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刘新 《计量与测试技术》2006,33(3):17-17,20
本文主要介绍数字系统的两个方面。即时域和数域以及对它们进行测试所采用的方法(定时分析和状态分析)然后介绍逻辑分析仪是如何解决数字电路故障查寻的问题。  相似文献   

A simple network analyzer is devised which makes use of the sampling and time-division multiplexing techniques to detect a signal in a phasor form. Composed of a binary 90° phase shifter and a coherent detector, the detection system involved allows the real and imaginary parts of a scattering parameter to be detected sequentially. The performance of a prototype analyzer supports the detection principle. The error analysis is also given to specify the operation of a binary 90° phase shifter needed for the analyzer to assure a prescribed measurement accuracy.  相似文献   

杜亮 《计测技术》2005,25(3):34-37
介绍了逻辑分析仪部分参数测量结果的不确定度分析评定方法,评定过程及结论,可应用在对于计量标准进行相应指标的不确定度评定分析上。  相似文献   

This paper presents accurate and quantitative measurements of waveform parameters and eye pattern which is important as an evaluation parameter of digital transmission characteristics in the development of a wide-band automatic waveform analyzer from dc to 10 GHz. The measurements and-error of transfer characteristics by using FFT is also described. New techniques are adopted in averaging, calibrating, and compensating the time axis for the accurate measurements. Relevant software offers a method for quantitative measurement. The methods have made it possible to measure the waveform parameters which are about ten times more accurate than can be obtained through conventional oscilloscopes. In the quantitative evaluation of eye pattern, the measuring error has been improved from 10 down to 2 or 3 percent as compared with measurements by sight using a conventional oscilloscope. An equation which gives the approximate value of the error in the measurement of transfer function in the frequency domain from the time-domain pulse response is shown and confirmed to correspond with the actual case.  相似文献   

胡希平 《计量学报》1993,14(4):270-275
本文给出了双六端口网络分析仪的误差分析方法,详细讨论了测量反射系数、衰减和相移时各个分项误差大小的估计。  相似文献   

MOS-FET Analyzer     
The purpose of the analyzer is to save time and effort in determining the following basic MOS-FET (metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistor) parameters: the performance factor ?, the corresponding threshold voltage VGS(T), and the transconductance gm. The MOS-FET analyzer comprises a square-root calculator whose output is displayed on the x-y system of a scope, and thereby offers a readout of the above three quantities of the MOS-FET.  相似文献   

基于反射法理论提出了一种使用矢量网络分析仪测量集总参数元件阻抗的方法,引入阻抗匹配电路,拓宽了矢量网络分析仪的阻抗测量范围.通过对匹配电路二端口网络模型中参量A的分析,给出相应的被测元件的阻抗计算式,消除了夹具对测量结果的影响.采用矢量网络分析仪直接测量法和该阻抗测量法分别测量了5种不同阻值的金属膜电阻,结果表明,该阻抗测量方法的测量精度高于矢量网络分析仪直接测量的精度,可在30 kHz~100 MHz频率范围内实现几欧至千欧阻抗的精确测量.  相似文献   

薛艳敏  姚婕婷  葛畅  余隋怀 《包装工程》2022,43(22):298-304, 308
目的 在现代计时方式多为循环时间表达方式的背景下,以线性时间观对个体决策的积极影响为出发点,通过对古代线性计时方式进行分析,探索线性时间流逝感可视化的时间产品设计。方法 以热力学时间箭头为理论基础,选择几种具有代表性的古代线性计时方式并结合案例对其功能表现方式、文化内涵以及计时哲学等进行创新性分析。结论 个体对时间流逝感的知觉使其更清晰地意识到时间的流逝,一定程度上减少了时间浪费。从线性时间信息可视化表达以及时间产品构成基本要素两个方面提出设计策略。首先,线性时间信息的可视化策略包含时间信息载体的单向、均匀和连续性表达,以及能够唤起强烈的关于时间失去的情绪体验。其次,时间产品设计还应综合考虑时间信息的知觉媒介选择、时间产品的情感化造型设计以及旧形式的可持续设计合理化等因素,从而设计出功能性和文化性兼具的时间产品。  相似文献   

现有关于易逝品订货时机的文献,主要以价格或订货量为变量,来计算利润或成本的变化,从而得出研究结果,以服务水平为变量进行研究的很少。因此,通过服务水平来研究易逝品订货时机Pareto最优区具有重要意义。研究了一个由零售商和供应商构成的二级供应链,基于报童模型,以服务水平为变量分析了两者的订货时机偏好,以零售商服务水平为横轴得出了双方的偏好区域图,进而得到订货时机Pareto最优区。零售商只需在最优区订货即可达到双赢的效果,为零售商的订货时机决策提供了有价值的行动指南。  相似文献   

A method of measuring the phase angle and magnitude of "n" harmonics corresponding to a periodic signal is described. The method includes the generation of sinusoidal bursts to reproduce significant components of distorted and complex signals; burst amplitude, burst initial phase, and burst frequency correspond, respectively, to harmonic amplitude, harmonic phase angle, and harmonic frequency.  相似文献   

结合频谱分析仪的测试原理介绍了频谱分析仪的一些测试方法、技术指标以及测量不确定度的合成方法。  相似文献   

An inexpensive probability analyzer is designed for the measurement of the probability density function and distribution functions of random signals. The operation principle of the system is explained through detailed discussion of each active stage. It utilizes Schmitt triggers with low hysteresis to provide good accuracy. The output of the analyzer is measured by using a counter. Experimental probability density and distribution functions are obtained for a sinusoidal input, and the measured results are in good agreement with the theoretical functions.  相似文献   

本文通过一个应用于介电温谱测量的实例,详细介绍了在Visual Basic环境下,利用GPIB接口和VISA库联合开发的一个阻抗分析仪、多功能万用表自动测试系统。该系统实现了对材料介电性能随温度变化的自动测试及可靠的数据管理。  相似文献   

本文中给定时DIR成色剂从广义、狭义两方面下了定义。介绍了定时DIR成色剂的类型、合成、应用、反应机理,尤其是重点介绍了具有双定时基成色剂的情况。  相似文献   

This paper addresses the problem of processing biological data, such as cardiac beats in the audio and ultrasonic range, and on calculating wavelet coefficients in real time, with the processor clock running at a frequency of present application-specified integrated circuits and field programmable gate array. The parallel filter architecture for discrete wavelet transform (DWT) has been improved, calculating the wavelet coefficients in real time with hardware reduced up to 60%. The new architecture, which also processes inverse DWT, is implemented with the Radix-2 or the Booth-Wallace constant multipliers. One integrated circuit signal analyzer in the ultrasonic range, including series memory register banks, is presented.  相似文献   

A microprocessor is used for real-time frequency analysis of an EEG amplifier output through the use of a 32-point fast Fourier transform (FFT). The sixteen frequency components are gain equalized, then summed into the conventional delta, theta, alpha, and beta bands. A simultaneous display of successive processed FFT outputs on a storage oscilloscope along with base line references is of substantial aid in determining the relative activity in each. Simple changes in test conditions show considerable activity in the delta, theta, and beta bands. The alpha band surprisingly was relatively constant for many subjects through a large range of test conditions. Permanent copy is provided by photographing the CRT display or by direct printout of intermediate and/or final results on a Teletype or high-speed printer. System design parameters and preliminary results are discussed.  相似文献   

介绍了一种基于模式识别技术的油墨色相智能分析系统,简述了色相分析原理,介绍了色相分析仪的硬件组成,软件设计及程序流程,最后给出了色相分析仪的操作界面.研究结果表明对油墨的配色与管理起到良好的效果.  相似文献   

依据库仑原理研制了智能型镀锡量测量仪,采用计算机记录阳极溶解曲线,可同时测量试样双面或单面的镀锡量,实现了以自动和人工方式判断溶解终点。仪器测试结果的重现性优于±0.1g/m~2,RSD<1%。  相似文献   

In this paper we develop a new algorithm for a digital power spectrum analyzer. The advantage of this new algorithm is that it makes possible the lowering of the average sampling rate without incurring large errors.  相似文献   

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