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新技术的突破及大规模应用,往往是相关产业格局发生巨变的开始。2007年注定是电信行业风云变幻的一年,3G牌照的发放成为业界最为关注的话题,也是影响中国电信运营商命运的关键,而在3G网络建设中取得多少市场份额,也将成为奠定电信设备商未来市场格局的基础,从这个意义上讲,2007年将成为电信行业命运决战的元年。 中国电信市场的迅猛发展以及中国电信行业企业竞争力的提高,伴随2008年奥运的东风,中国电信业会诞生一些具有国际竞争力的企业,不仅仅是电信运营商以及电信设备商,大量具有竞争力的电信增值服务商也会在“主场作战”的优势之下,成为国际电信行业的重要力量。 另一方面,身处“黄金年代”的国内移动运营商正在力图在内容娱乐领域打造自己的帝国,而固网运营商也在努力拓展在“互联网时代”自己的发展路径。这一切都表明,部分中国电信行业企业,正处于天时、地利、人和的有利环境之中,努力成长为具有国际竞争力的电信企业,而2007年我们已经看到了发展的端倪。[编者按]  相似文献   

风云电信2006“中国电信供应商100佳”调查,是《互联网周刊》在2005年首次展开的大规模电信运营商调查活动的延续。调查活动于2006年2月20日启动候选企业的公开征集,大规模调查开始于2006年3月20日,至2006年4月21日结束。此次调查对象涵盖了活跃于中国电信市场的主流电信供应商,通过企业自荐、编辑筛选、专家及用户推荐等方式,依据企业的市场表现,在2005年的候选范围内进行了增减,最终188家电信企业入围候选名单。  相似文献   

下一代电信增值服务主要解决的将是,企业内部、企业与企业之间的商务和服务沟通问题。下一代电信增值服务的主体将不完全是传统的电信公司和IT公司,那些已经实现了内部信息化管理的传统企业和机构,正依托其现有的客户群体和完善的电信基础设施,采用电子化的手段将其商务和服务活动电子化,逐步成为新型电信增值服务的主体。 导致下一代电信增值服务出现的因素:电信管制环境进一步宽松,电信业务逐步放开;通信网络宽带化,以软交换为核心、光网络为基础的下一代网络的涌现,下一代电信增值服务具备了硬件环境;综合IT技术的语音、数据和视频的新的商务通信方式和手段,将不断派生出种类繁多的电信增值服务;传统产业开始涉足互联网。 下一代电信增值服务的基本特征:宽带化;综合化;个性化;交互性;主动性。  相似文献   

互联互通进展如何,直接关系到电信网络能否充分发挥整体效能,影响到广大电信用户的切身利益,也与电信企业的经济效益休戚相关。对于政府来说,在互联互通上,既要实现网络资源的优化配置,避免不必要的重复建设,又要增加各电信运营企业的经济效益。  相似文献   

摩托罗拉大学率先在汽车、金融等行业推行“六西格玛”后,今年又迎来新的挑战。摩托罗拉大学将全面展开与更多电信行业伙伴的合作,并首次将“六西格玛”引入范围更广的电信企业当中。  相似文献   

随着电信竞争的加剧,电信企业如何提升竞争力已成为战略性课题。文章探讨了电信企业竞争力的基本概念,从外部环境、制度安排、内部管理、创新能力、市场拓展、国际化等若干方面,提出了提升电信企业竞争力的基本建议。  相似文献   

基础信息网络(公用电信网、专用通信网、广电传输网和互联网等)作为网络化社会赖以存在、运作的物理基础,对整个国家信息网络空间的安全起到基础支撑作用,特别是随着信息技术的发展而导致的“三网合一”.更将使基础信息网络安全对整个网络空间的信息安全产生关键性和全局性的作用。电信安全监管在本质上,是在WTO的环境下,依据国家有关法律、法规和国务院有关部门的规章.充分保障国家、电信企业和电信用户的安全利益。因此,加强基础信息网络的安全保障刻不容缓,加强电信安全监管势在必行。  相似文献   

黄海平 《信息网络》2004,(10):36-36,38
十年的时间,瞬间即逝。十年的时间,电信的信息化征程历经风雨,撰写了光荣与梦想的传奇篇章。十年间,中国的互联网络以超乎想象的速度,由一个蹒跚学步的婴儿迅速成长为身姿矫健、神采飞扬的青年。十年间,我也从懵懂无知的莘莘学子,成长为即将而立的电信客户经理,始终追随着互联网前进的脚步。  相似文献   

邓蕾  吴伟明 《办公自动化》2002,(G00):191-196
计算机技术的发展使得办公自动化的概念发生了质的变化,随着现代电信企业经营规模的不断扩大,电信综合办公自动化管理系统成为电信企业有效管理企业资源的一个重要途径。本文以我们开发的电信综合办公自动化管理系统为主,简述了其研发背景,总体方案结构,本文重点是研究建设一个适于电信企业实际需求的可扩展性强的综合信息平台,建成后的信息平台可实现综合办公管理子系统与其他电信业务系统间的数据共享,数据传输接口等集成工作。文章的最后对综合办公自动化管理系统的发展作了探讨。  相似文献   

近日,央行与信产部达成了协议,同意将电信用户缴费信息接入个人征信系统.并已经责成各地人民银行和电信企业推进这项工作。[第一段]  相似文献   

当前,电动汽车是世界各国普遍关注的发展重点。2013年1月31日,美国能源部能源效率与可再生能源办公室(EERE)发布了《应对电动汽车普及所带来挑战的蓝图》(以下简称《电动汽车普及蓝图》),展示了未来十年内美国发展电动汽车的关键技术领域(电池、电驱动系统及车身重量)和部署目标。本文在编译和整理美国《电动汽车普及蓝图》基础上,探讨了其对我国编制产业发展规划的几点启示。  相似文献   

Telecommunications services are complex and rapidly becoming more so. If we wish to apply formal methods of requirements engineering in the telecommunications domain, then the primary obstacle we face is the sheer complexity of the behaviour to be described. This paper focuses on one kind of telecommunications system, thelong-distance telephone network (LDTN), and presents several ways of managing complexity in LDTN requirements. The alleviation of complexity comes from careful application of some general principles of requirements engineering. At the same time that these principles help us manage complexity, the productive focus on complexity enhances the motivation for these principles.  相似文献   

A matrix approach for telecommunications technology selection   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Global competitive environment in telecommunications requires that the current R&D project selection process should be changed. This paper argues that quality function deployment(QFD) matrix that has been successfully used for drawing technologies from customer needs can be applied to the selection of telecommunications technologies. It describes the selection process by successive matrix handling. The steps to draw technology priority are detailed. Nominal measures, such as current company rating, competitor's ratings, planned level, improvement ratio, that are used for prioritizing customer needs in QFD matrix, cannot be directly applied to telecommunications. Instead, several new measures are devised to prioritize telecommunications services and to develop competitive benchmarks.  相似文献   

改革开放三十年来,物质资本要素是中国经济主要的增长动力,并且重要性逐渐上升;人力资本增长动力在1982年左右达到峰值,此后不断下降;劳动力增长动力在1988年达到峰值,此后也不断下降;全要素生产率呈倒“w”型增长轨迹,三次TFP的快速增长都与中国几次重要的经济制度变迁有着重要联系。在1978年~2012年间,经济体制改革、对外开放、基础设施建设、研发对TFP的解释存在变动,不同时期对TFP的解释力度不同。本文预测2013年~2020年,物质资本、人力资本、TFP增长动力将有所下降,经济潜在增长率将会下降到6%~8%之间。在未来十年,中国潜在经济增长速度将会下滑。  相似文献   

The problem of finding shortest paths arises in many contexts; testing restoration algorithms and developing design packages for large telecommunications networks are two cases where the simple task of finding sets of restoration paths can consume up to 95 per cent of the execution time of an application program. This paper presents experimental studies of several well-known shortest-paths algorithms adapted to the task of finding the k-successively-shortest link-disjoint replacement paths for restoration in a telecommunications network with n nodes. The implementations range in complexity from O(kn2) when based on Dijkstra's original method, through several improvements to an efficient implementation of O(kn[v+longn]) complexity, and finally to an O(kn) implementation for the special case of edge-sparse graphs with small integer edge weights. Here v is the maximum degree of a node in the network. Several alternatives were tested during the course of these studies, particularly with a view to minimizing the number of heap updates, These alternatives are possible because we are searching for several paths between a given pair of nodes, rather than just one path between one or more pairs of nodes. Two fairly straightforward changes yield a decrease in execution time, whereas a more complex heap management strategy consumes as much time in the added code as it releases from the main routine. Experimental results confirm the theoretical complexity of q k n log n) and demonstrate a speed-up of nearly an order of magnitude over the simpler O(kn2) implementation in the largest networks tested. The optimized implementation is recommended for planning and operational applications of k-shortest paths rerouting for telecommunications network restoration and restorable network design. If hop counts or small integer link weights can be used to measure distances, then the qkn) implementation is recommended, as typical telecommunications networks are edge-sparse.  相似文献   

The hop constrained min-sum arborescence with outage costs problem consists of selecting links in a network so as to connect a set of terminal nodes N={2,3,…,n}N={2,3,,n} to a central node with minimal expected annual cost. The maximum number of links between the central node and each terminal node jj is limited to a predefined number hjhj (the hop constraint). Each terminal node in the network has an associated outage cost, which is the economic cost borne by the network user whenever that node is disconnected from the central node due to failure of a link. We formulate this problem as an integer programming problem and suggest a Lagrangian relaxation-based heuristic to get a good solution to this network problem. Lower bounds found as a byproduct of the solution procedure are used to assess the quality of the heuristic solutions. Computational results over a wide range of problem structures involving up to 100 nodes are given showing the effectiveness of the proposed approach.  相似文献   

Loss networks are a class of resource allocation models which have proved useful in the study and design of communication networks. A major aim when analysing these models is to obtain measures of performance such as congestion probabilities and throughput. Even for moderately sized networks it is often not possible to calculate the quantities of interest exactly in reasonable time. Accordingly there is motivation to investigate methods of accurate approximation. This paper is concerned with estimating the performance measures of a ring-shaped network with branches. Two methods are presented: an asymptotic analysis made possible by the network's cyclic structure, and a technique utilising the network's symmetry which could be applied more generally.  相似文献   

In this paper we study the dynamic telecommunications flow routing problem from two points of view: (1) that of a single firm attempting to operate its network efficiently, and (2) oligopolistic competition among several firms competing for network capacity and market share. The mathematical perspective is that of continuous time optimal control and infinite dimensional variational inequalities.  相似文献   

宗平  陆颖颖 《微机发展》2012,(7):158-162
在过去的十年中,基于互联网的视频分发服务已经成为现代日常生活的一部分。3G蜂窝网覆盖范围的扩展以及大量高性能的移动设备的出现,加剧了对于大数据量可扩展移动视频分发业务的需求。采用第三屏幕作为视频主屏幕的方式,解决移动数据分发生态系统中的效率低下问题以及移动数据分发基础设施的可扩展问题已成为研究热点之一。文中在研究当前移动内容分发系统基本策略的基础上,提出了一种基于HTTP协议的改进的移动视频分发方法,有效地提高了移动视频分发系统的服务质量和可扩展性。  相似文献   

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