was produced by electrodeposition of Ru together with electron beam-physical vapor deposition of Ni–Al layer. The microstructure and diffusion barrier behavior of the (Ru,Ni)Al/NiAl coating was investigated by scanning electron micrograph (SEM) equipped with energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS). SRZ mainly consisting of P phase and other TCP phases were presented beneath the NiAl coating due to the interdiffusion between the coating and Ni-based superalloy. The (Ru,Ni)Al layer effectively slowed down inward diffusion of Al from the coating and outward diffusion of alloying elements such as W and Mo, therefore suppressed the formation of TCP phases and SRZ.  相似文献   

《Acta Materialia》2007,55(14):4845-4852
A first-principles method is employed to investigate the segregation behaviors of hydrogen and boron in Ni-based and Ni3Al-based alloys using two models. Chemical binding energy analysis shows that both boron and hydrogen are able to segregate to the interstices in the Ni phase, Ni3Al phase and Ni/Ni3Al interface. Boron, however, is bound to its neighbor atoms more tightly than hydrogen in both models and its stable state exists over a broader lattice misfit range compared with hydrogen. The bond order analysis we have proposed reveals the origin of the boron-induced ductility and hydrogen-induced embrittlment at the Ni/Ni3Al interface with different lattice misfit. The calculations indicate that hydrogen causes more severe embrittlement at the Ni/Ni3Al interface in Ni3Al-based than in Ni-based alloys. Furthermore, it is found that the boron-induced ductility and hydrogen-induced embrittlement are changed, and thus controllable, by the lattice misfit. Our results provide a quantitative explanation of many experimental phenomena caused by the addition of boron and hydrogen to Ni-based and Ni3Al-based alloys.  相似文献   

实验室成功叠轧制备Ni/Al复合材料,研究了叠轧道次和热处理对复合材料硬度的影响规律。结果表明:随着叠轧道次的增加,Ni、Al组元及复合材料硬度均有增大。当叠轧道次n≤3时,Ni组元的层状结构使得Al的变形受到材料整体性的抑制作用,导致了复合材料整体硬度出现反常增大现象;当叠轧道次n>3时,Ni颗粒在Al组元中的镶嵌效应使得Al组元变形所受的抑制作用减弱,从而使得复合材料整体硬度随叠轧道次增加速度减慢。建立了叠轧道次n与Ni、Al组元及复合材料整体硬度的关系方程。经250 ℃×50 min热处理,组元间附加应力的减小和再结晶作用导致Ni、Al组元及复合材料整体硬度减小,且由于变形的不均匀使得Ni层颗粒再结晶程度不均匀,导致Ni组元硬度波动变大。  相似文献   

A nickel-based coating was deposited on the pure Al substrate by immersion plating, and the Al/Cu bimetals were prepared by diffusion bonding in the temperature range of 450–550 °C. The interface microstructure and fracture surface of Al/Cu joints were studied by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). The mechanical properties of the Al/Cu bimetals were measured by tensile shear and microhardness tests. The results show that the Ni interlayer can effectively eliminate the formation of Al-Cu intermetallic compounds. The Al/Ni interface consists of the Al3Ni and Al3Ni2 phases, while it is Ni-Cu solid solution at the Ni/Cu interface. The tensile shear strength of the joints is improved by the addition of Ni interlayer. The joint with Ni interlayer annealed at 500 °C exhibits a maximum value of tensile shear strength of 34.7 MPa.  相似文献   

对1060铝合金和N4镍合金异种金属进行了超声波点动焊接,优化了焊接工艺,分析了接头界面组织,焊接接头组织微观形貌和力学性能.结果表明,超声波焊接能够实现1060铝合金和N4镍合金异种金属的有效连接,能够得到韧性和强度都很高的焊接接头;确定了铝镍异种金属超声波焊接的焊接工艺参数为焊接压力25.2~36.0 MPa,焊接时间75~85 ms;当焊接压力为32.4 MPa,焊接时间为85 ms时,抗剪强度超过铝侧母材.焊接接头界面的XRD和EDS分析结果表明,接头界面存在由Al,Ni两种元素互扩散而形成的2 μm厚的反应扩散层.  相似文献   

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