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随着基于Hadoop平台的大数据技术的不断发展和实践的深入,Hadoop YARN资源调度策略在异构集群中的不适用性越发明显。一方面,节点资源无法动态分配,导致优势节点的计算资源浪费、系统性能没有充分发挥;另一方面,现有的静态资源分配策略未考虑作业在不同执行阶段的差异,易产生大量资源碎片。基于以上问题,提出了一种负载自适应调度策略。监控集群执行节点和提交作业的性能信息,利用实时监控数据建模、量化节点的综合计算能力,结合节点和作业的性能信息在调度器上启动基于相似度评估的动态资源调度方案。优化后的系统能够有效识别集群节点的执行能力差异,并根据作业任务的实时需求进行细粒度的动态资源调度,在完善YARN现有调度语义的同时,可作为子级资源调度方案架构在上层调度器下。在Hadoop 2.0上实现并测试该策略,实验结果表明,作业的自适应资源调度策略显著提高了资源利用率,集群并发度提高了2到3倍,时间性能提升了近10%。  相似文献   

提交到YARN上的一个大数据作业会被切分为一个或者多个任务,任务是大数据作业申请资源和执行的基本单位[1]。在某些领域中存在需要对作业紧急度作有效区分使得高紧急度作业优先获得资源的需求,但是在现有的YARN资源调度策略中,对于提交到YARN上的高优先级作业缺乏资源优先分配和高质量的资源保障机制。本文在修改YARN原有资源调度方案的基础上,提出了一种基于YARN的高优先级作业调度实现方案。实验表明,提交到YARN上的高优先级作业执行效率提升了7%左右,证明设计方案行之有效。  相似文献   

Storm on YARN是目前主流的分布式资源调度框架,但其存在需要人工干预和无法根据资源可用性实时调整系统资源的不足。根据流数据处理的实时延迟计算系统负载情况,在Storm平台上基于YARN设计分布式资源调度和协同分配系统。建立包含系统层和任务层的双层调度模型,系统层通过对流数据处理负载的实时监测进行资源分配预测,任务层利用ZooKeeper和YARN对集群资源的高效管理能力进行动态资源管理。实验结果表明,该系统可以实时调整集群资源分布,有效减小系统延迟。  相似文献   

为了能有效处理海量数据,进行关联分析、商业预测等,Hadoop分布式云计算平台应运而生。但随着Hadoop的广泛应用,其作业调度方面的不足也显现出来,现有的多种作业调度器存在参数设置复杂、启动时间长等缺陷。借助于人工蜂群算法的自组织性强、收敛速度快的优势,设计并实现了能实时检测Hadoop内部资源使用情况的资源感知调度器。相比于原有的作业调度器,该调度器具有参数设置少、启动速度快等优势。基准测试结果表明,该调度器在异构集群上,调度资源密集型作业比原有调度器快10%~20%左右。  相似文献   

针对Hadoop和Spark等大数据分析系统中无先验知识任务的高效执行问题,设计了基于累计工作量(CRW)的任务调度器CRWScheduler。该调度器根据CRW将任务在低权重队列与高权重队列间切换;在为作业分配资源时,同时考虑到作业所在的队列和其瞬时占用资源量,无需作业先验知识即显著提升系统性能。基于Apache Hadoop YARN实现了CRWScheduler原型,在28个节点的基准测试集群上的实验表明,与YARN的公平调度机制相比,作业流时间(JFT)平均降低21%,其中95百分位的作业流时间(JFT)最多降低了35%,并且在与任务级调度程序协作时可获得进一步的性能提升。  相似文献   

大规模数据分析环境中,经常存在一些持续时间较短、并行度较大的任务。如何调度这些低延迟要求的并发作业是目前研究的一个热点。现有的一些集群资源管理框架中,集中式调度器由于主节点的瓶颈无法达到低延迟的要求,而一些分布式调度器虽然达成了低延迟的任务调度,但在最优资源分配以及资源分配冲突方面存在一定的不足。从大规模实时作业的需求出发,设计和实现了一个分布式的集群资源调度框架,以满足大规模数据处理的低延迟要求。首先提出了两阶段调度框架以及优化后的两阶段多路调度框架;然后针对两阶段多路调度过程中存在的一些资源冲突问题,提出了基于负载平衡的任务转移机制,从而解决了各个计算节点的负载不平衡问题;最后使用实际负载以及一个模拟调度器对大规模集群中的任务调度框架进行了模拟和验证。对于实际负载,所提框架的调度延迟控制在理想调度的12%以内;在模拟环境下,该框架与集中式调度器相比在短时间任务的延迟上能够减少40%以上。  相似文献   

本文研究并实现了大数据平台 Hadoop YARN 与深度学习框架 TensorFlow 的结合。通过对 DRF 算法的扩展,使得 Hadoop YARN 在原先支持 CPU 和内存的基础上,可以对 GPU 资源进行管理和调度。通过 YARN 的应用接口,把 TensorFlow 封装成了 YARN 的应用程序之一,把原来的分布式程序在多节点手动分发启动改为了在单节点自动分发启动,单机版不变。本文设计了多组实验对 YARN+TensorFlow 进行了多方位的测试,实验结果表明 YARN 和 TensorFlow 相结合相比原生 TensorFlow 程序具有相似的加速比,可以满足单系统多用户对 GPU 资源的使用,有效提高 GPU 资源的使用效率和编程人员的工作效率,增加系统的复用率。  相似文献   

作业调度一直是大数据技术研究的热点,关于分布式集群上的调度优化的探讨一直没有停过。本文对比分析对比静态分配调度、均匀分配调度、资源感知调度和就近调度算法,提出差异化作业调度管理技术,并把它应用到分布式实时处理系统Storm当中。经过实验验证,该调度算法能对Storm集群中不同作业任务,进行差异化管理。  相似文献   

Flink流处理系统默认的任务调度策略在一定程度上忽略了集群异构和节点可用资源,导致集群整体负载不均衡。研究分布式节点的实时性能和集群作业环境,根据实际作业环境的异构分布情况,设计结合异构Flink集群的节点优先级调整方法,以基于Ganglia可扩展分布式集群资源监控系统的集群信息为依据,动态调整适应当前作业环境的节点优先级指数。基于此提出Flink节点动态自适应调度策略,通过实时监测节点的异构状况,并在任务执行过程中根据实时作业环境更新节点优先级指数,为系统任务找到最佳的执行节点完成任务分配。实验结果表明,相比于Flink默认的任务调度策略,基于节点优先级调整方法的自适应调度策略在WorldCount基准测试中的运行时间约平均减少6%,可使异构Flink集群在保持集群低延迟的同时,节点资源利用率和任务执行效率更高。  相似文献   

针对目前的Windows CCS调度系统无法进行多集群间作业调度的情况,设计了一种名为ECCSSM分布式调度系统,使CCS调度系统可以实现跨多个集群的协同分布式调度。通过对已有的Windows CCS的调度系统进行功能上的补充,尤其是分布式协同调度功能的引入,实现了单个集群间以P2P方式调度并行作业,不仅可以合理利用计算资源,而且可以提高整个计算系统的可扩展性。  相似文献   

YARN is a resource management system widely used in Hadoop. It supports MapReduce, Spark, Storm and other computing frameworks, and has become the core component of big data ecology. However, in Hadoop YARN’s existing resource scheduler, a resource guarantee mechanism based on resource reservation, will produce resource fragmentations, leading to a waste of resources. In order to improve the resource utilization and throughput of the cluster, this paper proposes a resource allocation mechanism based on reservation and backfill. In this mechanism, based on the priority of the job, it decides whether to make a reservation to the resource and introduce a backfill strategy to backfill the resource without affecting the execution of the reservation job. Experiments show that the resource scheduling mechanism based on reserved backfill can effectively improve the resource utilization and throughput of Hadoop YARN cluster.  相似文献   

To solve the limitation of Hadoop on scalability, resource sharing, and application support, the open‐source community proposes the next generation of Hadoop's compute platform called Yet Another Resource Negotiator (YARN) by separating resource management functions from the programming model. This separation enables various application types to run on YARN in parallel. To achieve fair resource sharing and high resource utilization, YARN provides the capacity scheduler and the fair scheduler. However, the performance impacts of the two schedulers are not clear when mixed applications run on a YARN cluster. Therefore, in this paper, we study four scheduling‐policy combinations (SPCs for short) derived from the two schedulers and then evaluate the four SPCs in extensive scenarios, which consider not only four application types, but also three different queue structures for organizing applications. The experimental results enable YARN managers to comprehend the influences of different SPCs and different queue structures on mixed applications. The results also help them to select a proper SPC and an appropriate queue structure to achieve better application execution performance. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

It is a fact that the attention of research community in computer science, business executives, and decision makers is drastically drawn by big data. As the volume of data becomes bigger, it needs performance‐oriented data‐intensive processing frameworks such as MapReduce, which can scale computation on large commodity clusters. Hadoop MapReduce processes data in Hadoop Distributed File System as jobs scheduled according to YARN fair scheduler and capacity scheduler. However, with advancement and dynamic changes in hardware and operating environments, the performance of clusters is greatly affected. Various efforts in literature have been made to address the issues of heterogeneity (i.e., clusters consisting of virtual machines and machines with different hardware), network communication, data locality, better resource utilization, and run‐time scheduling. In this paper, we present a survey to discuss various research efforts made so far to improve Hadoop MapReduce scheduling. We classify scheduling algorithms and techniques proposed in the literature so far based on their addressing areas and present a taxonomy. Furthermore, we also discuss various aspects of open issues and challenges in the scheduling of MapReduce to improve its performance. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Apache Hadoop becomes ubiquitous for cloud computing which provides resources as services for multi-tenant applications. YARN (a.k.a. MapReduce 2.0) is one of the key features in the second-generation Hadoop, which provides resource management and scheduling for large-scale MapReduce environments. Two enormous challenges in the YARN scheduler are the abilities to automatically tailor and control resource allocations to different jobs for achieving their Service Level Agreements (SLAs), and minimize energy consumption of the overall cloud computing system. In this work, we propose an SLA-aware energy-efficient scheduling scheme which allocates appropriate amount of resources to MapReduce applications with YARN architecture. In our task scheduling policy, We consider the data locality information to save the MapReduce network traffic. Furthermore, the slack time between the actual execution time of completed tasks and expected completion time of the application is utilized to improve the energy-efficiency of the system. An online userspace governor-based dynamic voltage and frequency scaling (DVFS) scheme is designed in the YARN per-application ApplicationMaster to dynamically change the CPU frequency for upcoming tasks given the slack time from previous completed tasks. Experimental evaluation shows that our proposed scheme outperforms the existing MapReduce scheduling policies in terms of both resource ultization and energy-efficiency.  相似文献   

风电场数据中心包含状态监测、数据采集等实时类作业和非实时类作业,采用C/S结构存在资源利用率不平衡、管理与维护成本高等缺点。设计了一种基于Hadoop云平台的数据中心架构;针对开源Hadoop平台现有FIFO调度器不能满足实时监测系统要求,在原有FIFO调度器的基础上,设计了一种双队列的作业调度器,综合考虑作业的截止时间和优先级来进行作业调度决策,实验结果表明,与FIFO调度器相比,双队列的作业调度器在集群负载较大时能够表现出较好的性能,保证实时类作业能够优先执行,为风电机组的安全运行提供保障。  相似文献   

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