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工业CT散射校正方法的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在工业CT的扫描重建过程中,散射效应使得重建图像出现模糊,各点灰度值同实际物体的吸收系数之间出现偏差,需要进行校正。如果采用一般的卷积方法,则需要迭代多次才能收敛,所以在校正时间上不能达到要求。采用一种结合散射模型的Ordered Subsets Convex方法对散射效果进行校正,在校正速度和质量上都得到了很好的结果。  相似文献   

In the first part of this article a more general DEI equation was derived using simple concepts. Not only does the new DEI equation explain all the problems that can be done by the DEI equation proposed by Chapman, but also explains the problem that cart not be explained with the old DEI equation, such as the noise background caused by the small angle scattering reflected by the analyzer. In the second part, a DEI-PI-CT formula has been proposed and the contour contrast caused by the extinction of refraction beam has been qualitatively explained, and then based on the work of Ando's group two formulae of refraction CT with DEI method has been proposed. Combining one refraction CT formula proposed by Dilmanian with the two refraction CT formulae proposed by us, the whole framework of CT algorithm can be made to reconstruct three components of the gradient of refractive index.  相似文献   

工业CT技术特点及应用实例   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
概述了工业CT技术的主要特点及其在无损检测中的应用,介绍了工业CT在缺陷检测、焊缝质量诊断、密度分布表征、结构分析及装配质量检测等方面的应用实例.  相似文献   

The simultaneous variation of gamma ray buildup factors with absorber thickness (up to 6.5 mfp) and total scatter acceptance angle (which is the sum of incidence and exit beam divergence) in the media of high volume flyash concrete and water was studied experimentally using a point isotropic 137Cs source.  相似文献   

由于X射线间接成像系统的点扩散函数难以通过实验精确测量,理论构建过程复杂,难以满足实际情况,导致图像质量不高。为了获得X射线间接成像系统的点扩散函数,提出了一种利用冗余信息重构点扩散函数的方法,从而在非相干光照下获得更精确的系统点扩散函数。根据同步辐射成像实验的结果比较,该方法比其他点扩散函数测量方法更能准确地恢复图像。该方法的核心是利用非相干光信息分布的非定域性重建了点扩散函数中央区域。冗余信息法重构的点扩散函数不仅能够精确恢复图像,而且构建过程相对简单,避免了大量复杂的计算。  相似文献   

分析了在用天然放射性^732Th衰变系的低能X射线进行HPGe γ谱仪的效率刻度时出现系统偏差的原因,并就此对实际应用中应注意的问题进行了探讨.提出了特征X射线的符合相加等效应在低活度γ谱分析中可能会引起的一系列问题以及应采取的措施。  相似文献   

In recent years the use of non-intrusive and non-invasive imaging techniques to safely interrogate non-nuclear (industrial) storage vessels or process units has seen a significant increase. The nature of material found within active ‘legacy waste’ storage vessels and other radiation shielded vessels coupled with the distinct lack of access makes representative sampling or visual inspection of the vessel extremely problematic and in some cases impossible. However, until recently, the radiation shielding which is commonplace on all nuclear sites has rendered existing remote non-intrusive imaging techniques useless. This is due to the limiting penetrative power of X-rays and gamma-rays as well as lack of access for other semi-invasive techniques such as electrical and acoustic imaging. Cosmic ray muon based imaging systems have great potential. This is because muons have very high energies (up to 1012 GeV) and therefore, offer a superior penetrative power which provides a means to ‘peer through’ objects which otherwise would be inaccessible. Such objects may include lead lined silo or vessels as well as various intermediate material transport modules. Because muons only show detectable interactions with high atomic number material they also offer a means to detect the quantity and location of heavy metal elements and their associated compounds. In this work the first attempts at two-dimensional muon attenuation mapping are described. More specifically multiple plane prototype muon detection system has been used to image the resultant attenuation maps for a number of lead phantoms. This opens up possibilities for the collation of muon trajectory data which in turn can be used to track muon events both entering and leaving the object of interest allowing attenuation based image processing. It is believed that future work in this area will serve to significantly improve both the coverage area and the spatial resolution of the system though improved detector technology providing a powerful tool for the rendering of either large or dense objects.  相似文献   

Direct inversion of coherent X-ray diffraction patterns is a powerful method to image strains in individual crystals with a high spatial resolution, less than 10 nm. The possibility to invert the diffraction pattern is in principle ensured by the oversampling of the measurement. In addition, the resolution of the reconstructed object requires the measurement of the intensity distribution as far as possible in reciprocal space. Thus, fulfilling the oversampling and resolution constraints, in 3D, implies very long acquisition times, hardly compatible with the stability of the X-ray synchrotron source or sample. To overcome this problem, we present a method based on partial crossed intensity measurements: it consists in two irregularly spaced intensity measurements taken in two orthogonal directions. This paper demonstrates that partial crossed intensity measurements are in principle sufficient to reconstruct 2D objects using a phase retrieval algorithm. We also describe how such measurements can be achieved in practice for 3D imaging. 3D intensity measurements taken in two orthogonal directions for a 111 Bragg peak of a sub-micrometer Au grain are shown.  相似文献   

The first silicon radiation sensors based on the three-dimensional (3-D) architecture have been successfully fabricated. X-ray spectra from iron-55 and americium-241 have been recorded by reading out a 3-D architecture detector via wire bonds to a low-noise, charge-sensitive preamplifier. Using a beta source, coincidences between a 3-D sensor and a plastic scintillator were observed. This is the first observation of ionizing radiation using a silicon sensor based on the 3-D architecture. Details of the apparatus and measurements are described  相似文献   

阵列康普顿背散射技术中存在探测到的射线强度低和不同测量单元间散射线干扰等问题.针对这些,进行MCNP仿真实验,分析各种因素对不同测量单元散射线干扰及探测到射线强度的影响趋势和影响程度,为实际系统的设计提供参考.  相似文献   

The effects of short duration irradiation with low dose rate gamma and beta rays on the input resistance and the output Hall voltage of InSb, GaAs, Si, and Ge semiconductor Hall effect devices were systemically studied. Both gamma and beta irradiation can cause the input resistance of Hall effect devices to increase linearly with increasing irradiation time, in the absence of a magnetic field. When the devices were placed in a magnetic field, the output Hall voltage and input resistance increased nonlinearly with increasing gamma irradiation time. The effects of both gamma and beta irradiation persisted long after the irradiation itself, and without annealing. The effects from irradiation in Hall effect devices can be mainly ascribed to the degradation of the charge carriers’ transport properties caused by radiation-induced defects. The radiation resistance of the Hall effect devices was estimated by considering changes of the input resistance under the same irradiation conditions. The Ge and Si Hall effect devices demonstrated a better radiation resistance than the InSb and GaAs Hall effect devices due to their large displacement threshold energy.  相似文献   

符合线路断层显像原理及其应用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
符合线路断层显像主要由可变角双探头SPECT系统,符合探测线路和衰减校正等组成。对医用核仪器尤其是近年来在国内外刚开始广泛应用的双和/或三探头符合线路断层显像仪的工作原理和特点以及临床应用进行了综述。  相似文献   

To measure the iron concentration in the human liver, which comprises soft tissue and adipose as well as iron, energy-resolved computed tomography (CT) is applied using a transXend detector. The transXend detector measures X-rays as electric current and gives an energy distribution after analysis. Energy-resolved CT clearly separates iron solution from acrylic, a substitute for soft tissue, whereas conventional current-measurement CT cannot. Using CT values obtained in two different energy ranges, a two-dimensional map of iron, adipose and soft tissue is plotted. With this map, the components in the liver can be identified.  相似文献   

Scanning transmission ion microscopy (STIM) tomography as a 3-D imaging technique has been shown to have a range of applications. The energy of the transmitted ion is detected with nearly 100% efficiency as a function of position in the transverse plane. The parameters relating to transmitted ion energy loss in the sample are imaged with statistics given by the energy loss process rather than Poisson counting statistics. This enables very fast collection of a set of relatively noise-free 2-D images. Each image is collected after a small rotation of the sample, and a complete 3-D representation of the sample may be tomographically reconstructed. The small beam currents necessary mean that the technique is non-destructive. One of the fields where these non-destructive 3-D density structure maps are particularly useful is in the analysis of biological tissue. The variation of energy loss with projectile atomic number may be exploited to tune the energy loss contrast to the size and density of the sample (heavy ion STIM). This work develops this point, and applies it to the imaging of the microscopic structure of a 90 μm diameter mycorrhiza fungi spore. This specimen has been imaged non-destructively in 3-D using both a 36 MeV 12C beam and a 2.2 MeV proton beam, both with a spatial resolution of about 1 μm. The gain in contrast in the carbon median energy loss maps was dramatic as expected. The corresponding improvement in the tomogram was found to be visible but less dramatic. The tomographic sections as well as the median energy loss maps of the vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhiza fungi spore clearly show the internal structure. Wall morphology data has relevance to germination behaviour of the spores.  相似文献   

Numerical simulations, based on an off-the-self commercial finite element (FE) code and experimental tests using the neutron diffraction (ND) technique, are combined in an attempt to evaluate post-weld heat treatment (PWHT) of a letterbox-type repair weld, in respect of its effect on the residual stress field. 21/4CrMo steel plates with an 18-pass repair weld were heat treated at various temperature levels and for different durations. Due to the prohibitive cost of a complete residual stress mapping, ND tests were performed only at selected specimen locations. In this sense, FE simulation acts as a supplement to ND, since it predicts the complete residual stress field. Uncoupled quasi-static thermoelasticity in conjunction with an element activation/deactivation technique, simulating deposition of new weld material, are combined in a 3D FE analysis. Grouping of the 18 weld beads in lumps, following a sensitivity analysis, reduces computational costs to feasible levels, whereas a creep strain hardening law is used to simulate stress relaxation during PWHT. Computed residual stresses are compared to ND measurements for verification purposes. Comparison of heat treated specimen measurements to heat treated and untreated specimen predictions illustrates that PWHT has a strong effect on the residual stress field, achieving significant stress relaxation.  相似文献   

A heavy-ion microbeam system for cell irradiation has been developed using an accelerator at Kyoto University. We have successfully developed proton-, carbon-, fluorine- and silicon-beams in order to irradiate a micro-meter sized area with ion counting, especially single ion irradiation. In the heavy-ion microbeam system, an imaging plate (IP) was utilized for beam diagnostics on the irradiation. The IP is widely used for radiography studies in biology. However, there are a few studies on the low linear energy transfer (LET) by single ions, i.e., low-intensity exposure. Thus we have investigated the energy response for the IP, which can be utilized for microbeam diagnostics.  相似文献   

Linear accelerators equipped with X-ray volumetric cone-beam Imaging (XVI) system enable verification of location of patients and displacement of tumors for image-guided radiotherapy (IGRT). The objective of this study is to evaluate the positioning accuracy using the XVI system for image-guided patient setup and to establish a lower-dose imaging protocol without sacrificing positioning accuracy for routine treatment courses. Several low-dose imaging protocols are proposed by modifying tube voltage from 120 to 100 kV and lowering tube current from 40 to 10 mA. The positioning accuracy of both bone and gray value registration methods provided by XVI system were also evaluated. Phantom study revealed that the gray value algorithm was more accurate than the bone algorithm in position and registration. However, both translational and rotational accuracies were less than 0.15 mm and 0.8° at all dimensions, which were considered negligible in clinical applications. In addition, the lower-dose protocol (100 kV, 10 mA) produced relative much less radiation dose compared to the default CBCT protocol in the XVI system. In conclusion, our proposed lower-dose protocol results in significant radiation dose reduction without compromising positioning accuracy and may have the potential to be adopted for clinical usage in the future.  相似文献   

Gamma ray production cross sections for the stronger gamma rays from nuclei excited by neutron bombardment of Mg, Al, Si, Ca and Fe have been measured using a time analyzed, quasi-mono-energetic neutron beam and a high-purity germanium detector. The results for neutron energies of 6.5, 17.4, 22.2, 32.5, 42.1 and 64.5 MeV are presented.  相似文献   

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