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为开展农业节水关键技术创新、关键设备与重大产品研发以及技术体系与示范,水利部依托国家科技攻关计划组织实施了“节水农业技术研究与示范”和“农业高效用水科技产业示范工程”等项目。项目研究与示范取得重大进展,为我国大规模发展节水农业提供了成套新技术和设备。理论研究:提出了引黄高含沙水滴灌成套技术、波涌灌和激光控制平地水平畦灌技术、主要农作物节水高效灌溉制度和大田作物调亏灌溉综合技术、节水灌溉与农业综合技术、人工汇集雨水利用技术、灌溉系统配水关键技术。技术集成:集成了井灌区地下水采补平衡水资源高效利用综合技…  相似文献   

随着农业生产规模的扩大,农业高效用水的模式已经受到了重视。目前,我国农业灌溉的主要形式还是渠道输水灌溉。在渠道输水灌溉的过程中还是存在着水资源被浪费的现象,严重影响着我国农业生产的快速发展。目前,发展渠灌类型区节水灌溉已经是解决我国农业用水的主要措施。只有实现了渠灌类型区农业高效用水模式,才能够彻底解决农业用水的主要矛盾,促进农业生产的快速发展。针对节水改造的换成渠灌类型区节水灌溉存在的问题进行论述,通过对问题的分析提出了高效用水这一模式,并建立模型进行工程示范,对这一模式进行验证和确立。  相似文献   

由河北省水利科学研究院、中国水利水电科学研究院、中科院石家庄现代化研究所、三河市人民政府完成的国家重大科技产业工程项目“井灌类型区农业高效用水模式与产业化示范”验收、鉴定会于2002年10月30~31日在三河市召开。  相似文献   

为开展农业节水关键技术创新、关键设备与重大产品研发以及技术体系与示范,水利部依托国家科技攻关计划组织实施了“节水农业技术研究与示范”和“农业高效用水科技产业示范工程”等项目。项目研究与示范取得重大进展,为我国大规模发展节水农业提供了成套新技术和设备。  相似文献   

节水灌溉是用尽可能少的水投入,取得尽可能多的农产品的一种农业高效模式,它是科技进步的产物,是发展高产、优质、低耗、高效农业的重要环节,也是现代化农业的重要内涵, 核心是在有限的水资源条件下,通过采用先进的水利工程技术,适宜的农业技术和用水管理等综合技术措施,充分提高农业水利用率和水的生产主效益,保证农业持稳定发展。  相似文献   

山东省桓台县现有农用机井10197眼,年均降水量549.9mm,地下水位埋深10m左右,是我国北方第一个吨粮县.由于水资源不足,地下水位连年下降,井泵3次更新,出水量减少,严重影响了农业持续发展.ig88年开始进行井灌区吨粮田节水灌溉研究.经过研究形成了合理利用水资源、工程节水、农业节水、管理节水的农业高效用水技术体系.小区水的利用率达到O.86~O.g3,水的利用效率使粮食产量提高到2·43kg/m‘.1提高水的利用率1.1合理利用水资源1.1.卫充分利用天然降水l·1.1.l人工降雨1997年7月3日下午5时到6时3O分,雷达测得带雨云层…  相似文献   

我省是全国水资源最少的省份之一,特别是70年代末以来,连年干旱,农业、工业和城镇生活用水日趋紧张,已成为我省国民经济发展的制约因素。农业缺水的严重局面促使我省广大农民从思想认识到生产实践走上了节约用水的必经之路。搞好输水防渗,提高水的利用率,是节约用水的一个重要方面。我省以井灌为主,井灌区的输水防渗是关系到农业生产持续稳步发展的重要课题。 80年代初以来,我省使用塑料管道输水灌溉,效果好、发展快,目前已在平原、沿海区的大部井灌区和局部山丘区得到广泛应用。  相似文献   

目前,北方灌区的水利用率普遍偏低,据统计,井灌区为0.6~0.7,渠灌区为0.4~0.5(最低的仅0.3)。因此,提高灌区的水利用率,对灌区的农业生产和经济发展都具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

吉建芳 《山西水利》2009,25(1):51-51
详细叙述了襄汾县贾岗井灌区水资源紧缺、设备老化、水浪费现象比较严重、水利用率很低等现状,提出了必须进行水利设施改造、大力推广节水技术、实行科学用水、提高管理水平、走节水型农业之路的对策。  相似文献   

沈菊艳 《中国水利》1998,(10):35-36
目前,全国各种先进节水灌溉技术推广面积已达333万多公顷,对减少农业用水的浪费,提高水的利用率,缓解用水紧张矛盾,提高作物产量等方面起到了非常重要的作用,也收到了较好的社会效益和经济效益。近两年,随着300个节水增产重点县和节水型井灌区建设的启动,节水灌溉已在全国范围内蓬勃发  相似文献   

While extending irrigated areas to augment agricultural production, irrigation efficiency should be increased not only to improve the agricultural production but also to obtain the sustainable use of valuable and limited water resources. Through the use of Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), which is a linear programming technique to determine the relative efficiency of a decision-making unit, it is possible to decide whether the use of water in an irrigation district is efficient or not. In this study, an input oriented DEA model is constituted to focus on the efficient use of inputs, and the method is applied to the irrigation districts having similar types of agriculture in the Buyuk Menderes Basin, Turkey. This paper aims to determine the efficient irrigation district(s), in other words where the application of water is the most profitable, considering two inputs; water volume supplied and the total irrigated area, and one output, the total value of agricultural production. The weight restrictions consistent with decision makers’ value judgements are added as constraints into the DEA models to prevent excessive weight flexibility assigned to inputs and outputs. The results have provided the efficiency scores of the irrigation districts and numerically delineated desired features of the irrigation districts for maximum efficiency. The analyses for three study years have inferred the robustness of the results. It is concluded that DEA is a practical tool for detecting local inefficiencies and proposing possible improvements for irrigation districts that could offer the greatest potential for growth.  相似文献   

黄河流域灌溉农业节水技术模式及发展对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对黄河流域灌溉农业的特点,分别对渠灌区、井灌区、井渠结合灌区、机电提水灌区、集雨灌溉、城郊灌溉、抗旱灌溉等提出了各自的灌溉农业节水技术模式,并指出黄河流域灌溉农业节水发展应加强对黄河水资源的统一规划、调度和管理,必须建立稳定高效的投入保障机制,制定鼓励管理机构发展灌溉农业节水的政策。依靠科技创新促进灌溉用水方式的改革,推进农业经济结构调整和改革传统的农业生产方式。  相似文献   

对开平市大沙河灌区农业综合开发节水工程项目水资源进行水量平衡供需计算分析,计算结果分析表明,灌区节水工程项目实施改造和调整农业结构后,除可满足城镇供水要求及农业灌溉保证率达到90%外,还有盈余水量,达到节水增效的目的,项目综合效益显著。  相似文献   

In this paper we assess the economic impact of evaporation losses from great dams (GDs) and on-farm agricultural water reservoirs (AWRs) in the semi-arid Segura River basin, SE Spain. Evaporation losses from water reservoirs reduce the high water use efficiency reached in agriculture by means of other techniques such as well-built water pipes or drip irrigation and have a substantial economic impact. Evaporation losses have been calculated using Class-A pan evaporation data and pan coefficients, whereas their economic impact has been assessed using an economic mathematical programming model that simulates land and water allocation in the different irrigated areas of the basin. Our results show that annual evaporation from GDs and AWRs represents 8.7% of the water currently available for irrigation in the Segura basin. The economic impact of such losses has been estimated in a reduction of 6.3% of the value of agricultural production and 5.4% of the farm net margin. As less water is effectively available for farmers the basin’s irrigated area is reduced in a 7.5%. This impact is greater, in both absolute and relative terms, in the areas accommodating the most intensive and profitable irrigated agriculture. The applied methodology and results could be useful to regional water agencies and collective irrigation schemes for future planning and management, including the assessment of alternatives for reducing evaporation from reservoirs.  相似文献   

灌区灌溉采用井灌井排,开发利用地下水资源,不但能有效降低地下水位,防止土壤次生盐碱化,还可以通过井渠互补,使农作物得到适时灌溉。针对目前井灌工程效率低下的问题,通过抽水试验,经过理论分析,推导出了井灌低压管道输水灌溉系统的最优出水量、最佳扬程和经济管径计算方法,从而可提高机井灌溉效率。  相似文献   


Because of political risk, economic feasibility, and cultural concerns, it has been a great challenge for economists to provide palatable remedies to governments to promote water allocation efficiency. Considering the limitation of water pricing to irrigation water, this research addresses questions of which strategic policy alternatives to water pricing might improve irrigation water allocation efficiency. An empirical framework is provided to compare irrigation policies for allocating scarce water to agricultural production in Egypt and Morocco. Partial-equilibrium agricultural sector models specific to Egypt and Morocco were employed for policy tests. Consumer and producer surplus from agricultural based commodities is maximized subject to various resources, technical, and policy constraints. Positive Mathematical Programming (PMP) was used to calibrate the model. Water pricing policy, water complementary input factor tax policy, and output tax policy are tested using these two agricultural sector models. Results suggest that effective policy depends on the social, economic, and environmental contexts of specific regions. For countries like Egypt where most agricultural land is irrigated, taxes on Nitrogen (N) fertilizer and energy and output tax on water-intensive and low profit crop production may be more effective than others. For the Moroccan case, taxation on crop inputs and outputs not only affect water use in the public irrigation sector, but also private irrigation sector and rain-fed as a whole. Water pricing and output tax policies are better suited and effective than water complementary input factor taxation. Findings from Morocco might be generalized to other countries with similar irrigation characteristics and diversity in irrigated (public and private) and rain-fed land. The results for both countries demonstrate that some of the strategic irrigation policies can work towards directing cropping decisions to less water intensive crops and also generating revenues for governments in situations where governments choose not to price water.  相似文献   

迎门山灌区因地制宜,采用多种节水灌溉工程措施,解决了灌区水资源紧缺问题,为灌溉农业的发展创造了条件,使灌区的农业发展有了保障,是灌区节水灌溉应该提倡和推广的。  相似文献   

Changes in summer irrigated cropland acreage and related water use are estimated from satellite remote sensing and ancillary data in semi-arid Southeastern Turkey where traditionally dry agricultural lands are being rapidly transformed into irrigated fields with the help of water from the Euphrates-Tigris Rivers. An image classification methodology based on thresholding of Landsat NDVI images from the peak summer period reveals that the total area of summer irrigated crops has increased three-fold (from 35,000 ha to over 100,000) in the Harran Plain between 1993 and 2002. Coupled analysis of annual irrigated crop area from remote sensing and potential evapotranspiration based estimates of irrigation water requirements for cotton indicate a corresponding increase in agricultural water use from about 370 million cubic meters to over one billion cubic meters, a volume in accordance with the state estimates. These estimates have important implications for understanding the rapid changes in current agricultural withdrawals in Southeastern Turkey and form a quantitative basis for exploring the changes in future water demands in the region. For example, expansion of irrigated lands have led to a steady decrease in potential evaporation due to increased roughness and decreased humidity deficit in the Harran Plain. Assuming that the changes in future evaporation conditions will be of similar nature, water use for irrigation is expected to decrease over 40 percent in future irrigation sites. Incorporating this decrease in overall planning of the irrigation projects currently under construction should lead to improved management, and by extension, sustainability of water resources in the region.  相似文献   

The agricultural sector in India accounts for over 85% of the total water used for various purposes in the country. However, the efficiency of water use in agriculture is very low, approximately 40% for surface irrigation and 60% for groundwater irrigation. Part of the reason for the low efficiency is the highly subsidized price of irrigation water that encourages the excessive application of water to crops. This paper is based on a case study conducted in the command area of a public irrigation canal in the state of Gujarat, India. It attempts to explore the role of the rational pricing of canal irrigation water in motivating farmers to use water judiciously and thereby enhance the water use efficiency in irrigated agriculture. The paper contends that farmers are sensitive to an increase in irrigation water charges, but unless the administered price is increased to the level that would prevail in a free market, it will not have its intended effect on irrigators.  相似文献   

杭埠河灌区因地制宜,采用多种节水灌溉工程措施,解决了灌区水资源紧缺问题,为灌溉农业的发展创造了条件,保障了灌区的农业发展。  相似文献   

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