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切削力是表征加工过程的主要参数,也是反映加工状态的重要物理量之一,切削力的大小直接影响着加工状态和加工表面质量。基于有限元分析软件Advant Edge FEM,设计了以进给量、背吃刀量、车削速度、车刀前角、车刀后角等切削参数为自变量的五因素四水平正交试验,对3Cr13不锈钢的高速车削过程进行二维有限元仿真,探讨了各自变量对切削力的影响规律。以径向切削力最小为目标,运用极差分析法获得了各切削参数的最优组合。结果表明:背吃刀量对径向切削力的影响最大、车刀后角的影响最小;在给定的切削条件下,径向切削力最小时的最优组合为进给量0.19 mm/r、背吃刀量0.3 mm、车削速度500 mm/min、车刀前角19°、车刀后角7°。 相似文献
C. Andersson M. T. Andersson J. -E. Sthl 《International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture》2001,41(2):227
This article presents a mechanical cutting force model for bandsawing. The model describes the variation in cutting force between individual teeth and relates it to initial positional errors, tool dynamics and edge wear. Bandsawing is a multi-tooth cutting process, and the terminology of the cutting action is discussed and compared with other cutting processes. It will also be shown that the setting pattern and the preset feed govern the cutting data. 相似文献
Tadeusz Leppert 《International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture》2011,51(2):120-126
At present coolants and lubricants are increasingly recognized as harmful factors for environment and machine operators’ health. Industry and research institutions are looking for new means of reducing or eliminating the use of cutting fluids, both for economical and ecological reasons. This can be done if quality properties of machined surfaces and process parameters in dry and wet machining are comparable. This paper presents an investigation into the influence of cutting zone cooling and lubrication on surface roughness, waviness, profile bearing ratio and topography after turning C45 steel. Dry cutting and minimum quantity lubrication (MQL) results are compared with conventional emulsion cooling. Cutting forces and their components were put under examination as well. The experimental outcomes indicate that the cooling and lubrication conditions affect significantly the investigated process and surface properties. However, the impact of the cooling and lubricating technique depends to a large extent on the applied cutting parameters, namely the cutting speed and feed rate. Turning dry or with MQL with properly selected cutting parameters makes it possible to produce better surface topography characteristics than turning with conventional emulsion cooling. Apart from improving the surface properties the MQL mode of cooling and lubrication also provides environmental friendliness. 相似文献
切削加工过程模拟的实质是采用有限元方法求解非线性问题的过程。建立了钛合金构件切削有限元模型,其切屑分离准则是以材料损伤理论为基础确立的;利用已有的研究成果,构建了求解切削温度场和切削力的有限元模型;利用有限元软件ABAQUS/Explicit进行模型建立、材料输入、部件装配、局部细分网格、运动仿真等;通过对钛合金切削过程的仿真计算得到切削温度、切削力等的一般规律。结果表明:模拟结果与实际生产结果相符合。 相似文献
This paper presents analytical predictions and experimental validation of a recently developed universal slip-line model for machining with restricted contact cut-away tools. Three important machining parameters, i.e. the cutting force ratio, chip thickness, and chip back-flow angle, are predicted on the basis of: (1) the universal slip-line model; (2) a maximum value principle for determining the state of stresses in the plastic region in restricted contact machining; (3) Dewhurst and Collins’ matrix technique for numerically solving slip-line problems; and (4) Powell’s algorithm for non-linear optimizations. All predictions are based on purely theoretical calculations with no experimental/empirical data as input. The extensive comparisons between theory and experiments show a reasonable agreement. Major new research findings from this study include: (1) the applicable ranges of an extreme friction slip-line model and of Johnson’s and Usui and Hoshi’s slip-line models; and (2) the general rule of the variation of tool–chip friction conditions. Tool–chip contact in machining with restricted contact cut-away tools is categorized into three broad cases. A theoretical method is also presented in the paper to distinguish different tool–chip contact cases in practical machining situations. 相似文献
微细铣削加工是使用微型立铣刀在高主轴转速下制造微型元件的加工方式,分析切削力和加工稳定性对表征微细铣削加工过程起着重要的作用。提出一种数值分析的方法来研究螺旋齿球头立铣刀在可变径向切削深度下的微细铣削加工过程。首先建立了球头铣刀微细铣削的模型,并推导了切削力的计算公式;采用时域仿真的方法详细计算了螺旋齿球头立铣刀和平头立铣刀铣削加工的切削力,并对比了二者切削力仿真的结果;通过时域和频域研究相结合的方式详细分析了小径向切深下球头铣刀微细铣削的稳定性。最后,分析得到了Hopf-flip分岔,并深入对比和分析了不同加工条件下铣削加工的稳定性状况。 相似文献
Micro cutting in the micro lathe turning system 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
As an application of cutting for the manufacture of micro mechanical parts and as a trial of the development of a miniature machining system matching the micro size of the work piece, a micro lathe turning system has been developed. A work material 0.3 mm in diameter is clamped and cut to a minimum of 10 μm in diameter with a rotation speed up to 15,000 rpm. The whole size of the equipment is about 200 mm which can be set under an optical microscope. A micro diamond single point tool has been applied to the cutting of various shapes, and the usefulness of such a micro cutting tool for the various forms has been confirmed. Cutting force has been investigated using a three directional force sensor and the possibility of the reduction of resistant force to improve working accuracy and to apply to micro parts has been examined. 相似文献
Balázs Tukora Tibor Szalay 《International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture》2011,51(12):871-879
The determination of the cutting force coefficients is a critical point in the case of using the mechanistic cutting force model for predicting the forces during milling processes. The main reason is that the computations require a series of experiments with special geometrical conditions, and the validity of the results is limited. In this paper a cutting force predicting method, based on the mechanistic cutting force model will be introduced, together with an algorithm for determining the cutting force coefficients in the course of a single experiment without restrictions in regard to the cutting geometry. Besides the fact that the proposed method lifts the geometrical restrictions of the previously published solutions, it makes it possible to calculate the coefficients just when they are needed for force prediction right at the machining process, to avoid the problem of the limited validity of the coefficients. In this case the real-time measuring of the cutting forces is needed, while the forthcoming forces can be predicted with an appropriate look-forward algorithm, which is also presented. 相似文献
Sung-Joon Kim Han-Ul Lee Dong-Woo Cho 《International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture》2006,46(12-13):1589-1597
In CNC machining, an optimal process plan is needed for higher productivity and machining performance. This paper proposes a mechanistic cutting force model to perform feedrate scheduling that is useful in process planning for indexable end milling. Indexable end mills, which consist of inserts and a cutter body, have been widely used in the roughing of parts in the mold industry. The geometry and distribution of inserts compose a discontinuous cutting edge on the cutter body, and tool geometry of indexable end mill varies with axial position due to the geometry and distribution of inserts. Thus, an algorithm that calculates tool geometry data at an arbitrary axial position was developed. The developed cutting force model uses cutting-condition-independent cutting force coefficients and considers run out, cutter deflection, geometry variation and size effect for accurate cutting force prediction. Through feedrate scheduling, NC code is optimized to regulate cutting forces at given reference force. Experiments with general NC codes show the effectiveness of feedrate scheduling in process planning. 相似文献
V. K. Gorana V. K. Jain G. K. Lal 《International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture》2004,44(2-3):201-211
It is important to know cutting force components and active grain density during abrasive flow machining (AFM) as this information could be used to evaluate the mechanism involved in AFM. The results show that cutting force components and active grain density govern the surface roughness produced during AFM process. In this paper, an attempt has been made to study the influence of these two parameters, namely cutting force and active grain density, on the surface roughness. This study will help in developing a more realistic theoretical model.The present paper highlights a suitable two-component disc dynamometer for measuring axial and radial force components during AFM. The influence of three controllable variables (extrusion pressure, abrasive concentration and grain size) on the responses (material removal, reduction in surface roughness (Ra value), cutting forces and active grain density) are studied. The preliminary experiments are conducted to select the ranges of variables by using single-factor experimental technique. Five levels for abrasive concentration and six levels for extrusion pressure and abrasive grain size were used. A statistical 23 full factorial experimental technique is used to find out the main effect, interaction effect and contribution of each variable to the machined workpiece surface roughness. The machined surface textures are studied using a scanning electron microscope. 相似文献
为研究螺旋齿立铣加工的切削力和温度分布规律,基于稳态斜角切削理论,提出了立铣加工切削力和切削温度的动态求解方法,研究了AISI1045钢在特定工况下的切削力和温度变化情况。结果表明:切削力Fx、Fy及Fz的最大值分别为198、40和90N,与试验数据的误差分别为2%、20%和10%;刀屑区最大温度Tmax的变化呈现出3个典型的非线性变化阶段,其中前两个阶段的温度变化比较显著,最大温度值为150℃,与试验数据的误差为10%,结果基本吻合。研究表明所提出的方法可以较为准确地研究铣削加工中的切削力和温度分布情况。 相似文献
Kejia Zhuang Xiaoming Zhang Dong Zhang Han Ding 《Journal of Materials Processing Technology》2013,213(8):1378-1386
In plunge milling operation the tool is fed in the direction of the spindle axis which has the highest structural rigidity, leading to the excess high cutting efficiency. Plunge milling operation is one of the most effective methods and widely used for mass material removal in rough/semi-rough process while machining high strength steel and heat-resistant-super-alloys. Cutting parameters selection plays great role in plunge milling process since the cutting force as well as the milling stability lobe is sensitive to the machining parameters. However, the intensive studies of this issue are insufficient by researchers and engineers. In this paper a new cutting model is developed to predict the plunge milling force based on the more precise plunge milling geometry. In this model, the step of cut as well as radial cutting width is taken into account for chip thickness calculation. Frequency domain method is employed to estimate the stability of the machining process. Based on the prediction of the cutting force and milling stability, we present a strategy to optimize the cutting parameters of plunge milling process. Cutting tests of heat-resistant-super-alloys with double inserts are conducted to validate the developed cutting force and cutting parameters optimization models. 相似文献
为了提高少量润滑的冷却润滑效果,提出了空气喷射辅助少量润滑的方法,并利用建立的空气喷射辅助少量润滑系统对航空铝合金7050-T7451进行铣削实验。通过采集切削力信号对干切削、不同切削液流量的空气喷射辅助少量润滑切削和湿式切削进行比较研究。结果表明:干切削条件下的切削力大于空气喷射辅助少量润滑的切削力,且随着切削液流量的增大,气液两相冷却润滑介质的润滑能力增强,导致切削力呈减小趋势;空气喷射辅助少量润滑与湿式冷却润滑两种条件下的切削力相比,总体来说前者小于后者,这一现象表明空气喷射辅助少量润滑的润滑效果优于湿式冷却润滑,但切削液的使用量仅为后者的3%。 相似文献
使用插铣法加工硬度为HRC50的P20淬硬钢,分析各种切削参数(切削速度、进给速度、切削步距、切削行距)对切削力的影响。研究结果表明:切削力基本不受切削速度的影响,随进给速度的增加而增大且呈线性增加的趋势,随切削步距和行距的增大而增大。 相似文献
In geometric adaptive control systems for the end milling process, the surface error is usually predicted from the cutting force owing to the close relationship between them, and the easiness of its measurement. Knowledge of the cutting depth improves the effectiveness of this approach, since different cutting depths result in different surface errors even if the measured cutting forces are the same. This work suggests an algorithm for estimating the cutting depth based on the pattern of cutting force. The cutting force pattern, rather than its magnitude, better reflects the change of the cutting depth, because while the magnitude is influenced by several cutting parameters, the pattern is affected mainly by the cutting depth. The proposed algorithm can be applied to extensive cutting circumstances, such as presence of tool wear, change of work material hardness, etc. 相似文献
G. M. Kim P. J. Cho C. N. Chu 《International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture》2000,40(2):277-291
The cutting force in ball-end milling of sculptured surfaces is calculated. In sculptured surface machining, a simple method to determine the cutter contact area is necessary since cutting geometry is complicated and cutter contact area changes continuously. In this study, the cutter contact area is determined from the Z-map of the surface geometry and current cutter location. To determine cutting edge element engagement, the cutting edge elements are projected onto the cutter plane normal to the Z-axis and compared with the cutter contact area obtained from the Z-map. Cutting forces acting on the engaged cutting edge elements are calculated using an empirical method. Empirical cutting mechanism parameters are set as functions of cutting edge element position angle in order to consider the cutting action variation along the cutting edge. The relationship between undeformed chip geometry and the cutter feed inclination angle is also analyzed. The resultant cutting force is calculated by numerical integration of cutting forces acting on the engaged cutting edge elements. A series of experiments were performed to verify the proposed cutting force estimation model. It is shown that the proposed method predicts cutting force effectively for any geometry including sculptured surfaces with cusp marks and a hole. 相似文献