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Phosphorus requirements, as percent of dietary dry matter for heifers (0.20-0.35%) and endogenous levels of P in feeds (0.20-0.35% of dry matter) are similar, suggesting that supplementation of P in heifer diets may be infrequently required. Because long-term studies are unavailable, 183 Holstein heifers and 182 Holstein × Jersey crossbred heifers were fed diets with (0.39%) and without (0.29%) supplemental P from 4 to 21 mo of age in a replicated pen design. Two subpopulations of heifers were selected mid-trial for intensive measurement of bone development and metabolism. Thirty-two heifers at 628 d (±10.0 d) of age, balanced by breed and diet, were evaluated for bone development. External frame measurements included hip height, length, heart girth, hip width, cannon bone circumference, pelvic length, pelvic height, and pelvic width. Tails of heifers were surgically amputated with the 13 and 14th coccygeal vertebrae retained. After tissue removal, the 13th coccygeal vertebrae were scanned using peripheral quantitative computed tomography with cortical, trabecular, and total bone densities determined. A second subpopulation (n = 64) of heifers (375 d ± 33 d), balanced for breed and diet, were evaluated for serum pyridinoline and osteocalcin to assess systemic bone metabolism. Data were analyzed as a completely randomized design with breed, treatment, and their interaction in the model. External skeletal measurements revealed significant differences in hip height, hip width, heart girth, cannon bone circumference, and pelvic length between Holstein and crossbred heifers. Supplementing P had no effect on external frame measurements, bone density, or bone metabolism markers. Bone P content was lower (18.1 vs. 18.6%) in heifers fed no supplemental P. Data suggest P supplementation to heifers modestly increased bone P content but increased bone P was not reflected in frame growth, bone density, or bone metabolism.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to evaluate the effects of limit feeding diets containing concentrates or by-products in place of forages on manure and nutrient excretion in growing, gravid heifers. Eighteen Holstein heifers confirmed pregnant were grouped by due date and fed 1 of 3 diets (n = 6 per treatment) for the last 14 wk of pregnancy. Diets were high forage, fed ad libitum (HF); by-product based (BP), fed at the same rate as HF-fed heifers; or low forage (LF), fed at 86% of the HF diet. Diets were designed to supply equal quantities of P, N, and metabolizable energy. Total collection of feces and urine was conducted in wk 14, 10, 6, and 2 prepartum. The HF ration was 90.7% forage, 13.7% crude protein (CP), and contained orchardgrass hay, corn silage, corn grain, soybean meal 44%, and a vitamin-mineral premix. The BP diet was 46.2% forage and 14.0% CP, with 70% of the grain mix space replaced with soybean hulls and cottonseed hulls in a 1:1 ratio, with intake limited to 93% of the dry matter intake (DMI) of HF. The LF ration was 45.3% forage and 17.8% CP, with intake limited to 86% of the DMI of HF. The effect of diet was analyzed with repeated measures, using preplanned contrasts to compare HF with BP and LF with HF and BP. As designed, heifers fed HF and BP had greater DMI than the heifers limit-fed LF, and there was no effect of diet on average daily gain or BW. Intake and digestibility of N were lower, and fecal N excretion was higher, in heifers fed HF and BP than heifers fed LF. Mean feces excretion on both a wet and dry basis was greater for HF heifers compared with BP heifers and less for LF heifers than for HF and BP heifers. Despite differences in urinary output, diet had no effect on urea N excretion, but there was a trend for heifers fed HF and BP rations to excrete less urinary N compared with those fed LF. Compared with HF and BP heifers, LF heifers tended to have lower fecal P excretion and had higher urinary P excretion. Measured manure and urine excretion from heifers fed LF was greater than current American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers values, whereas heifers fed HF excreted less manure and urine than predicted. Heifers achieving similar rates of gain from diets differing in forage, grain, and by-product content excreted widely varying quantities of manure.  相似文献   

The effect of dietary P content on P partitioning and excretion during early lactation was evaluated in 13 cows fed diets containing 0.34 (no supplementary P), 0.51, or 0.67% P. All cows were fed a common pre-partum total mixed ration (TMR) (0.28% P), followed by common TMR (0.51% P) for 7 d post-partum. On day 7, cows were randomly assigned to one of the three dietary P treatments. All treatment diets contained 16.6% CP, 15.2% ADF, 26.3% NDF, and 0.74% Ca. Total collections of milk, urine, and feces were conducted during weeks 3, 5, 7, 9, and 11 of lactation. Average body weight (591 kg), milk yield (47.9 kg/d), and DMI (25.2 kg/d) throughout the 10-wk trial were not affected by dietary P content. With increasing dietary P, however, linear increases in P intake (84.7, 135.2, and 161.5 g/d), fecal P (42.3, 87.5, and 108.6 g/d), urinary P (0.32, 1.28, and 3.90 g/d), and total P excretion (42.6, 88.8, and 112.5 g/d) were observed. Apparent P digestibility (49.0, 34.4, and 32.8% of P intake) decreased quadratically with increasing dietary P. Phosphorus balance was highly variable, but cows fed the 0.34% P diet were in negative P balance longer than were cows fed diets containing 0.51 or 0.67% P. With increasing dietary P, serum concentrations of inorganic P increased linearly, but serum Ca and Mg concentrations decreased. Increasing dietary P increased fecal and urinary P excretion in early lactation cows. Increased duration of negative P balance and changes in blood mineral concentrations suggest that cows fed low P diets mobilized more P from body reserves than cows on medium- and high-P diets.  相似文献   

This study was carried out to evaluate the nutrient intakes and growth of dairy heifers offered an alfalfa silage–corn silage diet (CON; 14.3% crude protein, 61.1% total digestible nutrients, 47.9% neutral detergent fiber) compared with diets containing 1 of 2 types of sorghum-sudangrass (SS) silages: conventional or photoperiod sensitive. The objective of the study was to determine the potential to use SS to control dry matter (DM) and nutrient intakes and weight gain. Both diets were similar in nutrient composition, with approximately 13% crude protein, 60 to 61% total digestible nutrients, and 55% neutral detergent fiber. Seventy-two Holstein heifers (16–18 mo at study initiation) were blocked by initial body weight (light = 422 ± 12.8 kg; medium = 455 ± 14.8 kg; heavy = 489 ± 16.7 kg) with 3 pens assigned to each weight block (8 heifers/pen; 24 heifers/block). The 3 diets were randomly allocated to the pens within each block and offered for 12 wk. Heifers offered the CON diet had greater DM, protein, and energy intakes compared with those offered the SS silage-based diets due to the greater neutral detergent fiber concentration of the SS diets. With lower DM and nutrient intakes, average daily gain was in the recommended range (0.8–1 kg/d for Holstein heifers) for heifers offered the SS silage-based diets (mean of 0.92 kg/d for both SS diets vs. 1.11 kg/d for CON). Sorting behaviors for heifers offered both SS diets were more aggressive against long, medium, and short particles compared with those of heifers offered the CON diet; however, heifers sorted large particles from photoperiod-sensitive silage more aggressively than those from conventional silage. Based on this study, SS silage-based diets can control the DM and energy intakes for heifers and maintain optimum growth rates, with harvesting at a shorter chop length likely helping to alleviate sorting issues.  相似文献   

Preparturient heifers (n = 561) from 9 herds in 6 US states and 1 Canadian province were enrolled in a study to test the hypothesis that prepartum intramammary therapy would cure existing intramammary infections (IMI) and lead to increased milk production, reduced linear somatic cell count (LSCC), and improved reproductive performance. Mammary secretions were collected 10 to 21 d before expected calving from each quarter. Heifers were then assigned by identification number to receive intramammary therapy consisting of infusion of one tube per mammary quarter of a lactating cow commercial antibiotic preparation containing cephapirin or to a nontreated control group. Overall, 34.1% of mammary quarters were infected with a mastitis pathogen before parturition and 63.4% of heifers had at least one mammary quarter infected. The coagulase-negative staphylococci (CNS) caused the majority (74.8%) of prepartum IMI. Coagulase-positive staphylococci, environmental streptococci, and coliforms accounted for 24.5% of prepartum infections. Treatment had a significant effect on the cure rate of infected mammary quarters. Mammary quarters that were infected prepartum and treated with antibiotics had a 59.5% efficacy of cure rate and the percentage reduction in heifers with IMI was 51.9. Control quarters had a spontaneous cure rate of 31.7%. Treatment did not significantly affect milk production or LSCC in the first 200 d of lactation; however, there was a significant treatment by herd interaction for milk production. Quarters cured of either CNS or major pathogens had a lower LSCC in the first 200 d of lactation. No significant effect on services per conception or days open between treatment and control groups was observed. This trial demonstrated that prepartum intramammary antibiotic therapy did reduce the number of heifer IMI postpartum. Milk production, LSCC, and reproductive performance during the first 200 d of the first lactation were not significantly affected by treatment. Given these results, use of prepartum intramammary antibiotic therapy in heifers as a universal strategy to increase milk production in first-lactation dairy cows may not be warranted.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to evaluate the effect of reproductive protocols and reproductive tract score on reproductive performance of dairy heifers and economic outcomes of breeding programs. Holstein heifers (n = 534), 13 ± 1 mo of age, were randomly assigned to 1 of 4 reproductive protocols. On the day of enrollment (d 0), heifers were palpated per rectum and received a score according to the maturity of their reproductive tract (1 = prepubertal; 2 = peripubertal; and 3 = puber-tal). Estrous detection-control heifers (CON, n = 146) received no treatment and were inseminated on detection of estrus for 28 d. Prostaglandin F-treated heifers (PGED, n = 137) received 1 injection of PGF on d 0 and were inseminated on detection of estrus; heifers not in-seminated by d 14 received a second injection of PGF and were observed for estrus and artificial insemination (AI) for an additional 14 d. Heifers enrolled in the estrous detection-timed AI (EDTAI, n = 140) treatment received a controlled internal drug-release (CIDR) insert on d 0, and 7 d later, the CIDR was removed and all heifers received an injection of PGF, heifers received AI on detection of estrus, and those not inseminated by 72 h after PGF received an injection of GnRH concurrent with AI. Heifers in the GnRH-timed AI (GTAI, n = 111) treatment received 1 injection of GnRH on d 0, on d 6 heifers received a CIDR insert and injections of GnRH and PGF, on d 13 the CIDR was removed and heifers received an injection of PGF, and 48 h later all heifers received an injection of GnRH and AI. Pregnancy was diagnosed at 32 ± 3 and 62 ± 3 d after AI. Cost of reproductive protocols and their economic outcomes were calculated for a 28 d period beginning at enrollment. Heifers in the PGED treatment were inseminated at a faster rate than CON heifers. A smaller proportion of prepubertal and peripubertal heifers were inseminated within 14 d of enrollment compared with pubertal heifers. Pregnancy per AI of CON and PGED heifers was greater compared with EDTAI and GTAI heifers. Proportion of GTAI heifers pregnant at the end of the 28-d breeding program was or tended to be smaller compared with PGED and CON heifers, respectively. Heifers in the CON and PGED treatments had the smallest cost per pregnancy followed by heifers in the EDTAI and GTAI treatments, respectively. When different scenarios were evaluated, however, the mean cost per pregnancy was smallest for PGED heifers. Cost per pregnancy generated was greatest for prepubertal heifers, whereas pubertal heifers had the smallest cost per pregnancy generated. Treatment of dairy heifers with PGF every 14 d until insemination and pregnancy results in the best economic outcomes, and screening heifers according to RTS may prove beneficial to identify heifers that may not be pubertal and would have compromised reproductive and economic performance in a breeding program.  相似文献   

Feeding high-quality forage diets may lead to excessive weight gains and over-conditioning for dairy heifers. Restriction of energy density and dry matter intake by using low-energy forages, such as straw, is a good approach for controlling this problem. Alfalfa stems contain high fiber and moderate protein content and have the potential to be used to replace straw to reduce dietary energy. The objective of this study was to compare nutrient intakes, digestibilities, growth performance, and feeding behaviors of dairy heifers offered an alfalfa silage/corn silage high-energy diet (HE; 13.1% crude protein, 65.4% total digestible nutrients, 39.7% neutral detergent fiber) with 2 energy-diluted diets that replaced various proportions of the corn or alfalfa silages with either alfalfa stemlage (STM; 12.6% crude protein, 59.1% total digestible nutrients, 46.4% neutral detergent fiber) or chopped wheat straw (WS; 12.6% crude protein, 61.9% total digestible nutrients, 43.7% neutral detergent fiber). Seventy-two pregnant Holstein heifers (16.8 ± 1.3 mo) were stratified into 3 blocks (24 heifers/block) by initial body weight (light, 440 ± 18.0 kg; medium, 486 ± 18.6 kg; heavy, 534 ± 25.1 kg), with each block composed of 3 pens (8 heifers/pen), with diets assigned randomly to 1 pen within the block. Diets were offered in a 56-d feeding trial. Both dry matter intake and energy intake were decreased with the addition of low-energy forages to the diets, but no differences in dry matter intake were observed across diluted diets. Digestibility of dry matter, organic matter, neutral detergent fiber, and apparent N were greater for HE compared with diluted diets, and for WS compared with STM. Total body weight gain (74 vs. 56 kg) and average daily gain (1.32 vs. 1.00 kg/d) were greater for heifers offered HE compared with diluted diets. Feed efficiency tended to be less for heifers offered the diluted diets compared with HE (10.7 vs. 8.6 kg of feed/kg of gain). Heifers did not sort for or against particles when offered HE. However, increased sorting behavior was observed for diluted diets. Compared with ad libitum feeding dairy heifers a diet with high nutrient content forages (corn silage and alfalfa silage), use of diet diluted with alfalfa stemlage or wheat straw is an effective feeding management strategy to control total daily dry matter and energy intake by increasing gut fill, and maintain desirable body condition and growth rates, even though the diluted diets had greater sortability.  相似文献   

Our objectives were to evaluate the effects of pen-stocking density and straw processing on the growth performance, feed-bunk sorting behaviors, and hygiene of Holstein dairy heifers. Two corn silage-alfalfa haylage diets diluted with wheat straw were offered; diet composition was identical, except that one diet contained short (well-processed) straw (SS; 46.0% neutral detergent fiber, 12.9% crude protein, 60.7% total digestible nutrients, TDN), and the other long (poorly processed) straw (LS; 46.5% neutral detergent fiber, 12.6% crude protein, 60.0% TDN; % of dry matter basis). A 2 × 3 factorial arrangement of straw-processing (SS or LS) and pen-stocking-density [100, 125, or 150% of capacity] treatments was evaluated with 240 Holstein dairy heifers (410 ± 56.3 kg) that were blocked by weight, and then assigned to 24 pens with 4 pens/interactive treatment. For 91 d, diets were dispersed at 1100 h daily, and bunks were sampled subsequently at 1300, 1600, 1900, 2200, 0100, and 0600 h during 3 evaluation periods throughout the trial. Diets were offered for ad libitum intake, but with minimal orts (<3%); as such, particle-size concentration factors were calculated as bunk concentration/initial concentration. For the LS diet, particle-size concentration factors for large (>19 mm) particles increased linearly from 1.26 to 2.82 across sampling times, differing from the SS diet at 2200, 0100, 0600, and 0900 h (orts). Similar factors calculated for the SS diet also increased linearly across sampling times, but these responses were less severe (1.27 to 1.97). Overall, particle-size concentration factors for physically effective fiber exhibited responses similar to those observed for large particles, except they were limited to narrower ranges for both the SS (1.04 to 1.14) and LS (1.03 to 1.26) diets. Despite these differences, daily dry matter intake was not affected by treatment (mean = 9.65 kg of dry matter/d), nor was daily intake of TDN (mean = 5.92 kg of TDN/d). For SS, heifers housed within overstocked pens exhibited reduced average daily gain (ADG) compared with the 100% stocking rate (0.93 vs. 0.99 kg/d). With LS processing, ADG differed between the 125 and 150% stocking rates (0.96 vs. 0.88 kg/d), as did the within-pen coefficient of variation for ADG (10.7 vs. 18.6%). Hygiene scores (1 = clean, 4 = caked-on manure) for legs (range = 2.1 to 2.3) and flanks (range = 1.6 to 1.9) indicated heifers stayed acceptably clean, but the within-pen coefficient of variation for legs (14.4 vs. 9.0%) and flanks (34.2 vs. 23.8%) was greater for overstocked pens compared with the 100% stocking density, thereby suggesting hygiene scores were more variable without a free stall for each heifer.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to evaluate the effects of using sex-sorted semen for first AI of heifers on health and productivity during first lactation. Holstein heifers (herd A = 227 and herd B = 1,144) received first artificial insemination (AI) with sex-sorted semen (SX; n = 343) or conventional semen (CS; n = 1,028), and all heifers that displayed estrus after first AI were reinseminated with conventional semen up to 11 times before being culled. Age at first AI was 13.1 ± 0.1 and 13.8 ± 0.1 mo for SX and CS heifers, respectively, in herd A and 12.9 ± 0.1 mo for both SX and CS heifers in herd B. Pregnancy per AI after first AI was greater for CS heifers than for SX heifers (51.8 vs. 40.2%). From heifers initially enrolled, 70.2% calved in herds A (n = 188) or B (n = 774) and first-lactation data were collected. Interval from first AI to calving was greater for SX heifers than for CS heifers (10.2 ± 0.1 vs. 9.9 ± 0.1 mo). Among heifers conceiving to first AI, SX heifers were more likely than CS heifers to deliver a female calf (85.7 vs. 47.7%), but because SX heifers were more likely to deliver a dead calf (8.8 vs. 3.4%), the difference in proportion of SX and CS heifers delivering a live female calf was smaller than expected (SX = 79.1%; CS = 47.2%). Rearing cost from first AI to calving was greater for SX heifers than for CS heifers ($775.3 ± 6.7 vs. $750.0 ± 5.9), but calf revenue tended to be greater for SX heifers ($142.0 ± 7.2 vs. $126.7 ± 6.4) and cost per female calf produced was smaller for SX heifers than for CS heifers ($−809.4 ± 10.8 vs. $−1,249.7 ± 10.9). Treatment did not affect calving difficulty, proportion of heifers needing assistance, and incidence of retained fetal membranes or metritis. Among heifers that conceived to first AI, however, SX heifers were more likely to be culled within 30 DIM (3.3 vs. 1.6%) and tended to be more likely to be culled within 60 DIM (5.5 vs. 3.4%) than CS heifers, but overall replacement cost was not different ($136.8 ± 13.4). Total milk yield (9,245.5 ± 84.7 kg) and income over feed cost ($554.7 ± 5.1) were not different. Overall economic return was greater for SX heifers than CS heifers ($−83.7 ± 36.7 vs. −175.3 ± 33.4). Use of sex-sorted semen for first insemination of virgin heifers reduced the cost per female calf produced and increased the economic return during the first lactation.  相似文献   

Selenium (Se) deficiency has been associated with lowered resistance to mastitis in dairy cattle. However, little published data exists on the effect of Se supplementation before calving on udder health of pastured dairy heifers. Further, the relative efficacy of injectable barium selenate and oral organic Se for improving udder health in cows has not previously been tested. The objectives of this study were to determine the effects of precalving Se supplementation and type of supplementation on the blood activity of glutathione peroxidase and measures of udder health immediately after calving and during the first month of lactation in pastured dairy heifers. One hundred forty pregnant Chilean Holstein-Friesian heifers were fed a basal diet containing, on average, 0.15 mg of Se/kg of dry matter. One month before predicted calving, heifers were allocated to 1 of 3 groups. Group 1 (n = 49) received no supplementary Se, group 2 (n = 46) received a single subcutaneous injection of Se (1 mg/kg of live weight, as barium selenate), and group 3 (n = 45) was fed Se yeast (3 mg/heifer/d until calving). Heifers supplemented with barium selenate had a higher glutathione peroxidase activity from 14 d in milk onwards. Selenium supplementation, irrespective of source, tended to reduce the prevalence of intramammary infection (IMI) and decrease the prevalence of quarters with high somatic cell count (SCC) at calving. Overall, Se supplementation did not result in a reduction of the incidence of new IMI or clinical mastitis or in decreased SCC during the balance of the first month of lactation. However, in pasture-based heifers injected with barium selenate before calving, and fed diets with 1.3 and 2.5 mg of Se/d precalving and during lactation, respectively, no cases of clinical mastitis were observed in the first month of lactation.  相似文献   

Intramammary infusion of antimicrobials (IA) and application of an internal teat sealant (ITS) at the end of the lactation is a common strategy to prevent and treat intramammary infections during the dry period. In heifers, precalving IA has been reported to improve udder health and milk quality; however, the effect of ITS in heifers housed in freestall barns is still unknown. The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of prepartum application of ITS or IA on udder health of dairy heifers. A total of 886 heifers were randomly allocated into 1 of 4 treatment groups when they were 245 ± 3 d pregnant. Control heifers (CON) did not receive any treatment. Heifers in the ITS group received the application of ITS containing 2.6 g of bismuth subnitrate. Animals in the IA group received intramammary administration of 62.5 mg of amoxicillin. Heifers in IA+ITS group received intramammary administration of amoxicillin followed by ITS application. The follow-up period was 270 d in milk (DIM). Clinical mastitis was diagnosed and treated by trained farm personnel throughout the study period. Composite milk somatic cell counts (SCC) were determined monthly for the first 9 mo of lactation by Dairy Herd Improvement Association. Subclinical mastitis was defined as a cow having a SCC >200,000 cells/mL for at least 1 test day and not diagnosed with clinical mastitis during the study period. At 7 ± 3 DIM, composite milk samples were collected for bacteriological analysis for a subset of the study animals. The presence of pathogens in milk at 7 ± 3 DIM was more frequently detected in the CON heifers compared with animals enrolled in the treatment groups. Heifers in IA+ITS group had a decreased incidence of clinical mastitis compared with CON heifers (12.9 vs. 21.4%). Additionally, the incidence of subclinical mastitis was decreased for IA+ITS heifers compared with CON counterparts (20.1 vs. 43.8%). During the first 9 mo of lactation, IA and IA+ITS heifers had lower SCC linear scores compared with ITS and CON counterparts. Although IA+ITS treatment successfully improved udder health, it did not result in better milk yield, fertility, and survivability. In conclusion, ITS alone was not effective in improving udder health; however, the combination of ITS and IA decreased the incidence of clinical and subclinical mastitis during the first 9 mo of lactation. Additionally, IA+ITS had a long-term effect on the SCC linear score throughout the study period.  相似文献   

The objective of the study was to evaluate the effect of inorganic phosphorus (Pi) infusion on P absorption in large intestine, milk production, and phosphorus excretion. Four ruminally and ileally cannulated crossbred cows were used in a 4 × 4 Latin square with 21-d periods. Cows were fed a total mixed ration containing 0.21% P, providing 50% of the cows' P requirement. Cobalt-EDTA was used as marker to measure large intestine digesta flow. On d 13 to 21 of each period, each cow was infused daily with 0, 20.1, 40.2, or 60.3 g of Pi into the abomasum and total collection was conducted on d 18 to 21. Ileal samples were collected every 9 h on d 18 to 21. Feed, digesta, and fecal samples were analyzed for total P and Pi using the molybdovanadate yellow method and blue method, respectively. All data were analyzed using PROC GLIMMIX in SAS 9.3 (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC) using contrasts to evaluate linear, quadratic, and cubic effects of Pi infusion dose. Dry matter intake, apparent dry matter digestibility, milk yield, and milk total P were unaffected by Pi infusion. Ileal flow and fecal excretion of total P and Pi increased linearly with increasing infused Pi. In the large intestine, net absorption of TP and Pi was increased linearly with increasing infused Pi. The magnitude of absorption from the large intestine was greater than reflected in current models, raising questions that could be evaluated with longer infusion periods or dietary alteration.  相似文献   

Eight postpubertal Holstein heifers (455 ± 4.0), fit with rumen cannulas, were used in 2 experiments to investigate the effects of altering dietary protein type on nutrient digestibility, rumen fermentation, and nitrogen utilization. Heifers were fed diets containing low or high levels of soluble (SP) and low or high levels of rumen-undegradable protein (RUP) in a 4 × 4 Latin square design with a 2 × 2 factorial arrangement of treatments. The treatment rations in experiment 1 were formulated with corn silage composing the majority of the forage fraction, whereas in experiment 2, grass hay composed the highest proportion of ration DM. Blood and rumen samples were collected over 2 d and total fecal and urine collections were conducted for 4 d. Dry matter, organic matter, and neutral detergent fiber digestibility were not different in either experiment 1 or 2. Increasing the proportion of dietary crude protein that was SP increased mean daily rumen ammonia concentrations in each experiment, although no other rumen parameter differed. Excretion of urinary nitrogen in experiment 1 was highest for diets with low SP and low RUP and with high SP and high RUP, which resulted in these rations being the least efficient in retention of apparently digested nitrogen. The proportion of consumed or absorbed nitrogen retained in experiment 2 was not significantly different between treatments. Responses to alterations in crude protein degradability are observable in postpubertal heifers; however, the level of response may depend on the diet in which protein degradability is altered.  相似文献   

The effect of starch source and phytic acid (PA) supplementation on phosphorus (P) partitioning and ruminal phytase activity was evaluated in eight midlactation cows (four ruminally cannulated). Cows were randomly assigned to treatments in replicated 4 x 4 Latin squares with four 18-d periods. Diets included dry ground corn (DG) or steam-flaked corn (SF), with no supplemental P (L; 0.33% P) or supplemental purified PA (0.44% P) to provide additional P from a nonmineral source. Total collection of milk, urine, and feces was conducted on d 16 to 18 of each period. Ruminal fluid was sampled and ruminal pH measured every 8 h on d 17 and 18. Milk yield was unaffected by starch source, despite lower DMI by cows fed SF. Cows fed SF had increased DM digestibility compared with those fed DG, and tended to have higher efficiency of milk yield (1.40 vs. 1.35 kg of milk/kg of DMI). Intake and fecal excretion of P was lower in cows fed SF than in cows fed DG. In cows fed SF, milk P as a percentage of P intake increased compared with cows fed DG. Ruminal pH was unaffected by diet, but milk fat content was lower for cows fed SF. Milk yield, DMI, and feed to milk ratio were not affected by supplementation with PA. Although cows fed PA had increased P intake compared with cows fed low P diet, increased P excretion resulted in no differences in apparent P digestibility. Phosphorus balance tended to be higher in cows fed PA, but milk P as a percentage of intake was reduced. The interaction of starch source and PA affected ruminal phytase activity. Altering starch source to improve efficiency of milk yield in lactating dairy cows may help reduce P losses from dairy farms.  相似文献   

The objective of this experiment was to assess the effects of manipulating dietary fiber by replacing corn silage (CS) with lower quality forage as corn stover (CST) when used in high concentrate (HC) and low concentrate (LC) diets for precision-fed dairy heifers. Eight Holstein heifers (335.6 ± 7.41 kg of body weight) were randomly assigned to 2 levels of concentrate: HC (20% forage) and LC (80% forage), and to a forage type sequence [0% of forage as corn stover (CST), 100% corn silage (CS); 20% CST, 80% CS; 40% CST, 60% CS; and 60% CST, 40% CS] within concentrate level administered according to a split-plot, 4 × 4 Latin square design (21-d periods). Heifers fed HC had higher apparent total-tract dry matter digestibility (DMD). Increasing the fiber level by increasing the amount of CST in the diet resulted in a linear decrease of DMD and organic matter digestibility. Heifers fed LC diets had higher neutral detergent fiber (NDF) digestibility and tended to have lower acid detergent fiber (ADF) digestibility than those fed HC diets. Substituting CS with 20% CST resulted in the highest NDF and ADF digestibilities. Digestibility of N was not different, but N retention increased for HC and decreased quadratically for LC diets. Heifers fed HC diets decreased fecal output, and CST linearly increased these parameters. Urine volume tended to be higher for HC-fed heifers, and increasing dietary fiber through CST inclusion tended to decrease urine output. This shift in water excretion resulted in similar total manure output. Total purine derivative excretion did not differ between treatments, but interacted with CST addition, resulting in a linear increase in microbial protein flow to the duodenum in HC-fed heifers and in a linear decrease in LC diets as CST increased. In conclusion, increasing dietary fiber through CST decreased DMD and organic matter digestibility linearly, whereas NDF and ADF digestibility were maximized when 20% CST was added to HC and LC diets. Microbial protein synthesis increased and decreased linearly with CST addition in HC and LC diets, respectively. Retention of N increased and decreased quadratically with CST addition in HC and LC diets, respectively. Total manure excretion was not different between HC or LC diets.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to compare the body weight (BW) and size, metabolic status, and reproductive development of dominant and subordinate prepubertal dairy heifers allocated in competitive dyads. Sixteen Holstein and Jersey × Holstein prepubertal heifers (means ± SEM; 250.8 ± 9.8 d; 208.5 ± 13.9 kg of BW) were assigned to 8 homogeneous dyads according to breed, age, and BW. Dyads were housed in pens separated 1 m from each other during 120 d, receiving a total mixed ration on a 5% restriction of their potential dry matter intake, and had access to the same feeder (60 cm) throughout the experiment. Dominant and subordinate heifers were defined based on the winning agonistic interactions in each dyad. Body development was recorded every 20 d in all heifers, and blood samples were collected on the same days to determine endocrine and metabolic status. The maximum follicle diameter, number of follicles >6 mm, and the presence of corpus luteum were observed weekly by ultrasound. Heifer BW (269.3 vs. 265.3 ± 1.5 kg) and average daily gains (0.858 vs. 0.770 ± 0.02 kg/d) were greater in dominant than subordinate heifers. On d 30, 37, and 53, dominant heifers had more follicles than subordinate heifers, and maximum follicle diameter was greater in dominant than in subordinate heifers (10.0 vs. 9.0 ± 0.3 mm). Dominant heifers achieved puberty earlier than subordinate heifers (313.9 ± 4.9 vs. 329.6 ± 5.7 d) with similar BW (279.4 ± 2.6 vs. 277.4 ± 5.8 kg). Glucose concentrations were greater in dominant than subordinate heifers (89.2 vs. 86.8 ± 1.2 mg/dL), but cholesterol concentrations were greater in subordinate than dominant heifers (86.1 vs. 90.2 ± 2.6 mg/dL). We concluded that, under continuous competitive situations, dominant heifers were more precocious than subordinate ones, achieving an earlier puberty. Dominant heifers had greater body growth and glucose concentrations than subordinate heifers, which may be responsible, at least in part, for the differences on reproductive development between heifers of different social status.  相似文献   

Associations between somatic cell counts (SCC) from heifers between 5 and 14 d in milk (DIM) and both herd-management practices and heifer characteristics were studied for 1912 heifers in 159 dairy herds in Flanders (Belgium). In higher-producing herds and in herds with an average calving age of heifers > 27 mo, SCC of heifers was lower than in less-producing herds or in herds with an average calving age < or = 27 mo. Heifers raised in herds with a higher bulk-milk somatic cell count had higher SCC. In herds in which heifers calved on slatted floors, heifers had lower SCC compared with herds in which heifers calved on nonslatted floors. A significant difference in SCC was observed between provinces. At the heifer level, SCC decreased with increasing DIM. On average, heifers calving in April to June had higher SCC, compared with those calving in the other months of the year. In the multilevel regression models, nearly all the variations of SCC resided at the heifer level, indicating that preventive measures against udder health problems in freshening dairy heifers should, in the short term, focus more on factors that vary between heifers than on factors that vary between herds. However, for the long term, the need to identify new, and to implement known, herd-level strategies is important.  相似文献   

The objective of this 70-d study was to determine the effects of the essential oil cinnamaldehyde compared with the ionophore monensin on performance of weaned Holstein dairy heifers. Eighty-four Holstein dairy heifers (91 ± 3.33 d of age; 109 ± 7.55 kg) were housed in a naturally ventilated curtain sidewall, straw-bedded barn in 12 pens with 7 heifers/pen (3.98 m2/head). Heifers were randomly assigned to 1 of 4 treatments in a completely randomized design: (1) control (CON; carrier, 908 g of ground corn), (2) monensin sodium [MON; 1 mg/kg of body weight (BW) + carrier], (3) cinnamaldehyde (CIN1; 1 mg/kg of BW + carrier), or (4) cinnamaldehyde (CIN2; 2 mg/kg of BW + carrier). The treatments were hand-mixed into a 20% crude protein (CP) whole shelled corn and protein pellet mix fed at 2.21 kg/heifer daily. Heifers had access to free-choice hay and water daily. Initial BW and hip heights were taken at the start of the study and every other week thereafter until calves reached 23 wk of age. Blood samples were also taken on each weigh day to determine plasma urea nitrogen, glucose, and insulin-like growth factor-1 concentrations. Fecal samples were taken from the same 3 heifers/pen initially and then at d 28, 56, and 70 of the study for coccidia counts. Cinnamaldehyde had no performance effects on growth, hay intake, hip height, or blood metabolites compared with MON or CON. Average daily gains were 0.98, 0.99, 1.01, and 1.03 kg/d, and average hay intakes per pen were 17.08, 16.34, 18.11, and 17.60 kg/d for CON, MON, CIN1, and CIN2, respectively. Fecal samples by pens indicated the presence of viable coccidia, but the counts were low and not consistent across heifers within each pen. No benefits were associated with supplementing cinnamaldehyde or monensin into grain mixes for weaned heifers.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine how the addition of straw to a total mixed ration offered to growing dairy heifers affects their nutrient intake and feeding behavior. Six prepubescent Holstein heifers (226.2 ± 6.3 d old and weighing 250.1 ± 17.7 kg), fed once per day for 1.0 kg/d of growth, were subjected to each of 3 treatment diets using a replicated 3 × 3 Latin square design. The treatment diets were 1) control (17.0% corn silage, 52.1% grass silage, 30.9% concentrate), 2) control diet with 10% straw, and 3) control diet with 20% straw. Dry matter intake and feeding behavior were monitored for 7 d for each animal on each treatment. Fresh feed and orts were sampled on the last 3 d of each treatment period for each heifer and were then subjected to particle size analysis. The particle size separator contained 3 screens (19, 8, and 1.18 mm) and a bottom pan, resulting in 4 fractions (long, medium, short, and fine). Sorting activity for each fraction was calculated as actual intake expressed as a percentage of the predicted intake. Heifers sorted against long particles and for short particles on all 3 diets. On the 10 or 20% straw diets the heifers sorted for medium particles. Heifers also sorted for fine particles on the 20% straw diet. There was a linear increase in sorting for medium, short, and fine particles with increased straw in the diet. Dry matter intake linearly decreased with increased straw in the diet. Feeding time and meal duration increased linearly with the addition of straw to the diet, whereas feeding rate, meal size, and meal frequency decreased with the addition of straw. Requirements for maintenance and growth of 1.0 kg/d were sufficiently met when the animals consumed the control and 10% straw diet. On the 20% straw diet the animals consumed sufficient nutrients to achieve a 0.9 kg/d growth rate. These results indicate that the addition of straw to the diet of prepubescent heifers strongly influences their sorting behavior. Despite this sorting, the results suggest that a low-quality feedstuff may be included in the diet to target nutrient intake and reduce feed costs without negatively affecting feeding behavior or growth potential.  相似文献   

A total of 890 heifers was used to study the effects of four milk protein loci (alpha S1-casein, beta-casein, kappa-casein, and beta-lactoglobulin) on heifer growth and reproduction. The additive effects of gene substitutions at the four milk protein loci were significant only in 4 of 56 cases for all traits studied. Dominance effects at alpha S1-casein, beta-casein, and kappa-casein loci were not significant for any traits except beta-casein locus on body weight at first calving. Heifers with AB type of beta-lactoglobulin showed greater body weights and measurements and gestation length than the AA or BB type, indicating an overdominance effect. Heifers with AB type of beta-lactoglobulin were significantly younger at first conception and at first freshening and had fewer number of days from first service to conception than the AA or BB type, indicating underdominance effect. Thus, beta-lactoglobulin locus shows overdominance, underdominance, or no dominance, depending upon the traits considered. The four milk protein loci contributed more dominance variance than additive variance to total phenotypic variance. This might account for the existence of milk protein polymorphism in the cattle population. The combined genotypes of the four milk protein loci showed significant effects on 2 of 14 traits studied.  相似文献   

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