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The purpose of this research is to investigate the color appearance and color connotation of unrelated colors. To investigate color appearance (i.e., brightness, colorfulness, and hue) for unrelated colors, 22 observers have answered their color appearance for 50 unrelated color stimuli using the magnitude estimation method. Perceptual data obtained by the experiment is compared with the color attributes data estimated by unrelated‐color appearance models, CAM97u and CAM02u. It is found that both models perform reasonably well but the performance of CAM02u is better than that of CAM97u. For investigating color connotation for unrelated colors, 32 observers have judged their color connotation for the 50 unrelated color stimuli using the 10 color connotation scales (i.e., “Warm – Cool,” “Heavy – Light,” “Modern – Classical,” “Clean – Dirty,” “Active – Passive,” “Hard – Soft,” Tense – Relaxed,” “Fresh – Stale,” “Masculine – feminine,” and “like – Dislike”), and semantic differential method is used for measurement. It is found that the color connotation models developed for related colors perform poorly for unrelated colors. Experimental results indicate that brightness attribute is confusing to estimate and does not affect color connotation significantly for unrelated colors. Based on the psychophysical data, new models for “Warm‐Cool”, “Heavy‐Light”, “Active‐Passive” and “Hard‐Soft” were proposed using CAM02u hue, brightness, and colorfulness. Color connotations for unrelated colors are classified into three categories, which “Color solidity,” “Color heat,” and “Color purity.” © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Col Res Appl, 40, 40–49, 2015 相似文献
Georgia Kalivas 《Color research and application》2004,29(6):468-468
In this article, the color appearance of a large (85°) homogeneous self‐luminous visual stimulus was studied in a psychophysical experiment. Large stimuli were displayed on a plasma display panal (PDP) monitor. The large stimuli were viewed with a fixed viewing time (2 s). They were compared with 2° and 10° stimuli presented on a grey background on a CRT monitor. The so‐called “color size effect” was found to be significant. The color stimulus was perceived to be lighter when it was large compared with the 2° and 10° situation. But we did not find the general increase of chroma claimed in previous literature. We found only small hue changes. A model of the color appearance of large‐field stimuli is presented in terms of the CIELAB L*, a*, and b* values of the corresponding 2° and 10° stimuli. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Col Res Appl, 33, 45–54, 2008 相似文献
Uravis Tangkijviwat Kitirochna Rattanakasamsuk Hiroyuki Shinoda 《Color research and application》2010,35(1):50-61
Most color preference research focuses on colors in an object color mode. In our daily life, however, colors are perceived not only as an object color mode but also as other modes, such as unnatural object color and light source color modes. To explore the effect of the color appearance mode on color preference, we examined the relationship between color preference and the mode of color appearance. Thirty‐three color chips were chosen from the Munsell notation varying in hues and chromas. The color chips were presented in different color appearance modes by changing the subject's room illuminance and the color chip room illuminance. The experimental results showed that the brightest and most saturated colors were preferred. It was found that the subject preferred color in a light source color mode and unnatural object color mode to color in an object color mode. Moreover, we found that hue had a small effect on color preference in the light source color mode. We also investigated the relationship between color preference and the perceived color attributes (perceived chromaticness, whiteness, and blackness). In a supplementary experiment, elementary color naming was conducted. The results showed that the perceived chromaticness, perceived whiteness, and perceived blackness play a role for the determination of color preference for different color appearance modes. We, consequently, suggest that color preference is dominated not only by color attributes but also by the mode of color appearance. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Col Res Appl, 2010 相似文献
John B. Hutchings 《Color research and application》1986,11(2):119-124
The principles of human colouration are very similar to those applying to other organisms, as outlined in the first and second articles of this series. The races of man are coloured differently for the very good reasons of adaptation to our environment, and any deviation from what is considered our normal colour is a good guide to the state of our wellbeing. Human beings have evolved and adapted to a reproductive sexual environment as well as to a climatological environment. Neanderthal man, at the start of the homo sapiens line, included ceremony and colour in his life pattern, and anthropologists have identified a basic colour triad used in body painting. There are various types of decoration and many motives to use colour, but it seems that body colour and decoration in general have remained vitally important to man's culture, enjoyment, and fear of life through the succeeding ages. 相似文献
The chromaticities of the Munsell Renotation Dataset were applied to eight color‐appearance models. Models used were: CIELAB, Hunt, Nayatani, RLAB, LLAB, CIECAM97s, ZLAB, and IPT. Models were used to predict three appearance correlates of lightness, chroma, and hue. Model output of these appearance correlates were evaluated for their uniformity, in light of the constant perceptual nature of the Munsell Renotation data. Some background is provided on the experimental derivation of the Renotation Data, including the specific tasks performed by observers to evaluate a sample hue leaf for chroma uniformity. No particular model excelled at all metrics. In general, as might be expected, models derived from the Munsell System performed well. However, this was not universally the case, and some results, such as hue spacing and linearity, show interesting similarities between all models regardless of their derivation. © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Col Res Appl, 25, 132–144, 2000 相似文献
Chromatic adaptation can significantly alter the color appearance of a light. We review measurements of changes in appearance caused by chromatic backgrounds and surrounds. Effects of long-, middle- and short-wavelength adapting lights are assessed by having observers adjust the physical light in a test patch to maintain a constant perceptual criterion: a test that appears neither reddish nor greenish. A variety of spatial and temporal stimulus configurations also is considered. An integrated account of the measurements is provided by the two-process theory of chromatic adaptation, originally proposed by Hurvich and Jameson in 1958, which specifies an adapting light alters receptoral sensitivities and, simultaneously, contributes an additive increment to opponent chromatic responses. 相似文献
Tuija Jetsu Yasser Essiarab Ville Heikkinen Timo Jaaskelainen Jussi Parkkinen 《Color research and application》2011,36(4):266-271
According to recent physiological research results, there are many individual differences already at the detection level of our color vision system. It is not completely clear yet, how the other levels of color vision system compensate the detection differences. Instead of detecting and analyzing colors exactly in the same way, we all just have learned to classify colors in a certain way, which seems to lead almost always to the same result independent of the individual differences in the color vision system. In this article, we experiment with four models developed for replicating certain properties of human color vision. We examine the color classification abilities of these models and show the differences and similarities in their behavior. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Col Res Appl, 2010. 相似文献
The CIECAM97s type of colour appearance models results in some changes in hue and saturation for series of colours of constant chromaticity but changing luminance factor. To keep hue and saturation constant for such series, a model in which the dynamic cone response is based on a power function has been developed. By optimizing its parameters, its correlates of hue, lightness, colourfulness, brightness, and saturation perform nearly as well as those of CIECAM97s. A similar performance is achieved in a modified power model, which is more physiologically plausible. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Col Res Appl, 28, 82–88, 2003; Published online in Wiley InterScience (www.interscience.wiley.com). DOI 10.1002/col.10128 相似文献
The current industry practice for producing jacquard fabrics uses computer‐aided design (CAD) systems that provide visual simulations of the final color appearance of actual fabrics prior to production. This digital process is fundamentally based on the prediction of combined weave‐color effects, which can be successfully achieved by accurate color mixing models and the structural details of the fabrics. With the accurate models used in CAD systems, designers would see simulations more closely resembling fabrics to be produced. By checking the previews, the designers can easily modify, that is, recolor, the designs on the display monitor without doing repetitive physical sampling with the adjustment of the weaves and the yarn colors. However, there is no ready applicable accurate color mixing model for woven structures and there has not been sufficient investigation of the color prediction despite its usefulness for the current digital CAD process. Our study investigated the, color prediction of jacquard woven fabrics designed based on the principle of optically subtractive color mixing with the use of CMY colors. The color prediction was firstly done through the application of the six color mixing models previously developed for various other applications including fiber blending and printing. The performance of each model was evaluated by calculating the difference between the predicted and the measured colorimetric data, using ΔECMC(2:1). The average color difference from the models was 11.93 ΔECMC(2:1), which is hardly acceptable in textile industry. In order to increase the accuracy in color prediction, the six models were then optimized. As a result, substantial improvements for all models were obtained with a decrease in color difference to 4.83 ΔECMC(2:1) on average after the optimizations. Among the six optimized color mixing models, the optimized Warburton‐Oliver model, that is, W‐O model, was found to have the lowest average ΔECMC(2:1) value of approximately equaling to 2, which is considered potentially useful to be applied to the current digital fabric color prediction. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Col Res Appl, 41, 64–71, 2016 相似文献
Suchitra Sueeprasan M. Ronnier Luo Peter A. Rhodes 《Color research and application》2001,26(6):428-435
The key to achieving successful cross‐media colour reproduction is a reliable colour appearance model, which is capable of predicting the colour appearance across a variety of imaging devices under different viewing conditions. The two most commonly used media, CRT displays (soft copy) and printed images (hard copy), were included in this study using four complex images. The original printed images were captured using a digital camera and processed using eight colour appearance models (CIELAB, RLAB, LLAB, ATD, Hunt96, Nayatani97, CIECAM97s, and CAM97s2) and two chromatic adaptation transforms (von Kries and CMCCAT97). Psychophysical experiments were carried out to assess colour model performance in terms of colour fidelity by comparing soft‐copy and hard‐copy images. By employing the memory‐matching method, observers categorized the reproductions displayed on a CRT and compared them to the original printed images viewed in a viewing cabinet. The experiment was divided into three phases according to the different colour temperatures between the CRT and light source, i.e., print (D50, A, and A) and CRT (D93, D93, and D50), respectively). It was found that the CIECAM97s‐type models performed better than the other models. In addition, input parameters for each model had a distinct impact on model performance. © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Col Res Appl, 26, 428–435, 2001 相似文献
M. A. Salakhov 《Fibre Chemistry》2009,41(4):263-266
Mathematical models of diffusion and thermotropic gelation and a general model that takes into account a combined change in the input parameters were obtained for PAN—DMF—water and POD—H2SO4—water systems. It was found that the initial concentration of precipitator in the polymer solution has the greatest effect on the total gelation time. 相似文献
Kaida Xiao Chenyang Fu Dimitris Mylonas Dimosthenis Karatzas Sophie Wuerger 《Color research and application》2013,38(1):22-29
Unique hue settings of 185 observers under three room‐lighting conditions were used to evaluate the accuracy of full and mixed chromatic adaptation transform models of CIECAM02 in terms of unique hue reproduction. Perceptual hue shifts in CIECAM02 were evaluated for both models with no clear difference using the current Commission Internationale de l'Éclairage (CIE) recommendation for mixed chromatic adaptation ratio. Using our large dataset of unique hue data as a benchmark, an optimised parameter is proposed for chromatic adaptation under mixed illumination conditions that produces more accurate results in unique hue reproduction. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Col Res Appl, 2013 相似文献
Kaida Xiao Michael Pointer Guihua Cui Tushar Chauhan Sophie Wuerger 《Color research and application》2015,40(3):256-263
In this study, Swedish Natural Color System (NCS) unique hue data were used to evaluate the performance of unique hue predictions by the CIECAM02 colour appearance model. The colour appearance of 108 NCS unique hue stimuli was predicted using CIECAM02, and their distributions were represented in a CIECAM02 ac–bc chromatic diagram. The best‐fitting line for each of the four unique hues was found using orthogonal distance regression in the ac–bc chromatic diagram. Comparison of these predicted unique hue lines (based on the NCS data) with the default unique hue loci in CIECAM02 showed that there were significant differences in both unique yellow (UY) and unique blue (UB). The same tendency was found for hue uniformity: hue uniformity is worse for UY and UB stimuli in comparison with unique red (UR) and unique green (UG). A comparison between NCS unique hue stimuli and another set of unique hue stimuli (obtained on a calibrated cathode ray tube) was conducted in CIECAM02 to investigate possible media differences that might affect unique hue predictions. Data for UY and UB are in very good agreement; largest deviations were found for UR. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Col Res Appl, 40, 256–263, 2015 相似文献
Kaida Xiao Sophie Wuerger Chenyang Fu Dimosthenis Karatzas 《Color research and application》2011,36(5):316-323
Psychophysical experiments were conducted to assess unique hues on a CRT display for a large sample of colour‐normal observers (n = 185). These data were then used to evaluate the most commonly used colour appearance model, CIECAM02, by transforming the CIEXYZ tristimulus values of the unique hues to the CIECAM02 colour appearance attributes, lightness, chroma and hue angle. We report two findings: (1) the hue angles derived from our unique hue data are inconsistent with the commonly used Natural Color System hues that are incorporated in the CIECAM02 model. We argue that our predicted unique hue angles (derived from our large dataset) provide a more reliable standard for colour management applications when the precise specification of these salient colours is important. (2) We test hue uniformity for CIECAM02 in all four unique hues and show significant disagreements for all hues, except for unique red which seems to be invariant under lightness changes. Our dataset is useful to improve the CIECAM02 model as it provides reliable data for benchmarking. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Col Res Appl, 2011 相似文献
Ronnier Luo 《Coloration Technology》1996,112(3):72-74
Colour appearance is an important area of research in colour science and has been investigated by many researchers in the literature. In this article Ronnier Luo reviews various assessment techniques and describes the LUTCHI data which he has been involved in accumulating over the past eight years, and which has been used to test various uniform colour spaces and colour appearance models. 相似文献
M. Ronnier Luo Anthony A. Clarke Peter A. Rhodes Andr Schappo Stephen A. R. Scrivener Chris J. Tait 《Color research and application》1991,16(3):166-180
The work described here forms part of a research project entitled Predictive Perceptual Colour Models. The aim of this project is to develop a colour appearance model capable of predicting changes of colour appearance under various different viewing conditions. This will provide industry with a quantitative measure for assessing the quality of colour reproduction and enable more rapid and accurate proofing simulations in the graphic art industry. A large-scale experiment has been carried out in which colour appearance was assessed under a wide range of viewing conditions. The parameters studied were (1) D65, D50, white fluorescent, and tungsten light sources, (2) luminance levels of about 40 and 240 cd/m2, (3) five background conditions: white, grey, black, grey with white border, and grey with black border, and (4) two media: luminous colours (displayed on a high-resolution colour monitor) and nonluminous colours (presented in a viewing cabinet). Each colour was assessed by a panel of six or seven observers using a magnitude estimation method. In total, 43,332 estimations were made, and these form the LUTCHI Colour Appearance Data. Data analysis has been carried out to examine the reliability of the experimental results and to understand the effects of the various viewing parameters studied. (Part II of this article describes how the LUTCHI Colour Appearance Data has been used to test the performance of various colour spaces and models. 相似文献