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日本铝及铝合金焊丝的现状与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张露菁  邓键 《焊接》2001,(12):35-36,47
1 品  种日本生产的铝及铝合金焊丝占产量的 99%以上是按日本国家标准生产的 ,因此日本国家标准 (日本工业标准 )的品种变迁可反映出产品品种的变化。早在1964年 ,日本便制定了铝及铝合金焊丝的工业标准(JISZ32 32 ) ,首次规定共 7个品种。后经过几次修定 ,1986年第 3次修定后共定型了 11个品种 ,目前无变动见表 1。表 1 JISZ32 32规定的焊丝种类的变迁焊 丝型 号 ①化学成分( % )变迁年份 ②/年196 41970 19791986A10 70 -BY(WY)Al>99.7○○○○A110 0 -BYWYAl>99.0Cu0 .0 5~ 0 .2 0 ○○○○A12 0 0 -B…  相似文献   

随着铝合金在各行各业的广泛应用,铝合金焊丝的需求量也越来越大。主要介绍了国内外铝合金焊丝的生产工艺及生产发展趋势。重点介绍了铝合金焊丝线坯的三种主要生产方法:立式半连续铸造-挤压法、连铸连轧法、水平连铸连拉法,并重点阐述了每种生产方法的原理、优缺点及发展现状。  相似文献   

铝合金焊丝的拉拔及刮削工艺   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为制造高品质铝合金焊丝材料,通过分析单模拉伸条件、拉伸的影响因素、拉伸配模原则、拉伸加工率等对铝合金焊丝拉伸的影响,制订了铝合金焊丝单模拉伸工艺、热处理工艺、多模连拉工艺及机械刮削光亮化工艺.结果表明:当加工率不超过27%、退火温度为(410±10)℃,保温1.5 h,可实现铝合金焊丝的单模拉伸;当2道模具之间的加工率...  相似文献   

随着轻量化和焊接技术的发展进步,铝及铝合金在汽车、轨道交通、船舶和航空航天等领域得到了广泛应用。同时,对铝合金焊接材料提出了更高要求。本文系统介绍了铝合金各系列焊丝成分与组织的关系、焊丝主要加工工艺、铝合金的焊接方法的研究现状及存在的问题,指出了铝合金焊丝的发展趋势。  相似文献   

表面处理对铝合金焊丝气孔敏感性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
铝合金焊丝洁净度是影响焊缝质量的主要因素之一。研究表面处理对铝合金焊丝气孔敏感性的影响,结果表明,表面处理工艺不同,焊丝氢含量存在差异。未清洗的焊丝,氢含量最高,通过机械抛光方法制备的焊丝氢含量最低;焊丝氢含量与焊缝气孔倾向呈正相关性,随着焊丝氢含量的提高,焊缝气孔形成倾向增加。采用机械法抛光焊丝,减少焊丝氢含量,可防止焊缝气孔的产生。  相似文献   

通过拉伸、弯曲、硬度试验和金相分析等,对ER 5356铝合金焊接接头的组织与力学性能进行了研究,并对断口进行了SEM扫描分析,结果表明:ER 5356铝合金焊丝焊接接头的拉伸性能和抗弯性能均符合要求;焊缝区显微组织主要为α(Al)相基体和其上分布的部分析出β(Mg2Si)相,焊缝晶粒形态为等轴树枝晶,焊缝中心最后冷却,焊缝中部冷却较慢为等轴晶粒,晶粒均匀细小;热影响区的焊接温度超过了原有的时效温度,但又未达到固溶温度。出现了过时效效应,从而产生了过析出的软化区。  相似文献   

在普通钢焊丝表面热浸涂铝合金涂层后,通过CO2气保焊、埋弧焊的试验研究,证明铝涂层焊丝具有表面不易锈蚀、高的熔敷率、改善导电性、提高合金元素过渡系数、减小气孔生成倾向等特点。在不同焊接方法中适当调整涂层与钢材成分、或配以相应的焊剂类型,可获得不同强度等级的焊缝性能。涂层中还可添加稀土合金和钛、硼等合金元素,以改善焊缝的冲击韧性.本文以冶金观点对“涂层”焊丝所具有的特点和性能的现状与发展进行分析和讨论。  相似文献   

Chromate pigmented paints are commonly used in painting the aluminium parts of the aircrafts. This study is directed to find an alternative inhibitor in place of chromate the most widely used inhibitor in aircraft paints. In that effect sodium benzoate, polyacrylic acid (PAA), strontium chloride, cerium chloride, malic acid, glycin, cobalt sulphate, pyrrol, and quartamin T (alkyl three methyl ammonium chloride) were tried in place of Na2CrO4. The anodic and cathodic polarisation curves were recorded and weight loss measurements were carried out in 0.1 M NaCl solutions with and without inhibitor. Quartamin T, pyrrol and PAA which were observed to provide satisfactory inhibition effect were added to the polyurethane based paints used in the aircraft industry and the Al (2024) alloy painted with this paint was subjected to electrochemical corrosion tests in 0.1 M NaCl. Pyrrol and quartamin T containing paints were observed to give results as good as those obtained with chromate containing paints.  相似文献   

为实现节能减排,提高车辆行驶效率,轿车轻量化是必由之路,而采用铝合金材料制作车体是减轻轿车自重的有效措施.结合我国轿车行业的发展实际,综述和探索了铝合金车身的焊装技术,为实现铝合金车身的优质、高效焊接提供了现实途径.  相似文献   

The purpose of the investigations was to develop technological conditions of robotized GMA surfacing of experimental protective modules of armours. On the grounds of ballistic tests, the high resistance of armour protective modules against the impact of B-32 armour-piercing incendiaries of 7.62 × 54 mm Mosin rifle cartridges is shown.  相似文献   

左敦桂  李芳  华学明  吴毅雄 《电焊机》2007,37(7):1-5,40
详细介绍了近年来国内外出现的铝合金焊接新技术(激光焊、激光-电弧复合焊以及摩擦搅拌焊)的原理、工艺特点以及在汽车制造中的应用.  相似文献   

铝镁合金因其特殊的焊接特性 ,焊接质量不易保证。本文结合NS4铝合金料仓焊接的工程实例 ,从焊接方法、焊接设备、焊材选用以及焊接工艺、施工质量和效果等方面详细介绍了铝镁合金的焊接技术。  相似文献   

我国铝加工业发展趋势   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
铝是地壳中分布最广的金属元素,良好的综合性能使铝成为最通用的工程和建筑材料之一.我国的铝资源非常丰富,现已成为铝及其加工产品的生产消费大国,产品质量总体上接近国际水平.现在,世界各国都在努力减少对环境的污染,降低能耗,提高运行速度,改良使用维护条件,产品的轻量化是必然的发展趋势,铝是首选的金属材料,研究开发超高强高韧、高耐腐蚀、高温高强、高弹性模量的铝合金材料、研究开发铝合金复合材料和合成材料是研发主流.在提高强度的同时大幅度提高塑性、韧性和综合性能是研究的前沿,突出进展是工艺技术的创新.  相似文献   

This study focuses on analysing the durability of adhesive bonds formed in samples of Aluminium 6063, Titanium Nitride deposited Al 6063 and Anodized Al 6063 using epoxy adhesive Weicon A. Two types of studies are performed, first, samples of Aluminium 6063, Titanium Nitride deposited Al 6063 and Anodized Al 6063, are bonded by an epoxy adhesive Weicon A. Second, the samples are bonded by the adhesive with reinforcement of Ca2SiO4 nanoparticles in different proportions. The samples are examined using the scanning electron microscopy to study the morphology of the coating. A lap shear test is performed to determine the strength of the adhesive after the specimens were subjected to harsh chemical environments. A thermogravimetric analysis is performed on the adhesive to understand the effect of nanoparticles in the thermal stability in the Weicon A. It is understood from the tests that the titanium nitride coated Al 6063 samples bonded with Weicon A exhibited greater bond strength and also retained the strength when exposed to harsh environments. The inclusion of calcium silicate nano-particles showcased a considerable reduction in the bond strength. The thermal stability of Weicon A seems to be unaffected by the inclusion of calcium silicate nanoparticles.  相似文献   


Polyamides were one of the earliest powder coatings invented for metal protection and soon established recognition for their physical toughness, visual attractiveness and compatibility with potable water and foodstuffs. The available polyamides today can be derivatives from both crude oil and castor oil refining processes. A short review of established applications and recent developments in both coatings and non-coatings uses is given.  相似文献   

通过分析3105铝合金板带材的特性、我国铝板带的使用状况和3105铝合金板带材的生产工艺,认为在我国推广生产3105铝合金板带对消化企业的生产废料、降低生产成本和保护环境都有积极的现实意义.  相似文献   

Laser-arc hybrid welding is considered to be an efficient, practical welding process because its deposited metal from welding wire can increase gap-bridging ability and prevent welding defects such as undercutting or underfilling. The deposition rate from welding wire, however, cannot be adjusted independently on the welding current under the stable welding conditions because it is necessary to maintain a constant arc voltage. Although the combination of a higher deposition rate and a lower welding current is sometimes needed, for example during the welding of a thin sheet, a high deposition rate generally accompanies with a high welding current in the conventional laser-arc hybrid welding. In order to solve the above-mentioned problems, the authors have proposed a novel method, a filler-added laser-arc hybrid welding (FLA welding) process, to increase a deposition rate without increasing the welding current itself in the welding of aluminium alloy. As a result, gap-bridging ability can be increased in the welding of both thin and thick plates. In this paper, the welding of aluminium alloy butt joints by using FLA welding process is discussed.  相似文献   

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