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可靠性工程技术应用——第一讲:可靠性设计技术及应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本讲座是一个系列讲座。它的内容有五讲:(1)可靠性设计技术及应用:可靠性指标的选用、可靠性预计、分配技术等;(2)可靠性分析技术及应用:可靠性模型、故障分析技术等;(3)机械零部件的概率设计技术及应用:机械零部件的可靠性设计、预计技术;(4)可靠性试验、评估技术及应用;(5)可靠性管理技术及应用。希望读者通过对该可靠性技术及应用案例系列讲座的了解,能对您所研制和生产的产品可靠性水平的提高提供帮助。  相似文献   

主要阐述了整个软件功能的界面和流程设计,其主要功能包括:可靠性框图、可靠性预计、可靠性分配、故障分析、经验数据库、可靠性技术报告、帮助系统等7部份。  相似文献   

1可靠性管理的基本概念 可靠性管理就是从系统的观点出发,对产品全寿命周期中的各项可靠性工程技术活动进行规划、组织、协调、控制与怖督,以实现既定的可靠性目标,并保持寿命周期费用最省。因此,可靠性管理在所有可靠性活动中处于领导和核心地位。  相似文献   

介绍了我所自行研制的“可靠性设计专家系统”软件在具体产品可靠性设计中的应用。该软件内容丰富,适用性、可操作性强,具有很广泛的应用前景。  相似文献   

可靠性设计对工控软件是十分重要的,本文介绍了工控软件的多种可靠性设计技术,实际使用表明,这些技术可大大提高工控系统的可靠性。  相似文献   

计算机应用系统的可靠性设计准则   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
长期以来,计算机应用系统的可靠性一直是专家们讨论的重要问题。本文从计算机系统设计的角度,论述了一些计算机应用系统打吃亏生设计准则.  相似文献   

可靠性工程技术应用 第二讲:可靠性分析技术及应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
1 系统(或产品)可靠性数学模型与分析 系统可靠性数学模型与分析是可靠性从定性分析向定量分析计算转变的关键,也是进行可靠性预计与分配的基础。  相似文献   

提高单片机应用系统可靠性的软件技术   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
软件抗干扰技术是抑制电磁干扰的重要手段。首先分析了电磁干扰对单片机应用系统造成干扰的主要后果,然后分别介绍了提高单片机应用系统可靠性的各种软件抗干扰技术。  相似文献   

工控机可靠性设计的系统恢复技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
工控机可靠性设计的系统恢复技术TheSystemRecoveryTechnicsofReliabilityDesigntoIndustryControlComputers●封小钰李志坚FengXiaoyuLiZhijian在恶劣的工业现场长期运行的工...  相似文献   

眼下,信息网络是信息技术中非常具有代表性的一种技术。因此,信息网络已经被用到了全中国的各大行业当中,从而在各大行业中展示着其特殊的作用。计算机网络在为人民带来便利的同时,也为相关企业的发展创造了契机,计算机网络的可靠性在很大程度上影响着社会信息的安全以及经济建设的发展。首先,本文将对网络的设计加以阐述。接着,本文将论述网络设计应该遵循的原则。然后,本文将详细描述网络可靠性涉及到的优化模型。最后,本文将具体来设计这种优化模型。  相似文献   

提高产品的可靠性成为企业在今后相当长的时间内生存和发展的必要条件之一.推动可靠性技术的普及与应用必须有相关的专业队伍和机构,本文从五个方面阐述了建设机电产品可靠性与测试技术工程中心的必要性,结合重庆工业自动化仪表研究所的实际情况,从五个方面论述了建立工程中心的可行性.期望通过本文,能推动重庆市建立这样的机构,协助企业有效提高产品的可靠性水平,从而在市场竞争中占据有利的地位.  相似文献   

软件可靠性评估工具是软件可靠性工程中的重要分析手段,大大地简化了可靠性度量及模型比较的繁复工作。文章综述和分析了目前国外市场上几种广泛应用的软件可靠性评估工具;对每一种工具作出简述,在对这些工具作比较分析的基础上给出了选择工具的一般性原则。  相似文献   

介绍了产品寿命服从威布尔分布的恒定应力加速寿命试验的图估计法的应用,并具体进行了试验方案的确定、可靠性数据分析以及产品寿命的评估。  相似文献   

Many future software systems will be distributed across a network, extensively providing different kinds of services for their users. These systems must be highly reliable and provide services when required. Reliability and availability must be engineered into software from the onset of its development, and potential problems must be detected in the early stages, when it is easier and less expensive to implement modifications. The software architecture design phase is the first stage of software development in which it is possible to evaluate how well the quality requirements are being met. For this reason, a method is needed for analyzing software architecture with respect to reliability and availability. In this paper, we define a framework for comparing reliability and availability analysis methods from the viewpoint of software architecture. Our contribution is the comparison of the existing analysis methods and techniques that can be used for reliability and availability prediction at the architectural level. The objective is to discover which methods are suitable for the reliability and availability prediction of today’s complex systems, what are the shortcomings of the methods, and which research activities need to be conducted in order to overcome these identified shortcomings. The comparison reveals that none of the existing methods entirely fulfill the requirements that are defined in the framework. The comparison framework also defines the characteristics required of new reliability and availability analysis methods. Additionally, the framework is a valuable tool for selecting the best suitable method for architecture analysis. Furthermore, the framework can be extended and used for other evaluation methods as well.  相似文献   

目前工业控制系统已广泛应用于冶金、机械、石油、化工、环保等领域,然而我国研制的工业控制系统可靠性较差,国外系统占领了国内60%以上的市场份额。面对日趋激烈的市场竞争,工业控制系统的可靠性越发重要。本文主要针对分散控制系统的可靠性设计技术应用研究进行阐述。  相似文献   

Being a popular runtime infrastructure in the era of Internet, middleware provides more and more services to support the development, deployment and management of distributed systems. At the same time, the reliability of middleware services has a significant impact on the overall reliability of the system. Different services have different impacts and different service fault-tolerance solutions have different costs and risks. Therefore, the identification of the services that greatly affect the whole system reliability is the major obstacle to achieving reliable middleware-based systems. In this paper, we present an analytical framework to automatically reason and quantify such impacts when deploying the target system. In this framework, faults are represented by exceptions in modern programming languages; service failures are simulated by software fault injection; reliability impacts are measured by scenarios. This framework is demonstrated on multiple JEE application servers, including JBoss, JonAS and PKUAS. The experiments on two JEE blueprint applications, namely JPS and ECperf, show the feasibility, the applicability and the usability of this framework.  相似文献   

Mobile clouds are used by many people via a network service to share the computing resources, because of the unification management of data and low cost. In case of the mobile device, the network access devices are frequently used by many software installed via the installer software. Considering the effect of the debugging process on mobile software in the development of a method of reliability assessment for the mobile clouds, it is necessary to grasp the situation of installer software, the network traffic, the installed software, etc.In this paper, we develop an integrated method of reliability assessment considering the software failure and network traffic based on a hazard rate model and neural network for the mobile clouds. In particular, we develop the AIR application for reliability analysis based on the proposed method. Then, we show the performance examples of the developed AIR application to analyze the method of software reliability assessment for the mobile clouds.  相似文献   

Enterprise applications may be classified into management applications used by managerial staffs for making decisions on business operations, and engineering applications used by engineers for solving multidisciplinary design problems. In the literature, enterprise application integration is extensively addressed in the context of management applications, but insufficiently discussed in the engineering disciplines. Practitioners in manufacturing industries have for a long time feel the increasing need of integrating engineering applications, in order to accelerate product development paces and improve design qualities. Integrating engineering applications used in the multiple engineering disciplines has to cope with a number of challenges. This paper focuses on one of the critical issues: parameter mapping and data transformation, which is of pivotal importance to integrating engineering applications. Design parameter mapping provides a consistent approach to data extraction, storage, display and manipulation among different data sources. Data transformation describes the operational logic of parsing input/output files, extracting and transforming data, and maintaining consistency among multiple data sources.
Chengen WangEmail:

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