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Compared to the Ag/Al2O3 catalyst, a two‐stage catalyst composed of an Ag/Al2O3 layer followed by a Sn/Al2O3 layer shows higher low‐temperature activity and a wider temperature window. Its activity below 350 °C is enhanced in the presence of SO2. Even in the presence of H2O and SO2, the performance of the same catalytic system is still satisfactory.  相似文献   

The role of the Al2O3 support on the activity of supported Ag catalyst towards the selective catalytic reduction (SCR) of NO with decane is elucidated. A series of Ag/Al2O3 catalysts were prepared by impregnation method and characterized by N2 pore size distribution, XRD, UV–Vis, in-situ FT-IR and acidity measurement by NH3 and pyridine adsorption. The catalytic activity differences of Ag/Al2O3 are correlated with different properties of Al2O3 supports and the active Ag species formed. 4wt% Ag supported on sol-gel prepared Al2O3 (Ag/Al2O3 (SG), showed higher NO x conversion (65% at 400 °C), compared with the respective catalysts made from commercial Al2O3 (Ag/Al2O3 (GB), Ag/Al2O3 (ALO), (∼26 and 7% at 400 °C). The higher surface area, acidity and pore size distribution in sol–gel prepared Al2O3 (SG) results in higher NO and hydrocarbon conversion. Based on the UV–vis characterization, the activity of NO reduction is correlated to the presence of Agnδ+ clusters and acidity of Al2O3 support was found to be one of the important parameter in promoting the formation and stabilization of Agnδ+ clusters. Furthermore from pyridine adsorption results, presence of more number of Bronsted acid sites in Ag/Al2O3 (SG) is confirmed, which could also contribute to low temperature hydrocarbon activation and improve NO conversion. In situ FT-IR measurements revealed the higher rate of –CN and –NCO intermediate species formation over 4wt% Ag/Al2O3 (SG). We conclude that the physico–chemical properties of Al2O3 play a crucial role in NO x conversion over Ag/Al2O3 catalysts. Thus, the activity of the Ag/Al2O3 catalyst can be tailored by using a proper type of Al2O3 support.  相似文献   

A combination of Ag/Al2O3 and a partial oxidation catalyst M/ZSM-5, M being different metal cations, were evaluated for selective catalytic reduction of NO with decane. Physical mixture of Ag/Al2O3 and M/ZSM-5 catalysts showed significant increase in NOx conversion compared to single component Ag/Al2O3 catalyst. M/ZSM-5 as a second catalyst component was found to generate more reactive hydrocarbons, such as unsaturated small chain hydrocarbons and oxygenates in situ, and enhance the NOx conversion over Ag/Al2O3 HC-SCR catalyst.  相似文献   

A series of mono- and bi-metallic Pt-Pd/Al2O3 samples with and without F were studied as aromatic hydrogenation catalysts. The effects of changing the order of impregnation of the Pt precursor and F as well as varying the calcination temperature (300–500 °C) were investigated. Temperature programmed reduction (TPR) results demonstrate the presence of a higher fraction of dispersed metal precursor species left on the surface from the impregnation (PtO x Cl y ) on the Pt/Al2O3 sample calcined at high temperature. The impregnation of F before the Pt precursor significantly decreases the interaction between the metal and the support. However, this decrease is not observed when F is impregnated after the metal precursor. For the bimetallic Pt-Pd catalysts, the sample prepared adding F before the metal show a higher degree of Pt-Pd interaction than either the parent Pt-Pd/Al2O3 catalyst or the one prepared with F added later. TPD of ammonia result show the increase in strong acid sites when F is present. Activity tests for tetralin hydrogenation in the presence of 350 ppm dibenzothiophene indicate a better sulfur tolerance for all F-promoted catalysts, especially Pt-Pd.  相似文献   

A Cr/Al2O3 alkane dehydrogenation catalyst exhibits a maximum in ethylene yield during an ethane dehydrogenation cycle. Isotopic labelling experiments with monolabelled 13C-ethane and deuterium were used to elucidate whether the initial activity increase could be due to formation of an active, larger hydrocarbon intermediate on the surface. The results strongly indicate that this is not the case, and instead point to a traditional reaction cycle involving adsorption of ethane to form an ethyl species, followed by desorption of ethene and hydrogen. Transient kinetic data suggest that ethane adsorption is the rate-determining step of reaction.  相似文献   

A combination of H2 TPRX, TR-XRD and XPS analysis has been used to investigate the effects of CO2 on the desulfation of pre-sulfated Pt-BaO/Al2O3 samples. The results demonstrate that the presence of CO2 promotes the removal of sulfur species, especially at temperatures below 500 °C, with a corresponding suppression of BaS formation, thus resulting in a lower amount of residual sulfur on the sample after desulfation.  相似文献   

应用超临界浸渍法制备CuO/γ-Al2O3催化剂。以Cu(NO3)2为前驱体,甲醇为助溶剂在载体Al2O3上于超临界二氧化碳中进行浸渍,研究了不同浸渍条件:超临界温度、压力、浸渍时间、前驱体和载体量之比,助溶剂量等因素对浸渍效果的影响。并以SEM和XRD分别对超临界与普通浸渍法制备的样品进行了表征。结果说明,超临界浸渍时吸附速度明显较快,吸附量大,浸渍物分布均匀且和载体作用较强。以亚甲基蓝的催化氧化降解为模型反应测定两种制法催化剂的活性,超临界条件制备的催化剂活性明显较好。所得结果表明,使用无机金属前驱体加助溶剂的方法可以代替有机金属前躯体在超临界浸渍中的使用。  相似文献   

The effects of gallia addition on the Pt dispersion and the activity for ethylene hydrogenation at 0 °C were studied for Pt-supported catalysts as a function of the reduction temperature (350, 450, and 550 °C). The catalysts contained 0.5 wt.% Pt and were prepared by successive incipient wetness impregnations with Ga(NO3)3 and H2PtCl6 aqueous solutions. CO and H2 chemisorption data indicated that, the addition of small amount of Ga2O3 caused an increase of the Pt dispersion and a decrease of ethylene conversion. Both of them decreased appreciably when Ga2O3 addition was increased, particularly, for the case where β-Ga2O3 was used as a support. The increase in reduction temperature magnified the negative effects of the gallia addition on dispersion and activity, although the addition of small amount of gallia improved the resistance to metal sintering. Results were interpreted in terms of the presence of reduced Ga species, which can encapsulate Pt particles.  相似文献   

The role of nitrate ad-species in H2-assisted SCR over Ag/Al2O3 was compared in NH3-SCR and n-C6H14-SCR processes. It was found that nitrates could be reduced by NH3 or n-C6H14 at similar rates with H2 co-feeding which indicates a common rate-limiting step. However, contributions of surface nitrate reduction to the overall NH3-SCR or n-C6H14-SCR are different as revealed by comparing the rates of nitrate reduction with the rates of steady-state processes. The rate of the steady-state n-C6H14-SCR is virtually identical to the rate of surface nitrate reduction suggesting a significant contribution of the surface nitrates reduction to the overall n-C6H14-SCR process. On the other hand, the steady-state rate of NH3-SCR is by ~15 times higher, which indicates that the reduction of surface nitrates plays a marginal role in the overall NH3-SCR.  相似文献   

用于邻苯基苯酚合成的Pt/Al2O3催化剂改性研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
考查了用于环己酮二聚物脱氢制备邻苯基苯酚(OPP)的Pt/Al2O3催化剂的改性研究。针对脱氢反应体系所存在的副反应特点,采用了载体碱改性〔使用了含钾矿物(KM)以及3种Mg-Al复合载体〕与助剂改性(使用K盐类)两种手段,开发出了二者结合的复合改性工艺。研究表明,矿物KM的载体改性效果较好(OPP选择性>80%),助剂改性以K2CO3的性能较好(OPP选择性>90%),而复合改性的Pt-K2CO3/KM-Al2O3〔w(Pt)=0.5%,w(K2O)=3.0%,w(KM)=15%〕催化剂在选定的反应条件下,最高活性可达二聚物转化率95.2%、OPP选择性95.0%,在100 h内,环己酮二聚物转化率和OPP选择性可分别保持在95.0%与92.0%以上。  相似文献   

For SCR of NO the study of Ir/Al2O3 solids shows the importance of the activation procedure under mixtures containing CO (NO–C3H6–CO–O2 or NO–CO–O2). The selective reductant remains C3H6, however. The activation goes with an iridium particles sintering without Ir loss.  相似文献   

A combination of various transient and steady-state kinetic experiments was used to provide evidence for dynamical changes in a Cu/ZnO/Al2O3 catalyst of industrial interest. From these it can be deduced that the reversible structural alterations strongly depend on the reaction conditions as well as on the pretreatment. The pretreatment was found to induce changes in the morphology of the metallic Cu particles to some extent, and surface alloying under more severe reducing conditions.  相似文献   

Lean reduction of NO x with DME occurs with high selectivity to N2 over Al2O3 between 300 °C and 550 °C with a maximum of 47% at 380 °C, and with lower selectivity over Ag/Al2O3 between 250 °C and 400 °C due to the catalysts’ sensitivity to gas phase radical reactions and activity for NO x reduction with methanol.  相似文献   

The effect of preparation methods on the Cu/ZnO/Al2O3 catalyst structure and catalytic activity on liquid glycerol hydrogenolysis to 1,2-propanediol has been investigated. The physicochemical properties of the catalysts were characterized by BET, XRD, TG/DTA, NH3-TPD and TPR. The experimental results showed that the catalyst prepared by an oxalate gel–coprecipitation had the highest activity. At 200 °C and 400 psi hydrogen pressure, the glycerol conversion and 1,2-propanediol selectivity catalyzed by the Cu/ZnO/Al2O3 catalyst prepared via oxalate gel–coprecipitation were 92.3 and 94.5 % respectively. It was found that the 1,2-propanediol selectivity was dependent on hydrogen pressure and the un-desired by-products were mainly due to the side reactions caused by the presence of the intermediate acetol.  相似文献   


The effect of preparation methods on the Cu/ZnO/Al2O3 catalyst structure and catalytic activity on liquid glycerol hydrogenolysis to 1,2-propanediol has been investigated. The physicochemical properties of the catalysts were characterized by BET, XRD, TG/DTA, NH3-TPD and TPR. The experimental results showed that the catalyst prepared by an oxalate gel–coprecipitation had the highest activity. At 200 °C and 400 psi hydrogen pressure, the glycerol conversion and 1,2-propanediol selectivity catalyzed by the Cu/ZnO/Al2O3 catalyst prepared via oxalate gel–coprecipitation were 92.3 and 94.5 % respectively. It was found that the 1,2-propanediol selectivity was dependent on hydrogen pressure and the un-desired by-products were mainly due to the side reactions caused by the presence of the intermediate acetol.


Addition of H2 to a NO/NH3/O2/H2O feed for selective catalytic reduction of nitrogen oxide over Ag/Al2O3 catalysts causes an unusual enhancement of activity, e.g., the marginal activity (<10%) of 1 wt% Ag impregnated on γ-Al2O3 or mesoporous Al2O3 modifications is boosted to nearly 100% over a broad temperature range from 200 to 550°C at a space velocity of 30,000cm3g?1h?1). Contrary, silver on SiO2 or α-Al2O3 shows no improvement of activity in the presence of H2. The effect is tentatively attributed to a higher percentage of intermediary nano-sized Ag clusters on high-surface area Al2O3 in the presence of hydrogen. This promotes oxygen activation and hence NO oxidation to reactive intermediate nitrite species. The required dispersion of Ag cannot be stabilized on SiO2 or α-Al2O3.  相似文献   

采用化学沉淀法制备了不同配比的Al2O3-ZrO2-Y2O3复合粉体.通过X射线衍射研究了热处理过程中各物质之间的反应顺序及复合粉体的物相组成,结果表明升温过程中Y2O3优先与ZrO2反应生成固溶体,温度较高时,剩余Y2O3与Al2O3反应生成钇铝石榴石YAG;不同的制备工艺没有改变各物质之间的固相反应顺序,但影响了复合粉体中各物相的相对含量.  相似文献   

The transesterification of two vegetable oils containing different quantities of free fatty acid have been compared over a series of BaO/Al2O3 catalysts with a range of baria loadings/dispersions. Dispersion of baria on the alumina was determined by pulse chemisorption of carbon dioxide. Limited agreement was found between the numbers of exposed sites for CO2 adsorption and the reaction rate and the rates measured were different for the two oils. The latter was unexpected as the rate determining step appears to involve only the activated adsorption of methanol, consistent with the change in rate measured when methanol was replaced by ethanol. Differences between the behaviour of the two oils and the lack of correlation between rates and available basic sites can both be accounted for by the strong dissociative adsorption of the free fatty acid which results in a less active catalyst for the transesterification of the triglyceride. Higher dispersed samples show less sensitivity to free fatty acid and give the highest rate per exposed surface site.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated the effect of mixing α-Al2O3 and γ-Al2O3 with a Pt catalyst on CH4 selective catalytic reduction (SCR). Among the prepared catalysts, the Pt/α-Al2O3 catalyst was found to have the lowest catalytic activity, but the best adsorption characteristics for CH4, which was used as the reductant. In contrast, the Pt/γ-Al2O3 catalyst was found to exhibit relatively high catalytic activity and moderate adsorption characteristics. To simultaneously enhance the catalytic activity and CH4 adsorption characteristics, we developed a new catalyst, Pt/γ-Al2O3 + Pt/α-Al2O3, by mixing α-Al2O3 and γ-Al2O3 with a Pt catalyst. The catalytic activity test confirmed that mixing these catalysts led to enhanced catalytic activity.  相似文献   

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