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By using a three-dimensional computed tomography (CT) scanner, we compared the anatomic features of the pelvis of three fetuses of same gestational age, one with a normal pelvis representing the reference model, one with classic bladder exstrophy, and one with cloacal exstrophy. The tomography slices were selected at the same levels for each case. Three angles expressing external opening of the pelvis were defined. Comparing normal and abnormal pelvises allowed definition of three criteria for the correction of the malformation: (a) the sum of the differential angles gives the amplitude of the correction needed; (b) a supraacetabular osteotomy appears to allow best closure of the pelvic ring; (c) only three slices of a CT scan are needed, which cannot be harmful, especially for neonates. Therefore, we believe that a CT scan of the pelvis should be performed whenever an osteotomy is planned in the surgical reconstruction of bladder and cloacal exstrophy.  相似文献   

The onset of leukaemia caused by type C retroviruses (MLV) in mice is accelerated by the emergence of recombinant polytropic or mink cell focus-forming (MCF) viruses. Susceptibility to infection by polytropic/MCF and also by closely related xenotropic MLV has been mapped to Rmc1 on mouse chromosome 1 (refs 5-7). To identify this gene, we introduced an expression cDNA library prepared from mouse NIH3T3 fibroblasts into nonpermissive hamster cells and screened these cells for acquired susceptibility to MCF viruses encoding beta-galactosidase and G418 resistance. From hamster cell clones identified in the screen, we recovered a mouse cDNA that maps to Rmc1 and confers MCF MLV infection when expressed in nonpermissive cell lines. It encodes a membrane protein related to Syg1p (suppressor of yeast G alpha deletion; ref. 8). The receptor-binding domain of the MCF MLV envelope protein binds specifically to Xenopus laevis oocytes that express mouse Syg1, suggesting it functions as a receptor that mediates virus entry. We also obtained the cDNA encoding human SYG1. When expressed in hamster cells, it establishes infectivity by MCF MLV as well as xenotropic MLV, which do not infect laboratory mice.  相似文献   

Genetic events leading to the loss of heterozygosity (LOH) have been shown to play a crucial role in the development of cancer. However, LOH events do not occur only in genetically unstable cancer cells but also have been detected in normal somatic cells of mouse and man. Mice, in which one of the alleles for adenine phosphoribosyltransferase (Aprt) has been disrupted by gene targeting, were used to investigate the potency of carcinogens to induce LOH in vivo. After 7,12-dimethyl-1,2-benz[a]anthracene (DMBA) exposure, a 3-fold stronger mutagenic response was detected at the autosomal Aprt gene than at the X chromosomal hypoxantine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase (Hprt) gene in splenic T-lymphocytes. Allele-specific PCR analysis showed that the normal, nontargeted Aprt allele was lost in 70% of the DMBA-induced Aprt mutants. Fluorescence in situ hybridization analysis demonstrated that the targeted allele had become duplicated in almost all DMBA-induced mutants that displayed LOH at Aprt. These results indicate that the main mechanisms by which DMBA caused LOH were mitotic recombination or chromosome loss and duplication but not deletion. However, after treatment with the alkylating agent N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea, Aprt had a similar mutagenic response to Hprt while the majority (90%) of N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea-induced Aprt mutants had retained both alleles. Unexpectedly, irradiation with x-rays, which induce primarily large deletions, resulted in a significant increase of the mutant frequency at Hprt but not at Aprt. This in vivo study clearly indicates that, in normal somatic cells, carcinogen exposure can result in the induction of LOH events that are compatible with cell survival and may represent an initiating event in tumorigenesis.  相似文献   

Recent studies have shown that, when a T cell interacts with a cognate antigen-presenting cell, an organized adhesive contact is formed between the two cells by a process which involves the dynamic, three-dimensional redistribution of entire signaling assemblies.  相似文献   

Allogenic, preserved cartilage is often used for reconstruction of face. This study was undertaken to analyze the effects of cartilage transplantation. In analyzed group of 437 patients after cartilage transplantation, 42.2% were operated because of posttraumatical changes, 29.0% because of congenital malformations. In 16.7% nonspecific inflammations were the cause of reconstructive operations. Malformations were mainly localised in nose 59%, ear concha 16.5% and mandible 10.9%. Human costal cartilage, preserved in 0.9% NaCl and radiation-sterilized was used for reconstruction. 24-190 months after surgery (in several clinical units) patients were examined and results were collected in special questionnaire by the team who performed surgery. The results of treatment were compared with age, diagnosis and localisation of changes. It was found that very good result of treatment was achieved in 33.5% of patients, in 41.8% result was satisfactory. In 19.9% of operated patients result of treatment was unsatisfactory. Correlation of some clinical and biological characteristics with the result of treatment is discussed.  相似文献   

We analyzed seven cases of anaplastic ependymoma, focusing on neuro-imaging, histopathology, and mutations of the tumour suppressor gene p53. Five of the seven tumours were supratentorial. All had both cystic and solid components, with fragment calcifications detectable on CT scan. The solid parts of the tumours were imaged as heterogenous hypo- or iso-intense areas with moderate enhancement on T1-weighted magnetic resonance images. Vascularity was not prominent on angiograms except for one case. Histologically, in addition to the WHO criteria, loss of typical cellular architecture, endothelial proliferation, and necrosis were commonly found. A mutation in Exon 5 of the tumour suppressor gene p53 was detected in one anaplastic ependymoma out of five tumours (two benign and three anaplastic ependymomas) examined by PCR-SSPC analysis of genomic DNA followed by direct sequencing. Anaplastic ependymoma typically presents as a calcified cystic tumour in the supratentorial parenchyma or transependyma. Mutations of p53 deserve further investigation to examine their possible role in the oncogenesis and malignant transformation of ependymoma.  相似文献   

A search was initiated towards the localization of novel mutated tumour suppressor genes that may be involved in adult leukaemia. For this purpose, we measured the occurrence of loss of heterozygosity (LOH) in nine patients with acute B-lineage leukaemia (ALL) and one with undifferentiated leukaemia (AUL). Eight leukaemias exhibited a diploid karyotype. For each patient, PCR products of 130 polymorphic microsatellite markers, located in subtelomeric areas of every autosomal chromosome arm were analysed to visualize LOH events resulting from reduplication of a single mutated chromosome or from mitotic recombination. These kinds of LOH events contribute most to LOH in model systems but cannot be detected by classical cytogenetic techniques. By comparing allelic PCR products in tumour cells with those in normal cells, LOH was found in tumour cells of one ALL patient at 9p which harbours the known p16INK4A tumour suppressor gene. In the AUL patient, however, LOH was detected at the telomeres of 4q and 21q, suggesting that these sites may contain novel tumour suppressor genes specifically involved in this form of leukaemia. In the DNA of tumour cells from eight out of 10 patients no LOH was detected. This is in contrast with the general assumption that LOH is a frequent phenomenon in ALL. However, some markers at telomeric regions of chromosomes were already homozygous in the control T-cells of several patients. For instance, we found in the DNA of control cells from one patient five consecutive microsatellites on 9p up to 9p43 which were homozygous and in three other patients homozygosity was observed in band 8q24, which includes the MYC gene. These observations indicate that LOH events already are present in non-cancerous putative stem cells and that mitotic recombination may be a very early event in leukaemogenesis.  相似文献   

Flagellar length in the biflagellate alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii is under constant and tight regulation. A number of mutants with defects in flagellar length control have been previously identified. Mutations in the three long-flagella (lf) loci result in flagella that are up to three times longer than wild-type length. In this article, we describe the isolation of long-flagellar mutants caused by mutations in a new LF locus, LF4. lf4 mutations were shown to be epistatic to lf1, while lf2 was found to be epistatic to lf4 with regard to the flagellar regeneration defect. Mutations in lf4 were able to suppress the synthetic flagella-less phenotype of the lf1, lf2 double mutant. In addition, we have isolated four extragenic suppressor mutations that suppress the long-flagella phenotype of lf1, lf2, or lf3 double mutants.  相似文献   

Lymphocyte development requires the assembly of antigen receptor genes through the specialized process of V(D)J recombination. This process is initiated by cleavage at the junction between coding segments (V, D, and J) and the recombination signal sequences that border these segments, resulting in generation of double-strand break intermediates. We have used a two-dimensional gel system to characterize broken molecules arising from V(D)J recombination at the T-cell receptor (TCR) delta locus and have identified linear species excised by Ddelta1-Ddelta2 and V-Ddelta2 rearrangement in thymus DNA. Relatively few (approximately 10) V-Ddelta2-excised linear species were detected in DNA from fetal thymocytes. The sizes of these species corresponded to the estimated distances between Ddelta2 and the V gene segments utilized by gammadelta T cells and indicated that both Ddelta2-proximal and -distal V gene segments are targeted for V-Ddelta2 rearrangement. Similar-sized species were observed in DNA from thymocytes of scid mice in which T-cell development is arrested prior to TCR expression. Since previous studies suggest that the TCR alpha/delta locus encodes more than 100 V gene segments, our results indicate that a few select V gene segments are predominantly targeted for rearrangement to Ddelta2, and this primarily accounts for the restricted Vdelta gene repertoire of gammadelta T cells.  相似文献   

The T cell receptor (TCR) delta locus lies within the TCR alpha locus and is excised from the chromosome by V alpha-J alpha rearrangement. We show here that delta sequences persist in a large fraction of the DNA from mature CD4+CD8- alpha beta+ mouse thymocytes. Virtually all delta loci in these cells are rearranged and present in extrachromosomal DNA. In immature alpha beta lineage thymocytes (CD3-/loCD4+CD8+) and in CD4+CD8- alpha beta+ thymocytes expressing a transgene-encoded alpha beta receptor, rearranged delta genes are present both in chromosomal and extrachromosomal DNA. Thus, contrary to earlier proposals, commitment to the alpha beta lineage does not require recombinational silencing of the delta locus or its deletion by a site-specific mechanism prior to V alpha-J alpha rearrangement.  相似文献   

A database of 209 chemicals tested for induction of forward mutations at the heterozygous thymidine kinase (TK +/-) locus in L5178Y mouse lymphoma cells was analyzed for structure-activity relationships using the MultiCASE expert system. Consistent with evidence of several contributing biological mechanisms, these studies suggest that such mutations may occur by more than one mechanism. As might be expected, there was evidence for a component involving direct electrophilic attack on the cellular DNA, in a manner previously established as causative in the induction of mutations in Salmonella. In addition, however, there was also strong evidence for another mechanism or mechanisms involving chromosome missegregation, cellular toxicity or an alternate site of action, such as the microtubules.  相似文献   

Concentrations of the lipoprotein Lp(a) vary widely in healthy individuals, but in many studies, high concentrations are strongly associated with cardiovascular disease. On the basis of lipid and protein composition, Lp(a) is a variant of the atherogenic low-density lipoprotein but differs in possessing the unique apolipoprotein(a) [apo(a)]. Lp(a) concentrations are controlled at the level of biosynthesis of the apo(a) protein, which is encoded by the LPA locus, and allelic differences at LPA are responsible for the bulk of variation in Lp(a) phenotype. In this article we describe several aspects of allelic variation at LPA reported in studies of human and baboons, including (1) polymorphisms for protein size, (2) families of alleles having distinct relationships between apo(a) size and Lp(a) concentration, (3) sequence polymorphisms, (4) a group of alleles whose protein products have a multibanded phenotype, and (5) allelic diversity of null phenotype alleles (whose protein products are not detected in the plasma). The data make clear that no single aspect of allelic variation at LPA is sufficient to fully explain the genetic control of Lp(a).  相似文献   

The larval cuticle protein (Lcp) cluster in Drosophila melanogaster contains four functional genes and a closely related pseudogene. A 630-bp fragment including the larval cuticle pseudogene locus (Lcp psi) was nucleotide sequenced in 10 strains of D. melanogaster and a 458-bp Lcp psi fragment from D. simulans was also sequenced. We used these data to test the hypotheses that the rates of synonymous and nonsynonymous substitution are equal, that the absolute levels of variation are higher than in functional genes, and that intraspecific polymorphism is correlated with interspecific divergence. As predicted, synonymous and nonsynonymous substitution rates were equivalent, and overall nucleotide divergence between D. melanogaster and D. simulans (Jukes-Cantor distance = 0.149 +/- 0.150) was extremely high. However, within-species DNA sequence comparisons at Lcp psi revealed lower levels of polymorphism (theta = 0.001 +/- 0.001) than at many functional loci in D. melanogaster. Using the HUDSON, KREITMAN, and AGUADE (HKA) test, we show that the level of polymorphism in Lcp psi within D. melanogaster is lower than expected given the amount of divergence between D. melanogaster and D. simulans when the pseudogene data are compared to the Adh 5' flanking region. Because the Lcp psi lies in a region of relatively infrequent recombination, we suggest that the low level of within-species polymorphism is the result of background selection.  相似文献   

We present characterisation of a hypervariable locus, D8S210, mapped to the telomeric region of the short arm of chromosome 8. The locus is highly polymorphic with alleles varying in size from 1.8 kb to 24 kb. Sequence data from 7 alleles shows that the variable region is entirely polypurine on one strand with a tetranucleotide repeating unit GGAA at the margins and diverged versions of this motif internally. The margins are conserved between alleles; polymorphism occurring in the internal regions of the repeat. Alleles are inherited in a Mendelian manner and one new mutation has been observed in analysis of 51 meioses. Use of single copy flanking sequences to elaborate the polymorphism revealed loss of single copy DNA in 3 unrelated families and in 2 other unrelated individuals. Restriction mapping shows that this loss is similar for different sized alleles in all three families suggesting that it was an early event that may have involved a flanking Alu sequence. We present evidence that the polypurine region can adopt triplex conformations in vitro. Such structures may facilitate loss or gain of unique sequences in the genome, contribute to mutation at conformation transition points and drive the hypervariability (> 99% heterozygosity) of this locus.  相似文献   

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