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Pancreatic cancer is an aggressive disease with poor prognosis. Only about 15–20% of patients diagnosed with pancreatic cancer can undergo surgical resection, while the remaining 80% are diagnosed with locally advanced or metastatic pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC). In these cases, chemotherapy and radiotherapy only confer marginal survival benefit. Recent progress has been made in understanding the pathobiology of pancreatic cancer, with a particular effort in discovering new diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers, novel therapeutic targets, and biomarkers that can predict response to chemo- and/or radiotherapy. Mitochondria have become a focus in pancreatic cancer research due to their roles as powerhouses of the cell, important subcellular biosynthetic factories, and crucial determinants of cell survival and response to chemotherapy. Changes in the mitochondrial genome (mtDNA) have been implicated in chemoresistance and metastatic progression in some cancer types. There is also growing evidence that changes in microRNAs that regulate the expression of mtDNA-encoded mitochondrial proteins (mitomiRs) or nuclear-encoded mitochondrial proteins (mitochondria-related miRs) could serve as diagnostic and prognostic cancer biomarkers. This review discusses the current knowledge on the clinical significance of changes of mtDNA, mitomiRs, and mitochondria-related miRs in pancreatic cancer and their potential role as predictors of cancer risk, as diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers, and as molecular targets for personalized cancer therapy.  相似文献   

Depending on their tissue of origin, genetic and epigenetic marks and microenvironmental influences, cancer cells cover a broad range of metabolic activities that fluctuate over time and space. At the core of most metabolic pathways, mitochondria are essential organelles that participate in energy and biomass production, act as metabolic sensors, control cancer cell death, and initiate signaling pathways related to cancer cell migration, invasion, metastasis and resistance to treatments. While some mitochondrial modifications provide aggressive advantages to cancer cells, others are detrimental. This comprehensive review summarizes the current knowledge about mitochondrial transfers that can occur between cancer and nonmalignant cells. Among different mechanisms comprising gap junctions and cell-cell fusion, tunneling nanotubes are increasingly recognized as a main intercellular platform for unidirectional and bidirectional mitochondrial exchanges. Understanding their structure and functionality is an important task expected to generate new anticancer approaches aimed at interfering with gains of functions (e.g., cancer cell proliferation, migration, invasion, metastasis and chemoresistance) or damaged mitochondria elimination associated with mitochondrial transfer.  相似文献   

The excessive formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and impairment of defensive antioxidant systems leads to a condition known as oxidative stress. The main source of free radicals responsible for oxidative stress is mitochondrial respiration. The deleterious effects of ROS on cellular biomolecules, including DNA, is a well-known phenomenon that can disrupt mitochondrial function and contribute to cellular damage and death, and the subsequent development of various disease processes. In this review, we summarize the most important findings that implicated mitochondrial oxidative stress in a wide variety of pathologies from Alzheimer disease (AD) to autoimmune type 1 diabetes. This review also discusses attempts to affect oxidative stress as a therapeutic avenue.  相似文献   

Valosin-containing protein (VCP)/p97, a member of the AAA+ ATPase family, is a molecular chaperone recruited to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membrane by binding to membrane adapters (nuclear protein localization protein 4 (NPL4), p47 and ubiquitin regulatory X (UBX) domain-containing protein 1 (UBXD1)), where it is involved in ER-associated protein degradation (ERAD). However, VCP/p97 interacts with many cofactors to participate in different cellular processes that are critical for cancer cell survival and aggressiveness. Indeed, VCP/p97 is reported to be overexpressed in many cancer types and is considered a potential cancer biomarker and therapeutic target. This review summarizes the role of VCP/p97 in different cancers and the advances in the discovery of small-molecule inhibitors with therapeutic potential, focusing on the challenges associated with cancer-related VCP mutations in the mechanisms of resistance to inhibitors.  相似文献   

The mevalonate pathway, crucial for cholesterol synthesis, plays a key role in multiple cellular processes. Deregulation of this pathway is also correlated with diminished protein prenylation, an important post-translational modification necessary to localize certain proteins, such as small GTPases, to membranes. Mevalonate pathway blockade has been linked to mitochondrial dysfunction: especially involving lower mitochondrial membrane potential and increased release of pro-apoptotic factors in cytosol. Furthermore a severe reduction of protein prenylation has also been associated with defective autophagy, possibly causing inflammasome activation and subsequent cell death. So, it is tempting to hypothesize a mechanism in which defective autophagy fails to remove damaged mitochondria, resulting in increased cell death. This mechanism could play a significant role in Mevalonate Kinase Deficiency, an autoinflammatory disease characterized by a defect in Mevalonate Kinase, a key enzyme of the mevalonate pathway. Patients carrying mutations in the MVK gene, encoding this enzyme, show increased inflammation and lower protein prenylation levels. This review aims at analysing the correlation between mevalonate pathway defects, mitochondrial dysfunction and defective autophagy, as well as inflammation, using Mevalonate Kinase Deficiency as a model to clarify the current pathogenetic hypothesis as the basis of the disease.  相似文献   

With the increasing prevalence of drug-resistant variants, novel potent HIV-1 protease inhibitors with broad-spectrum antiviral activity against multidrug-resistant causative viruses are urgently needed. Herein, we designed and synthesized a new series of HIV-1 protease inhibitors with phenols or polyphenols as the P2 ligands and a variety of sulfonamide analogs as the P2′ ligands. A number of these new inhibitors showed superb enzymatic inhibitory activity and antiviral activity. In particular, inhibitors 15d and 15f exhibited potent enzymatic inhibitory activity in the low picomolar range, and the latter showed excellent activity against the Darunavir-resistant HIV-1 variant. Furthermore, the molecular modeling studies provided insight into the ligand-binding site interactions between inhibitors and the enzyme cavity, and they sparked inspiration for the further optimization of potent inhibitors.  相似文献   

Malignant mesothelioma (MM) is a highly aggressive cancer with limited therapeutic options. We have previously shown that the endocytic collagen receptor, uPARAP, is upregulated in certain cancers and can be therapeutically targeted. Public RNA expression data display uPARAP overexpression in MM. Thus, to evaluate its potential use in diagnostics and therapy, we quantified uPARAP expression by immunohistochemical H-score in formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded bioptic/surgical human tissue samples and tissue microarrays. We detected pronounced upregulation of uPARAP in the three main MM subtypes compared to non-malignant reactive mesothelial proliferations, with higher expression in sarcomatoid and biphasic than in epithelioid MM. The upregulation appeared to be independent of patients’ asbestos exposure and unaffected after chemotherapy. Using immunoblotting, we demonstrated high expression of uPARAP in MM cell lines and no expression in a non-malignant mesothelial cell line. Moreover, we showed the specific internalization of an anti-uPARAP monoclonal antibody by the MM cell lines using flow cytometry-based assays and confocal microscopy. Finally, we demonstrated the sensitivity of these cells towards sub-nanomolar concentrations of an antibody-drug conjugate formed with the uPARAP-directed antibody and a potent cytotoxin that led to efficient, uPARAP-specific eradication of the MM cells. Further studies on patient cohorts and functional preclinical models will fully reveal whether uPARAP could be exploited in diagnostics and therapeutic targeting of MM.  相似文献   

Sphingosine 1-phosphate (S1P) is a bioactive sphingolipid, noteworthy for its involvement both in the modulation of various biological processes and in the development of many diseases. S1P signaling can be either pro or anti-inflammatory, and the sphingosine kinase (SphK)–S1P–S1P receptor (S1PR) axis is a factor in accelerating the growth of several cells, including endometriotic cells and fibrosis. Gynecologic disorders, including endometriosis, adenomyosis, and uterine fibroids are characterized by inflammation and fibrosis. S1P signaling and metabolism have been shown to be dysregulated in those disorders and they are likely implicated in their pathogenesis and pathophysiology. Enzymes responsible for inactivating S1P are the most affected by the dysregulation of S1P balanced levels, thus causing accumulation of sphingolipids within these cells and tissues. The present review highlights the past and latest evidence on the role played by the S1P pathways in common gynecologic disorders (GDs). Furthermore, it discusses potential future approaches in the regulation of this signaling pathway that could represent an innovative and promising therapeutical target, also for ovarian cancer treatment.  相似文献   

Coronary artery disease (CAD) is a multifactorial disease with a high prevalence, particularly in developing countries. Currently, the investigation of telomeres as a potential tool for the early detection of the atherosclerotic disease seems to be a promising method. Telomeres are repetitive DNA sequences located at the extremities of chromosomes that maintain genetic stability. Telomere length (TL) has been associated with several human disorders and diseases while its attrition rate varies significantly in the population. The rate of TL shortening ranges between 20 and 50 bp and is affected by factors such as the end-replication phenomenon, oxidative stress, and other DNA-damaging agents. In this review, we delve not only into the pathophysiology of TL shortening but also into its association with cardiovascular disease and the progression of atherosclerosis. We also provide current and future treatment options based on TL and telomerase function, trying to highlight the importance of these cutting-edge developments and their clinical relevance.  相似文献   

Recent studies have indicated a central role for LonP1 in mitochondrial function. Its physiological functions include proteolysis, acting as a molecular chaperone, binding mitochondrial DNA, and being involved in cellular respiration, cellular metabolism, and oxidative stress. Given its vital role in energy metabolism, LonP1 has been suggested to be associated with multi-system neoplasms and developmental disorders. In this study, we investigated the roles, possible mechanisms of action, and therapeutic roles of LonP1 in oral and maxillofacial tumor development. LonP1 was highly expressed in oral-maxillofacial cancers and regulated their development through a sig-naling network. LonP1 may therefore be a promising anticancer therapy target. Mutations in LONP1 have been found to be involved in the etiology of cerebral, ocular, dental, auricular, and skeletal syndrome (CODAS). Only patients carrying specific LONP1 mutations have certain dental abnormalities (delayed eruption and abnormal morphology). LonP1 is therefore a novel factor in the development of oral and maxillofacial tumors. Greater research should therefore be conducted on the diagnosis and therapy of LonP1-related diseases to further define LonP1-associated oral phenotypes and their underlying molecular mechanisms.  相似文献   

Hypofibrinolysis is a key abnormality in diabetes and contributes to the adverse vascular outcome in this population. Plasminogen activator inhibitor (PAI)-1 is an important regulator of the fibrinolytic process and levels of this antifibrinolytic protein are elevated in diabetes and insulin resistant states. This review describes both the physiological and pathological role of PAI-1 in health and disease, focusing on the mechanism of action as well as protein abnormalities in vascular disease with special focus on diabetes. Attempts at inhibiting protein function, using different techniques, are also discussed including direct and indirect interference with production as well as inhibition of protein function. Developing PAI-1 inhibitors represents an alternative approach to managing hypofibrinolysis by targeting the pathological abnormality rather than current practice that relies on profound inhibition of the cellular and/or acellular arms of coagulation, and which can be associated with increased bleeding events. The review offers up-to-date knowledge on the mechanisms of action of PAI-1 together with the role of altering protein function to improve hypofirbinolysis. Developing PAI-1 inhibitors may form for the basis of future new class of antithrombotic agents that reduce vascular complications in diabetes.  相似文献   

The liver directly accepts blood from the gut and is, therefore, exposed to intestinal bacteria. Recent studies have demonstrated a relationship between gut bacteria and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). Approximately 10–20% of NAFLD patients develop nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), and endotoxins produced by Gram-negative bacilli may be involved in NAFLD pathogenesis. NAFLD hyperendotoxicemia has intestinal and hepatic factors. The intestinal factors include impaired intestinal barrier function (leaky gut syndrome) and dysbiosis due to increased abundance of ethanol-producing bacteria, which can change endogenous alcohol concentrations. The hepatic factors include hyperleptinemia, which is associated with an excessive response to endotoxins, leading to intrahepatic inflammation and fibrosis. Clinically, the relationship between gut bacteria and NAFLD has been targeted in some randomized controlled trials of probiotics and other agents, but the results have been inconsistent. A recent randomized, placebo-controlled study explored the utility of lubiprostone, a treatment for constipation, in restoring intestinal barrier function and improving the outcomes of NAFLD patients, marking a new phase in the development of novel therapies targeting the intestinal barrier. This review summarizes recent data from studies in animal models and randomized clinical trials on the role of the gut–liver axis in NAFLD pathogenesis and progression.  相似文献   

Isaindigotone is an alkaloid containing a pyrrolo-[2,1-b]quinazoline moiety conjugated with a benzylidene group and isolated from the root of Isatis indigotca Fort. However, further anticancer activities of this alkaloid and its derivatives have not been fully explored. In this work, a novel isaindigotone derivative was synthesized and three different gastric cell lines and one human epithelial gastric cell line were used to study the anti-proliferation effects of the novel isaindigotone derivative BLG26. HGC27 cells and AGS cells were used to further explore the potential mechanisms. BLG26 exhibited better anti-proliferation activities in AGS cells with a half-maximal inhibitory concentration (IC50) of 1.45 μM. BLG26 caused mitochondrial membrane potential loss and induced apoptosis in both HGC27 cells and AGS cells by suppressing mitochondrial apoptotic pathway and PI3K/AKT/mTOR axis. Acute toxicity experiment showed that LD50 (median lethal dose) of BLG26 was above 1000.0 mg/kg. This research suggested that BLG26 can be a potential candidate for the treatment of gastric cancer.  相似文献   

Upregulation of the HGF and MSP growth‐factor processing serine endopeptidases HGFA, matriptase and hepsin is correlated with increased metastasis in multiple tumor types driven by c‐MET or RON kinase signaling. We rationally designed P1’ α‐ketobenzothiazole mechanism‐based inhibitors of these proteases. Structure–activity studies are presented, which resulted in the identification of potent inhibitors with differential selectivity. The tetrapeptide inhibitors span the P1–P1’ substrate cleavage site via a P1’ amide linker off the benzothiazole, occupying the S3’ pocket. Optimized inhibitors display sub‐nanomolar enzyme inhibition against one, two, or all three of HGFA, matriptase, and hepsin. Several compounds also have good selectivity against the related trypsin‐like proteases, thrombin and Factor Xa. Finally, we show that inhibitors block the fibroblast (HGF)‐mediated migration of invasive DU145 prostate cancer cells. In addition to prostate cancer, breast, colon, lung, pancreas, gliomas, and multiple myeloma tumors all depend on HGF and MSP for tumor survival and progression. Therefore, these unique inhibitors have potential as new therapeutics for a diverse set of tumor types.  相似文献   

In recent decades, dysregulation of proteases and atypical proteolysis have become increasingly recognized as important hallmarks of cancer, driving community-wide efforts to explore the proteolytic landscape of oncologic disease. With more than 100 proteases currently associated with different aspects of cancer development and progression, there is a clear impetus to harness their potential in the context of oncology. Advances in the protease field have yielded technologies enabling sensitive protease detection in various settings, paving the way towards diagnostic profiling of disease-related protease activity patterns. Methods including activity-based probes and substrates, antibodies, and various nanosystems that generate reporter signals, i.e., for PET or MRI, after interaction with the target protease have shown potential for clinical translation. Nevertheless, these technologies are costly, not easily multiplexed, and require advanced imaging technologies. While the current clinical applications of protease-responsive technologies in oncologic settings are still limited, emerging technologies and protease sensors are poised to enable comprehensive exploration of the tumor proteolytic landscape as a diagnostic and therapeutic frontier. This review aims to give an overview of the most relevant classes of proteases as indicators for tumor diagnosis, current approaches to detect and monitor their activity in vivo, and associated therapeutic applications.  相似文献   

Interleukin-6 (IL-6) is a highly potent cytokine involved in multiple biological processes. It was previously reported to play a distinct role in inflammation, autoimmune and psychiatric disorders, ageing and various types of cancer. Furthermore, it is understood that IL-6 and its signaling pathways are substantial players in orchestrating the cancer microenvironment. Thus, they appear to be potential targets in anti-tumor therapy. The aim of this article is to elucidate the role of IL-6 in the tumor ecosystem and to review the possible therapeutic approaches in head and neck cancer.  相似文献   

Senescence marker protein 30 (SMP30) is a cell survival factor playing an important role in vitamin C synthesis and antiapoptosis. Moreover, its cytoprotective role suggests a possibility to be related to cancer cell survival. Mammary carcinoma is a common cancer in both humans and animals. Because of its histopathological diversity, especially in the early stage, histopathological diagnosis may be complicated; therefore, a diagnostic marker is helpful for confirmation. The present study analyzed the expression pattern of SMP30 in mammary carcinoma in humans, dogs, and cats. Immunohistochemistry, immunofluorescence, and western blot analysis were used to investigate SMP30 expression patterns. The expression was specifically observed in neoplastic glandular epithelial cells. The expression increased with the malignancy of glandular epithelial cells with a highly proliferative status. However, SMP30 expression was low in normal mammary gland tissues or well-differentiated adenoma tissues. The patterns were consistently reproduced in canine primary mammary carcinoma cells and MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231 human carcinoma cell lines. This study provides useful information to understand SMP30 expression in various stages of mammary carcinoma and to suggest its utility as a pan-species diagnostic marker, thereby helping to establish strategies for diagnosing mammary carcinoma in several species.  相似文献   

Three new 3‐amino‐6‐hydroxy‐2‐piperidone (Ahp)‐containing cyclic depsipeptides, named loggerpeptins A–C ( 1 3 ), along with molassamide ( 4 ), were discovered from a marine cyanobacterium, extending the structural diversity of this prevalent scaffold of cyanobacterial serine protease inhibitors. Molassamide, which contains a 2‐amino‐butenoic (Abu) unit in the cyclic core, was the most potent and selective analogue against human neutrophil elastase (HNE). Given the growing evidence supporting the role of HNE in breast cancer progression and metastasis, we assessed the cellular effects of compounds 3 and 4 in the context of targeting invasive breast cancer. Both compounds inhibited cleavage of the elastase substrate CD40 in biochemical assays; however, only 4 exhibited significant cellular activity. As CD40 and other receptor proteolytic processing culminates in NFκB activation, we assessed the effects of 4 on the expression of target genes, including ICAM‐1. ICAM‐1 is also a direct target of elastase and, in our studies, compound 4 attenuated both elastase‐induced ICAM‐1 gene expression and ICAM‐1 proteolytic processing by elastase, revealing a potential dual effect on migration through modulation of gene expression and proteolytic processing. Molassamide also specifically inhibited the elastase‐mediated migration of highly invasive triplenegative breast cancer cells.  相似文献   

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