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Perfringolysin O (theta-toxin) is a cholesterol-binding and pore-forming toxin that shares with other thiol-activated cytolysins a highly conserved sequence, ECTGLAWEWWR (residues 430-440), near the C-terminus. To understand the membrane-insertion and pore-forming mechanisms of the toxin, we evaluated the contribution of each Trp to the toxin conformation during its interaction with liposomal membranes. Circular dichroism (CD) spectra of Trp mutant toxins indicated that only Trp436 has a significant effect on the secondary structure, and that Trp436, Trp438, and Trp439 make large contributions to near-UV CD spectra. Quenching the intrinsic Trp fluorescence of the wild-type and mutant toxins with brominated lecithin/cholesterol liposomes revealed that Trp438 and probably Trp436, but not Trp439, contributes to toxin insertion into the liposomal membrane. Near-UV CD spectra of the membrane-associated mutant toxins indicated that both Trp438 and Trp439 are required for the CD peak shift from 292 to 300 nm, a signal related to theta-toxin oligomerization and/or pore formation, suggesting a conformational change around Trp438 and Trp439 in these processes.  相似文献   

Acid-soluble collagen from rat skin was modified by active oxygen in vitro, and properties of the modified collagen as a substratum for fibroblasts were studied. When collagen was treated with ascorbate-copper ion systems, cross-linking and a little degradation occurred rapidly. The cells attached but spread poorly on the modified collagen gel as compared with on the untreated collagen gel. On the other hand, when collagen was treated with H2O2-copper ion systems, only degradation of collagen molecule occurred rapidly. This treatment did not affect the attachment and spreading of the cells on the collagen gel, but when the incubation was continued for a long time, the cells migrated actively and gathered. Thymidine incorporation by the cells was suppressed on both modified collagen gels as compared with that on untreated collagen gel, and the extent of the suppression on the H2O2-copper-treated collagen was larger than that on the ascorbate-copper-treated collagen. These results indicate that the active oxygen-induced cross-linking and degradation significantly alter properties of collagen as a substratum for fibroblasts.  相似文献   

We have found that the early response of axotomized rat retinal ganglion cells is characterized by the differential regulation of a number of fast axonally transported proteins. The abundance of 23 radiolabeled fast transported proteins was analyzed at 2 and 5 days after axotomy using two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. Corresponding changes in retinal GAP-43 mRNA were measured using northern analysis. Within 2 days of injury, > 40% of the transported proteins analyzed, including GAP-43, showed increased labeling above control levels. Approximately 13% of transported proteins decreased below control levels, whereas the remainder did not change. Five days after axotomy, only GAP-43 and another fast transported protein, C3, continued to sustain measurable increased labeling above control levels; all previously elevated proteins appeared to have been down-regulated by this time, which corresponds to the onset of cell death. These differential changes were accompanied by parallel increases in GAP-43 mRNA. These results suggest that the molecular changes within rat retinal ganglion cells are differentially regulated within two stages subsequent to damage, initial regenerative growth followed by cell death.  相似文献   

We report the production of two monoclonal antibodies reacting, respectively, with a 92-kDa protein (GRL1) and a 40- to 65-kDa membrane glycoprotein (GRL2), both present in chicken thrombocyte and myelocyte granules. We examined the expression of GRL1 and GRL2 during the development of the hematopoietic system: GRL1 is restricted to thrombocytes and myelocytes, whereas GRL2 is present in thrombocytes, myelocytes, myeloid progenitors, and a subpopulation of erythroid progenitors. In the lymphoid lineages, neither GRL1 nor GRL2 is expressed during thymus and bursa ontogeny or on resting peripheral blood lymphocytes. However, CD3+ T lymphoblasts obtained by mitogenic stimulation of GRL2-negative quiescent T lymphocytes are stained on their surface by anti-GRL2 Mab. In vitro stimulation of thrombocytes and granulocytes with their specific secretagogues results in the expression of GRL1 and in the overexpression of GRL2 on the cell surface. These observations are consistent with the following two conclusions: the presence on the cell surface of GRL1 epitope is a marker of thrombocyte and myelocyte activation; GRL2 epitope is present on the granule membrane of leukocytes, including T cells. In that respect, GRL2 appears to share certain features with leukocyte activation antigens recently described in human.  相似文献   

Competition for postsynaptic targets during development is thought to be driven by differences in temporal patterns of neuronal activity. In the ferret visual system, retinal ganglion cells that are responsive either to the onset (On) or to the offset (Off) of light exhibit similar patterns of spontaneous bursting activity early in development but later develop different bursting rhythms during the period when their axonal arbors segregate to occupy spatially distinct regions in the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus. Here, we demonstrate that GABAergic transmission plays an important, although not exclusive, role in regulating the bursting patterns of morphologically identified On and Off ganglion cells. During the first and second postnatal weeks, blocking GABAA receptors leads to a decrease in the bursting activity of all ganglion cells, suggesting that GABA potentiates activity at the early ages. Subsequently, during the period of On-Off segregation in the geniculate nucleus, GABA suppresses ganglion cell bursting activity. In particular, On ganglion cells show significantly higher bursting rates when GABAergic transmission is blocked, but the bursting rates of Off ganglion cells are not affected systematically. Thus, developmental differences in the bursting rates of On and Off ganglion cells emerge as GABA becomes inhibitory and as it consistently and more strongly inhibits On compared with Off ganglion cells. Because in many parts of the CNS GABAergic circuits appear early in development, our results also implicate a potentially important and possibly general role for local inhibitory interneurons in creating distinct temporal patterns of presynaptic activity that are specific to each developmental period.  相似文献   

The baculovirus/insect cell expression system was used to express the capsid protein and glycoproteins (e1 and e2/NS1) of the hepatitis C virus (HCV). Each polypeptide domain was expressed individually using two different constructs varying at their carboxy termini in order to retain or delete hydrophobic domains that may be involved in membrane association. The capsid proteins were transported to the nucleus where they formed a single large crystal-like inclusion. The capsid proteins were phosphorylated in insect cells. The e1 and e2 polypeptides were present in both the soluble and insoluble cellular fractions. Deletion of a hydrophobic domain in the carboxy terminus of e2 resulted in the polypeptide becoming soluble but not secreted. Deletion of the carboxy terminus of e1 had no effect on solubility. Both e1 and e2 were glycosylated, with variable glycosylation of e1 giving rise to a series of polypeptides varying in apparent molecular weight. Co-infection of insect cells with viruses expressing e1 and e2 resulted in a complex that permitted the coimmunoprecipitation of e1 with antibodies to e2 and vice versa. Immunofluorescence staining of insect cells expressing e1 and e2 indicated that reactivity to e2 was more prevalent in anti-HCV positive human sera.  相似文献   

The properties of glial cells in lesioned nerves contribute quite substantially to success or failure of axon regeneration in the CNS. Goldfish retinal axons regenerate after optic nerve lesion (ONS) and express the L1-like cell adhesion protein E587 antigen on their surfaces. Goldfish oligodendrocytes in vitro also produce E587 antigen and promote growth of both fish and rat retinal axons. To determine whether glial cells in vivo synthesize E587 antigen, in situ hybridizations with E587 antisense cRNA probes and light- and electron microscopic E587 immunostainings were carried out. After lesion, the goldfish optic nerve/tract contained glial cells expressing E587 mRNA, which were few in number at 6 days after ONS, increased over the following week and declined in number thereafter. Also, E587-immunopositive elongated cells with ultrastructural characteristics of oligodendrocytes were found. Thus, glial cells synthesize E587 antigen in spatiotemporal correlation with retinal axon regeneration. To determine the functional contribution of E587 antigen, axon-oligodendrocyte interactions were monitored in co-culture assays in the presence of Fab fragments of a polyclonal E587 antiserum. E587 Fabs in axon-glia co-cultures prevented the normal tight adhesion of goldfish retinal growth cones to oligodendrocytes and blocked the preferential growth of fish and rat retinal axons on the oligodendrocyte surfaces. The ability of glia in the goldfish visual pathway to upregulate the expression of E587 antigen and the growth supportive effect of oligodendrocyte-associated E587 antigen in vitro suggests that this L1-like adhesion protein promotes retinal axon regeneration in the goldfish CNS.  相似文献   

During mammalian development, retinal ganglion cell (RGC) axons from nasal retina cross the optic chiasm midline, whereas temporal retina axons do not and grow ipsilaterally, resulting in a projection of part of the visual world onto one side of the brain while the remaining part is represented on the opposite side. Previous studies have shown that RGC axons in GAP-43-deficient mice initially fail to grow from the optic chiasm to form optic tracts and are delayed temporarily in the midline region. Here we show that this delayed RGC axon exit from the chiasm is characterized by abnormal randomized axon routing into the ipsilateral and contralateral optic tracts, leading to duplicated representations of the visual world in both sides of the brain. Within the chiasm, individual contralaterally projecting axons grow in unusual semicircular trajectories, and the normal ipsilateral turning of ventral temporal axons is absent. These effects on both axon populations suggest that GAP-43 does not mediate pathfinding specifically for one or the other axon population but is more consistent with a model in which the initial pathfinding defect at the chiasm/tract transition zone leads to axons backing up into the chiasm, resulting in circular trajectories and eventual random axon exit into one or the other optic tract. Unusual RGC axon trajectories include chiasm midline recrossing similar to abnormal CNS midline recrossing in invertebrate "roundabout" mutants and Drosophila with altered calmodulin function. This resemblance and the fact that GAP-43 also has been proposed to regulate calmodulin availability raise the possibility that calmodulin function is involved in CNS midline axon guidance in both vertebrates and invertebrates.  相似文献   

The optic disk-directed growth of retinal ganglion cell axons is markedly disturbed in the presence of polyclonal antineurolin antibodies, which mildly affect fasciculation (Ott, H., M. Bastmeyer, and C.A.O. Stuermer, 1998. J. Neurosci. 18:3363-3372). New monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) against goldfish neurolin, an immunoglobulin (Ig) superfamily cell adhesion/recognition molecule with five Ig domains, were generated to assign function (guidance versus fasciculation) to specific Ig domains. By their ability or failure to recognize Chinese hamster ovary cells expressing recombinant neurolin with deletions of defined Ig domains, mAbs were identified as being directed against Ig domains 1, 2, or 3, respectively. Repeated intraocular injections of a mAb against Ig domain 2 disturb the disk-directed growth: axons grow in aberrant routes and fail to reach the optic disk, but remain fasciculated. mAbs against Ig domains 1 and 3 disturb the formation of tight fascicles. mAb against Ig domain 2 significantly increases the incidence of growth cone departure from the disk-oriented fascicle track, while mAbs against Ig domains 1 and 3 do not. This was demonstrated by time-lapse videorecording of labeled growth cones. Thus, Ig domain 2 of neurolin is apparently essential for growth cone guidance towards the disk, presumably by being part of a receptor (or complex) for an axon guidance component.  相似文献   

Optic axons show a highly stereotypical intracranial course to attain the visual centers of the brainstem. Here we examine the course followed by axons arising from embryonic retinae implanted in neonatal ocular retardation mutant mice in which there had been no prior innervation of the visual centers. Retinae placed on the ventrolateral brainstem adjacent to the normal site of the optic tract send axons dorsolaterally toward the ipsilateral superior colliculus, which they innervate along with a number of other subcortical visual centers. Somewhat unexpectedly, axons also course ventrally to cross at the level of the suprachiasmatic nucleus or, less frequently, caudal to the mammillary body to follow the route of the optic tract and innervate contralateral visual centers. Retinae implanted along the course of the internal capsule emit axons that follow projection fibers through the striatum to innervate the lateral geniculate nucleus and other optic nuclei. These grafts also appear to project to the lateral part of the ventrobasal nucleus of the thalamus. The results show that prior existence of an optic projection is not necessary for axons derived from ectopic retinae to attain visual nuclei, not only on the side of implantation but also on the contralateral side of the brain. The cues that these growing axons follow appear to be stable temporally. The fact that axons can also follow highly anomalous routes, such as through the internal capsule, to attain target nuclei in the brainstem suggests that the normal optic pathway is not an obligatory route for optic outgrowth.  相似文献   

The alternative CD2-mediated pathway of T cell activation, which is independent of MHC/peptide recognition by the TCR/CD3 complex, is dependent upon two signals being received by the CD2 molecule. The natural ligand for CD2 is CD58, but controversy exists over alternative or additional ligands that could deliver the second signal in vivo. We have used rat retinal pigment epithelial cells (RPE), which lack temperature-insensitive ligands for CD2 adhesion, to study Ag-independent T cell activation. Rat RPE cells expressed high levels of CD59 and low levels of another potential CD2 ligand, CD48, both in vitro and in the in vivo model of experimental autoimmune uveoretinitis. When increasing numbers of syngeneic T cells were added to microwell cultures of rat RPE cells, the T cells, even in the absence of any exogenous stimulant in the cultures, underwent spontaneous proliferation. This effect required metabolically active RPE cells, and was IL-2 driven and enhanced in the presence of indomethacin. Proliferation was modulated by phosphatidylinositol-phospholipase C treatment of the RPE, and blocked by mAbs to CD59. Ab cross-linking of CD48 but not CD59 on the RPE was found to induce messenger RNA expression for IL-1 beta, which together with constitutively expressed IL-6 are required costimulatory factors for T cell activation through CD2. This is the first demonstration in a fully syngeneic system that bi-directional signaling involving CD59 and CD48 molecules expressed by physiologically normal, nonhematopoietic, cells can trigger T lymphocyte activation and proliferation through autocrine IL-2 production in the absence of Ag.  相似文献   

Several recent studies have demonstrated that Grb2, composed entirely of SH2 and SH3 domains, serves as an adaptor protein in tyrosine kinase signaling pathways. Cb1, the protein product of c-cbl proto-oncogene, has been reported to be phosphorylated on tyrosine residues upon T cell receptor (TCR) engagement. Here we show that in unstimulated Jurkat cells Cbl is co-immunoprecipitated with monoclonal antibody against Grb2. However, in lymphocytes activated through the TCR, Cbl loses its ability to bind to Grb2 precipitated either with anti-Grb2 antibody or with an immobilized tyrosine phosphopeptide, Y1068-P, derived from the epidermal growth factor receptor. In vitro studies confirm that the ability of Cb1 to bind to both SH3 domains of Grb2 is strongly reduced in activated T lymphocytes. Investigation of the time course of Cbl dissociation from Grb2 reveals that it is transient and correlates with the kinetics of tyrosine phosphorylation of Cbl. Moreover, Cb1 is co-immunoprecipitated with Crk, another SH2/SH3 domain-containing protein, upon TCR stimulation. Tyrosine-phosphorylated Cbl binds exclusively to the SH2 domain of Crk. These results suggest that different adaptor proteins may have different roles in the regulation of c-cbl proto-oncogene product.  相似文献   

Optimal immunity to the Gram-positive pathogen Listeria monocytogenes (LM) requires both CD8+ and CD4+ antigen-specific T cell responses. Understanding how CD4+ T cells function in an immune response to LM and how bacterial proteins are processed to peptide/MHC class II complexes in infected cells requires identification of these proteins. Using LacZ-inducible, LM-specific CD4+ T cells as probes, we identified two immunogenic LM proteins by a novel expression cloning strategy. The antigenic peptides contained within these proteins were defined by deletion analysis of the genes, and their antigenicity was confirmed with synthetic peptides. The nucleotide sequences of the genes showed that they encode previously unknown LM proteins that are homologous to surface proteins in other bacterial species. Consistent with their surface topology, mild trypsin treatment of LM protoplasts ablated T cell recognition of these Ags. These findings establish a general strategy for identifying unknown CD4+ T cell Ags and demonstrate that LM surface proteins can provide the peptides for presentation by MHC class II molecules that are specific targets for CD4+ T cells during murine LM infection.  相似文献   

It is not known whether mutations in the PKD1 gene cause autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (PKD) by an activating (gain-of-function) or an inactivating (loss-of-function) model. We analyzed DNA from cyst epithelial cells for loss of heterozygosity (LOH) in the PKD1 region of chromosome 16p13 using microsatellite markers. 29 cysts from four patients were studied. Five cysts from three patients had chromosome 16p13 LOH. Four of the cysts had loss of two chromosome 16p13 markers that flank the PKD1 gene. In two patients, microsatellite analysis of family members was consistent with loss of the wild-type copy of PKD1 in the cysts. In the third patient, 16p13 LOH was detected in three separate cysts, all of which showed loss of the same alleles. Chromosome 3p21 LOH was detected in one cyst. No LOH was detected in four other genomic regions. These results demonstrate that some renal cyst epithelial cells exhibit clonal chromosomal abnormalities with loss of the wild-type copy of PKD1. This supports a loss-of-function model for autosomal dominant PKD, with a germline mutation inactivating one copy of PKD1 and somatic mutation or deletion inactivating the remaining wild-type copy.  相似文献   

The short-term metabolic response of immature retinal ganglion cells to destruction of their target cells in the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus (dLGN) was assessed in newborn cats. Retrograde degeneration of virtually all dLGN cells was induced by ablation of the 13 contiguous areas of visual cortex on the day of birth. The metabolic response of retinal ganglion cells to this loss of target cells in dLGN was determined by exposing the ganglion cell layer to tritiated uridine, a precursor of RNA. Control measurements were made from unoperated littermates. Following sectioning and processing of the retinae from both groups of kittens for autoradiography, silver grain densities overlying the cellular profiles in the ganglion cell layer were calculated. These calculations revealed levels of uridine incorporation at Postnatal Day 4 in both groups of kittens significantly higher than at either Postnatal Day 2 or 7, but no significant differences between the two groups on any day examined. These results show that the level of RNA synthesis in retinal ganglion cells increases temporarily during the first postnatal week and that this synthesis is unaffected by the death of target cells in the dLGN. The temporary increase may be related to the establishment of synaptic connections on retinal ganglion cells by their afferent bipolar and amacrine neurons in the inner nuclear layer.  相似文献   

We have investigated the synthesis, axonal transport, and processing of the beta-amyloid precursor protein (APP) in in vivo rabbit retinal ganglion cells. These CNS neurons connect the retina to the brain via axons that comprise the optic nerve. APP is synthesized in retinal ganglion cells and is rapidly transported into the optic nerve in small transport vesicles. It is then transferred to the axonal plasma membrane, as well as to the nerve terminals and metabolized with a t1/2 of less than 5 h. A significant accumulation of C-terminal amyloidogenic or nonamyloidogenic fragments is seen in the optic nerve 5 h after [35S]-methionine, [35S]cysteine injection, which disappears by 24 h. The major molecular mass species of APP in the optic nerve is approximately 110 kDa, and is an APP isoform that does not contain a Kunitz protease inhibitor domain. Higher molecular mass species containing this sequence are seen mostly in the retina. A protease(s) that can potentially cleave APP to generate an amyloidogenic fragment is present in the same optic nerve membrane compartment as APP.  相似文献   

After culture in interleukin (IL)-2, natural killer (NK) cells acquire an increased capability of mediating non-major histocompatibility complex (MHC)-restricted tumor cell lysis. This may reflect, at least in part, the de novo expression by NK cells of triggering receptors involved in cytolysis. In this study we identified a novel 44-kD surface molecule (NKp44) that is absent in freshly isolated peripheral blood lymphocytes but is progressively expressed by all NK cells in vitro after culture in IL-2. Different from other markers of cell activation such as CD69 or VLA.2, NKp44 is absent in activated T lymphocytes or T cell clones. Since NKp44 was not detected in any of the other cell lineages analyzed, it appears as the first marker specific for activated human NK cells. Monoclonal antibody (mAb)-mediated cross-linking of NKp44 in cloned NK cells resulted in strong activation of target cell lysis in a redirected killing assay. This data indicated that NKp44 can mediate triggering of NK cell cytotoxicity. mAb-mediated masking of NKp44 resulted in partial inhibition of cytolytic activity against certain (FcgammaR-negative) NK-susceptible target cells. This inhibition was greatly increased by the simultaneous masking of p46, another recently identified NK-specific triggering surface molecule. These data strongly suggest that NKp44 functions as a triggering receptor selectively expressed by activated NK cells that, together with p46, may be involved in the process of non-MHC-restricted lysis. Finally, we show that p46 and NKp44 are coupled to the intracytoplasmic transduction machinery via the association with CD3zeta or KARAP/DAP12, respectively; these associated molecules are tyrosine phosphorylated upon NK cell stimulation.  相似文献   

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