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黄土地区新型桩基问题研究匮乏,为了在黄土地区引入并推广长短组合桩基础,需深入研究该桩基的承载性状。研制了室内模型试验装置,在单桩、4根组合桩及8根组合桩工况下通过伺服加载系统对试验装置进行了加载,全面地分析了桩身承载力和变形特性。结果表明:桩身轴力和侧摩阻力的发挥具有异步性,长桩的破坏形式为刺入型破坏,但短桩不是很明显;在4根桩组合试验工况中,桩身承载力极限值与单桩略相等,桩侧摩阻力最大值出现的位置与单桩相比有所不同,长桩分担的荷载比例比短桩高;在8根桩组合试验工况中,在每级荷载作用下角桩的桩身荷载均比边桩、中心桩都大,与单桩承载力相比,其长桩(角桩、边桩)和短桩(中心桩)的桩身承载力及桩侧摩阻力均有显著的提高,角桩的桩顶荷载分担比略高于边桩。  相似文献   

基于对锈蚀钢筋混凝土梁破坏特征的分析,探讨了影响锈蚀构件承载能力的因素,并对现有服役钢筋混凝土结构构件承载能力进行了详细的论述,为混凝土结构耐久性评估和可靠度鉴定提供科学的依据。  相似文献   

《Soils and Foundations》2014,54(5):985-992
In 1920, Prandtl published an analytical solution for the bearing capacity of a maximum strip load on a weightless infinite half-space. Prandtl subdivided the sliding soil component into three zones: two triangular zones on the edges and a wedge-shaped zone in between the triangular zones that has a logarithmic spiral form. The solution was extended by Reissner (1924) with a surrounding surcharge. Nowadays, a more extended version of Prandtl׳s formula exists for the bearing capacity. This extended formulation has an additional bearing capacity coefficient for the soil weight and additional correction factors for inclined loads and non-infinite strip loads. This extended version is known in some countries as “The equation of Meyerhof”, and in other countries as “The equation of Brinch Hansen”, because both men have separately published solutions for these additional correction factors. In this paper, we numerically solve the stresses in the wedge zone and derive the corresponding bearing capacity coefficients and inclination and shape factors. The inclination factors are also analytically solved.  相似文献   

孟林  赵炜 《山西建筑》2012,38(14):58-59
依托黄土场地某产品仓工程,对正方形布桩条件下刚性桩复合地基承载力进行了现场试验研究,基于三个载荷点的静载试验,确定了厚层黄土场地正方形布桩条件下刚性桩复合地基承载力,为类似场地工程应用提供了参考。  相似文献   

《Soils and Foundations》2019,59(6):2206-2219
Soil-cement columns are widely used to improve soft ground, and the bearing capacity of the formed composite ground is a key design parameter. The currently employed design method was developed for composite grounds under rigid footings, whilst the bearing capacity behavior of composite grounds under earth fills with different degrees of stiffness has rarely been investigated. Hence, the present study attempts to fill this gap. In this investigation, 1-g laboratory model tests are conducted to compare the bearing capacity behavior of composite grounds under a rigid footing and under embankment fill, based on which a numerical model that can capture the strain-softening behavior of soil-cement columns is established. The calibrated numerical model is further employed to perform 144 analyses. The results indicate that the failure mode of composite grounds differs for different types of earth fills: soil failure occurs prior to column failure under soft clay and dredged slurry, whereas column failure is the primary failure mode for composite grounds under embankment fill. This difference in failure mode of composite grounds can be explained using soil arching theories. For different failure modes, different bearing capacity efficiency factors should be used in design.  相似文献   

为研究方钢管螺旋筋复合约束混凝土柱的轴压受力性能,完成了25个方钢管螺旋筋复合约束混凝土柱试件和4个普通方钢管混凝土柱试件的轴心受压试验。从试件的表观破损全过程、核心混凝土的碎裂形态、螺旋筋的失效模式、荷载位移曲线、各钢材组分的应变发展规律等多个角度对方钢管螺旋筋复合约束混凝土柱的轴压机理展开分析,并与普通方钢管混凝土柱进行了对比。研究结果表明:螺旋筋有效改善了方钢管对核心混凝土约束不均匀的特点|螺旋筋、纵筋及方钢管之间具有良好的变形协调性,在本研究的配筋率范围内(0.44%~2.90%),螺旋筋的屈服强度均能充分发挥|方钢管螺旋筋复合约束混凝土柱比普通方钢管混凝土柱具有更好的轴压承载能力和变形能力,且随着螺旋筋间距的减小、直径和径宽比的增大,其表现出更优良的轴压性能|基于复合约束模型推导的承载力公式,其物理意义明确、形式简单,且计算值与试验值吻合较好,可供工程设计参考。  相似文献   

While micropiles are used in many geotechnical projects, as ground reinforcement rather than as structural elements, field engineers have reported that the bearing capacity of micropiled rafts greatly exceeds the range of common ground reinforcement. This is known to be due to the confining effects of micropiles from the interaction between the ground and the micropiles, which extends the failure area of the ground significantly. Utilizing micropiles as ground reinforcement can excessively underestimate the structural contribution of the footing in a micropiled-raft system to the bearing capacity. This study investigates the support characteristics of a micropiled raft through model tests and a numerical analysis. The support behavior of the micropiled raft is evaluated for various conditions, such as soil type, pile length, and installation angle. It is found that the micropiles modify the failure behavior of the ground considerably, and that the bearing resistance can be enhanced by considering the appropriate failure mode, installation angle, and pile length.  相似文献   

为准确预测火灾高温下正面角焊缝焊接接头的承载性能,结合已有高温下钢结构正面角焊缝焊接接头的拉伸试验数据,采用有限元数值分析方法,对20~700 ℃下20个焊脚尺寸均为12.7 mm的角焊缝焊接接头的断裂模式与实际承载性能进行研究。拟合高温作用下适用于断裂模拟的焊材熔敷金属真实应力-应变关系,标定高温下适用于焊材熔敷金属的剪切断裂模型材料参数,采用试验获得的荷载-位移曲线、断裂破坏模式以及AISC 360-10中的承载力计算方法对数值模拟结果进行验证。研究结果表明:高温作用下角焊缝焊接接头的断裂位置多发生在焊缝区,断裂从焊根部分开始并随荷载的增大向焊脚位置扩展;接头的极限承载力随着温度升高而减小,高温下接头的极限承载力可由断裂面面积及焊材抗拉强度确定;接头在高温作用下(大于500 ℃)的变形量超过5 mm,约为常温作用下的5倍;焊材的剪切断裂模型参数是其抗裂性能的重要参数,也是相应的焊接接头构件变形能力的重要指标,在高温作用下(大于500 ℃),焊材断裂参数是其常温作用下的4.5倍。  相似文献   

张文杰 《山西建筑》2003,29(4):221-222
为建立一套科学的公路评价指标及计算方法 ,准确计算和分析现有公路的发展水平及发展速度 ,阐述了应用通行能力综合反映公路规模和效能的方法 ,在实际应用中证实了该方法的实用性和在公路管理中的重要性。  相似文献   

周振海 《山西建筑》2007,33(4):132-133
结合工程概况,介绍了桩端注浆提高单桩承载力的机理,对灌浆加固设计技术要点进行了阐述,并论述了袖阀管灌浆法的施工工艺及其加固施工技术要点,实践证明,该法在桩基加固处理、提高桩基综合承载力和减少沉降量方面有着广泛的应用前景。  相似文献   

内填砌体的密肋复合墙体极限承载力计算   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
结合课题组前期的研究成果,就一种新型结构的主要受力构件——密肋复合墙体的极限承载力进行研究。建立了偏心受压和偏心受拉复合墙体斜截面受剪承载力计算公式,并就影响墙体斜截面受剪承载力的因素进行了讨论;建立了墙体正截面压弯、拉弯承载力实用计算公式,并给出了墙体最终发生弯、剪破坏模式的判定。理论研究与试验分析表明:依据极限平衡理论,采用理论与经验相结合建立起来的复合墙体斜截面受剪承载力计算公式和以应变平截面假定为基础,理论推导所得的复合墙体正截面承载力计算公式,具有一定的理论依据和实用价值,满足实际工程计算需要。  相似文献   

陈战波  韩有旺 《山西建筑》2010,36(32):74-75
建立了纤维布加固钢筋混凝土梁承载力BP神经网络模型,并用BP神经网络模型对纤维布加固钢筋混凝土的试验梁的承载力进行了预测,指出预测结果与试验结果比较接近,从而满足工程应用的要求。  相似文献   

通过黄土地区大量的室内取样试验、现场桩基荷载浸水试验资料的分析与研究,揭示了黄土在含水率递增过程中抗剪强度的变化规律、非饱和–饱和状态下桩侧摩阻力的发展变化以及桩端在砂层、卵石及黄土条件下的附加沉降变形,建立了黄土地区桩侧摩阻力和单桩承载力的经验公式,供岩土工程技术人员在实际工程中参考使用。  相似文献   

刘立杰  郝际平 《空间结构》2003,9(3):28-32,27
本文研究的是一种新型张拉穹顶结构的承载力性能.通过后张拉闭合单弦杆平板网架中的预留缝隙,单弦杆平板网架可以张拉变形为具有很好外观形式的空间穹顶结构.成形后的单弦杆穹顶具有很好的整体刚度和承载力,可以充分发挥拱壳作用,平面外腹杆的使用延缓了穹顶整体失稳的发生,使其受力性能介于普通单层、双层穹顶网壳结构之间.  相似文献   

本文针对改变结构体系后地基基础可靠性分析,明确了新旧地基基础在地基承载力和地基变形中的差别,重点分析了旧基础在原较大荷载作用下产生的附加应力对地基现阶段变形的影响。  相似文献   

以某跨海大桥原型设计提出的一种新型中空型外壁钢板-混凝土组合桥塔塔柱为背景,设计制作了4个中空型外壁钢板-混凝土组合塔柱试件。通过轴心受压试验,研究中空型外壁钢板-混凝土组合桥塔塔柱破坏过程,并分析混凝土强度、钢板厚度、连接件型式等参数对试件轴压性能的影响。采用ABAQUS软件进行有限元模拟,分析不同结构型式和设计参数(混凝土强度、钢板强度和钢板厚度)对组合塔柱受力性能的影响。研究表明:中空型外壁钢板-混凝土组合塔柱具有优异的承载能力和延性,其承载能力和延性与内外壁钢板-混凝土组合塔柱相当,明显优于普通钢筋混凝土柱;提高混凝土强度、钢板强度和增加钢板厚度均能够提高组合塔柱承载力,但对结构刚度提高不明显。研究成果可为大跨桥梁设计提供参考。  相似文献   

This paper presents results of a comprehensive investigation undertaken to quantify the efficiency of using reinforcement layers in order to enhance the bearing capacity of soils that are characterised by the existence of localised soft pockets. Small-scale model experiments using two dimensional tank were conducted with beds created from well graded sand with mean particle size of 300 μm but prepared with different dry densities. A relatively softer material was embedded at predetermined locations within the sand beds so as to represent localised soft pockets. Various arrangements of soil reinforcement were tested and compared against comparable tests but without reinforcement. In total 42 tests were carried out in order to study the effect of the width and depth of the soft pocket, the depth of one reinforcing layer and the length and number of reinforcing layers on the soil bearing capacity. The results show clearly that the ultimate bearing capacity reduces by up to 70% due to the presence of a soft pocket. It was also noted that the proximity of the soft pocket also influenced the bearing capacity. Reinforcing the soil with a single layer or increasing the length of reinforcement is not as effective as was anticipated based on previous studies. However, bearing capacity increased significantly (up to 4 times) to that of unreinforced sand when four layers of reinforcement were embedded. The results suggest that rupture of the bottom reinforcement layer is imminent in heavily reinforced sand beds overlying soft pockets and therefore its tensile strength is critical for successful reinforcement.  相似文献   

《Soils and Foundations》2019,59(5):1280-1291
This study focuses on the impact of relative density on the bearing capacity of unsaturated sand using both theoretical predictions and measurements from physical modeling tests. The theoretical predictions incorporate the effective stress, quantified using the suction stress concept and friction angles obtained from direct shear tests on unsaturated sand specimens at different relative densities and degrees of saturation, into conventional bearing capacity equations. The suction stress values inferred from the failure envelopes were found to match well with values predicted from the soil-water retention curves for sands with different relative densities. Moreover, the bearing capacity values measured in physical modeling experiments involving loading of a circular footing atop unsaturated silty sand layers having different initial degrees of saturation matched well with the predicted bearing capacity values from an effective-stress based model. As expected, the bearing capacity was greater for soils with increasing relative density, but an interesting observation is that a transition from general to local shear failure occurred at a certain combination of relative density and degree of saturation. For the silty sand tested, this transition occurred at a relative density of 0% for degrees of saturation between 4 and 16% and at a relative density of 40% for degrees of saturation between 30 and 90%. General shear failure was always observed at relative densities of 70 and 90%.  相似文献   

The radial consolidation rate of prefabricated vertical drain (PVD)-installed soft deposits is known to be closely related to the PVD discharge capacity, which usually decreases during consolidation. Conventional solutions for radial consolidation of PVD-installed deposits have been developed to consider discharge capacity reduction using small-strain theory, in which the volume compressibility coefficient and soil permeability were assumed to be constant. This paper formulates a general expression for discharge capacity reduction with time in numerical analysis based on large-strain theory. Soil disturbance effects caused by PVD installation, such as a nonlinear distribution for radial hydraulic conductivity, are captured in the proposed solution. The proposed solution was applied to field data from a test embankment at Saga Airport. The proposed solution provides a good result which is close to the measured data.  相似文献   

圆形截面组合柱-钢梁框架节点受剪承载能力分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
本文以北京LG大厦工程为背景,通过对按“弱梁强柱强节点”和“强梁强柱弱节点”设计的两组共6个圆形截面组合柱-钢梁框架节点试件的低周反复荷载试验,研究了此种节点的核心区初裂受剪承载力和屈服受剪承载力,并提出各自的受剪承载力计算公式。  相似文献   

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