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这是一所位于东京圈内市川卫星城的租赁式住宅,该住宅采用联排组合,其中所有的住宅单元都可以从一楼直接进入。该建筑物共有3层,总共可容纳6户居住,住宅单元分为3种类型:3层式、3层式(复式)以及单层式(套间)。  相似文献   

住宅是由模数体块构成,遵循了BUMA的自由体系。模块的整个制作过程都在BUMA工厂完成.直接运送到现场进行装配。这些住宅的特殊之处在于包含了宽大的玻璃表面,即当前所谓的“凸窗”结构。此外,还包括建筑主体、高级铝合金配件.特有的石墨色HPL立面板,以及带玻璃护栏的镀锌钢阳台和室外楼梯。所有的住宅都有自己的车库和花园。  相似文献   

可移动式住宅,作为民用住宅的一种类型.产生于20世纪20、30年代。它的产生和发展.完全得益于汽车工业的快速发展和普及.并为传统的住宅观念和生活方式注入新的元素。它如同公寓、别墅等住宅类型一样,深受欧美国家广大居民的喜爱。  相似文献   

李璠 《世界建筑》2011,(11):44-49
在爱上马来西亚的马来亚住宅以后.委托人鲍勃和安琪拉希望在兰卡威岛的小山丘上建造一座木构住宅。我们认为.用全新的木材来建造住宅并非一种具有可持续性的选择,新采伐的木材如果未经过恰当的干燥.则更容易出现收缩和弯曲等情况。  相似文献   

这座住宅属于一个新住宅开发项目.位于姆拉达-博莱斯拉夫附近的赛姆奇切。起居区域通向裸露的屋顶是这座住宅的焦点。这种空间组织方式采用了光影和空间元素.将厨房、书房、健身空间以及一块室外平台集合于一体。清淡的背景烘托出卧室的私密气氛。由混凝土和玻璃构成的红色半透明区域贯穿在整个结构当中.将室内空间串联在一起。  相似文献   

王敏 《世界建筑》2002,(8):56-61
这座住宅和餐馆改建是为安大略省南部斯特福德小城中一位餐馆主人设计的。这两座建筑在形式和尺度上都与其相邻的建筑有很大差异。坐落在与餐馆就餐区相邻的窄小地段上,在这座4.88m宽的塔式住宅可以俯瞰其北面河流的自然风光和南面的城市庭园与巷道。餐馆的改建包括新入口及其坡道、前部凸窗部分的加建和对两个就餐区的装修与重组。餐馆的新入口与住宅共享一道由顶光照亮的混凝土墙。这道墙既分隔又连结了这两座建筑,在住宅一侧看来是两层高的竖向元素,从餐馆一侧则构成了单层高的水平全景。这道墙是整个设计的起点。餐馆就餐区外的木制…  相似文献   

张婷 《世界建筑》2007,(11):112-113
这座住宅由两面弧墙围合而成.它以欢迎的姿态迎接人们的造访和居住。生活在这里是一种综合的体验.可以感受到面前太平洋的波澜壮阔.以及智利北部沿海海滨的奥妙和博大。  相似文献   

新特布雷赫是鹿特丹北部郊区新近开发的一片低层高密度住宅区,有多家事务所参与设计.梅卡诺设计的邻里共有155户住宅。分为两种类型其中107户属于流行的连排式独户住宅。 48户属于不太常见的“一顶八户”住宅. 由于人多地少连排式独户住宅成为荷兰私人住宅中的主流.常见的连排式住宅小区中,往往两排住宅相对成组它们中间布置各户的私家花园外围是住宅人口和公共交通.梅卡诺在新特布雷赫设计的邻里脱胎于这种模式但又有所发展形成一种新的居住环境. 梅卡诺的创新之处在于把传统的公共交通空间分为两层。下层是汽车通路和停车…  相似文献   

近年来,欧洲人在国外购置度假住宅正成为一种时尚。人们把购置度假住宅视为一种休闲投资。 度假住宅的位置一般选在距城市不远处或海滨。这种住宅已不只隈于某个人所有,而是发展成为几个人投资,共同所有,然后分批前去度假。这种方式的优点是个人投资少,灵活性大,住宅不用时还可以出租,解决当地  相似文献   

UED:民营设计院一般来说都是靠住宅来赚钱的.在这种跑量的前提下住宅设计有没有一些什么问题?住宅设计一般来说建筑师都不太愿意去做.因为是实践度最低.但是地产项目是完成度最高的项目。钱强:个人因为有了土地.上面建适合于我的这种生活方式的住宅.这种形式也不能像百分之百。产品有多种多样的,有一种可能是面向大众的,比如一种固定的客户的,像公建这种东西.  相似文献   

随着三维激光扫描技术的不断发展和应用,利用地面移动测量系统实现高效、便捷、精准、自动化的测量已成为可能。在考虑农村房地一体测量存在精度要求高、需室内测量、房屋密集程度大、院落内情况复杂、数据量大等特征,且目前传统的激光扫描设备均需依托GNSS和惯性导航系统,因此作业效率低且无法正常作业,新型的三维激光扫描技术可无须依托GNSS,而固定式激光扫描可以用于室内室外的环境,但是复杂场景需要大量换站,然后进行点云拼接,数据获取效率十分低下。移动式即时定位与地图构建技术以其精度高、易携带、数据处理快、图形采集直观等特点,实验结果表明该技术既提高了工作效率,又满足该项目的成图精度要求,可作为一种新方法推广于农村房地一体测量项目中。  相似文献   

Over twenty years ago David and Barbara Martin began a debate on the nature and uses of detached kitchens. This article revisits the question but focuses on the archival evidence of two very detailed estate surveys from seventeenth-century Wiltshire to look at what they can tell us about the numbers of detached kitchens surviving at that time and their size and relationship to other domestic outbuildings. It also relates the evidence of rebuilding and the insertion of upper floors to houses to the survival of detached kitchens, showing that such structures were found with both large and small houses, and with both modernised and unmodernised dwellings.  相似文献   

强调了在我国由商品房在房产市场中起决定作用向二手房在房产市场中占主导地位转变的历史必然性。根据房产市场的垄断性特点 ,运用经济学供求关系的原理进行了理论分析 :在假定二手房与同类商品房无差异条件下 ,运用替代商品原理对二手房影响商品房价格进行了定性及定量分析。真正体现住宅作为商品在市场中遵循价值规律的特性。大力发展、规范二手房交易市场对平抑房价 ,扩大住房消费 ,防止出现新的房产过热 ,改善我国居民的居住环境有重要意义  相似文献   

蠕变地层套管载荷分析研究   总被引:26,自引:2,他引:26  
研究了蠕变地层中套管载荷的分布规律。首先,件下蠕变地层中套管的载荷。其次,采用有限元方法,将套管看成弹性支撑,采用解析方法确定了均匀地应力条研究了非均匀地应力条件下蠕变地层中套管的载荷。不论是均匀地应力还是非均匀地应力条件,经过足够长的时间,套管载荷都将接近于完全弹性解。同时,通过数值计算,得出了非均匀地应力条件下与现有套管载荷分布规律相反的结论。  相似文献   

Conclusion The results are based on the Utrecht survey and earlier findings in the Amersfoort region. Perhaps the exact proportions differ from the average Dutch situation, but it is very clear that the dwelling careers of people of the three socio-economic groups differ enormously. The group with the best education, jobs and income has a more favourite start of the dwelling career and manages to reach a good house in several steps. The others also succeed in improving their housing situation, but not to the same extent as the wealthier people. They stay in another segment of the housing market. Not only money in a direct way, but also labour and housing market, urban structure and government control cause differences between the groups. New patterns of household formation are emerging. It is obvious that in the near future other types of careers will emerge. There is a growing demand for small houses. In our view it is not only important to decide how much and what kind of dwellings are necessary but also the location of those added houses, for a diversified housing supply in a neighbourhood is conducive a good use of the whole housing stock.  相似文献   

在灾后重建中本临时安置房是对板房和帐篷的补充。采用灾区当地材料如竹子、泥土、麦草进行建造,造价低于千元,同时缩减了材料运输环节,可行性高,屋顶及墙体具有较好的保温隔热性能提高了房屋的舒适性。这和绿色建筑以及新乡土建筑的思路也是吻合的。学生志愿者进一步进行了实物建造实验并改进了设计。  相似文献   


This article discusses the result of a case‐study of movers from a mixed‐tenure housing estate located in a central Swedish municipality with just over 90000 residents, and comprising upwards of 200 dwelling units in multi‐storey apartment buildings and terrace houses placed around eight courtyards. The forms of tenure being public renting, co‐operatives and owner‐occupation. We discuss the problem of residential stability, the households’ reasons for leaving the estate and the possible relation between mixed forms of tenure and residential migration. The estate has a rather low level of residential stability with an average relocation rate of 30 percent annually. The multi‐family buildings have the highest turnover, and the owner‐occupied single‐family dwellings the lowest. The migration rate is not exceptionally high but higher than one might expect in a district also including tenant‐ownership and owner‐occupied dwellings. Only a very small proportion of the migrant households had found their new homes within the district. Consequently very little use has been made of the opportunities for households to live in different types of buildings and under different forms of tenure without a change of residential area.  相似文献   

陆建洪 《江苏建筑》2011,(4):110-112
文章观察存量房在房地产市场中的阶段特征,分析增量、存量此消彼长的内在联系,指出质量是市场成熟的物质条件,提出在存量与增量占比转换关键时期,尽早引领市场有序发展,夯实未来发展基础。  相似文献   

郭军 《住宅科技》2002,(6):17-20
中小户型在房产市场较受欢迎,好的中小户型实用性更强,能满足各种居住要求,为业主创造了更广阔的保值与增值空间。文章通过设计方案实例,介绍了100m2左右的户型在平面布置及功能设计。  相似文献   


Housing estates are rarely considered as specific landscapes with particular histories, social and physical fabrics, let alone considered of relevance to heritage debates. Both popularly and among experts, housing estates are often taken to be the symbols and materialisation of modernity’s failed planning and architecture, and consequently socially alienating and homogenising environments. In this article, we present findings from a qualitative study among residents in a housing estate in Trondheim, Norway. It is argued that the residents’ processual perspective on landscape, heritage and home produces an understanding of the housing estate, which rests on what the housing estate offers, rather than what it lacks. A processual perspective hence allows for a more critical understanding, socially and morphologically, not only of estate living “on the ground”, but of hegemonic discourses of contested relations between heritage, landscape and modernity.  相似文献   

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