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中国能源可持续利用评价   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
1能源可持续利用的涵义中国实施可持续发展战略面临着经济发展和环境保护的双重任务,随着人口、国民经济发展和人民生活水平的提高,能源需求将有较大的增长,因此带来的环境问题将更加严峻,而且对周边国家都将产生影响。所以,中国要实施可持续发展战略,首先要解决好...  相似文献   

欧洲能源政策的目标是力求在不增加能源供应总量的前提下保持经济持续发展,保障能源供应安全、加强环境保护和提高经济竞争力。在管理体制上建立了负责能源政策研究、制订、实施和监督的专门机构。最重要的措施是节能和发展可再生能源,重点领域包括建筑节能、企业节能、热电联产和可再生能源。欧洲可持续能源政策对我国的能源发展有一定借鉴意义,我们的能源政策应在保障满足经济和社会发展需要的同时,提高能源效率,发展清洁能源,加强能源与环境的协调,并在体制上为可持续能源战略的实施消除障碍。另外,还应考虑建立清洁能源基金等措施为可持续能源政策的实施提供资金保障。  相似文献   

中国能源现状及可持续利用对策   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
中国能源现状及可持续利用对策中国国土资源经济研究院霍雅勤1中国能源现状1.1人均能源拥有量低、储备量低我国能源相对稀缺,人均能源资源量远低于世界平均水平(见表1)。尽管今后的能源开发将增加我国的能源储藏量,然而如果仅依靠国内资源,我国在今后的25年间...  相似文献   

全球正面临着化石资源枯竭和气候变化的双重危机,中国作为一个迅速崛起的发展中国家,节能减排的压力巨大,而大规模发展可再生能源是我国调整能源结构、发展低碳经济的有效途径.介绍了我国目前化石资源短缺、温室气体排放、可再生能源发展的概况,阐述了我国从自身国情出发开发可再生能源的必要性和紧迫性,并指出我国可再生能源产业在政府强有...  相似文献   

欧洲可持续能源政策及对我国的启示   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
欧洲能源政策的目标是力求在不增加能源供应总量的前提下保持经济持续发展,保障能源供应安全、加强环境保护和提高经济竞争力。在管理体制上建立了负责能源政策研究、制订、实施和监督的专门机构。最重要的措施是节能和发展可再生能源,重点领域包括建筑节能、企业节能、热电联产和可再生能源。欧洲可持续能源政策对我国的能源发展有一定借鉴意义,我们的能源政策应在保障满足经济和社会发展需要的同时,提高能源效率,发展清洁能源,加强能源与环境的协调,并在体制上为可持续能源战略的实施消除障碍。另外,还应考虑建立清洁能源基金等措施为可持续能源政策的实施提供资金保障。  相似文献   

中国的能源政策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

在3月22日召开的有两国元首共同出席的中俄经济工商界高峰论坛上,中国发展和改革委员会主任马凯用五句话概括了未来中国能源发展的总体思路,并指出,“要在中国构建起稳定、经济、清洁的能源供应。”  相似文献   

我国能源贸易及其对经济可持续发展的影响   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
赵晓丽  宋翠 《中国能源》2009,31(11):38-42
本文对我国能源贸易现状进行了分析,并通过选取污染气体排放量、GDP、国内能源消费、能源净出口等变量,采用矩阵方法对我国1985年至2007年间能源贸易对经济可持续发展的影响进行了定量化分析。研究认为,1985年至2007年间能源净出口对经济可持续发展具有重要的影响;同时,能源进口对于经济可持续发展所发挥的作用要大于出口。最后,给出了促进经济可持续发展的能源贸易政策建议。  相似文献   

能源可持续发展事关中国长期可持续发展的成败。为及时把握我国能源发展的状态趋势,实现在安全、经济、高效、低碳、清洁、公平各方面的均衡可持续发展,本文从中国经济社会可持续发展的基本需求和能源可持续发展的内涵出发,设计出中国能源可持续发展评价指标体系,并对2000~2010年中国能源可持续发展水平,以及2020年的能源情景进行了量化评价。研究结果将对我国能源战略决策具有重要支撑作用。  相似文献   

苏明 《中国能源》2010,32(6):7-11
近年来我国出台了多项支持新能源和节能减排的财政政策和措施,以积极应对气候变化。其中,在财政投入,税收政策,收费政策和政府采购政策方面都有相应的优惠和倾斜。文章指出现行财政政策在应对气候变化上存在不足,有待继续完善。  相似文献   

China is striving for coordinated regional economic development and to solve the energy shortage in eastern China through a western China development plan with one focus being energy development and west to east energy transfer. This paper describes Western China Sustainable Energy Development Model (WSED) to evaluate various energy development scenarios for western China. The model includes a Western China MARKAL model, a Computable General Equilibrium Model for Western China (WCGE), and an Energy Service Demand Projection Model (ESDP). The ESDP provides energy service demand projections for the Western China MARKAL model, while the WCGE provides macroeconomic inputs for the ESDP and analyzes the impact of different energy development scenarios on western China economy. A reference scenario and several different west to east energy transfer scenarios with and without consideration of the water constraints and the endogenous technology learning are presented. The modeling describes the energy consumption, carbon emissions, water consumption, energy investment cost, and the impact on western China GDP of the different scenarios through the year 2050. These results have implications on sustainable energy development policies and sustainable west to east energy transfer strategies.  相似文献   

要保持新能源的开发始终在技术创新下不断有所发现有所进步,必须坚持制度创新,与时俱进创新新能源发展的体制和机制。《可再生能源法》中的某些制度设计既不完善也不清晰、明确,应适时地把其从单纯促进开发的法律,改变为有序、规范开发和有效利用的一部法律。与新能源开发有直接关系的《电力法》和《节约能源法》,在规划、结构、布局、网络建设及价格和财税等方面,需要建立新的调整关系和法律的规范制度。  相似文献   

Increased availability of energy, especially electricity, is important for India to help advance economic and human development. Coal, which currently accounts for more than 50% of total primary commercial energy supply in the country and for about 70% of total electricity generation, is likely to remain a key energy source for India for at least the next 30–40 years. Thus, sustainable development of the Indian coal sector is necessary to ensure the ability to sustain the increased production of coal in the country and to do so in an environmentally and socially sustainable manner. The main challenges to such a development of the coal sector pertain to (a) systems of coal exploration, extraction, and processing, (b) ensuing environmental and social concerns, and (c) increasing and high demand for coal in the power sector. Overcoming these challenges will require an assessment and resolution of relevant technical, economic, and institutional issues. This, in turn, requires a long-term vision and systematic planning and policy development in a transparent and inclusive manner. Promoting the engagement of all stakeholders in these processes can help reconcile the seemingly-intractable conflict between the increasing demand for coal, supply constraints, and local socio-environmental needs, and thus facilitate a transition towards sustainable development of the sector.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the current situation of bioenergy development in China, particularly on its relationship to sustainable rural development. It argues that the current government strategy, investment policy and industrial interest are over-emphasized on biomass-burning power generation as part of the clean energy development trajectories, which may not lead to the most cost-effective outcomes in terms of investments, resource use and social development objectives. It points out that there are large potentials in developing and disseminating household-based biomass technologies in rural areas, especially with energy-efficient modern biomass stoves, which can produce far more economic, social and environmental benefits than biomass power plants. It is a decentralized solution to use renewable energy resources for meeting multi-objectives. It is suggested that key incentive policies be provided by the government to encourage this technological transition, or the leapfrogging from using traditional household stoves towards modern biomass stoves, which will lead to a win–win situation in global, regional and local environmental protection, sustainable resource management and related social benefits, particularly for the poor in remote communities. Six policy recommendations are made: (1) financial schemes development; (2) preferable tax and carbon tax; (3) regulatory policy reform; (4) service industry support; (5) market research, training and capacity building for key stakeholders; (6) development of methodologies and standards for CDM projects. The potential co-benefits brought up by this massive biomass technology transition will bring new perspectives to realizing Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and global CO2 emissions reduction targets in China, and also set an example to other developing countries.  相似文献   

随着我国经济的快速发展和人民生活水平的不断提高,全面建设小康社会的一个极其重要的目标,就是国内生产总值到2020年力争比2000年翻两番。走出一条科技含量高、经济效益好、资源消耗低、环境污染少、人力资源优势得到充分发挥的新型工业化道路,必须把可持续发展放在重要的地位,来保障我国在本世纪中叶基本实现现代化。  相似文献   

China aims at quadrupling per-capita GDP by 2020 compared to the year 2000. Without any energy and environmental policy measures, this tremendous economic growth would be associated with a quadrupling of primary energy consumption up to 6.3 billion tons of standard coal equivalents (sce) and energy-related CO2-emissions of 13.9 billion tons Against this background, this paper is to set China's need to implement its sustainable development strategy into the quantitative context of the countries economic development and subsequent economic growth-related environmental problems. China is urgently searching for a way to ease the negative implications of economic growth and has committed itself to achieve a level of 3.0 billion ton sce primary energy consumption in 2020. As a consequence, the macro-economic energy intensity has to be reduced by 53% by 2020. A reduction of 53% by 2020 would lead to an energy intensity level 30% points below the year-2000 level of developed countries. As for natural resources, the expected economic growth will lead to an increase of crude oil net-imports up to 455 million ton sce in 2020 and 650 million ton sce in 2030. As for regional income distribution, economic growth helped to decrease existing inequities.  相似文献   

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