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Cellular Learning Automata (CLAs) are hybrid models obtained from combination of Cellular Automata (CAs) and Learning Automata (LAs). These models can be either open or closed. In closed CLAs, the states of neighboring cells of each cell called local environment affect on the action selection process of the LA of that cell whereas in open CLAs, each cell, in addition to its local environment has an exclusive environment which is observed by the cell only and the global environment which can be observed by all the cells in CLA. In dynamic models of CLAs, one of their aspects such as structure, local rule or neighborhood radius may change during the evolution of the CLA. CLAs can also be classified as synchronous CLAs or asynchronous CLAs. In a synchronous CLA, all LAs in different cells are activated synchronously whereas in an asynchronous CLA, the LAs in different cells are activated asynchronously. In this paper, a new closed asynchronous dynamic model of CLA whose structure and the number of LAs in each cell may vary with time has been introduced. To show the potential of the proposed model, a landmark clustering algorithm for solving topology mismatch problem in unstructured peer-to-peer networks has been proposed. To evaluate the proposed algorithm, computer simulations have been conducted and then the results are compared with the results obtained for two existing algorithms for solving topology mismatch problem. It has been shown that the proposed algorithm is superior to the existing algorithms with respect to communication delay and average round-trip time between peers within clusters.  相似文献   

Enriching logic formalisms with counting capabilities is an important task in view of the needs of many application areas, ranging from database theory to formal verification. In this paper, we consider a very expressive language obtained by enriching linear integer arithmetic with free function symbols and cardinality constraints for interpreted sets. We obtain positive results for a flat fragment via a reduction to decidability of Presburger arithmetic with unary counting quantifiers (Schweikhart in Arithmetic, first-order logic, and counting quantifiers, ACM TOCL, New York, 2004). We isolate also an easier simple flat subfragment, whose satisfiability is in NP, and we show that this subfragment is adequate to formalize problems arising in the area of the verification of fault-tolerant distributed algorithms. We finally discuss our first implementation, the related experimental results, as well as further algorithmic problems suggested by model-checking applications.  相似文献   

FALGOL (Formal ALGOrithmic Language) is a fundamental theoretical model of high-level operational languages with unrestricted program object hierarchy. This model formalizes binding, assignment, substitution, and recursion; moreover, the principle of dynamic binding is implemented in the model in contrast to other formal systems of this sort, which makes FALGOL appropriate to specify the most difficultly formalized concepts in modern object programming languages.  相似文献   

Information systems, which are responsible for driving many processes in our lives (health care, the web, municipalities, commerce and business, among others), store information in the form of logs which is often left unused. Process mining, a discipline in between data mining and software engineering, proposes tailored algorithms to exploit the information stored in a log, in order to reason about the processes underlying an information system. A key challenge in process mining is discovery: Given a log, derive a formal process model that can be used afterward for a formal analysis. In this paper, we provide a general approach based on satisfiability modulo theories (SMT) as a solution for this challenging problem. By encoding the problem into the logical/arithmetic domains and using modern SMT engines, it is shown how two separate families of process models can be discovered. The theory of this paper is accompanied with a tool, and experimental results witness the significance of this novel view of the process discovery problem.  相似文献   

The recent years have seen increasingly widespread use of highly concurrent data structures in both multi-core and distributed computing environments, thereby escalating the priority for verifying their correctness. Quasi linearizability is a quantitative variation of the standard linearizability correctness condition to allow more implementation freedom for performance optimization. However, ensuring that the implementation satisfies the quantitative aspect of this new correctness condition is often an arduous task. In this paper, we propose the first automated method for formally verifying quasi linearizability of the implementation model of a concurrent data structure with respect to its sequential specification. The method is based on checking a relaxed version of the refinement relation between the implementation model and the specification model through explicit state model checking. Our method can directly handle concurrent systems where each thread or process makes infinitely many method calls. Furthermore, unlike many existing verification methods, it does not require the user to supply annotations of the linearization points. We have implemented the new method in the PAT verification framework. Our experimental evaluation shows that the method is effective in verifying the new quasi linearizability requirement and detecting violations.  相似文献   

We consider leader election and spanning tree construction problems in a synchronous network. Protocols are designed under the assumption that nodes in the network have identifiers but the size of an identifier is unlimited. We present fast protocols with runtime O(D log L+L), where L is the size of the minimal identifier and D is the network diameter.  相似文献   

Stochastic discrete event systems (SDES) are systems whose evolution is described by the occurrence of a sequence of events, where each event has a defined probability of occurring from each state. The diagnosability problem for SDES is the problem of determining the conditions under which occurrences of a fault can be detected in finite time with arbitrarily high probability. (IEEE Trans Autom Control 50(4):476–492 2005) proposed a class of SDES and proposed two definitions of stochastic diagnosability for SDES called A- and A A-diagnosability and reported a necessary and sufficient condition for A-diagnosability, but only a sufficient condition for A A-diagnosability. In this paper, we provide a condition that is both necessary and sufficient for determining whether or not an SDES is A A-diagnosable. We also show that verification of A A-diagnosability is equivalent to verification of the termination of the cumulative sum (CUSUM) procedure for hidden Markov models, and that, for a specific class of SDES called fault-immediate systems, the sequential probability ratio test (SPRT) minimizes the expected number of observable events required to distinguish between the normal and faulty modes.  相似文献   

In a literature review on the last 20 years of automated analysis of feature models, the formalization of analysis operations was identified as the most relevant challenge in the field. This formalization could provide very valuable assets for tool developers such as a precise definition of the analysis operations and, what is more, a reference implementation, i.e., a trustworthy, not necessarily efficient implementation to compare different tools outputs. In this article, we present the FLAME framework as the result of facing this challenge. FLAME is a formal framework that can be used to formally specify not only feature models, but other variability modeling languages (VML s) as well. This reusability is achieved by its two-layered architecture. The abstract foundation layer is the bottom layer in which all VML-independent analysis operations and concepts are specified. On top of the foundation layer, a family of characteristic model layers—one for each VML to be formally specified—can be developed by redefining some abstract types and relations. The verification and validation of FLAME has followed a process in which formal verification has been performed traditionally by manual theorem proving, but validation has been performed by integrating our experience on metamorphic testing of variability analysis tools, something that has shown to be much more effective than manually designed test cases. To follow this automated, test-based validation approach, the specification of FLAME, written in Z, was translated into Prolog and 20,000 random tests were automatically generated and executed. Tests results helped to discover some inconsistencies not only in the formal specification, but also in the previous informal definitions of the analysis operations and in current analysis tools. After this process, the Prolog implementation of FLAME is being used as a reference implementation for some tool developers, some analysis operations have been formally specified for the first time with more generic semantics, and more VML s are being formally specified using FLAME.  相似文献   

The paper deals with the problem of constructing a code of the maximum possible cardinality consisting of binary vectors of length n and Hamming weight 3 and having the following property: any 3 × n matrix whose rows are cyclic shifts of three different code vectors contains a 3 × 3 permutation matrix as a submatrix. This property (in the special case w = 3) characterizes conflict-avoiding codes of length n for w active users, introduced in [1]. Using such codes in channels with asynchronous multiple access allows each of w active users to transmit a data packet successfully in one of w attempts during n time slots without collisions with other active users. An upper bound on the maximum cardinality of a conflict-avoiding code of length n with w = 3 is proved, and constructions of optimal codes achieving this bound are given. In particular, there are found conflict-avoiding codes for w = 3 which have much more vectors than codes of the same length obtained from cyclic Steiner triple systems by choosing a representative in each cyclic class.  相似文献   

By following a rely-guarantee style of reasoning, we present novel termination and cost analyses for concurrent programs that, in order to prove termination or infer the cost of a considered loop: (1) infer the termination/cost of each loop as if it were a sequential one, imposing assertions on how shared-data is modified concurrently; and then (2) prove that these assertions cannot be violated infinitely many times and, for cost analysis, infer how many times they are violated. At the core of the analysis, we use a may-happen-in-parallel analysis to restrict the set of program points whose execution can interleave. Interestingly, the same kind of reasoning can be applied to prove termination and infer upper bounds on the number of iterations of loops with concurrent interleavings. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first method to automatically bound the cost of such kind of loops. We have implemented our analysis for an actor-based language, and showed its accuracy and efficiency by applying it on several typical applications for concurrent programs and on an industrial case study.  相似文献   

In this paper, we address the problem of verifying probabilistic and epistemic properties in concurrent probabilistic systems expressed in PCTLK. PCTLK is an extension of the Probabilistic Computation Tree Logic (PCTL) augmented with Knowledge (K). In fact, PCTLK enjoys two epistemic modalities Ki for knowledge and \(Pr_{\triangledown b}K_{i}\) for probabilistic knowledge. The approach presented for verifying PCTLK specifications in such concurrent systems is based on a transformation technique. More precisely, we convert PCTLK model checking into the problem of model checking Probabilistic Branching Time Logic (PBTL), which enjoys path quantifiers in the range of adversaries. We then prove that model checking a formula of PCTLK in concurrent probabilistic programs is PSPACE-complete. Furthermore, we represent models associated with PCTLK logic symbolically with Multi-Terminal Binary Decision Diagrams (MTBDDs), which are supported by the probabilistic model checker PRISM. Finally, an application, namely the NetBill online shopping payment protocol, and an example about synchronization illustrated through the dining philosophers problem are implemented with the MTBDD engine of this model checker to verify probabilistic epistemic properties and evaluate the practical complexity of this verification.  相似文献   

In this paper, a new method to construct a secret image sharing (SIS) scheme is proposed, where a secret image is shared into several shares by a perfect secure way without any knowledge of cryptography. A basic algorithm implemented by flipping operations with probability for constructing a meaningful (2, 2) SIS scheme is first proposed. Neither codebook tailor-made requirement nor pixel expansion is required in the proposed scheme. Additionally, the meaningful shares by the proposed scheme can be directly generated without any extra data hiding process. During the decrypting procedure, the secret image is visually revealed by performing XOR operations on two meaningful shares. In the following stage, a meaningful (2, infinity) SIS scheme is extended underlying the basic algorithm, where the number of shares can be extended anytime. Further, no matter how large the number of the extended shares is, the visual qualities of both the meaningful share and revealed secret image remain unchanged. Finally, sufficient number of formal proofs are provided to validate the correctness of the proposed schemes, whose superiority is also demonstrated by the experimental results.  相似文献   

This paper studies the performance degradation of Gaussian probabilistic linear discriminant analysis (GPLDA) speaker verification system, when only short-utterance data is used for speaker verification system development. Subsequently, a number of techniques, including utterance partitioning and source-normalised weighted linear discriminant analysis (SN-WLDA) projections are introduced to improve the speaker verification performance in such conditions. Experimental studies have found that when short utterance data is available for speaker verification development, GPLDA system overall achieves best performance with a lower number of universal background model (UBM) components. As a lower number of UBM components significantly reduces the computational complexity of speaker verification system, that is a useful observation. In limited session data conditions, we propose a simple utterance-partitioning technique, which when applied to the LDA-projected GPLDA system shows over 8% relative improvement on EER values over baseline system on NIST 2008 truncated 10–10 s conditions. We conjecture that this improvement arises from the apparent increase in the number of sessions arising from our partitioning technique and this helps to better model the GPLDA parameters. Further, partitioning SN-WLDA-projected GPLDA shows over 16% and 6% relative improvement on EER values over LDA-projected GPLDA systems respectively on NIST 2008 truncated 10–10 s interview-interview, and NIST 2010 truncated 10–10 s interview-interview and telephone-telephone conditions.  相似文献   

In the present paper, a new approach is presented to model and control single wafer rapid thermal processing (RTP) systems. In the past decade, RTP has achieved acceptance as the mainstream technology for semiconductor manufacturing. Thermal processing is one of the most efficient ways to control the phase-structure properties. Moreover, the time duration of RTP systems reduces the so-called thermal budget significantly compared to the traditional methods. RTP implementation is based on the use of light from heating lamps to provide a heat flux. This process is highly nonlinear due to the radiative heat transfer and material properties. By invoking the first principles-based models, we develop in this paper a linear parameter-varying (LPV) model to directly account for the nonlinearities within the system. The model is then discretized into a high-order LPV model; thereafter, principal component analysis (PCA) method is utilized to reduce the number of LPV model’s scheduling variables, followed by the use of proper orthogonal decomposition (POD) for model order reduction. Using the reduced order model, we then design a gain-scheduled controller to satisfy an induced L2 gain performance for tracking of a temperature profile and show improvement over other controller design methods suggested in the literature.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the open problem of designing attribute-based signature (ABS) schemes with constant number of bilinear pairing operations for signature verification or short signatures for more general policies posed by Gagné et al. in Pairing 2012. Designing constant-size ABS for expressive access structures is a challenging task. We design two key-policy ABS schemes with constant-size signature for expressive linear secret-sharing scheme (LSSS)-realizable monotone access structures. Both the schemes utilize only 3 pairing operations in signature verification process. The first scheme is small universe construction, while the second scheme supports large universes of attributes. The signing key is computed according to LSSS-realizable access structure over signer’s attributes, and the message is signed with an attribute set satisfying the access structure. Our ABS schemes provide the existential unforgeability in selective attribute set security model and preserve signer privacy. We also propose a new attribute-based signcryption (ABSC) scheme for LSSS-realizable access structures utilizing only 6 pairings and making the ciphertext size constant. Our scheme is significantly more efficient than existing ABSC schemes. While the secret key (signing key or decryption key) size increases by a factor of number of attributes used in the system, the number of pairing evaluations is reduced to constant. Our protocol achieves (a) ciphertext indistinguishability under adaptive chosen ciphertext attacks assuming the hardness of decisional Bilinear Diffie–Hellman Exponent problem and (b) existential unforgeability under adaptive chosen message attack assuming the hardness of computational Diffie–Hellman Exponent problem. The security proofs are in selective attribute set security model without using any random oracle heuristic. In addition, our ABSC achieves public verifiability of the ciphertext, enabling any party to verify the integrity and validity of the ciphertext.  相似文献   

Debugging—the process of identifying, localizing and fixing bugs—is a key activity in software development. Due to issues such as non-determinism and difficulties of reproducing failures, debugging concurrent software is significantly more challenging than debugging sequential software. A number of methods, models and tools for debugging concurrent and multicore software have been proposed, but the body of work partially lacks a common terminology and a more recent view of the problems to solve. This suggests the need for a classification, and an up-to-date comprehensive overview of the area. This paper presents the results of a systematic mapping study in the field of debugging of concurrent and multicore software in the last decade (2005–2014). The study is guided by two objectives: (1) to summarize the recent publication trends and (2) to clarify current research gaps in the field. Through a multi-stage selection process, we identified 145 relevant papers. Based on these, we summarize the publication trend in the field by showing distribution of publications with respect to year, publication venues, representation of academia and industry, and active research institutes. We also identify research gaps in the field based on attributes such as types of concurrency bugs, types of debugging processes, types of research and research contributions. The main observations from the study are that during the years 2005–2014: (1) there is no focal conference or venue to publish papers in this area; hence, a large variety of conferences and journal venues (90) are used to publish relevant papers in this area; (2) in terms of publication contribution, academia was more active in this area than industry; (3) most publications in the field address the data race bug; (4) bug identification is the most common stage of debugging addressed by articles in the period; (5) there are six types of research approaches found, with solution proposals being the most common one; and (6) the published papers essentially focus on four different types of contributions, with “methods” being the most common type. We can further conclude that there are still quite a number of aspects that are not sufficiently covered in the field, most notably including (1) exploring correction and fixing bugs in terms of debugging process; (2) order violation, suspension and starvation in terms of concurrency bugs; (3) validation and evaluation research in the matter of research type; (4) metric in terms of research contribution. It is clear that the concurrent, parallel and multicore software community needs broader studies in debugging. This systematic mapping study can help direct such efforts.  相似文献   

The development of formal methods for control design is an important challenge with potential applications in a wide range of safety-critical cyber-physical systems. Focusing on switched dynamical systems, we propose a new abstraction, based on time-varying regions of invariance (control funnels), that models behaviors of systems as timed automata. The main advantage of this method is that it allows for the automated verification and reactive controller synthesis without discretizing the evolution of the state of the system. Efficient and analytic constructions are possible in the case of linear dynamics whereas bounding funnels with conjectured properties based on numerical simulations can be used for general nonlinear dynamics. We demonstrate the potential of our approach with three examples.  相似文献   

We present a new method for clausal theorem proving, named SGGS from semantically-guided goal-sensitive reasoning. SGGS generalizes to first-order logic the conflict-driven clause learning (CDCL) procedure for propositional satisfiability. Starting from an initial interpretation, used for semantic guidance, SGGS employs a sequence of constrained clauses to represent a candidate model, instance generation to extend it, resolution and other inferences to explain and solve conflicts, amending the model. We prove that SGGS is refutationally complete and model complete in the limit, regardless of initial interpretation. SGGS is also goal sensitive, if the initial interpretation is properly chosen, and proof confluent, because it repairs the current model without undoing steps by backtracking. Thus, SGGS is a complete first-order method that is simultaneously model-based à la CDCL, semantically-guided, goal-sensitive, and proof confluent.  相似文献   

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