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A rigorous multicomponent multi gas-solid reaction model is developed. It is based on the particle — pellet model and considers the transient nature of the system, inter- and intra-particle heat and mass transfer and the variation of structural parameters with reaction. The model equations describing the structural changes along with property evaluation schemes are formulated for a general multicomponent system. Simulation results are compared with experimental data for carbon gasification and the reduction of a nickel oxide/hematite mixture. The match between model and experiment was found satisfactory. Both concentration and temperature profiles and other parameters are examined.  相似文献   

A “multimodel” for gas‐solid reactions in a reacting particle has been applied to a bubbling fluidized bed reactor. The particle is tracked and bed and particle variables are determined continuously. The conservation equations of mass and heat with auxiliary relations are solved in an accelerating particle, which may rise or fall. The effects of bulk pressure, velocity and temperature, and particle diameter are studied. Heat and mass transfer coefficients may fluctuate up to 75% and 148% respectively. Doubling the pressure changes hc by 75% and kc by ?45%. Increase in pellet diameter reduces both hc and kc.  相似文献   

In the field of fine chemicals batch process the implementation of synthesis paths results most often in the determination of the optimal operating conditions on a bench scale apparatus; successive scale-ups are then handled in an empirical way. For multi-phase reactions, this approach can be limited due to the coupling between the chemical kinetics and the physical kinetics of the mass transfer. This work proposes a more rational approach for the overall synthesis of Amiodarone, a widely used anti-arrhythmic drug produced by a liquid/liquid/solid reaction. After analysing the reaction scheme and identifying the limiting steps of the process, a simplified model is proposed to describe the overall process kinetics. The latter is used to model a continuous pilot loop-reactor packed with static mixers.  相似文献   

Multiple gas solid reactions involving one solid and N gaseous reactants are investigated in this study by using a matched asymptotic expansion technique. Two cases are particularly studied. In the first case all N chemical reaction rates are faster than the diffusion rate. While in the second case only M (M <N) chemical reaction rates are faster than the diffusion rate and the rates of the remaining (N-M) chemical reactions are comparable to that of diffusion. For these two cases the solid concentration profile behaves like a travelling wave. In the first case the wave front velocity is contributed linearly by all gaseous reactants (additive law) while in the second case this law does not hold.  相似文献   

The effects of incorporating tungsten into the traditional Co–Mo–K/γ–Al2O3 catalysts on the catalytic performances for water–gas shift reaction were investigated. Activity tests showed that W-promoted Co–Mo–K/γ–Al2O3 catalysts exhibited higher activity than W-free Co–Mo–K/γ–Al2O3 catalyst. Raman and H2-TPR studies indicated that part of the octahedrally coordinated Mo–O species on Co–Mo–K catalysts transformed into tetrahedrally coordinated Mo–O species in the presence of W promoter.  相似文献   

Fluid–solid reactions are very important in the chemical and metallurgical process industries. Several models described these reactions such as volume reaction model, grain model, random pore model and nucleation model. These models give two nonlinear-coupled partial differential equations (CPDE). When the fluid concentration is high (for example in liquid–solid reactions), the fluid mass balance must be written as an unsteady equation. There is not any analytical or approximate solution for these equations, due to its complex CPDE. In this work, a new solution technique (quantized method) has been applied to these unsteady state CPDE. The results of this method (conversion–time profiles) have been compared with some existing numerical solutions with a good accuracy. Therefore, this method can be used for rapid estimation of kinetic parameters from experimental data.  相似文献   

A Transient model for packed bed non-catalytic reactors, which avoids many of the simplifying assumptions of the earlier models, has been developed. The model includes the effects of inter- and intra-pellet transfer resistances and the additional effects of axial dispersion in the bulk fluid. The solution procedure to the system of equations is based on the orthogonal collocation method. The effects of various parameters on the temperature rise encountered in the bed and the possibility of reducing this rise by perturbing the inlet concentration and temperature of the gas are examined.  相似文献   

The diffusion model for gas-solid reactions, proposed by Phadtare and Doraiswamy [9] and applied for the oxidation of zinc sulphide by Gokarn and Doraiswamy [6] for spherical pellets, has been extended to include different geometrical shapes. Model equations have been derived for the long cylinder, right circular cylinder (L = D), infinite cylinder and flat plate.Cylindrical ZnS pellets have been prepared at three different compression pressures, and oxidation carried out at various temperatures for each compression pressure. It has been confirmed that there is a definite shift in the controlling regime and that the “critical temperatures” [i.e. the temperature at which the shift occurs] is dependent on the porosity of the ZnS pellet, shifting to a lower temperature as the porosity is decreased.It has also been observed that the modified kinetic and diffusion models satisfactorily represent the experimental data in the respective zones of control for all the shapes studied. The value of the effective diffusivity obtained by the application of the model to the experimental data for various shapes at a particular temperature has been found to be the same irrespective of the pellet geometry, thus providing further confirmation of the proposed models. In the kinetic regime the activation energy of the reaction has been estimated to be 7·55 kcal/g mole and in the diffusion regime 1·92 kcal/g mole.The Aris approximation for the diffusion length has been found to be applicable to the various geometrical configurations examined, thus proving that this useful approximation, which was so far limited to catalytic reactions, can also be employed for gas—solid reactions.  相似文献   

Changes in the number of molecules in the gaseous phase of a closed volume under compression with the occurrence of a condensation process were studied. A corresponding relationship, which predicted the occurrence of two regimes in the development of a compression process and the possibility of a transition from one regime to the other at a critical point, was obtained. The effect of molecular size on the parameters responsible for this transition was demonstrated, and the dependence of these parameters on main process characteristics was studied. On this basis, a gas state equation was proposed to describe the regions of gas compression and condensation and the compression of condensed liquid. The effects of the compressibility of liquid on the form of the equation of state proposed and on the corresponding isotherms were studied.  相似文献   

A transient analysis of the problem of non-catalytic gas—solid reaction based on the particle—pellet model, which considers the particulate nature of the pellet and includes the external transport resistances, is presented. The method of solution of the resulting non-linear partial differential equations is based on the orthogonal collocation technique. The transient model has been compared with the pseudo-steady analysis of the problem. The effect of various parameters on the temperature profiles in the pellet and the conversion of the solid reactant has been discussed.  相似文献   

Polyurethane (PU)–solid wood composites with good mechanical properties and dimensional stability have been prepared in the presence of four amine catalysts. Cone calorimetry and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) have been employed to characterize and evaluate the effects of the catalyst species on the flammability of the PU–wood composites. The results indicated that the PU–wood composites prepared in the presence of various catalysts had somewhat better flame resistance than the untreated wood control, as manifested in various flammability parameters (longer time to sustained ignition and time to peak heart rate release, larger mass and fire performance index (FPI), and lower mean HRR, mass loss rate, and peak HRR). The variations in the flame resistances of the PU–wood composites can be attributed to the various morphologies of the PU resin and the wood that resulted from the use of the various catalysts, as indicated by SEM micrographs. The PU–wood composite prepared in the presence of N‐methylmorpholine (NMM) as catalyst showed the best flame resistance, since the PU resin formed abundant PU foam that extended throughout the wood. This foam was effective in retarding the transfers of heat and combustible substances as well as the pyrogenation. In terms of FPI values, the flame resistances of these PU–wood composites decreased according to the catalyst used in the order NMM, triethanolamine, diethylenetriamine, and triethylenediamine. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci, 2009  相似文献   

When searching for a design concept in which a catalytic combustor is utilised, or looking for areas where improvements can be made to an existing design, then mathematical modelling is an important tool. However, models are only as good as the way in which the physico-chemical processes are modelled and the quality of the physical and chemical parameters (e.g. kinetic expressions, physical properties) acquired for use in the models. When selecting a basis for a model, there are many questions that need to be asked and answered by the developer of the chemical reaction engineering model of the catalytic combustor. Many challenges arise from having to make decisions on compromises that need to be made, and in recognising the consequences of such action. Examples of such challenges are outlined and, for some, clues are offered as to where the answers may lie. The examples include challenges in: the selection of appropriate kinetic expressions, recognition of the role that intraphase diffusion may play, the choice of pressure for catalytic kinetic and pilot scale studies, the selection of heat and mass transfer correlations, and the modelling of transients.  相似文献   

Monolith catalyst supports are attractive as fixed bed reactors that, at the scale of the catalyst dimension, exhibit the mass transfer characteristics of slurry reactors. This paper presents a reactor design study for the single-pass conversion of dinitrotoluene in a loop configuration with an external heat exchanger. The advantage of such a loop system is the elimination of a solvent, which in turn allows more reaction heat to be recovered. The advantages of using a monolith are the low pressure drop at high recycle ratio, while maintaining good mass transfer characteristics. The modelling includes internal diffusion limitation, external mass transfer characteristics, heat effects, maldistribution and flow stability. The optimal design is found at the lowest hydrodynamic stable flow rates, where the mass transfer is fastest and the residence time in the column maximal.  相似文献   

Experiments were performed to study the hydrodynamics of a cocurrent three‐phase fluidized bed with liquid as continuous phase. Based on the 209 experimental data (with four liquid systems and five different particles) along with 115 literature data from six different sources on minimum fluidization velocity, a unique correlation for the estimation of minimum fluidization velocity in two‐phase (ug = 0) as well as in three‐phase systems is developed. A data bank consisting of 1420 experimental measurements for the fractional gas phase holdup data with a wide range of variables is used for developing empirical correlations. Separate correlations are developed for two flow regimes observed in this present work. The proposed correlations are more accurate and simpler to use. © 2002 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Previous experimental studies on bentonite–water interactions have demonstrated the importance of ion exchange and surface complexation reactions occurring at the clay surface as well as dissolution/precipitation reactions of mineral impurities. Based on these findings, thermodynamic models have been widely used to derive porewater compositions for the compacted bentonite used as backfill material for nuclear repositories. Conventional models typically neglect phenomena important in compacted clays such as anion exclusion induced by swelling of the expandable clay fraction and by the formation of electrical double layers on charged edge surfaces. In this study, we evaluate such phenomena by applying a refined diffuse double layer (DDL) approach to model porewater composition in a compacted bentonite backfill surrounded by argillaceous host rock, as foreseen for the Swiss high-level waste repository. Model calculations also include the effect of water incorporation in the structural interlayers.The results indicate that the conventional model and the refined DDL model without distinction between interlayer and external water only differ slightly. The main buffering reactions include ion exchange of Ca for Na, calcite and gypsum dissolution and deprotonation of surface hydroxyl groups. On the other hand, the calculation accounting for the distinction of external and interlayer water indicates significant anion exclusion effects on the external water composition. Most notably, this leads to an increased salinity and drop in pH.From a performance assessment perspective, however, the differences induced by the inclusion of swelling and diffuse double layer effects are not very significant relative to uncertainties related to system variables, such as the pCO2 of the host rock. Finally, it should be emphasised that significant uncertainties related to the thermodynamic properties of water in compacted clays, e.g., dielectric constant, are still unresolved and deserve further investigations.  相似文献   

Nanocomposite vulcanizates based on ethylene–propylene–diene monomer rubber (EPDM) and organically modified montmorillonite with improved mechanical and barrier properties were prepared via a melt‐mixing process in the presence of maleic anhydride grafted ethylene–propylene–diene monomer rubber (EPDM‐g‐MAH) as an interfacial compatibilizer. The effects of the EPDM Mooney viscosity as the matrix and also the compatibilizer molecular weight and its maleation degree on the developed microstructure were also studied. The annealing of the vulcanized nanocomposites based on a low‐Mooney‐viscosity EPDM matrix and low‐Mooney‐viscosity EPDM‐g‐MAH enhanced the flocculation of the dispersed clay platelets; this implied that the flocculated structure for the clay nanolayers was more thermodynamically preferred in these nanocomposites. This was verified by the decrease in the oxygen permeability of the nanocomposite vulcanizates with increasing annealing time. The tendency of the clay nanosilicate layers to flocculate within the matrix of EPDM was found to be influenced by the clay volume fraction, the maleation degree, and also, the Mooney viscosity of the compatibilizer. Interfacially compatibilized nanocomposites based on high‐molecular‐weight EPDM exhibited a more disordered dispersion of the clay nanolayers, with a broadened relaxation time spectra; this was attributed to the higher shearing subjected to the mix during the melt‐blending process. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci, 2011  相似文献   

A modified method is discussed that is based on Farooque and Deshpande's method to obtain polymer–polymer interaction parameters using inverse gas chromatography (IGC) data. In the Farooque and Deshpande method, the ratio of the difference of probe–polymer interaction parameters between two polymers and the probe volume [(χ12 ? χ13)/V1] is used as the abscissa. In the modified method, the ratio [(?2χ12 + ?3χ13)/V1] is used as the abscissa. Experimental data previously reported for a poly(?‐caprolactone)‐polyepichlorohydrin (PCL/PECH) blend and a poly(ethyl acrylate)‐poly(vinyl propionate) (PEA/PVPr) blend are analyzed. It is found that the slopes obtained by the new method had smaller deviations from the theoretical values than the Farooque and Deshpande method. The standard deviations of both slopes and intercepts obtained from the new method are also smaller. Using the new method, the polymer–polymer interaction parameters obtained from the intercept are negative numbers for the PCL/PECH system and very small positive numbers for PEA/PVPr. Explanations are given for the probe and concentration dependency of the polymer–polymer interaction parameters that are generally observed in IGC studies. A new method for selecting the best probe for calculating the interaction parameter is discussed. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 90: 671–680, 2003  相似文献   

Existing jet penetration correlations have all been developed for sub‐sonic gas jets and have been found to perform poorly when employed in sonic and supersonic regimes. In the present study, triboelectric probes were used to measure both the penetration depth and expansion angle of sonic gas jets. Experiments were conducted using nozzles of different size and geometry, different particle types, different injection gases, and different fluidization velocities. All these data were used to develop a new, general correlation to predict the penetration depth of sonic gas jets. The effects of these variables on jet expansion angle were also studied.  相似文献   

The objective of this work was to investigate the influence of CuO loading and catalyst pretreatment procedure to derive an optimal CuO–CeO2 catalyst for the water–gas shift reaction (WGS), and to study in detail structure– and surface acidity–activity relationships. Catalyst samples prepared by coprecipitation and a 10, 15 and 20 mol% CuO content were examined by XRD, BET and TPR/TPD analyses and subjected to pulse WGS activity tests in the temperature range of 180–400 °C. Strong structure–activity dependence in the WGS reaction was observed for all catalyst samples. It was established that increasing CuO content has a positive effect on H2 production during the WGS reaction, due to favored CeO2 reduction. Increasing calcination temperature on the other hand reduces the BET surface area, induced by CuO sintering and agglomeration of CeO2 particles, resulting in a negative effect on H2 production. Distinctive WGS activity dependence on surface acidity was observed and investigated.  相似文献   

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