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Modern technology involves increasingly more accurate measurements over a much wider range of values and parameters; this situation is particularly true in the field of electrical measurements, where new concepts have required accreditation services to modify and adapt their criteria accordingly. This article describes how criteria have been developed to make accreditation possible in three different, newly-developed circumstances: (a) instruments in which software plays a vital part in the measurement process; (b) instruments which are primary standards where conventional direct traceability is not appropriate; and (c) techniques by which calibration can be carried out at a customer's premises without any laboratory staff from the higher level laboratory needing to be present during the work  相似文献   

The market, and therefore the inevitable need to produce and sell products and services, encourages companies to try to ensure that they themselves and their products can be recognized and characterized. It thus follows that the producer's activities must be qualified with special certificates. Over the last few years the number of companies wishing to qualify their organization and their products has increased considerably. This phenomenon also affects organizations that conduct research, i.e., those defined as contract research organizations, which provide a research service to a limited, demanding clientele, and that have long seen in these certifications not only simple compliance with their legal obligations, but also a tool for persuading the market of the validity of their "products." For management it may, at times, be difficult to find the way through the jungle of certifications because the purpose, aims and actions related to the different types of attestation (accreditation, certification, registration, etc.) are often little known or misunderstood. An investigation has been carried out to clarify the whole scenario of necessary, possible, and useful certificates and qualifications for research organizations today, as well as the terminology used. In addition, an attempt was made to find possible similarities between the various recognitions analyzed.  相似文献   

校准/检测实验室的职能是保证实验室测试和校准的结果准确可靠,对产品进行公正、科学、权威的检测.我国根据国际标准制定了CNAL/AC01:2005<检测和校准实验室能力认可准则>、GJB2725-2001<测试实验室和校准实验室通用要求> (以下简称<通用要求>),对各系统校准/检测实验室执行统一准则,以规范、指导实验室的质量活动,提高实验室校准/检测能力和声誉,增强委托方对校准/检测结果的信任程度,因此,实验室认可十分重要.  相似文献   

2011年伊始, "沙龙"栏目推出以诚信为主题,是因勾诚信危机正日益成为社会关注的焦点问题.而认证认可行业作为中国经济蓬勃发展的新兴产业之一,也面临着这样的挑战.今天我们请来三位管理咨询专家对认证认可行业的诚信进行讨论.  相似文献   

管理评审是实施质量管理体系的重要活动之一,无疑是不可或缺的。GB/T 27025-2008《检测和校准实验室能力的通用要求》的4.15条款中明确给出了实验室有关管理评审的规定。为此,笔者认为,实验室管理评审如何做到有效性值得深入探讨。  相似文献   

Objects of investigation and forensic expertise under acting court proceedings are described, and also the relevant normative, organizational, and legal principles of accreditation in accordance with the international standard GOST R ISO/IEC 17025: General Requirements for the Competence of Calibration and Testing Laboratories are considered using institutions for forensic expertise under the Ministry of Justice of Russia as an example.  相似文献   

Training in radiation protection is a basic aspect of the optimisation of medical exposures. Council Directive 97/43/EURATOM establishes the need for an adequate theoretical and practical training of the staff working in radiological practices, and competence in radiation, for which Member States shall ensure the establishment of appropriate curricula. Keeping in mind the different specialities and professional responsibilities, training curricula must be proposed and endorsed to achieve a common core of knowledge in radiation protection throughout Europe, for different groups of health workers. In interventional radiology, previous initiatives led to the definition of a syllabus of educational objectives and to its testing in a specific course. The present paper presents educational objectives for interventional radiology, developed in the framework of the DIMOND European concerted action.  相似文献   

2010年6月9日,国家主席胡锦涛对乌兹别克斯坦进行国事访问期间,在胡锦涛主席和卡里莫夫总统共同见证下,国家质检总局副局长、国家认监委主任孙大伟和乌兹别克斯坦标准化计量和认证署署长阿卜都·卡哈尔分别代表中乌双方签署了《中国合格评定国家认可委员会与乌兹别克斯坦标准化计量和认证署合作协议》。合作协议签署后,孙大伟主任和阿卜都‘卡哈尔署长还就有关合作事宜进行了磋商。  相似文献   

0 引言 NADCAP(National Aerospace and Defense Contractors Accreditation Program)为"国家航空航天和国防合同方授信项目"的简称,是由美国航空航天和国防工业巨头与美国国防部等机构共同发起,主要针对航空航天工业的特殊产品和工艺进行认证的体系 [1-2]...  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Student health services (SHSs) on campuses with academic medical centers (AMCs; schools affiliated with teaching hospitals) often provide clinical services (including occupational health services) for students and staff. There are few aggregate data about the accreditation status of these health services. METHOD: A cross-sectional survey of SHSs at the 124 medical schools in the United States was conducted in spring 1999. SHSs were questioned about their accreditation status. RESULTS: One-hundred three SHSs were included in the survey. Forty-seven (46%) of the SHSs were accredited, 30 (64%) through the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations, and the remainder through the Accreditation Association of Ambulatory Health Care (AAAHC). The Joint Commission predominated among private SHSs (13/15 [87%]), but public institutions were more evenly divided. Most of the SHSs accredited as freestanding ambulatory care centers were AAAHC accredited (16/27 [59%]). Nearly all the SHSs accredited as satellites of the AMCs were Joint Commission accredited. CONCLUSION: Although fewer than one-half of SHSs at AMCs are accredited either through the Joint Commission or AAAHC, this is a far higher percentage than of accredited SHSs in general (134/1,500 [9%]). The Joint Commission dominates as the accrediting body for SHSs at AMCs largely because of the high-proportion of services accredited as satellites of the AMCs. Although the accreditation process is costly and time-consuming and may appear daunting, SHSs at AMCs should pursue accreditation to ensure quality in health care processes.  相似文献   

近日,《中华人民共和国国民经济和社会发展第十二个五年规划纲要》正式发布。规划纲要从政策指向上清晰勾勒出我国未来五年发展方向和重点。其中第13章强调,要"构建下一代信息基础设施""加快经济社会信息化""加强网络与信息安全保障",明确提出要"完善信息安全标准体系和认证认可体系"。专家认为,这表明  相似文献   

The University of Tartu provides a quality control service to the majority of diagnostic X-ray departments in Estonia. Its methodology has been adopted from the IEC and other relevant standards. Recently the Testing Centre of the University of Tartu was accredited on this methodology by ISO/IEC 17025. Besides the implementation of the quality management system, participation in interlaboratory comparison (ILC) was one of the prerequisites for the accreditation. Tests for estimating reproducibility of tube voltage and dose rate, accuracy of the voltage and accuracy of exposure time were carried out on a diagnostic X-ray unit in the Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority in Helsinki. The measurement performance was judged by calculating deviation E(n) normalised with respect to the stated uncertainties. E(n) values for all tests were less than unity and by the common ILC criteria the testing performance could be considered as acceptable.  相似文献   

朱红吾 《工业计量》2002,12(2):10-11
文章就企业中质量体系认证与完善计量体系确认,在建立体系,体系运行和体系认证评审方面的相互关系及相同点和相异点进行了探讨。  相似文献   

This paper gives a history survey of the Analytical Laboratories Accreditation System in its development and describes its current state.  相似文献   

徐航 《认证技术》2010,(2):29-30
国际标准化组织合格评定委员会(ISO/CASCO)是ISO的3个政策委员会之一,主要负责合格评定政策,相关国际标准、指南和规范性文件的制修订工作。SAC/TC261是ISO/CASCO在我国的对口组织,其秘书处设在国家认监委科技与标准管理部,主要负责将ISO/CASCO的相关国际标准、指南转化为我国的国家标准。为使读者更好地了解SAC/TC261目前的工作情况及相关内容,了解ISO/CASCO的近期动向,本刊特策划了"认证认可基础性标准专题"。  相似文献   

计量自动化系统实现了电能表运行情况和计量故障信息实时监控,电能量各类统计、分析,电网线损分压、分区、分线统计,变压器损耗电量、母线不平衡率的分析计算.对计量管理、决策和工作的开展提供了非常重要的技术依据.  相似文献   

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