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盲元严重影响红外制导武器的成像质量和系统性能。针对目前滤波类检测算法无法准确检测连续盲元的问题,本文对基于场景的时域平均野值提取的盲元检测算法进行了改进,对滤波窗口下的盲元分布形式进行了讨论,对连续盲元提出基于时域平均和空域均值野值提取的盲元检测算法,实现了盲元位置的确定。通过仿真实验对比发现,本文检测算法对连续盲元具有更低的误检率和漏检率;然后本文提出一种红外探测器盲元的测试评价方法,通过对样本图像进行分析计算,根据罗曼诺夫斯基准则的思想确定评价参数与评价法则,作为判断红外制导武器成像探测器能否正常工作的依据。测试方法简便快捷,有较高的准确度。 相似文献
红外探测器受材料和工艺限制存在盲元,降低了红外成像系统的图像质量,影响目标检测系统的检测概率和虚警率。有效、实时检测盲元并进行补偿至关重要。本文根据盲元在图像中与周围点的奇异性,利用图像目标检测的方法进行盲元检测;同时利用盲元的时间特性,将盲元与图像中的点目标区分开;最终实现高检测率,低虚检率的有效盲元检测算法。 相似文献
为提高红外线列探测器盲元检测精度,针对红外线列探测器的响应特点,设计了适用于本系统的盲元检测和补偿方案,根据本系统红外线列探测器的特点,提出了一种在无标定光照情况下的盲元检测方法,通过仿真认证,设计方案具有很高的盲元检测精度,能较理想地对盲元进行补偿. 相似文献
针对传统红外面阵探测器成像存在分辨率低、视场范围窄、非均匀性的问题,提出一种基于红外点元探测器的扫描成像方法。该方法首先利用微型电机驱动扫描镜依次获取物体表面的红外热斑,经光学镜头聚焦到红外点元探测器,进行光电转换;然后经信号处理板采集、处理后生成红外灰度图像;最后利用多阈值分割的伪彩色映射模型,将灰度图像转换成伪彩色图像。实验结果表明:红外点元探测器扫描成像方法能够实现红外场景的大视场、高分辨率成像,且点元探测器加工制造简单,价格低廉,有效突破了传统大面阵成像的高昂成本限制,更加有利于红外成像技术的推广和应用。 相似文献
以1280×1024红外焦平面探测器为例,利用三维可视化实体模拟软件建立了包含冷指部件、陶瓷框架、探测器芯片的三维模型,并利用ANSYS仿真软件对模型(仅球形冷台结构与常规冷台不同,其余零件均相同)进行了仿真对比.研究结果表明,球形冷台结构通过增加冷台与制冷机接触面的面积可以实现更低的芯片热应力以及更小的芯片热变形,进... 相似文献
水印检测错误会严重损害水印系统的可信度。该文提出基于双谱和能量检测的双通道检测来实现最优盲水印检测器的设计,并给出了一种在小波域中的具体实现。传统检测方法检测概率会随着信噪比的下降而急剧下降。双通道检测时信噪比很小时只要有足够大的双谱信息,即可得到较高的检测概率。即使双谱信息很小时双通道检测系统退化为似然比检测系统,仍是最优的。检测器检测到指定的水印后利用独立分量分析技术进行水印盲恢复。实验过程中攻击由通用水印测试软件Stirmark产生,实验数据证明所设计的最优盲检测器对Stirmark提供的各种攻击(如剪切、JPEG压缩、删行/列、旋转、尺度变换、随机几何攻击等)具有很好的鲁棒性。实验结果说明这种最优检测器的性能优越于现有的水印检测器。 相似文献
红外焦平面探测器的光谱一致性是评价材料制备水平的重要参数之一。探测器材料因制备工艺的不同而存在差异。由于光谱仪光斑尺寸的限制、探测器杜瓦结构的局限性以及设备采集光谱的巨大数据量,难以对探测器组件的光谱一致性进行测试分析。为此提出了一种新方法,即选取用传统工艺和优化工艺制备的两种探测器样品,并选取成像图中与工艺相关的多个明暗特征区域,再测试这些区域的光谱曲线并对其进行分析汇总,然后通过比较光谱最大差异来评判探测器光谱一致性的优劣。该方法测得两种探测器特征区域的光谱最大差异分别为1.21 μm和0.30 μm。测试结果表明,优化工艺后的光谱一致性优于传统工艺。 相似文献
In this paper, blind adaptive multiuser detection (MUD) technique is developed for uplink transmission in multiuser space
diversity DS-CDMA system to overcome multipath fading effect and multiple access interference. The system consists of a space
diversity, a precombining blind adaptive detector (PBAD), and a weight adaptation technique based on the minimization of the
mean output energy (MOE). The bit error rate (BER) performance of this receiver for asynchronous DS-CDMA signals with independent
and correlated antenna branches under Nakagami fading channel for BPSK system is evaluated. It has been seen that the use
of antenna diversity can yield substantial improvement in performance even if the correlation between the antenna elements
is relatively large (up to 0.795). However, the large correlation values pose a significant reduction in the diversity gain
in comparison with the zero correlation situation. It has also been confirmed by simulations that the PBAD provides a significant
receiver performance in comparison with the RAKE receiver employing antenna diversity.
Khodr A. Saaifan Born in lebanon 1978, received B.S.c. degree in electrical and electronics engineering (with honors) from Benha higher institute
of technology, Benha, Egypt, in 2001, and the M.S.c. degree in communications from Cairo University, Giza, Egypt, in 2005.
He is currently pursuing for the Ph.D. degree at the Cairo University. His current research interest includes space–time-coded
transmission, multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems, fading channels, equalization, turbo (iterative) processing,
and wideband code division multiple access (WCDMA).
Emad K. Al-Hussaini received his B.Sc degree in Electrical Communication Engineering from Ain-Shams University, Cairo, Egypt, in 1964 and his
M.Sc and Ph.D. degrees from Cairo University, Giza, Egypt, in 1974 and 1977, respectively. From 1964 to 1970, he was with
the General Egyptian Aeroorganization. Since 1970, he has been with the Department of Electronics and Communications, Faculty
of Engineering, Cairo University, and is currently professor there. He was a research fellow at Imperial College, London,
UK, and at the Moore School of Electrical Engineering, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA, in the academic
years 1976/1977 and 1981/1982, respectively. In 1990, he received the Egyptian national encouragement award for outstanding
engineering research. He has written several papers for technical international journals and conferences. His research interests
include signal processing, fading channel communication, modulation, and cellular mobile radio systems. Dr Al-Hussaini is
a senior member of IEEE. He is listed in Marquis Who's Who in the World and in the IBC (International Biographical Center,
Cambridge) for outstanding people of the 20th century. 相似文献