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在压水堆核电厂主控制室设计中,为了处理二层工作站不可用的工况,通常采用安全级盘台为操纵员提供监控手段来稳定反应堆,实现安全功能。本文以功能分析的方法对主控制室盘台进行了纵深防御功能分析,确认主控制室盘台所需完成的具体功能,形成完善的核电厂纵深防御体系,为主控制室盘台提供正向设计依据。  相似文献   

在查阅文献资料的基础上,对雷击伤人的规律进行阐述,在认知规律的基础上,提出防御雷电的措施和建议,为今后保护人身安全,防御雷电提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

经过江苏省国瑞信安科技有限公司各部门的紧密配合和努力,2008年2月22日,在江苏省公安厅技侦网安全防御系统建设项目中,国瑞信安凭借先进的技术、可靠的品质以及公司高效、完善的服务体系,一举中标。此项目是继2007年国瑞信安中标的技侦网综合安全防御软件之后的硬件支撑平台。至此,已实现完整的综合防御系统,  相似文献   

随着我国两化深度融合,互联网技术和产品在工业网络中越来越广泛的应用,提高企业生产和管理效率的同时,也使得工业控制网络面临着严峻的信息安全问题和考验。本文以石化行业为例,就工业控制系统信息安全存在的隐患,及其纵深防御架构体系进行了简要探讨。  相似文献   

随着机器视觉的不断发展,视觉传感器其小巧轻便、价格低廉等优势,使得视觉同时定位与建图(VSLAM)越来越受人们关注,深度学习为处理VSLAM问题提供了新的方法与思路。本文综述了近年来基于深度学习的VSLAM方法。首先回顾了VSLAM的发展历程,系统阐释了VSLAM的基本原理与组成结构。然后从视觉里程计(VO)、回环检测与建图3个方面分析各类基于深度学习的方法,从特征提取与特征匹配、深度估计与位姿估计及关键帧选择等3个部分阐述了深度学习在VO中的应用;基于场景表达方式的不同,总结了几何建图、语义建图及广义建图中的深度学习方法。接着介绍了目前VSLAM常用的各种数据集以及性能评估指标。最后指出了目前VSLAM面临的难题与挑战,展望未来深度学习与VSLAM结合的研究趋势与发展方向。  相似文献   

针对传统智能诊断方法需要专家知识和复杂特征提取,而深度神经网络模型复杂度高、构建难度大,以及单源信号信息不完备等问题,提出了一种新颖的全矢数据融合增强深度森林的旋转设备故障诊断方法。该方法根据旋转设备振动信号的特点,选择全矢谱技术与深度森林多粒度扫描相结合,用于接收同源双通道信号输入,增强了数据的完备性,并通过改善深度森林级联层来减少深层特征消失和特征冗余。为了验证所提出方法的有效性,分别进行了滚动轴承与轴向柱塞泵两例故障诊断实验研究,结果表明,该方法在不同旋转设备上都有很好的诊断效果,并可以实现端到端故障诊断。此外,该方法在小训练数据集上的故障识别准确率也非常高。  相似文献   

为强化Android系统的安全防御功能,确保用户使用安全,针对Android安全架构ASF保护机制的不足,结合SElinux安全加固技术的优点,引入基于内核的MAC机制,利用Flask访问架构建立了新的MMAC机制,并创造性地实现了FSP柔性安全策略适配机制和自动化学习机制,推进了立体化的安全防御系统的构建。  相似文献   

目前基于物联网技术的各种信息系统承载着装备器材保障全流程的各项业务。从装备器材物联网的技术架构入手,分析其脆弱性,并针对性地提出了一系列防御方法,旨在加强装备器材物联网的安全,使其更好地服务于装备保障工作。  相似文献   

在车间管理中,设备负荷是一个关键性能指标,负荷稳定直接影响了生产效率与生产成本,但目前鲜有研究关注如何实现设备负荷稳定的问题。为此,提出一种面向设备负荷稳定的智能车间调度方法。该方法通过一个含有深度神经网络调度模型的调度智能体,分析车间生产状态与设备负荷间的相关性,及时输出满足期望目标的调度方案。针对深度神经网络调度模型,设计了一个基于双深度Q学习网络(DDQN)的深度神经网络调度模型训练器,其利用奖惩学习免监督地形成调度样本,借此对深度神经网络调度模型进行网络参数更新,实现模型自学习。所提方法在MiniFab半导体生产车间模型中进行了验证,证明了所提调度方法能实现对智能车间设备负荷的控制,从而保证车间整体设备负荷的稳定性。  相似文献   

美国国防部官员表示,波音公司主导开发的美国家导弹防御系统的机载高能激光系统首次试射获得成功。虽然被美国防部称为“第一光”的激光系统试射持续时间不到1秒钟,但却为导弹防御计划打了一针强心剂。  相似文献   

秦汉前后的早期中国从不同路径形成了自己对教育问题的认识。从把教育看做是一种模仿、仿效活动,形成了教育与政治关系的问题;从把教育看作是一种心灵的超越,形成了“教育应该注重内心还是注重外在规范”的问题;从把教育看作是一种成长过程中的人为的改变。形成了“是否应该尊重人的积极的一面”的问题;从把教育作为一种交流活动,形成了“教育应该遵循事物的道理来做交流,还是注重目的”的问题;此外还对教育过程提出“启”、“喻”两个概念,并在教育内容中形成了注重经典、注重伦理规范的传统。  相似文献   

When particles of randomly varied sizes and shapes within limits are aggregated, the expectation is that their disorder will increase as particles are added. But, depending on how disorder is measured, this is not necessarily so. It is shown mathematically that a maximum to the degree of disorder exists, and moreover, that this maximum can only be maintained by highly specialized sequences of particles thereafter. Consequently, it is probable that the degree of disorder, having first increased, will then decrease. As the degree of disorder falls, it becomes more probable that it will increase, so that the expectation is for the degree of disorder to oscillate as particles are added. If sampling sections pass through these more ordered regions the impression can arise that the structure is ordered, whereas the structure may in fact be random.  相似文献   

This article presents the results of a survey with 13 main activities related to human factors that are executed during kaizen implementation process and were integrated in four independent latent variables (management commitment, education, communication and motivation) that are associated to 14 benefits obtained after its implementation that were grouped in three dependent latent variables (process, workers and customers). The survey was applied to persons with responsibilities in continuous improvement programs and projects in companies located in Mexico. Independent and dependent variables were integrated in a structural equation model that was evaluated using partial least squares algorithms WarpPLS® for finding causal relations among them. Results indicate that management commitment and education are the main factors that guarantee the success for kaizen implementation programs, but that is moderated by a good communication for having good operational process performance for better workers and customer satisfaction.  相似文献   

A design of an advanced-reliability piezoelectric transducer of acoustic emission (AE) is suggested. The advanced reliability is achieved by eliminating the main reasons that lead to failures; duplicating/backing the main operating systems; and imparting redundant or extended technical capabilities to the transducer design that make it possible to compensate for partial or complete performance loss of the antenna group. It is shown that given such a design approach, it is feasible to achieve technical characteristics that are stipulated for industrial acoustic-emission transducers. Theoretical estimates of transducer reliability are presented that show that a combination of backing of AE registration channels with different versions of their connection gives ample opportunities for governing the reliability of sensors during their usage/service life.  相似文献   

During the last sixty years there have been consistent reports in the literature that in the boundary lubrication regime, some, but not all, solutions of organic friction modifiers give extremely low friction at very low sliding speed, that then increases linearly with the logarithm of sliding speed. This article first reviews some previous studies that show this phenomenon and describes the main mechanisms proposed to explain it. New friction-sliding speed data are then presented, which show that an increase in friction with sliding speed occurs with saturated alkyl chain organic friction modifiers but not with unsaturated chain, oleyl-based ones, at the concentrations studied. It is, however, shown that elaidic acid, the trans-isomer of oleic acid gives friction that increases with sliding speed. A key difference between these two compounds is that the cis arrangement of carbon?Ccarbon bonds around the double bond of oleic acid means that the molecule cannot easily adopt a linear configuration, while elaidic acid can. This suggests that the ability of an organic friction modifier to produce friction that increases with sliding speed originates from its ability to form close-packed layers on steel surfaces. Importantly, even though oleyl derivatives do not show friction that increases with sliding speed, they still reduce friction quite significantly over the sliding speed range studied, although to a lesser extent than their saturated analogues, especially at low sliding speeds.  相似文献   

Contemporary musculoskeletal modelling research is based upon the assumption that such models will evolve into clinical tools that can be used to guide therapeutic interventions. However, there are a number of questions that must be addressed before this becomes a reality. At its heart, musculoskeletal modelling is a process of formulating and then solving the equations of motion that describe the movement of body segments. Both of these steps are challenging. This article argues that traditional approaches to musculoskeletal modelling have been heavily influenced by the need to simplify this process (and in particular the solution process), and that this has to some degree resulted in approaches that are contrary to the principles of classical mechanics. It is suggested that future work is required to understand how these simplifications affect the outputs of musculoskeletal modelling studies. Equally, to increase their clinical relevance, the models of the future should adhere more closely to the classical mechanics on which they are based.  相似文献   

Focused ion beam and scanning electron microscope (FIB‐SEM) instruments are extensively used to characterize nanoscale composition of composite materials, however, their application to analysis of organic corrosion barrier coatings has been limited. The primary concern that arises with use of FIB to mill organic materials is the possibility of severe thermal damage that occurs in close proximity to the ion beam impact. Recent research has shown that such localized artefacts can be mitigated for a number of polymers through cryogenic cooling of the sample as well as low current milling and intelligent ion beam control. Here we report unexpected nonlocalized artefacts that occur during FIB milling of composite organic coatings with pigment particles. Specifically, we show that FIB milling of pigmented polysiloxane coating can lead to formation of multiple microscopic voids within the substrate as far as 5 μm away from the ion beam impact. We use further experimentation and modelling to show that void formation occurs via ion beam heating of the pigment particles that leads to decomposition and vaporization of the surrounding polysiloxane. We also identify FIB milling conditions that mitigate this issue.  相似文献   

It is now widely acknowledged that innovation is absolutely critical to the success of manufacturing in the UK. Developing and enhancing revenue from new or improved products, processes and services is essential as competition from lower cost countries becomes more intense. Investment in innovation has been stepped up but recent reports have confirmed that the UK is still lagging behind Europe. Factors such as lack of available finance, skills shortage and a failure to collaborate effectively with academia are all cited as reasons for our failure to capitalise on the growing investment. Research shows UK companies are giving an increased priority to innovation and they realise that it is absolutely critical to their competitiveness. It has been apparent for some time that UK industry has woken up to the fact that it must innovate to survive, but the stark fact is that it is still lagging behind both our European partners, the United States and the emerging Far Eastern competition. Efforts must be stepped up to ensure that government investment in science and research benefits the manufacturing community and that we have the courage to make commercial use of the innovations developed.  相似文献   

It is known that the vibrational spectra of beetle-type scanning tunneling microscopes with a total mass of approximately 3-4 g contain extrinsic 'rattling' modes in the frequency range extending from 500 to 1700 Hz that interfere with image acquisition. These modes lie below the lowest calculated eigenfrequency of the beetle and it has been suggested that they arise from the inertial sliding of the beetle between surface asperities on the raceway. In this paper we describe some cross-coupling measurements that were performed on three home-built beetle-type STMs of two different designs. We provide evidence that suggests that for beetles with total masses of 12-15 g all the modes in the rattling range are intrinsic. This provides additional support for the notion that the vibrational properties of beetle-type scanning tunneling microscopes can be improved by increasing the contact pressure between the feet of the beetle and the raceway.  相似文献   

王新  田梦君  王保平 《机电一体化》2008,13(1):43-45,49
热电空调是基于半导体的热电效应而设计的健康空调。本文主要阐述了热电空调制冷器的供电系统的设计。利用ARM微控制器输出的PWM信号,采用脉宽调制的方法,对稳定电压信号进行斩波调压,即可获得不同的电压,进而获得不同制冷量,达到空调的智能控制的目的。实验证明此方案是可行的。  相似文献   

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