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针对浮选起泡剂仲辛醇起泡性能差、泡沫不稳定导致浮选效果不理想等问题,选择了超声乳化、化学改性以及两者耦合的作用方式分别对其进行改性试验,采用表面张力、浮选效果及红外光谱的测定等方法,探究了起泡剂仲辛醇改性前后对精煤浮选效率的影响.实验结果表明:3种改性方式都可以改善浮选效果,两者耦合作用改性效果要好于单独方式改性.经超... 相似文献
本文测定了仲辛醇和松醇油的起泡性能,实验研究了这两种药剂作鳞片石墨起泡剂的浮选效果。结果表明:石墨浮选时,仲辛醇是一种优于松醇油的高效起泡剂。 相似文献
采用P204-仲辛醇皂化萃取体系从金精矿氰化尾渣酸浸液中萃取分离铁, 初步研究其萃取机理, 并考察了萃取体系、P204浓度和料液初始pH值、含铁浓度及加入介质NaCl对Fe(Ⅲ)萃取的影响以及相比(O/A)、H2SO4浓度对Fe(Ⅲ)反萃的影响。实验结果表明:P204和仲辛醇对酸浸液中的Fe(Ⅲ)具有一定协同萃取效应, 仲辛醇作为萃取体系中的相转移试剂, 尤其能改善铁的反萃效率。同时, 采用氨水皂化后的萃取体系铁的提取率显著提高。P204、仲辛醇以及260#溶剂油以1∶1∶2的体积比混合作为萃取体系, 在相比为2的条件下, 调整含铁10.18 g/L的原酸浸液的pH值接近2.0, 经过1级萃取, 萃余液中含铁低于0.25 g/L; 以25%(体积分数)的H2SO4反萃, 有机相中的铁基本被反萃完全。通过萃取和反萃, 铁离子溶液中杂质含量大大减少, 尤其是砷的含量。 相似文献
选取凹凸棒作为乳化剂,系统研究pH值、颗粒质量分数、油相体积分数以及不同价态盐对橄榄油/水型Pickering乳状液稳定性的影响.结果表明,体系pH值在4~9范围内可制备出稳定的乳状液;颗粒质量分数提高可增强乳液的分层和聚结稳定性;乳液液滴直径随油相体积分数的增加先增大后减小;无机盐的引入不会对乳液相及水相体积产生影响,但对乳液液滴的尺寸分布影响显著,其中NaCl浓度的增加有利于乳状液液滴数均直径的增加,而CaCl2浓度增加时,乳状液液滴数均直径呈现先增大后减小的变化趋势.显微镜图片显示,凹凸棒颗粒主要以聚集体网状结构的方式附着在油-水界面处,从而起到稳定乳液液滴的效果. 相似文献
针对镍电解液中杂质锌的选择性分离困难,制备了一种咪唑基离子液体复合树脂。对复合树脂吸附锌氯配合离子的平衡、动力学和热力学特性、吸附选择性以及 pH、和温度对锌吸附率的影响进行研究。 结果表明,吸附符合 Freundlich 等温模型,吸附过程符合准二级动力学模型,吸附过程为放热过程温度越低时吸附率越高,树脂对锌表现出了优异的选择性,低pH的溶液条件更有利于树脂吸附锌。离子液体复合树脂对锌的饱和吸附量可达62.38 mg/L。使用该树脂处理实际镍电解液中的杂质锌,移除率最高可达到97.28%,树脂经重复再生6次后仍然能达到85%以上的锌移除率。 相似文献
泡沫稳定性是影响浮选过程的重要因素之一,为了考察石英对浮选泡沫稳定性的影响,通过泡沫稳定性试验和析液试验,研究石英在不同捕收剂浓度、颗粒粒度和质量浓度下的泡沫稳定性。并通过接触角测量、Zeta电位测试、泡沫光学图像观察、表面张力和矿浆粘度测定,进一步分析石英对浮选泡沫稳定性的影响机理。结果表明:随着十二胺浓度的增加,溶液的起泡能力增强,泡沫稳定性先增加后降低,这主要是由于十二胺使得溶液体系的表面张力显著降低,减缓了泡沫液膜在Plateau通道内排液的平均流速,石英表面疏水性逐渐增大,泡沫稳定性增强。但当十二胺浓度大于60 mg/L时,石英三相接触角超过90°,强疏水性颗粒不再具有稳泡效果,而是遵循桥联-反润湿机理消泡,泡沫稳定性降低;石英颗粒粒度越细,质量浓度越大,使矿浆粘度增大,阻碍了液膜排液,泡沫稳定性增强;析液试验结果说明,石英颗粒粒度越大,泡沫破裂速度越快,该结论与泡沫稳定性试验结果一致;十二胺静电作用吸附在石英表面,改变了石英表面的电负性。在浮选试验条件下,有利于形成稳定的泡沫体系;通过泡沫图像发现,石英黏附在泡膜表面,增加了液膜厚度,在两气泡边界区和Plateau Border边界区形成一道紧密排列的壳层结构,增强了泡沫稳定性。 相似文献
Copper sulphate is used as an activator in the flotation of base metal sulphides as it promotes the interaction of collector molecules with mineral surfaces. It has been used as an activator in certain platinum group mineral (PGM) flotation operations in South Africa although the mechanisms by which improvements in flotation performance are achieved are not well understood. Some investigations have suggested these changes in flotation performance are due to changes in the froth phase rather than activation of minerals by true flotation in the pulp zone. In the present study, the effect of copper sulphate on froth stability was investigated on two PGM containing ores, namely Merensky and UG2 (Upper Group 2) ores from the Bushveld Complex of South Africa. Froth stability tests were conducted using a non-overflowing froth stability column. Zeta potential tests and ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) tests were used to confirm the adsorption of reagents onto pure minerals commonly found in the two ores. The results of full-scale UG2 concentrator on/off copper sulphate tests are also presented. The UG2 ore showed a substantial decrease in froth stability in the order of reagent addition: no reagents > copper > xanthate > copper + xanthate, while Merensky ore showed a slight decrease. It was shown through zeta potential measurements that copper species were to be found on plagioclase, chromite, talc and pyrrhotite surfaces and through EDTA extraction that this copper was in the form of almost equal amounts of Cu(OH)2 and chemically reacted copper ions on the Merensky and UG2 ore surfaces. In certain cases, the presence of copper sulphate and xanthate substantially increased the recovery, and therefore the implied hydrophobicity, of pure minerals in a frothless microflotation device. It was, therefore, proposed that increases in hydrophobicity beyond an optimum contact angle for froth stability, were the cause of instabilities in the froth phase and these were found to impact grade and recovery in a full-scale concentrator. Differences in the extent of froth phase effects between the different ores can be attributed to differences in mineralogy. 相似文献